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Trump says illegal immigrants should be deported with 'no judges or court cases'


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Just now, stevenl said:

No, you have not explained why it is a problem. You have explained why a perceived problem is made a problem, but that doesn't mean the perceived problem really is a problem.


OK - at least 14 billion dollars worth of expense in the courts is a problem.


Federal and local government trying to pursue different policies is a problem. 


El Salvadorian gangs are a problem.


Mayors informing criminals that ICE raids are coming are a problem.


It is quite obvious from this that the policies are broken and that not a single politician has a solution. They are all SCARED to provide one.


Everyone want to just use this issue to bash the other side. Nobody wants to actually provide a solution.



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8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Whether it be immigrants or a different issue, when the President starts calling for action that is in flagrant breach of the Constitution, something is seriously wrong. This is not about the man himself, this is about respect for the most basic laws that govern the country, and if the President has no respect for them, the country is in trouble.

The case we are talking about here is someone that is apparently neither hindered by knowledge of Constitutions nor impeded by an understanding how Law and Order contribute more to Society that a loose Tweet cannon..

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33 minutes ago, pedro01 said:


OK - at least 14 billion dollars worth of expense in the courts is a problem.


Federal and local government trying to pursue different policies is a problem. 


El Salvadorian gangs are a problem.


Mayors informing criminals that ICE raids are coming are a problem.


It is quite obvious from this that the policies are broken and that not a single politician has a solution. They are all SCARED to provide one.


Everyone want to just use this issue to bash the other side. Nobody wants to actually provide a solution.



Again, you're explaining why enforcement is a problem, not why illegal immigration is a problem.

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"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore".

How America has changed. Trump's mother and father were both immigrants - his father concealed his German ancestry, saying he was Swedish.

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Fact is America has the right to stop them entering, but then would have to prove to someone they arrived illegally, many of these immigrants are picked up miles from the boarder and it is assumed they are illegal, and would be given no chance to prove if they have a right to stay.

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16 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Again, you're explaining why enforcement is a problem, not why illegal immigration is a problem.


Incorrect - the entire thing is a problem.


But anyway - your views are clear. You see enforcement as the issue. Which means you want the immigration laws rescinded and open borders implemented.


This is just an internet forum - why you fear letting your opinions out is beyond me.

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3 minutes ago, pedro01 said:


Incorrect - the entire thing is a problem.


But anyway - your views are clear. You see enforcement as the issue. Which means you want the immigration laws rescinded and open borders implemented.


This is just an internet forum - why you fear letting your opinions out is beyond me.

Incorrect the entire thing isn't a problem.

I know that's about as useless a response to your statement as your statement was to stevenl's. 

Why is illegal immigration such a big problem now when it's mostly been going down for the last 17 years?

Edited by bristolboy
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37 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

And quite often, in US airports. But in that instance they have not yet officially entered the country.

Trump is talking about rounding up people already here suspected of being illegal --   by whatever subjective criteria the law enforcement agent feels like applying  at the moment. Bear in mind the US is a multi-racial, multi-lingual country; plenty of citizens and legal residents look just like new immigrants...especially in the areas within 100 miles of the border.  If followed this will inevitably led to some legal residents and even citizens being rounded up and deported.


It will also deny asylum seekers the hearing they are entitled to by law. Bona fide asylum seekers will be sent back to death/danger. Granted, not all asylum seekers are bona fide. But some of them are, and thee s no way to know without a hearing. Just as there is no way to know if a Latino spotted within 100 miles of the border has been here for more than 14 days (or even, perhaps, was born and raised here) without a hearing.


The whole thing is theatrics on his part. To hear him going on about this you would think the US was facing a huge surge in incoming migrants, as Europe did not too long back.  This is simply not the case. The number of arrivals is not much different from prior years.


The "migrant caravan" he ranted and raved over as a major "threat" consisted of all of 130 individuals, most of them women and children.


We do have a long standing problem with illegal immigration/dysfunctional immigration system, but there is no emergency, no sudden invasion or surge. This is all smoke and mirrors.


The legalities aside, there is also the fact that birth rates among native born Americans re very low and they are an aging population. Without continued steady supply of immigrants, we will face  net decline in population, huge increase in dependency ration and economic collapse.



There are over 12 million illegals in the country .How many more will it take to be considered a surge, a emergency.The smoke is Congress not doing anything about it.Every President dealt with immigration concerns,from JFK welcoming legals ,LBJ wanting skilled immigrants to come join their families that were already here. Bill Clinton,saying we are a nation of laws and the abuse of the Imm laws, must stop.Bush 1 and 2 and Obama all had issues with passing comprehensive Imm laws.The people who voted for change don't want illegals. The POTUS is frustrated and wants to fix it!

