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White House press secretary says asked to leave restaurant for working for Trump


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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


Because if a business is open to the public, it should be available to the public unless there is a specific reason not to serve a specific person. For example, not OK to not serve black people, but OK to not serve a black person named Jack Jones because he threw food around the restaurant before.

As I've said, I think they should have served her but in a way that would not encourage her to return. 

owners choice for any reason at his or her own professional risk.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Your baiting question has nothing to do with this incident. Don't bother me again with your games. I said they should have served her. 


Again I apologies if bad wording leads you to think that I was baiting. Not the case.


Yes, you said she should be served but with some suggestion perhaps not as they might serve others on one post (which may have been joking, I don't know).


If someone behaves obnoxiously then they deserve not to be served. But refusing because of their job? That's not far from because of their color, their religion, their race etc etc. 


I don't think tolerating any discrimination is acceptable  

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1 hour ago, Thaidream said:



America will have an election  in early November of this year and I would expect that the Democrats will regain control of the House.  If this is the case- the American voters will have spoken again and their vote will tell the World that Trump and his policies are not the answer to solving America's problems.



lmao.  Let me guess, you're British?

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I'm going to make an assumption here that submissions are from those in Thailand and if true, where do they get their "hate Trump" information. As for Sarah Sanders being a liar, such BS over and over does get boring. The Democratic trash of our President (Donald Trump) goes beyond the pale and, for the most part, only shows the low level of intelligence of the writer. Imaging what would happen to "so-called" actors swearing at the leader of any number of countries. It is likely they would, rightfully, disappear.

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2 minutes ago, oldrunner said:

I'm going to make an assumption here that submissions are from those in Thailand and if true, where do they get their "hate Trump" information. As for Sarah Sanders being a liar, such BS over and over does get boring. The Democratic trash of our President (Donald Trump) goes beyond the pale and, for the most part, only shows the low level of intelligence of the writer. Imaging what would happen to "so-called" actors swearing at the leader of any number of countries. It is likely they would, rightfully, disappear.

Who did he swear at??

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19 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You seem blissfully naive about the how evil the "trump" regime has acted. I can't take you seriously or anyone that promotes B.S. that "trump" is just another bad president, that there is any kind of equivalence of the evil and volume of GASLIGHTNING to Clinton or any other modern president (yes he's even worse than Nixon). So bother someone else. We're not on the same page. I have nothing to say to people that try to normalize what "trump" represents. 


I've watched several Sanders fake press conferences. It's all lies. She answers nothing. She personally abuses the press. She is the face of American fascism behind her boss. Yes, she is totally despicable. I understand completely why decent Americans would not want to politely serve such a villain. (But again, I think they should have served her anyway.)


Yes, we're not on the same page. Which is fair enough.


I'm concerned with the idea that prejudice and discrimination are the issue here. 


I'm not trying to bother you, annoy you or anyone else. But this is a public forum and my questions are written, I hope, in a polite way.


I'm not an expert on American politics, nor do I pretend to be. I rely on news, different source, to hopefully form some sort of balanced view albeit a shallow view. If you consider that naive, then that's o k. And as we have seen, the news medias are becoming less trustworthy, less informative and more biased. I understand British politics and can therefore read between the lines which I can't do elsewhere.





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7 hours ago, Kadilo said:

Love him or loathe him this just reeks of a cheap publicity stunt

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


Cheep??? Cost them nothing and I bet they are now turning away more customer in droves because they are  fully booked up for weeks... :clap2::clap2::clap2:


Maybe this will work in the UK, lets see a few restaurants refuse to serve Boris and the other brexiters. 

Edited by Basil B
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Things like what happened to Sarah Sanders, and other conservatices across America, are going to result in a Trump landslide in 2020 and Republican control of both House in 2018.  Only die-hard liberals cant see that the hypocritical bad guys in this are the liberals.  Roseanne tweets something inappropriate and gets sacked, meanwhile Fonda and others incite attacks on Trump's children, and nothing happens.  And nothing will happen about this restauarant - except that all conservatives (and reasonable minded liberals) will not go there.  I note that the CEO of the Red Hen has apologised and stated that this outlet is an independent and not part of their franchise - maybe that will save the business maybe not.


