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UK to warn public every week over 'no-deal Brexit': The Times


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21 minutes ago, vogie said:

As an uber remainer you may do well to watch this, it is very simple to understand, I think you might learn something. Incidentally that is the 3rd time you have quoted my post to me, it must have made an impression on you.


So, you are saying that it's best to be part of the trade and customs union, where people don't have to pay tariffs and taxes when importing and exporting their products? Kind of like... EU?



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4 minutes ago, oilinki said:

So, you are saying that it's best to be part of the trade and customs union, where people don't have to pay tariffs and taxes when importing and exporting their products? Kind of like... EU?



We don't have a say in anything at the moment and if that's how you interpreted the video, whatever you say.

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19 minutes ago, vogie said:

Irony goes over your head does it. Your chum brought up Dunkirk, I merely responded with a little light hearted humour/humor, sorry it went over your head.

You need to spend less time posting nonsense and a little of the time you save yourself looking up and learning the meaning of ‘irony’.



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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

You need to spend less time posting nonsense and a little of the time you save yourself looking up and learning the meaning of ‘irony’.



I believe there is an option on here if you don't like my posts, it might save you time and effort putting confused faces on all my posts. You may like to look up humour/humor also. ??



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53 minutes ago, vogie said:

As an uber remainer you may do well to watch this, it is very simple to understand, I think you might learn something. Incidentally that is the 3rd time you have quoted my post to me, it must have made an impression on you.


Like PTSD.

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1 hour ago, kwilco said:



Of course there are similarities between Brexit and Dunkirk...we made a hasty improvised ill-planned withdrawal from Europe and then slowly but surely made our way back in again. The true spirit of Dunkirk.

Actually many leading historians give another reason, why Hitler allowed the British troop to escape to the U.K.

He was hoping to make an agreement( peace treaty), supported by some in the British cabinet and the establishment. And he quite rightly thought that should his army capture and or inflict terrible casualties on the British army, that this would scupper his master plan. While  Winston Churchill refused to even consider a peace treaty with Hitler, correctly sensing the feelings of the British people.


 If this is true, I don’t know, however it would’t Surprise me, as we now have remainers in the present cabinet, backed by many in the establishment, who likewise are willing to take the E.U. side, against the expressed wishes of the British electorate.

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6 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Actually many leading historians give another reason, why Hitler allowed the British troop to escape to the U.K.

He was hoping to make an agreement( peace treaty), supported by some in the British cabinet and the establishment. And he quite rightly thought that should his army capture and or inflict terrible casualties on the British army, that this would scupper his master plan. While  Winston Churchill refused to even consider a peace treaty with Hitler, correctly sensing the feelings of the British people.


 If this is true, I don’t know, however it would’t Surprise me, as we now have remainers in the present cabinet, backed by many in the establishment, who likewise are willing to take the E.U. side, against the expressed wishes of the British electorate.

In other words it was Hitler's clemency that let the British retreat. And now the Brexiteers are depending upon the mainlanders for more of the same. 

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2 hours ago, vogie said:

As an uber remainer you may do well to watch this, it is very simple to understand, I think you might learn something. Incidentally that is the 3rd time you have quoted my post to me, it must have made an impression on you.



This video is beyond stupidity can not be beat. Without tariffs, import quotas and quality / safety standards, the EU would be flooded with low-cost, low quality products.
Then wages would drop to 5US dollars a day in the EU.

And what does the UK offer in exchange for keeping the purchasing power of its currency abroad? Cheap Tickets that the Chinese can see the Crown Jewels?
Brexit economy part 1.

Edited by tomacht8
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14 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:


This video is beyond stupidity can not be beat. Without tariffs, import quotas and quality / safety standards, the EU would be flooded with low-cost, low quality products.
Then wages would drop to 5US dollars a day in the EU.

And what does the UK offer in exchange for keeping the purchasing power of its currency abroad? Cheap Tickets that the Chinese can see the Crown Jewels?
Brexit economy part 1.

I suppose when people think the EU is wonderful it will never change, but just because you think everything is rosey in the EU garden, doesn't mean that is always the case.


Did you ever have the opportunity to watch the British comedy 'Yes Minister' when I watch it now it is more like a documentary. Hope you enjoy.



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1 minute ago, vogie said:

I suppose when people think the EU is wonderful it will never change, but just because you think everything is rosey in the EU garden, doesn't mean that is always the case.


Did you ever have the opportunity to watch the British comedy 'Yes Minister' when I watch it now it is more like a documentary. Hope you enjoy.



Nothing is rosy in the EU.

The eu is more of an existential need to protect our domestic industries and agriculture.

We can not compete with countries that pay their workers 3-5 US dollars a day.
On a totally overpopulated planet, global distribution and prosperity battles are at stake here.
The EU and the UK can not live on, that we cut each other's hair.

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33 minutes ago, vogie said:

I suppose when people think the EU is wonderful it will never change, but just because you think everything is rosey in the EU garden, doesn't mean that is always the case.


Did you ever have the opportunity to watch the British comedy 'Yes Minister' when I watch it now it is more like a documentary. Hope you enjoy.

I have watched Yes Minister. It describes how the British politicians behave quite well. I thought it was comedy, until recently, with the Brexit I became more interested of the British politics. It's madness. 


In the rest of the EU, our politicians doesn't behave in that way. Yes, there are few bad apples, but in general, we have tendency to find solutions instead of trying to grab power by it's groins. 