Edited by riclag
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1 hour ago, pedro01 said:


OK - at least 14 billion dollars worth of expense in the courts is a problem.


Federal and local government trying to pursue different policies is a problem. 


El Salvadorian gangs are a problem.


Mayors informing criminals that ICE raids are coming are a problem.


It is quite obvious from this that the policies are broken and that not a single politician has a solution. They are all SCARED to provide one.


Everyone want to just use this issue to bash the other side. Nobody wants to actually provide a solution.



You are absolutely correct $14Billion worth of ecpensss in the courts is a problem.


It’s a problem for you because you made the number up:


“In dollar terms, on a low ball estimate of $20k per case, the 700,000 cases in the pipeline right now are going to cost US taxpayers 14 billion dollars. The backlog is rising.


You’ve started referring to your own completely fabricated number as if it were a fact.


But then what do facts matter when the President is suggesting suspending the Law?!

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Shall we bring back this finding that the WH tried to bury...


Trump Administration Rejects Study Showing Positive Impact of Refugees



... a study by the Department of Health and Human Services that found that refugees brought in $63 billion more in government revenues over the past decade than they cost.


Advocates of the program inside and outside the administration say refugees are a major benefit to the United States, paying more in taxes than they consume in public benefits, and filling jobs in service industries that others will not.


Damn statistics!


Edited by Silurian
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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

Incorrect the entire thing isn't a problem.

I know that's about as useless a response to your statement as your statement was to stevenl's. 

Why is illegal immigration such a big problem now when it's mostly been going down for the last 17 years?

There will be no answer to that, we tried quite a few times now.

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1 hour ago, pedro01 said:


Incorrect - the entire thing is a problem.


But anyway - your views are clear. You see enforcement as the issue. Which means you want the immigration laws rescinded and open borders implemented.


This is just an internet forum - why you fear letting your opinions out is beyond me.

Imagining numbers now imagining other people’s point of argument.


There is absolutely no evidence that anyone in this discussion wants to rescind immigration laws and implement open borders.


You made that bit up.


There is evidence that the President proposes rescinding the rule of law at the border - he announced the suggestion in a tweet.

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1 hour ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Once again I am in complete agreement with POTUS Trump. Why waste the American resources on illegal chancers? Better to protect the American citizens first, and there sure are alot of very poor folk in the states that can use the "spare" money the left want to throw at illegals(future democrat voters).  If I was ever confused about the effects of illegal immigration and a proper border I would once again read the Kate Steinle story, or any of the hundreds of other American citizens murdered by illegals. 

 Come through proper border entry points, with correct documentation or get sent home. So simple, no idea why this confuses so many.


Removing the rule of law and overriding the Constitution does not protect any American citizens.


Quite the contrary, it opens the door to something far more dangerous than immigrants (illegal or otherwise) seeking a better life - a Federal Government with no laws or constitution limiting its power and use of that power.

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2 hours ago, pedro01 said:


Actually my post was full of facts. Perhaps you could point out the specific things you don't agree with.


Also - why not say who you think should be allowed in. People running sanctuary cities have a different opinion from the federal government. Do you agree with either of them or have your own opinion of how this should work?

I thought maybe my retorts to your statements of fact might be clear enough, but it appears not.


I was going to try to be more clear, but it seems you don't read what I say. 


Do you really think I did not answer who I think should be allowed in?


If so, I have nothing more to say.

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39 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

Whether it be immigrants or a different issue, when the President starts calling for action that is in flagrant breach of the Constitution, something is seriously wrong. This is not about the man himself, this is about respect for the most basic laws that govern the country, and if the President has no respect for them, the country is in trouble.

He took an Oath of Office to uphold the Consitution of the U.S., he is now advocating ignoring the Constitution. A clear breaking of his Oath of Office and I would think more than enough reason to begin Impeachment Proceedings by Congress. Unless, of course, the majority political party thinks the American people will tolerate continued offenses by The Donald.

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You break the law, you must assume your mistake. It is a good idea to skip the court process for minor felonies (such as illegals) and to plainly deport them immediately, as the American Criminal Justice system is already totally congested with the high crime rate.


European countries should go one step further and immediately deport those who have committed a crime within it's borders and have them serve their jail sentence in their homelands. The price would be much cheaper then having to maintain inmates in 5 star European prisons. This would need treaties and financial support with the concerned nations, but would definately end up much cheaper to the tax payers.