That so many posters on TV are clearly Trump dislikers, is obvious, but I can assure all of you that just like before the election when I and many others were telling you Trump was going to win, that you and the liberal media and liber supporters, with your extreme views and thinking iare becoming more and more obvious to the American People.  The division that exists is 90% being caused by those opposing Trump - and the American People have had enough.  I note that even Jongthing expressed some reservations about this issue. That clearly shows that things have gone way too far.  Americans are a fair minded patriotic people - they are going to destroy the Democrats at the 2019 and 2020 elections.  That will be the only way to get rid of the divisiveness that is tearing America apart.  Think about what just happened to Sarah, and what would have been the MSM reaction (rightly) if that was done to an Obama employee. Think about what was said by several high profile media and holloywood personalities about Trumps' wife and family members, and what would have been the MSM reaction (rightly) if that was said about the Obama family members.  Liberal hypocrisy and hatred is turning the American People away - and it is getting worse.


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33 minutes ago, oldrunner said:

I'm going to make an assumption here that submissions are from those in Thailand and if true, where do they get their "hate Trump" information. As for Sarah Sanders being a liar, such BS over and over does get boring. The Democratic trash of our President (Donald Trump) goes beyond the pale and, for the most part, only shows the low level of intelligence of the writer. Imaging what would happen to "so-called" actors swearing at the leader of any number of countries. It is likely they would, rightfully, disappear.

"Imaging what would happen to "so-called" actors swearing at the leader of any number of countries. It is likely they would, rightfully, disappear."

You're in good company. Leaders Kim, Xi, and Putin heartily endorse your sentiments.

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18 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

I note that the CEO of the Red Hen has apologised and stated that this outlet is an independent and not part of their franchise - maybe that will save the business maybe not.


Yes, the owner of (not a CEO) Red Hen which is a very small INDEPENDENT restaurant has said she would do the same thing again. No apologies. 





Red Hen, a “Farm to Table Fine Dining” Restaurant was Founded in 2008

Red Hen is an independently-owned restaurant based in Lexington, featuring foods grown and raised in the surrounding Shenandoah Valley.



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43 minutes ago, oldrunner said:

I'm going to make an assumption here that submissions are from those in Thailand and if true, where do they get their "hate Trump" information. As for Sarah Sanders being a liar, such BS over and over does get boring. The Democratic trash of our President (Donald Trump) goes beyond the pale and, for the most part, only shows the low level of intelligence of the writer. Imaging what would happen to "so-called" actors swearing at the leader of any number of countries. It is likely they would, rightfully, disappear.

Do a search for 'Sanders lies'. Despicable.

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34 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Yes, we're not on the same page. Which is fair enough.


I'm concerned with the idea that prejudice and discrimination are the issue here. 


I'm not trying to bother you, annoy you or anyone else. But this is a public forum and my questions are written, I hope, in a polite way.


I'm not an expert on American politics, nor do I pretend to be. I rely on news, different source, to hopefully form some sort of balanced view albeit a shallow view. If you consider that naive, then that's o k. And as we have seen, the news medias are becoming less trustworthy, less informative and more biased. I understand British politics and can therefore read between the lines which I can't do elsewhere.


"And as we have seen, the news medias are becoming less trustworthy, less informative and more biased."

No, media haven't changed, they are trustworthy and when wrong will admit and apologise.


Some are biased, some not, so are left leaning, some right.


But please don't say 'we', when you speak for yourself.

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This small restaurant will certainly not suffer from this. Even though as I've said I think it's a political mistake to give that Sanders Quisling any ammunition for acting a victim, from a PR POV, the owner of Red Hen scored a grand slam. A very small restaurant in a small town is now known globally. It's near D.C. "trump" received about FOUR percent of the vote there. There is a YUGE pool of potential local area customers in that area to support this restaurant now that never heard of them before. So don't cry for Red Hen. Reservations how many weeks or months in advance now? 


In case anyone thinks I made up the four percent thing --

Total Votes %
260,223 93
11,553 4
4,501 2
3,995 1


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It's absurd to bring politics into eating and they moan and wail about discrimination? Hypocrites 


BTW would they have asked her to leave if she was black? or gay?  assume same politics what would the reaction have been then?

