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We can't fine people 100K or send them to jail for smoking on the beach, admits Pattaya official

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A lot of you seem to automatically assume tourist means foreigners.  A tourist is anyone who travels somewhere for pleasure.  For example Thais coming from Bangkok to Pattaya to play on the beaches are tourists too.

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1 hour ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

People will always smoke! It's a relaxing and enjoyable pass-time for many. Many of those who visit Thailand and bring in shed-loads of their hard-earned with them smoke and won't stop because it has become more difficult to enjoy a fag on Thai beaches. Not to even mention the locals or their habits. 


Whether or not it's deemed dirty or irresponsible is totally irrelevant, people will still engage in it, like they will drinking or unhealthy food. There are literally dozens of other habits that are equally as detrimental, but just haven't been vilified to the same degree as smoking...yet. Bans in outdoor areas (with perhaps hospital zones as an exception) are a stupid idea IMO. 

It's overkill and is totally ineffectual anyway. ESPECIALLY when you stop and think about it for a moment - that in any city of any size (and a great deal of rural areas where they are burning rubber/plastic/farm waste and crops) the air you're respiring is no different to cigarette smoke in its unhealthy nature, with prolonged exposure anyway, so being precious about this subject is just too absurd for words. The amount of times I have witnessed hi-so type Thais (and the occasional twatty foreigner) who tut, wrinkle their faces up and wave their hands at the lightest wisp of cigarette smoke crossing their paths, all the while 25 diesel guzzling behemoths - the knackered old WWII Mercedes buses, and god knows how many cars and motorcycles whiz by enveloping said pleb in a cloud of acrid exhaust fumes! It makes no sense, it's laughable, but people are brainwashed and believe what they're told to.


What SHOULD rightfully be enforced is the collection of waste! It's that simple! If the problem is that severe then it should become mandatory to have people (staff) check for cigarette butts and other refuse created over the course of however long a tourist OR LOCAL spends on any given beach - and ensure that it is binned. I ALWAYS collect any food / other waste and would keep my butts collected in a receptacle, ready for binning on my way out. Easy enough. Enough of this draconian bullshit that is totally ineffectual, clearly a huge waste of time, an impingement on people's civil liberties and furthermore is ripping the laissez-faire attitude out of Thailand and transforming it into another overly officious, nannying Western bureaucracy. The lack of all that was the WHOLE APPEAL of SE Asia in the first place you numpties! 

no body is saying you cannot smoke they are saying you cannot smoke in certain places, I go to a bar which has lots of expats as customers, some smoke some do not,so what the smokers came up with is a smokers part and a none smokers part

as it is open and not aircon we do not have any problems unless we get tourists who decide they are going to smoke where they want,the locals will even go outside if there is no room or seats and have their cigarettes far enough away so you are

not sharing the cigarette smoke with them, that is just good manners.

the majority of expats do not smoke, and the law states it is illegal to smoke in any place that is open to the public. 

if I go in another bar I sit with a fan behind me so any smoke is blown away as I do not want to be inhaling cigarette smoke that some chain smokers seem to think 

we want and will come and sit next to you and smoke and blow the smoke in your face from two feet away until you tell them its not a relaxing and enjoyable pastime that you are being forced into sharing.

I do agree with the fumes coming from some motors are probably lethal if enough

is inhaled but it is also documented how much cigarette smoke can cause cancer/heart disease and two wrongs do not make a right.

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20 hours ago, Ralf61 said:

No smoking on the beach.

Khao San like a boring small-town suburb.

Sinking tour boats.

Walking Street like an army camp.


Well, I can do with less tourists and a weaker THB...

As they only fine a thai 500 baht for beating up a foriener how the hell can they fine 100000 just fir smoking....IDIOTS ABSOLUTLY <deleted> IDOTS. I agree exchange crap for too long. What cos of a junta you would think thai baht would go down

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20 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

Now I know why the beaches are littered.

Smoking tourists.

Only tourists of course and cigarette butts only.

Xenophobic or just a hypocritical joke?


Don't compare with beaches left behind by Thai tourists please.

That would be Thai bashing!


Are there  actually Thai tourists on the beach in Pattaya?

I know that in Hua Hin, the locals are few and far between and they don't leave as many cigarette butts as do the tourists. ( Fortunately, the HH demographic smokes less than the Pattaya & Patong demographic)

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Always the same tired straw-man arguments about farts and vehicle exhaust.