After Brexit you'll be stuck with your silly politicians and house of lords. Meanwhile we at the EU side will continue to go forward with our democratically elected members of the EU.


And yes, we need to improve EU constantly. We wouldn't want to be stuck with the ideas from 40's of last century or even older 'better' times. 

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Here's an interesting site ....Someone has gathered together 20 years of fake news mostly by the usual anti EU papers.

GIVES a good perspective on, the concept that if you repeat something often enough, people will believe it how ever bizarre.

It also shows who really invented the concept of "project fear", or rather project "complete nonsense."




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5 hours ago, vogie said:

I suppose when people think the EU is wonderful it will never change, but just because you think everything is rosey in the EU garden, doesn't mean that is always the case.


Did you ever have the opportunity to watch the British comedy 'Yes Minister' when I watch it now it is more like a documentary. Hope you enjoy.



Documentary, as in even back then it  pointed out that some people's simplistic views on the EEC we're laughable, but then satire does have a tendency to go over the heads of those it's aimed at...that's how It works.

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6 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:

Adolf H would probably have been on the remainer's side.



5 hours ago, nontabury said:


Probably, Lets get real, he’d have been leading their negotiation team.

That would come as somewhat of surprise to UK neo-fascist organisation the BNP which is firmly for Brexit. Any more nonsensical observations from you two?

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7 hours ago, vogie said:

Irony goes over your head does it. Your chum brought up Dunkirk, I merely responded with a little light hearted humour/humor, sorry it went over your head.

Irony is just not on the Brexiteer playlist. Just can't do it.

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2 hours ago, kwilco said:

Documentary, as in even back then it  pointed out that some people's simplistic views on the EEC we're laughable, but then satire does have a tendency to go over the heads of those it's aimed at...that's how It works.

Yes but in those days we didn't have you to explain it to us all.

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14 minutes ago, vogie said:

Yes but in those days we didn't have you to explain it to us all.

I wasn't explaining to all..only you......but thanks for the "I knew that", kind of confirms what the rest of us suspected....apparently Brexiteers are living in the past. You in particular seem to make untutored references to a rosey yet deluded perception of the past that has nothing  do with history.

This is why reasoned argument seems to fall on the deaf ears of Brexiteers

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12 minutes ago, vogie said:

So what do you suggest, we go with the minority, yeah that'll work. You lost the vote and the government carrying out the majorities wishes, and that doesn't mean you're being oppressed. 


"Almost half the peiple didn't want to leave"

That means that over half the people did.

Democracy is government of the people by the people for the people....a banal fixation with a simple majority just shows a lack of understanding of what democracy really entails  ..... referendums are the tools of despots and dictators, in countries like the USA constitutional changes require a 2 thirds majority, simple majority is just mob rule.

Edited by kwilco
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9 minutes ago, kwilco said:

Democracy is government of the people by the people for the people....a banal fixation with a simple majority just shows a lack of understanding of what democracy really entails  ..... referendums are the tools of despots and dictators, in countries like the USA constitutional changes require a 2 thirds majority, simple majority is just mob rule.

Call it what you like, you lost. ???????

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15 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

You too. Everyone lost. The whole country. 

Why are you so bothered about what the majority of the British people have decided, do you think it will affect the EU, do you think you will be better off without us. Why are you devoting your life to warn us of the perils that lay ahead of us. Just because you have those opinions, it aint necessary so, you do understand that?


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1 hour ago, vogie said:

So what do you suggest, we go with the minority, yeah that'll work. You lost the vote and the government carrying out the majorities wishes, and that doesn't mean you're being oppressed. 


"Almost half the peiple didn't want to leave"

That means that over half the people did.

No when you have a split vote like that, you need to find a compromise that works for both sides.


If you try and impose one side's wishes over the other you will end up with one half of the population resenting the other. The schism will only get worse - it damages the fabric of society. Think about what happened in Northern Ireland for 3 generations.


I don't think remainers are the violent type, but I would expect peaceful civic disobedience  for years to come if we leave. Don't expect us to "get behind it" if you completely ignore our views. Resentment will fester and poison relations in this situation, especially if brexit turns out bad.    

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1 minute ago, tebee said:

No when you have a split vote like that, you need to find a compromise that works for both sides.


If you try and impose one side's wishes over the other you will end up with one half of the population resenting the other. The schism will only get worse - it damages the fabric of society. Think about what happened in Northern Ireland for 3 generations.


I don't think remainers are the violent type, but I would expect peaceful civic disobedience  for years to come if we leave. Don't expect us to "get behind it" if you completely ignore our views. Resentment will fester and poison relations in this situation, especially if brexit turns out bad.    


"No when you have a split vote like that, you need to find a compromise that works for both sides."

In all honesty tebee when you try to please everybody, you will end up pleasing nobody, but Mrs May seems intent on going down this route. Only time will tell.


"I don't think remainers are the violent type, but I would expect peaceful civic disobedience  for years to come if we leave. Don't expect us to "get behind it" if you completely ignore our views. Resentment will fester and poison relations in this situation, especially if brexit turns out bad."

I don't think your views are being ignored, but you must admit the views of both sides are polar opposites, some people are bound to be disappointed, I think it will be both sides, why should it be the majority that gets the short straw.

But lets not forget it is the intransigency of the EU that has caused this division in our country.

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