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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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when you say correct above, I take it that it refers to the Tory internal process
I assume that parliament, if they so fancy, can run a non-confidence vote monthly?

Labour could call for one but do not have the numbers since there is virtually no chance of any Tory MP voting with them and DUP would back the govt under their agreement - though they make a lot of noise they would not support Corbyn.

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5 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Did that person also make the point that in the UK you can denounce the government without fear whereas in North Korea such behaviour will get you executed. Maybe the UK government should align with North Korea the the way it treats critics?


And as for the conditions faced by a white European in Thailand, are you suggesting that a non-white European would be treated differently? Or is it your belief that only white people can be Europeans? Either way, congratulations on revealing your racism. 


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Whatever the final outcome I just wish they would hurry up and get it done with, the pound dropped off a cliff edge the day after the referendum in Feb 2016 and hasn't budged since. 


Hurry up and stop messing around I say,  so that we can give Sterling and UK business (and overseas expats who rely on UK funds) a chance again. 

Edited by NightSky
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56 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:


Ryan Air HO -


'It is worth emphasising that it would be in no-one's interest to ground aircraft. The cogs of business would still need to turn, and people will still need to travel, despite Brexit. Everyone would be looking for a quick fix".

'Again, this is a point that was emphasised by Philip Hammond.'

"It's very clear," he said, "that mutual self-interest means that even if talks break down, even if there is no deal, there will be a very strong compulsion on both sides to reach agreement on an air traffic services arrangement as early as possible to avoid any disruption."


Johan Lungdren - EasyJet CEO


"I feel confident that flying will continue with Easyjet – uninterrupted as well without any problems because we have also seen statements from the European Commission as late as last week when they confirmed they would protect air traffic rights, and that’s something that’s been reciprocated by the UK government."


“We take those things into the context of our own preparation and that makes me confident that flying will continue post-March 2019."




Same old shi** from the project fear crowd.

Let's raise our glasses to the sky falling in. :violin:



see post 9312 above



raise glasses?


Gents, please join me in a toast

To wives and girlfriends, cheers

Thank you. Ahem, may they never meet.





Edited by melvinmelvin
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30 minutes ago, vogie said:

I wonder just how many remainers we will have defecting to the leave side after the discovery of  amendment 586.


If you have a Birth Certificate you unwittingly became

property of the State and used as collateral for trading

on the Stock Exchange. Whether page 586 is true or false,

I would not be surprised either way.

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35 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Not at all surprising that no more than 48 signed up, as we all know and can agree on is the fact that most MP are remainers. The problem will occur when we next inter into the ballet booth. Will voters support their M.P who did not implement their democratic decision. Or maybe they will abstain from voting altogether, realising that their vote is likely to be overridden and as such is irrelevant. Thus leading to an increase of the 33% who at present do not vote.

Democracy U.K style.


You are right most MPs from all parties are remainers and there may well be fallout at the next general election. Possibly why the Tories are so desperate to avoid one. I can tell you with some confidnce that Raab will not get re-elected in Esher.  He has even had to stop going in our local Deli for breakfast (usually has the full English) because of vitriol from other customers.  The vast majority of his constituents voted remain.


As May sets off to Brussels again Amber Rudd has been the first to openly say that there will not be a no-deal as the house would block it.  Does make it harder for May to hold her ground in Belgium and not give in to any other concessions as she has always used the no-deal threat when negotiating.   If no-deal really is off the table then the options left would appear to be May's Chequers fiasco or no Brexit or back to the people.

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5 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

You are right most MPs from all parties are remainers and there may well be fallout at the next general election. Possibly why the Tories are so desperate to avoid one. I can tell you with some confidnce that Raab will not get re-elected in Esher.  He has even had to stop going in our local Deli for breakfast (usually has the full English) because of vitriol from other customers.  The vast majority of his constituents voted remain.


As May sets off to Brussels again Amber Rudd has been the first to openly say that there will not be a no-deal as the house would block it.  Does make it harder for May to hold her ground in Belgium and not give in to any other concessions as she has always used the no-deal threat when negotiating.   If no-deal really is off the table then the options left would appear to be May's Chequers fiasco or no Brexit or back to the people.