I don't like the smell of tobacco smoke or so-called smokers body, hair and breath. I don't want foreigners coming here to smoke on the beach I thought a year in Jail and 100,000 baht fine was a great idea. Too bad.


Not concerned about the second hand smoke health effects or environmental pollutants and 

chemicals not looking to live forever anyway many I know many got cancer they never smoke, drank or ate processed food.


Smoking is banned in bars in Thailand not my problem if it is not enforced. Smoking is going the way of the Dodo bird around the world even the Japanese will be completely banning public smoking in all bars/restaurants not in enclosed ventilated spaces by 2020 for the Olympics. 


3 minutes ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

Always the same tired straw-man arguments about farts and vehicle exhaust.


I don't like the smell of tobacco smoke or so-called smokers body, hair and breath. I don't want foreigners coming here to smoke on the beach I thought a year in Jail and 100,000 baht fine was a great idea. Too bad.


Not concerned about the second hand smoke health effects or environmental pollutants and 

chemicals not looking to live forever anyway many I know many got cancer they never smoke, drank or ate processed food.


Smoking is banned in bars in Thailand not my problem if it is not enforced. Smoking is going the way of the Dodo bird around the world even the Japanese will be completely banning public smoking in all bars/restaurants not in enclosed ventilated spaces by 2020 for the Olympics. 


Funny man

  • Haha 1
6 minutes ago, rwill said:

A lot of you seem to automatically assume tourist means foreigners.  A tourist is anyone who travels somewhere for pleasure.  For example Thais coming from Bangkok to Pattaya to play on the beaches are tourists too.

So why he use that word?? Tourists??

regardless where they cone from..

Did he personally check id cards wasn’t there any local smoking at the beach?

He can just replace the word Tourists for the word People now it comes across if only tourists smoking at beaches a very racist and untrue statement..Anyway beach in jontien is completely empty. 


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3 hours ago, thhMan said:

Ahh.. the brown socks to the knees and sandal wearing brigade....

Good way to get a throat punch using those sissy tactics

Perhaps a palm strike to the nose before politely asking the offender would be better.

20 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

A Thai official being evasive .! There must surely be some mistake there .. 

Well I see you have installed some garbage bins and smoke butt pots and I see almost every tourist using them, but sadly most Thai's are just too lazy to use them, so maybe an education lesson is whats needed for DA Thai people.


If you think smoking one cigarette is bad. When you lite up one of those mosquito coils that is equal to about 100+ cigarettes. And way worse for you. Look it up on google.

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24 minutes ago, zoza said:

no body is saying you cannot smoke they are saying you cannot smoke in certain places, I go to a bar which has lots of expats as customers, some smoke some do not,so what the smokers came up with is a smokers part and a none smokers part

as it is open and not aircon we do not have any problems unless we get tourists who decide they are going to smoke where they want,the locals will even go outside if there is no room or seats and have their cigarettes far enough away so you are

not sharing the cigarette smoke with them, that is just good manners.

the majority of expats do not smoke, and the law states it is illegal to smoke in any place that is open to the public. 

if I go in another bar I sit with a fan behind me so any smoke is blown away as I do not want to be inhaling cigarette smoke that some chain smokers seem to think 

we want and will come and sit next to you and smoke and blow the smoke in your face from two feet away until you tell them its not a relaxing and enjoyable pastime that you are being forced into sharing.

I do agree with the fumes coming from some motors are probably lethal if enough

is inhaled but it is also documented how much cigarette smoke can cause cancer/heart disease and two wrongs do not make a right.

I totally agree that manners play a big part, and having an area where people who want to smoke can do so and keeping it totally separate from the non smoking area works fine in that regard. This was always the way in the UK, until quite recently when a blanket bank came into effect, why that needed to happen I don't know - when talking about the context of adult centres of entertainment like bars and restaurants etc., especially those that incorporate an al-fresco element to their designs. 


The effects of 2nd hand smoke do not have as much hard evidence that correlate with detriments to one's health as many agencies report either, there are schools of thought on this, it is just that one is heavily funded and perpetuated and so of course gets more traction. However, I'm NOT advocating smoking, I agree it is basically a bad habit and it should in no way be encouraged. On the other hand what I AM advocating is an adult person's right to choose - their personal liberty - and to have the right to enjoy a cigarette in an outdoor area in particular, should they so desire. The hypocrisy I mentioned a few times already is what I cannot understand or abide. When it is coming from the mouth of a grossly unhealthy (overweight / clearly slobbish person) who has no grounds to attack someone else for their bad habits, and MORE pertinently, the pollution argument. Two wrongs don't make a right, but when taken into consideration - and weighed against the pollutant levels in any medium to large size city, a little bit of second hand smoke wafting past your face occasionally is not grounds enough to ban an age-old pass-time engaged in by a great proportion of the adult population who are old enough, and one would hope, informed enough, to make their own decisions. When you start curtailing people's personal liberties you are embarking on the downward trajectory of a slippery slope, one which we are feeling the full gravitational effect of right now!


