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Amazon shipping to Thailand incredibly fast!


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On 7/10/2018 at 4:44 PM, Berkshire said:

Bezos is number one...and by a significant margin.



Well, I'm happy for him, he really deserves it. When I looked in March when I ordered my first product ever from Amazon USA he was worth 112 billion US$. Only four months later it's a whopping 144+ billion. All his competitors are way, way behind Amazon. Another visionaire I admire is Elon Musk. The difference between the two is their product, Jeff has a broader buying audience than Elon. That is why Elon is often struggling financially, but he's to be admired. His Tesla car is a ground breaking invention, now all car companies are copying him. Copying is easy. When he came here just a few days ago, the Thai governmental people treated him like s**t, so did many of the TV bashers.

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1 hour ago, Dario said:

When he [Musk] came here just a few days ago, the Thai governmental people treated him like s**t, so did many of the TV bashers.


While the useless bashers are a normal part of threads here, the government treatment should be a wakeup call on what Elon will have to deal with here. I am happy for Bezos and Musk. As this thread attests, Bezos positively touches many in Thailand. And Elon did his very best and hats off to him too.


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13 hours ago, cmrichsw said:

Kindle PaperWhite latest version 5000 baht includes Kindle cover - New in the box not registered. 2 available just arrived from USA Amazon.


You bought a Kindle from Amazon already, with their Prime Day Amazon tech hardware specials due to start this coming week???  On the 16th U.S. time...




Here's the regular price from Amazon. Bet it's on substantial discount in a couple of days, at least for Amazon Prime members.



Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/9/2018 at 7:17 PM, LomSak27 said:
On 7/9/2018 at 5:02 PM, Suradit69 said:

f the same thing can be sent though the post office you may or may not charged customs duty and, if you are, it is almost always a good deal less than the shippers decide you should pay.


It pays not to burn all your bridges, but that also means quid pro quo on your part. I just purchased some items on amazon - should arrive on July 12  (in US) according to their latest update. They will then be repackaged and sent to me with a "happy birthday" note on the package.

 I do not ship expensive items but so far they have always went direct and no duty charged..

The repackaged items arrived last week at my condo when I was gone. Express air in the regular mail. Note to pick up when I got back. No customs or duties just strait to residence. 

If someone can do that for you,  it works great. Never had customs stick their paws in.

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Never bought from Amazon before.

I am looking for a cheap laptop with i7 processor.  Can you recommend someone that uses the global shipping or whatever it is so I pay customs up front ?   So it should only be 7% VAT on laptops right ?






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On 7/9/2018 at 2:08 PM, Jeffrey346 said:

Amazon has two Global Shipping Options... Global Shipping and  Expedited  Global Shipping.

When I try to order I only see Expedited Global Shipping and Priority Shipping . So the cheapest option is not available ? 



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59 minutes ago, balo said:

When I try to order I only see Expedited Global Shipping and Priority Shipping . So the cheapest option is not available ? 



It should be on the payment page. Look carefully the option is sort of in the middle of the page slightly to the right.

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8 hours ago, balo said:

Never bought from Amazon before.

I am looking for a cheap laptop with i7 processor.  Can you recommend someone that uses the global shipping or whatever it is so I pay customs up front ?   So it should only be 7% VAT on laptops right ?






That's correct. No duty on computers/notebooks.. Just VAT.

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I read the beginning of this topic a while ago and was skeptical.  But since then I have placed two orders with Amazon using their global priority shipping, and yes, it was very fast and the shipments arrived directly to my condo in BKK with all duties paid.  Shipping costs were very reasonable given the distance and the speed.  Shipping was by DHL.  Customs duties (which Amazon calculates at shipping) were also reasonable, I think. 


Not everything on Amazon can be shipped to Thailand using their global shipping.  When you go to checkout and select the shipping option, it will tell you if some items cannot be shipped here. 

For things you can buy here in Thailand, I don't think you save much money in the end.  I checked a few electronic and clothing items in stores here, and it seemed to me that Amazon base price + global shipping + duties pretty much equals retail price here.  But, for things you can't find here, it's a very good deal.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/14/2018 at 8:55 AM, cmrichsw said:

Kindle PaperWhite latest version 5000 baht includes Kindle cover - New in the box not registered. 2 available just arrived from USA Amazon. 


kindle cover.jpg

New supply available 8/17/18 same price 5000 baht includes Kindle cover all duty fees and taxes. Only 2 left in our Thailand stock.


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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, johnjohn2 said:


This monitor I bought it listed on JIB but for a slightly higher price. This was factoring in the shipping costs and everything else. I really like knowing the entire cost and will use Amazon again for items which i cant find here in Thailand.



I'll usually buy from Amazon when either:

1. the item simply isn't available at all in Thailand, which for me is most of the time. or...

2. the item via Amazon including shipping is substantially less in price than the Thailand option.


However, when the total price with Amazon vs. the Thailand price are close or about the same, I'll try to buy locally. Especially for expensive things where a warranty might come into play. Because, things bought and delivered here via Amazon likely aren't going to have any warranty outside the U.S., unless the item specifically carries a worldwide warranty (which seems pretty rare).


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Very good point on the warranty TallGuy. One which was a factor in my decision to buy my monitor as well. In my case the warranty is covered as well as support locally for service.

For high end items I think this should be something everyone should weigh in and consider before they make a purchase.