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28 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

You break the law, you must assume your mistake. It is a good idea to skip the court process for minor felonies (such as illegals) and to plainly deport them immediately, as the American Criminal Justice system is already totally congested with the high crime rate.


European countries should go one step further and immediately deport those who have committed a crime within it's borders and have them serve their jail sentence in their homelands. The price would be much cheaper then having to maintain inmates in 5 star European prisons. This would need treaties and financial support with the concerned nations, but would definately end up much cheaper to the tax payers.

And when you trample all over the constitution?

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1 hour ago, observer90210 said:

You break the law, you must assume your mistake. It is a good idea to skip the court process for minor felonies (such as illegals) and to plainly deport them immediately, as the American Criminal Justice system is already totally congested with the high crime rate.


European countries should go one step further and immediately deport those who have committed a crime within it's borders and have them serve their jail sentence in their homelands. The price would be much cheaper then having to maintain inmates in 5 star European prisons. This would need treaties and financial support with the concerned nations, but would definately end up much cheaper to the tax payers.

You have to wonder what world some people are living in. Crime in America is way, way down. It's at levels last seen in the early 60's. Someone's got a case of Trumpitis.

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3 hours ago, smotherb said:

I thought maybe my retorts to your statements of fact might be clear enough, but it appears not.


I was going to try to be more clear, but it seems you don't read what I say. 


Do you really think I did not answer who I think should be allowed in?


If so, I have nothing more to say.


Yeah - it was a fairly simple question - to which you have no answer.


Glad you aren't going to say any more though!

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6 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

If I was ever confused about the effects of illegal immigration and a proper border I would once again read the Kate Steinle story, or any of the hundreds of other American citizens murdered by illegals.


There has never been a better example of confirmation bias than this post.  There's even a comic making fun of people like you:



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4 hours ago, observer90210 said:

You break the law, you must assume your mistake. It is a good idea to skip the court process for minor felonies (such as illegals) and to plainly deport them immediately, as the American Criminal Justice system is already totally congested with the high crime rate.


European countries should go one step further and immediately deport those who have committed a crime within it's borders and have them serve their jail sentence in their homelands. The price would be much cheaper then having to maintain inmates in 5 star European prisons. This would need treaties and financial support with the concerned nations, but would definately end up much cheaper to the tax payers.


4 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

And when you trample all over the constitution?

sometimes hard choices are necessary. is it better to "trumple" the constitution [or perhaps change it] or is it better to stick by the constitution and make the taxpayers bear the heavy financial burden and further lower their standard of living ?

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He is just spouting nonsense. But, I was just down on the border with Texas and Mexico. I bird on the Rio Grand and that area allot.

The border patrol there told me the Mexicans trying to cross the border have just about stopped. They told me since Trump took over they do not want to risk crossing the border. His mouth is doing more good in stopping the illegal immigration than all the previous attempts before.

Not only that but the Mexicans on the border are glad!  They do not want the illegals in the country.


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2 hours ago, garyk said:

He is just spouting nonsense. But, I was just down on the border with Texas and Mexico. I bird on the Rio Grand and that area allot.

The border patrol there told me the Mexicans trying to cross the border have just about stopped. They told me since Trump took over they do not want to risk crossing the border. His mouth is doing more good in stopping the illegal immigration than all the previous attempts before.

Not only that but the Mexicans on the border are glad!  They do not want the illegals in the country.


Believable? Not.

As border crossings rise, Trump vents frustration on illegal immigration





And no member of the House or Senate, Republican or Democrat, supports the border wall.

Edited by bristolboy
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9 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

He took an Oath of Office to uphold the Consitution of the U.S., he is now advocating ignoring the Constitution. A clear breaking of his Oath of Office and I would think more than enough reason to begin Impeachment Proceedings by Congress. Unless, of course, the majority political party thinks the American people will tolerate continued offenses by The Donald.

All open to interpretation when you have a political court system. See today's SCOTUS Texas district gerrymandering decision.

Watching American cable news it's becoming clear Trump will come out on top politically on the border issue. The spokespeople for his opposition are more and more sounding like they wish for open borders. That is a loser position in any country let alone the USA. That's not to say Trump isn't a phoney on the issue either. Go after the employers in a serious way and the migrants would clear out in a few months. Thailand proposed doing that last year but the money class put a quick stop to it.

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2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Believable? Not.

As border crossings rise, Trump vents frustration on illegal immigration





And no member of the House or Senate, Republican or Democrat, supports the border wall.

Not only did the agents tell me the illegal crossing are down drastically.

There was a guy that operated one of the huge balloons they fly in the area. He said the same thing.

I believe them.

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