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Thai - U.S. police launch operations against counterfeit goods


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Thai - U.S. police launch operations against counterfeit goods




BANGKOK, 27th July 2018 (NNT) – The Thai and United States police forces have launched a joint operation to eradicate counterfeit goods and infringements of intellectual properties, resulting in a seizure of two million baht worth of goods traced from online stores. 

The Deputy Commissioner of the Tourist Police Bureau, Pol. Maj. Gen. Surachate Hakparn, on Thursday (July 26th) announced the outcome of the operation against counterfeit goods which was performed under the cooperation with the U.S. authorities that the officials have investigated complaints and information gathered regarding online sales of these items, which led to the discovery of a warehouse in Min Buri 5 market where many counterfeit goods were stored. 

Two suspects have been arrested from this operation, along with some 200 goods infringing the US trademarks, including fake Bose and JBL bluetooth speakers, Rayband sunglasses, Nike sneakers, Starbucks and Yeti tumblers. Items confiscated are worth two million baht. 

The operation was assisted by the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), and the Department of Intellectual Property. 

The police will further conduct inspections at 20 more locations next week, especially in key tourism areas such as Patong beach, Samui island, Pattaya, as well as online stores. 

Pol. Maj. Gen. Surachate said the Thai government is giving a high priority on the protection of intellectual properties, and is working closely with countries and brands selling their items in Thailand to eradicate counterfeit goods from the country.

-- nnt 2018-07-27
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what do you expect big companys make product in asia.then sell elsewhere.in any country counterfeit goods are everywhere and everyone buys them.many thais buy the copies in handbags and anything else,like the world everywhere.i brought a copy bag i needed to travel still have it and use it today.prada from mynmar markets on the thai border.you can not stop it how hard you try.thai ladies would not be happy without a designer bag on them at a discount copy price.just go round that market at mai sai and see the shops selling copy goods.you will not be surprised

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21 minutes ago, webfact said:

Thai - U.S. police launch operations against counterfeit goods

Haven´t I heard a lot of busts and launches regarding products out of this kind before???? Seems like they launch these kind of operations more frequent than Mr. Kim tested his nuclear missiles. :cheesy:

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This is a war that they can't win, as long as there are unscrupulous and easily manipulated people sitting at the port and relevant government authorities who, for the right pay, will turn a blind eye to anything and everything entering the country, if you want to really stop it than start from the grass roots of the problme...

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34 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

I am completely against this.


Personally I don't buy counterfeit goods, not even dvd's, but since when is a duty of American police to enforce trademarks for big corporations free of charge? Where do they get the right to invade another country to represent big corporations. Scary and world police indeed.

Read your history! The Royal Navy protected British business during the Empire period and probably many other "global police" before that.

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2 hours ago, ukrules said:

Pol. Maj. Gen. Surachate Hakparn : It's not the warehouses where they're stored that you should be looking for.


You should be looking for the massive factories where they goods are manufactured.


Of course this would be pointless because I think we all know that you already know exactly where these factories are and who owns and operates them - you and your colleagues always have known.


Why only go after the low hanging fruit ? Get them all.....


Also - Tourist Police - why is this a tourist police matter ? It should be way higher up than that.


I hope Trump sanctions and taxes your asses back to the stone age.


Exactly.  When Thailand adopted tough child labor laws, Nike and Adidas moved their factories from Thailand to Vietnam and Indonesia.  Any athletic shoe manufacturers remaining in Thailand (with the exception of Bloch dance shoes) are producing pirated goods.

Edited by zaphod reborn
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It would be easy to walk into many photocopy businesses and see the large amounts of copyrighted books being copied for use in Thai schools.


I wouldn’t be surprised if ethics classes were taught using illegally copied books.

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1 hour ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

I am completely against this.


Personally I don't buy counterfeit goods, not even dvd's, but since when is a duty of American police to enforce trademarks for big corporations free of charge? Where do they get the right to invade another country to represent big corporations. Scary and world police indeed.

I guess you missed the American military and it's allies messing around in the Middle East for I don't know how long, something to do with looking after oil companies so I am told.

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3 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

I am completely against this.


Personally I don't buy counterfeit goods, not even dvd's, but since when is a duty of American police to enforce trademarks for big corporations free of charge? Where do they get the right to invade another country to represent big corporations. Scary and world police indeed.

to protect US companies. And to stop China from stealing everyone's intellectual property. 

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3 minutes ago, Tradewind777 said:
3 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Geez, I can see the knock off with big feet.

I think you’re right. Jeez a man counterfeiting a woman. In this place “knock offs” is a systemic practice LOL

So whose Intellectual Property Rights are being transgressed here - the man or the woman?



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Where a lot of this garbage is manufactured or set up to be manufactured is the same place where a lot of the precursors for yaba manufacture comes from (or technology/equipment). Prior to the mexican cartel involvement they were also the chief underground fentanyl producers which has killed thousands of people back in my country. Don't see an end to any of this, too much $ involved. 

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All these 'legitamate goods' contribute to the USA balance of trade debt; RORT ?  common guys, tax the hell out of these luxury goods or let the pirates be; especially when the pirate makers and sellers and buyers are not on USA soil.

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5 hours ago, bristolgeoff said:

what do you expect big companys make product in asia.then sell elsewhere.in any country counterfeit goods are everywhere and everyone buys them.many thais buy the copies in handbags and anything else,like the world everywhere.i brought a copy bag i needed to travel still have it and use it today.prada from mynmar markets on the thai border.you can not stop it how hard you try.thai ladies would not be happy without a designer bag on them at a discount copy price.just go round that market at mai sai and see the shops selling copy goods.you will not be surprised

Yes well we don't need no stinkin' counterfeit Nike shoes because THEY'LL HURT YOUR FEET after a short while, especially if you want to run in them! At least the Thai authorities cooperate. In China they copy and fake everything and then say Screw you.

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6 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

While I agree with you, I have gone a bit rogue. I played the game all my life up to retirement. Now, unable to afford a middle class retirement in my own country, I have retired to Thailand. I feel no guilt in buying knockoffs nor blackmarket goods from the factory that produces the trademarked goods. What a game ... western company trademark, goods low cost produced in the 3rd world, then marked up to western prices. Nope, I have no shame at not supporting the profits and CEO compensation (which is equal in 1 year to more than I earned in my working life).

If you want to reduce demand for counterfeit goods, pay your workers a wage that allows them to buy your "real" products. Besides, no one buying fake goods will be buying the real thing - they cannot afford it. So it is ridiculous to claim these knockoffs are affecting your sales. As far as I am concerned, as long as the fakes are not sold in places where the genuine goods are expected, it is a nonissue. 

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I bet you have but would not know it ! Do not know if you drink? but if you drink Tiger beer it is a copy! Not real like in Singapore, it does not even get you drunk lol

Medication, cigarettes, alcohol so many not just the obvious!

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For a while now, I've been seeing A LOT of pretties, beer girls and such, including out in the hinterlands, wearing Chanel logo (reversed Cs) goods or Chanel logo pins and such. I'm guessing, they're not all buying authentic Chanel items at their Siam Paragon or EmQuartier shops.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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11 hours ago, ezzra said:

This is a war that they can't win, as long as there are unscrupulous and easily manipulated people sitting at the port and relevant government authorities who, for the right pay, will turn a blind eye to anything and everything entering the country, if you want to really stop it than start from the grass roots of the problme...


They do not want to win ! Cops are paid by big companies by lawyers for every operation that they run...


It's just like motorbikes helmet, do you really think that cops want everybody to wear them ? Of course not, or they would fine every single person not wearing it.



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