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6 hours ago, johnjohn2 said:

Very good point on the warranty TallGuy. One which was a factor in my decision to buy my monitor as well. In my case the warranty is covered as well as support locally for service.

For high end items I think this should be something everyone should weigh in and consider before they make a purchase.


So the monitor you bought from Amazon came with a worldwide warranty that would include service/repairs if needed in Thailand?


If you don't mind, what monitor brand via Amazon comes with that type of warranty?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone had recent experience with receiving goods from Amazon in Thailand? 


In the past I've had problems receiving shipments from the US (not Amazon) and don't want to risk the same again. 


I've had two shipments that never arrived and another that incurred high Customs duties. 


In this case, I'm considering running shoes in a large size that's s very difficult to find in Thailand. 


Thanks much in advance for any comments. 

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"I've had two shipments that never arrived and another that incurred high Customs duties" 


And still you are going for it again ? 


General rule is anything sent via any type of courier will incurr "ransom" its better with standard usps service and then its pot luck dependent on declaration and who picks it up on the day. (IME).????

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I've been buying regularly from Amazon for more than a year now ... All shipments whether global shipping or expedited shipping came through in not more than 7 business days. Never had a single problem. They take care of all duties and taxes and the shipment comes right to your door - and I live in the boonies in rural Isaan. You even get refunds on any excess duties you they may have originally estimated but ended up not paying. I also use Planet Xpress for product I can't get from Amazon and when comparing shipping costs, Amazon wins hands down. If I could buy everything from Amazon,. Would not use Planet express. Amazon benefits from scale. It's no surprise Amazon is where it is relative to any other retailer. They just can't be beat. They are too big now and have economies of scale no one else can match. That said, you do need to be careful if what you buy from Amazon since there are now a ton of shady sellers on Amazon. See how many people have bought the product and read the reviews especially the negative ones. I for one am a huge fan of Amazon ... Have been since 2001... Did a strategy review of Amazon in 2005 and predicted, at that time, that nothing could stop this juggernaut ...

Sent from my PH-1 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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Thanks very much DineshR. Your comments are exactly what I needed to know. 


Do you know what shipping carrier they use for Thailand? I've had problems with "USPS Priority" in the past and wouldn't trust them again. 


Thanks for any additional comments. 


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In my experience with Amazon this past year, for the standard Amazon Global shipping, they use something called I-Parcel which gets delivered to the post office. It is certainly slower than their Global expedited shipping which you have to pay extra for. However, the expedited shipping in my experience usually comes via UPS or DHL and I think one time that it did come via Fed-ex but all the other times, they shipped it UPS or DHL which comes right to your door.


The standard global shipping arrival estimate is longer than the expedited shipping as expected but interestingly, almost 100% of the time, it comes way earlier than what they promise - usually less than 7 working days. When you check tracking, you will see almost no movement for a few days and you are wondering what's going on but then towards the end you see a string of activity and within 2 to 3 days it's arrived. The expedited shipping comes within 4 to 5 working days. You must however, factor in Thai holidays and weekends when trying to predict when you can expect your product. Best time to order something is over the weekend so that shipping gets an early start Monday morning.


I should mention that when things get shipped via UPS, DHL or Fed-Ex, you can be certain to get taxed with either VAT or customs duty depending on the item(s). However, with the slower Global shipping or with USPS Priority Mail (which I use via Planet Express), if the value of the item(s) are less than around US$100 you typically don't have to pay VAT or duty. So, I usually ship via USPS with Planet express and use the slower shipping method with Amazon to lessen the overall duty/tax burden. 


I've done this dozen's of times and I now avoid DHL/UPS/FedX. 


Another thing with USPS. You can track it and it will show when it arrives at your amphur post office. I usually go to the post office to pick it up directly as if I wait for it to come, it will take another 3-4 days before it shows up at the moo baan post office. But I've yet to lose a USPS shipment for now going on almost 15 years (11 years in Bangkok and 4 in the sticks).



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Thanks again for the additional information.
Since their Global Shipping merges with the Thai Postal System, that sounds too risky to me.  Twice in the past everything tracked good on the US side but vanished when it reached Thailand (TiT).  I think I'll request FedEx or UPS - more expensive but it is door-to-door under their control with no Thai Postal involvement.
About your warning on the dealers on Amazon, the only comments I can find are on the product itself, no reference to any vendor other than Amazon.  Does Amazon ship directly from their own stock on some items (Running Shoes?) or only through 3rd party vendors?

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I can't see any risk with Thai post involved. If the package gets lost from any carrier then Amazon will refund you for everything. They also take care of anything stolen or damaged in transit. The risk is all theirs.


Amazon guarantees you won't pay more than what they estimated for duties. This means DHL and so on can no longer scam you out of extra money to receive a package. I've ordered many a package from Amazon and they've arrived with all sorts of carriers with Kerry being the most common. One time DHL, one of the biggest scammers of all, tried to add some extra fees. I contacted Amazon and they took care of it and said they would make sure it wouldn't happen again and it hasn't, hooray. I am so happy not to have to deal with these outrageous scamming carriers anymore which was so often a problem when I used to self ship things. Back in those dark days sometimes accepting a package cost more than shipping it. With Amazon you know the cost upfront and there are no surprises. And as some say, refunds for predicted duties are common, though usually small.


Of course one shouldn't try to import restricted items; chemicals, weapons, etc.


For me Amazon makes sense for things I can't get in Thailand or things in Thailand with very high price markups.


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