Edited by BobBKK
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7 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

 The intolerant left have finally slid into full on fascism. This is disgusting, unfortunately there is no real way to deal with their hate. In a fair world the democrats would be banned from politics for a decade, until they learn to respect democratic elections. And fake media (such as Time magazine with their recent nonsense hate mongering cover, and CNN that won many of Trumps fake news awards) would be immediately shut down.


 I had thought this sort of hate crime would happen after the horrific media coverage of all things Trump, while totally ignoring the fact he is acting in our best interests. His gargantuan achievements like bringing peace to the Korean peninsula, helping the poor get back into the workforce, and tackling fair trade are glossed over, leading to certain gullible sectors of the population going crazy without fully understanding why. 



Is this post sarcasm, a big joke, or simply ignorance. It reeks of all three.

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34 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, the owner of (not a CEO) Red Hen which is a very small INDEPENDENT restaurant has said she would do the same thing again. No apologies. 


Good morning! @PressSec went to the unaffiliated @RedHenLex last night, not to our DC-based restaurant.




The chain has distanced itself from the independent - I cant find the other message from who I thought was their CEO (maybe Board).



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3 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Good morning! @PressSec went to the unaffiliated @RedHenLex last night, not to our DC-based restaurant.




The chain has distanced itself from the independent - I cant find the other message from who I thought was their CEO (maybe Board).



They are not related in any way, they have never been related in any way, except for the name coincidence.

Why do you call the Red Hen in D.C. a franchise? It seems to be a restaurant group that owns two restaurants, one named Red Hen and the other with a different name. 

Again, never any connection to the Red Hen in VIRGINIA that dissed Sanders.


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20 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

It's absurd to bring politics into eating and they moan and wail about discrimination? Hypocrites 


BTW would they have asked her to leave if she was black? or gay?  assume same politics what would the reaction have been then?

Starbucks did that and look what happened to the - the liberal Media went into a frenzy.  Hypocrits indeed.


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Just now, Jingthing said:

They are not related in any way, except for the name coincidence.

It's not part of that franchise. PERIOD. 

So the Red Hen chain has taken steps to distance itself from this independent.

They did not condone what she did, and they did not stay silent - they made sure people knew it was not them.


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7 hours ago, lanista said:

Obviously the Red Hen was looking for free publicity and got it.

Lets investigate  them to see how much they pay their American staff.( undocumented migrants maybe)  Two dollars an hour + tips???

Australian  hospitality staff earn 20 -35 an hour + tips.

Very little tipping in Aus but the system is much better, good wages no tip culture.

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3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

It's absurd to lie for a living and expect people to put up with your company when they are out enjoying themselves. 

Used Car salesmen been baned ??  Politicians been banned?? Who else has been banned??

Hilarious comments - biased and hypocritical.

Have you been banned??  Me ??  LOL 


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23 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

It's absurd to bring politics into eating and they moan and wail about discrimination? Hypocrites 


BTW would they have asked her to leave if she was black? or gay?  assume same politics what would the reaction have been then?

YES it's absurd, try to understand why this person inspires so much rejection, stir up hatred, what do you harvest? HATE

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7 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

The media has created massive cognitive dissonance. So many frothy, brainwashed, pitchfork wavers. In the meantime their president is the best they've had in decades. People really need to switch off the mainstream media. It's only propaganda these days.

Trump is out to seriously damage Canada/US trade and you're praising him? Shame.

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3 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

So the Red Hen chain has taken steps to distance itself from this independent.

They did not condone what she did, and they did not stay silent - they made sure people knew it was not them.


It's not a chain. It's not a franchise. 

Sure, it's reasonable that they would publicize that they are a completely different restaurant, because that's the truth.

So what? Why are you obsessed with that other Red Hen? It's a very tangential issue. 

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2 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Starbucks did that and look what happened to the - the liberal Media went into a frenzy.  Hypocrits indeed.


Starbucks didn't 'do that', Starbucks called police and two men were wrongfully arrested. At the end of the day it was the OWNER of the restaurant that made the decision. The Management reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Try arguing at a night club if the bouncer doesnt want to let you in. You will get nowhere, because they reserve the right to admit and serve who they choose.

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