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White House press secretary says asked to leave restaurant for working for Trump


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7 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

You are the only one thinking we were talking about something that was banned.

Well me and whoever it was who made post #122 using your username:


“Tolerating someone's actions are different than tolerating their ideas. Banning debate is an action.

The eugenics guy can be shown to be reprehensible by openly debating hisposition. It is OK if for him to be wrong, but not OK for him to break the law by acting on his reprehensible idea.”


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11 minutes ago, Opl said:

“Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

"in 1973, Richard Nixon’s Department of Justice sued the Trump family business for refusing to rent or negotiate rentals “because of race and color. A then 26-year-old Donald Trump was the president of the company at the time.”.


I don't c a problem with the statement that is quoted. its His money even if he wants a Touareg to count it its up to him.

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15 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

This is a story about liberals discriminating against conservatives.

One instance of  this


I agree. I don't think the restaurant should have done this at all.



But it's not indicative of all liberals as you imply. Far more cases of conservatives trying to impose anti gay, transgender, people of colour, anti women agendas all the time.

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8 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Well me and whoever it was who made post #122 using your username:


“Tolerating someone's actions are different than tolerating their ideas. Banning debate is an action.

The eugenics guy can be shown to be reprehensible by openly debating hisposition. It is OK if for him to be wrong, but not OK for him to break the law by acting on his reprehensible idea.”


Banning something is an action, but it was a rhetorical banning. nothing was banned. You want to drop this bone yet?

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3 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

Banning something is an action, but it was a rhetorical banning. nothing was banned. You want to drop this bone yet?

Oh rhetorical banning.


Thanks for explaining.


Now I understand, you were feeling Conservatives were being persecuted by ‘rhetorical bannings’.



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 Personally I would not have refused to serve her.

I would have prepared her food taking as much liberty as she does with the truth.

Can you spell special sauce?  LOL

Edited by sirineou
typo, I misspelled :spell" LOL
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2 minutes ago, sirineou said:

 and you are wrong to agree.

They did not refuse to serve conservatives, I am sure there are plenty of conservatives dining at that restaurant. They refused to serve a lying sack of ......



I think if I owned the place I would have served her just because she's a customer.

I would do that mostly to show solidarity with customers who have been refused service because of orientation, religion, sex, or skin colour, or any stupid reason.

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2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Oh rhetorical banning.


Thanks for explaining.


Now I understand, you were feeling Conservatives were being persecuted by ‘rhetorical bannings’.



 Thank you for that reply, I laughed so loud I woke up the wife sleeping nearby. .

wish I could give you both a "like" and "LOL" for the above reply

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8 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:


I think if I owned the place I would have served her just because she's a customer.

I would do that mostly to show solidarity with customers who have been refused service because of orientation, religion, sex, or skin colour, or any stupid reason.

I would have served her also. Read my reply #241.

of course I was being facetious,, tampering with someone's food is illegal and I would never do anything like that LOL 

I am sure different people would have reacted differently to the situation, I was simply responding to the assertion that they refused to serve conservatives which is clearly not true, unless  of course conservative means lying.

Edited by sirineou
add punctuation
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Just now, Jingthing said:

Not that it's particularly relevant but the small town of Lexington voted strongly against "trump" in the election.


Yes, I read in the WP that that was the case also, but apparently it's a bit of a political island in a larger surrounding area that supported him, at least, the last time round.


Maybe you should add that town to your consideration of potential repatriation destinations.  At least they've got THAT going for them.  :laugh:

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2 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Last item - gotta go live. 


Sarah Sanders is a classy lady - so is Trumps wife and daughters - what a nice change.


Elvis seems to be on one of his well known sugar highs tonight.

Too many fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches, ice cream, banana cake, and cookies.

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5 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


That's an interesting and valid perspective that hadn't even occurred to me -- misuse of her government communication channels -- until reading the article you've posted above.


It was the kind of thing that, if she was going to make any response, belonged in her personal communications. However, as Trump himself has shown before on his official Twitter account, they seem to make no distinction between what they can and should do in government channels vs what they should do in private channels. It's the absence of ethics, propriety, respect for the offices they hold.




Walter Shaub is the former Director of the US Gov's Office of Government Ethics.

His timeline has several tweets about the statutes she broke by using her White House account for a personal incident:




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Shaub has also stated:


"There’s no ethics rule against Sarah Sanders fans being cartoonish hypocrites in defending merchants discriminating against gay people but howling when a merchant rejects a human rights violator based on her involvement in harming babies & children.


Ridicule will have to suffice."


Well spoken.

Edited by JimmyJ
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4 hours ago, BobBKK said:

BTW would they have asked her to leave if she was black? or gay?  assume same politics what would the reaction have been then?

That's something we will never know as Trump doesn't employ blacks and gays.



3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

SHS might be the smartest woman Ive seen in recent time....shes got huge cojones....and gives as good as she gets.


If you like your women to have large cojones, there are a couple of bars you would enjoy on Orchard Road.

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4 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

You are 100% wrong. We are witnessing Trump and MAGA. You may not be, but the American people are woke.


I have said "You may not be, but the American people are ..woke" in my head 100 times - I don't get it, don't leave us hanging there Elvis. Is that some kind of acronym like MAGA? Should it be "You may not be, but the American people are..WOKE". Like  'but the American people are   Working On Killing Everyone"?  Oh I get it now yeah, that makes more sense. "We are witnessing Trump and MAGA. You may not be, but the American people are WOKE". Whew I can sleep now.

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The rotten apple didn't fall far from the tree.



 “Huckabee should be ostracized and ashamed.” Davidson later said he reported the tweet “because it clearly is designed to stoke hatred of a group.” Davidson went on to note that Huckabee “is not limiting his hatred-stoking to actual MS13 members, he clearly wants all Hispanic immigrants to be seen as criminal.”




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Leaning more to the liberal side, her treatment gives me a bit of a chuckle and a feeling of turnabout's fair play, but that said, I would have been inclined to take the high road and serve her and her group.  


She is the spokesperson for Trump and that has to be about the most difficult job on earth.   I doubt she agrees with everything she says, but it is her job.   Many of us have been in a work situation where we are forced to do or support policies we don't agree with.


The fact that the staff was uncomfortable with her is understandable if they come from groups that suffer from Trump's policies, so the owner should have done the serving herself.  


I don't really like patronizing businesses that discriminate against anyone for any reason that isn't clearly stated before hand and is reasonable.   I don't think embarrassing her or her group was really a good idea.  


Now we will never know if she is a good tipper or not!

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