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Govt will establish standards for Thai cooks


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The 400,000 to 900,000 b is per year not month.


A "cook" is not a Chef.  A "cook" in California usually works at IHOP or Denny''s and makes what I listed. 


A "Chef" at a nice restaurant makes 400,000 b a month.

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9 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

The 400,000 to 900,000 b is per year not month.


A "cook" is not a Chef.  A "cook" in California usually works at IHOP or Denny''s and makes what I listed. 


A "Chef" at a nice restaurant makes 400,000 b a month.

Perhaps I'm old and/or an ignoramus, but I thought a chef was male and a cook female?


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40 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

Perhaps I'm old and/or an ignoramus, but I thought a chef was male and a cook female?


Not old and ignorant many you do not know about this.

I have family in the business.

The "cooks" lets say in California make minimum wage.

Making burgers, eggs, and soup.

A Chef can be male or female and are involved in higher end restaurants with varied menus.


On topic, no way those Thai cooks are making what they say every month.

Just bad info.


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3 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

Ohh so Thai cooks can cook abroad. weird that foreigner cooks are not welcome here the same.

Not sure about "cooks".

But as you probably know many Falang "Chefs" in Bangkok at high end hotels and roof top restaurants.

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8 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

Not sure about "cooks".

But as you probably know many Falang "Chefs" in Bangkok at high end hotels and roof top restaurants.

Yeah because that where i have my daily dinners ?.but just saying they are expecting tolerance abroad while themselves are not so tolerant.

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I thought it said “crooks” at first.


But they don’t need certification if they are employed in the Government, police, poor persons welfare, education, electronics recycling, slimming pills, whitening cosmetics, temple administration or Customs departments (did I leave anyone out?) apparently!

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13 hours ago, webfact said:

Govt will establish standards for Thai cooks

I'd have more confidence if it was the other way around, and the cooks were supervising the government.


Some sage advice from Lao-tzu, who knew a thing or two about cooking:

"Govern a great nation as you would cook a small fish. Do not overdo it."

Edited by lamyai3
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2 minutes ago, lamyai3 said:

I'd have more confidence if it was the other way around, and the cooks were supervising the government.


Some sage advice from Lao-Tzu, who knew a thing or two about cooking:

"Govern a great nation as you would cook a small fish. Do not overdo it."

As long as the cooks weren't managing a whore-house. As the old saying goes: Too many cooks spoil the brothel.


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My Thai BIL has been a cook in the USA for about 7 years.  He's not making the big bucks.  Maybe 65,000 Baht per month.  Now that the SIL just opened a restaurant, he may do better.


He certainly doesn't need a certificate of qualification.  After all, he ran his own motorcycle repair shop for about 20 years. 555



Goo fixing.JPG

Thai Zapp.JPG

Edited by Damrongsak
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11 hours ago, Expatthailover said:

So the average us worker makes $usa600 pa.


I have no idea how you came up with that $600 per year figure?  It is not what I said.


The average Thai Cook salary in the USA is about 50,000 baht per month (at 30 baht per dollar) as I stated.  Some make more and others make less.  They are not making 400-900,000 baht per month as stated in the news report.

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On 6/27/2018 at 4:12 AM, leeneeds said:

Really! they need to be tested by  Gordon Ramsey,

and if past muster they gain accreditation

one wonders what  the reactions would be like when he watches

handling and treatment of produce prior to the taste testing,

given his no holds barred approach to call it as he sees it. 


I seem to remember him doing a tv programme from Thailand, as do all tv chefs as far as I can tell. I seem to recall him enthusing about the fantastic food he was going to try and then trying some really spicy stuff that he couldn't eat. I don't remember him swearing at all or even complaining about it. I think that's all for show.

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There is already some testing of Thai cooks by the Department of Skill Development which is part of the Ministry of Labour. My wife used to do it a lot at one time. I'm not sure of the standards that were set but they could always be higher.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/27/2018 at 8:50 AM, Anak Nakal said:

Make rule for Thai cook abroad?


No country care about Thai certificate.

This just bureaucracy/take money from people.

Thailand should first set some standards for cooks and kitchens in their own country.

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