Look at what you can and can't do / say / support or excuse these days, every month something new is added to the list of taboos. To my mind cigarette smoking (in ventilated public areas at least) was just one of the forerunners. Live and let live and stay out of others affairs as much as possible, that's what I say. A return to truly libertarian values is what is needed, and if I'm not hurting anyone, i.e.: as long as I or a fellow smoker is not blowing smoke in to your face, then there should be no issue, ESPECIALLY when it's outdoors and you're in a heavily polluted atmosphere in the first place, then there is NO argument at all. It's comparable to saying you're adverse to a Chinese burn, whilst being stung by a swarm of bees. 

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This is a perfect example of why no-one in Thailand takes any notice of the law. Many of them are ridiculous, and everyone knows that they are rarely if ever enforced anyway. The authorities announce them to make it seem as if they are doing something when in fact they are doing nothing at all, and everyone just carries on as usual. Pure Thainess.

The problem is that it leads to people ignoring every law, not just the ridiculous ones, and that spreads like a cancer through society. Everyone believes they can ignore every rule with impunity. Which they usually can.

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17 minutes ago, transam said:

And I assume folk who don't use an underarm deodorant get scorned by you too....?  ?

Nice try. No I don't seem to be troubled by body odour. They worst thing about Thailand is public smoking. Hardly some sweaty workman in the elevators fault if he has to toil in some un-aircondition condo unit shell renovating all day.  


Smoking is a dirty habit, a personal choice I don't want foisted on me.


Foreign "smokers" who want to "puff" on the beach should do it in their own county. Oh yeah it is already banned there likely they face a stiff fine.


As it should be.

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20 hours ago, mok199 said:

sad but true..and left behind , a worse mess than when they started...rows of exposed  sand bags...this is a complete disaster

Pattaya was always & always will be a disaster... from one end to the other!

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3 minutes ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

Nice try. No I don't seem to be troubled by body odour. They worst thing about Thailand is public smoking. Hardly some sweaty workman in the elevators fault if he has to toil in some un-aircondition condo unit shell renovating all day.  


Smoking is a dirty habit, a personal choice I don't want foisted on me.


Foreign "smokers" who want to "puff" on the beach should do it in their own county. Oh yeah it is already banned there likely they face a stiff fine.


As it should be.

So a smelly person is OK because you think he is smelly because he has been to work...Are you for real, there are smelly folk out there because they are smelly 24/7...?

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I wonder how much it cost to put up all the signs  . so no one has been fined as yet ?? what about E cigs  that's gone quite . Never ever heard any fines or imprisonment on that either.  be interested if anyone   knows  different.

33 minutes ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

Nice try. No I don't seem to be troubled by body odour. They worst thing about Thailand is public smoking. Hardly some sweaty workman in the elevators fault if he has to toil in some un-aircondition condo unit shell renovating all day.  


Smoking is a dirty habit, a personal choice I don't want foisted on me.


Foreign "smokers" who want to "puff" on the beach should do it in their own county. Oh yeah it is already banned there likely they face a stiff fine.


As it should be.

E gigs is the answer but then i would expect the smell of the water vapour would be offensive 

  • Haha 1
27 minutes ago, transam said:

So a smelly person is OK because you think he is smelly because he has been to work...Are you for real, there are smelly folk out there because they are smelly 24/7...?

so maybe they should all stay in their own country ??? 

Just now, transam said:

I didn't quote farang or Thai chummy.....?

I think i put the comment in the wrong Box  big sorry Chummy 


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Day 1, Lesson 1: Don't make threats you can't back up, or otherwise carry out. 


Somchai:  Throw trash on beach, I will throw you in jail for 10,000 years and fine you 1,000,000,000 Baht! 


Thai People: image.png.c181f371521cef15e7c9d1dff3fd16e5.png

  • Haha 1
Just now, PEE TEE said:

I think i put the comment in the wrong Box  big sorry Chummy 


It was the guy who is complaining about smells


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