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Trump says illegal immigrants should be deported with 'no judges or court cases'


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President Donald Trump said on Sunday that people who enter the United States illegally should be sent back immediately to where they came from without any judicial process, likening them to invaders who are trying to "break into" the country.


"people who enter the United States illegally"

They are illegal already, isn't it?

Other than to help the lawyers, do they need any further judicial procedures?

Just asking...

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1 minute ago, BobBKK said:

Ah the old 'exaggerated extrapolation'  strategy!  I did not suggest that.


No, but the reality TV con artist is suggesting just that. Deported with no due process and no judge. The border patrol (police) get to decide right then and there. Yet you defend his policy?


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12 minutes ago, BobBKK said:


Forgetting how much they illegally contribute why are you defending illegality?  I find that very odd, do you support foreigners in Thailand working illegally too?  or do you have double standards?

Why is Donald Trump defending illegality? He promised to institute a strict E-verify program during his campaign. We haven't heard much if anything about it since his election. Maybe that's because it could subject employers to fines and imprisonment?

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3 minutes ago, vogie said:

So let's say this, you are sat in your house one evening watching tv and drinking cocoa and somebody walks into your house 'illegally' and decides to make it their house. Would you 1. Go down the path of the judicial system or 2. Man up and kick them out?

 Unlike a person who owns a house, the Government is not the owner of the country. It's the enforcer of laws and bound by the rules.

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10 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

That is the Law. You cross the border illegally the first time it's a misdemeanor. The second time you do it, it's a Felony. 

No, that is not the law. You president is suggesting ' never mind the law, send them home straight away'. So as a law abiding citizen, how do you feel about that?

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He is just pandering to his base and trying to distract devide confuse etc etc soon he will be in the hot seat with muller and if Cohen flips he will get really really crazy also he wants to distract from the n Korea fiasco and his trade war fiasco

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42 minutes ago, BobBKK said:


I feel good. I have been to the USA 20 times and my documents were always in order, passport in hand and visa prepared. If any of those were not in order I would expect to be turned back, what's the issue with this? 


Did you come to Thailand with your passport and visa prepared or are you here illegally?  when you approached the immigration desk, with no passport/visa, would you expect to see a Judge or just get turned back?

The US already has laws that allow them to turn back people at the port of entry without seeing a judge. Either Trump is suggesting laws that already exist are needed (he may not know they exist) which is bizarre or he is talking about people who have already got into the country illegally. If you are caght in Thailand illegally you will be arrested and will appear before a judge.

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lol - well, it didn't take long for Hitler to get a mention.




There's a backlog of over 700,000 immigration court cases waiting to be heard. If you consider the cost to the taxpayer of hearing all these cases - it's billions of dollars. The backlog is growing.


It's pretty obvious there needs to be a solution - that it can't go on and shortcutting the process is quite reasonable. 


If that is not an acceptable solution to the issue, then perhaps people can offer theirs... taking down the borders and letting everyone in is one option.  I am not a big fan of that. 


so - if there's to be some degree of control over who lives in the country, then the rules need to be laid out. As it is, the rules are made ineffective by catch and release.  So there seems to be a game being played to make it look like there is control but at the same time it's been made 100% ineffective. So if you get in, you can stay. If that's what one side wants, why not simply campaign on that platform?


If people want some degree of control and to really discourage people coming in illegally, then there needs to be an efficient, cost effective way to discourage people from trying.


Nobody is Hitler, this isn't a race issue. It's a massive problem with few people giving solutions and LOTs of people acting irrationally.



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