The issue when Amber Rudd speaks is 

1) is she saying something that she believes in

2) Is she saying something that her brother wants her to say

ANDREW PIERCE: Meet the City spinmeister orchestrating the plot to reverse Brexit


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3 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

The issue when Amber Rudd speaks is 

1) is she saying something that she believes in

2) Is she saying something that her brother wants her to say

ANDREW PIERCE: Meet the City spinmeister orchestrating the plot to reverse Brexit



I can say quite honestly that I’m not on George Soros’s payroll or have ever been someone who Is politically engaged ... but I do think this Brexit adventure is the biggest single error ever made by a British electorate in my lifetime, and many people, including many who voted for it, will pay a price. 


The internet has been a great invention but one major downside is that opinions are replacing facts, and emotions and feelings are driving decision making. Added to that there are organised groups, home and abroad, crafting propaganda to influence or thinking. But not everything is a conspiracy. And it’s no surprise that Rudd and her brother, raised in the same house, share similar views. As a cabinet minister she is backing May’s plan, and if successful the UK leaves the EU, and in the final agreement most probably the customs union too. The only alternative government is Corbyn, and with him you are in the single market and customs union. I don’t see Rudd as part of a shady group of conspirators ... just someone doing her job.

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8 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

The issue when Amber Rudd speaks is 

1) is she saying something that she believes in

2) Is she saying something that her brother wants her to say

ANDREW PIERCE: Meet the City spinmeister orchestrating the plot to reverse Brexit


The Daily Mail does tend to give a skewed view even though they have softened their vitriol towards May somewhat.


It has been said many times (you may remember May's 3 hours fielding questions in the house) that no-deal wouldn't wash but this is the first time that someone in the cabinet has openly said it.  Rudd is a remainer so we can expect her to pitch that way but she is also a May supporter.

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48 minutes ago, NightSky said:

Whatever the final outcome I just wish they would hurry up and get it done with, the pound dropped off a cliff edge the day after the referendum in Feb 2016 and hasn't budged since. 


Hurry up and stop messing around I say,  so that we can give Sterling and UK business (and overseas expats who rely on UK funds) a chance again. 

someone on here yesterday was looking forward to the weaker pound as it would start an export led recovery after brexit ???? export what we dont make anything anymore and will be making even less once the BIG 4 car makers relocate, we certainly cannot compete with china/india etc,but we will have the most skilled tatty pickers in the world tho????

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18 minutes ago, billd766 said:

The part where he was not in the government and that no second referendum ever came of it


Exactly the same as so many remainers have also been trying to get a second referendum since they lost the first one 2 years ago. 


Despite the government saying for the last 2 years or so that there will NOT be a second referendum, the Remainers have been crying for ever since 2016.


The answer to a second referendum has ALWAYS been NO, no matter who calls for it.


What don't you understand about that?


Clearly, and not for the first time, it is you that demonstrates an inability to understand the point that is being made, either wilfully or through genuine ignorance. I’ll let others decide which is which.


Farage indicated on the eve of the vote results that he would continue to fight for Leave if the result narrowly went against him, 48% to 52% was the example he used. He had no problem in pursuing another vote in that situation, so he is a hypocrite for denying remainers the same opportunity or criticising them for seeking another referendum.


The government’s position is that there will be no second vote. If they can get their deal through that will be the end of the matter. If they cannot and attempt to go along with a no deal scenario they will lose a vote of confidence and be out of power. They will have no choice but to offer a new vote to the public ... MPs in both parties will not allow no deal to happen. May knows this, she’s already conceded that point with her comment about “no Brexit at all”. The last thing the Tory party wants is a general election, followed by a Corbyn government. All those old people that happily vote for a no deal Brexit because it does not affect them will then be looking forward to Corbyn wealth taxes on property and other assets. When Brexit affects you financially you start to look at it differently.

Edited by AlexRich
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1 hour ago, vinny41 said:

The one thing professor Michael Dougan, of Liverpool University, seems less than keen to reveal is that he is holder of a Jean Monnet chair at the university. It's not that he keeps it a secret – just that he doesn't make a point of declaring it. 

However, that means his post is supported by EU funds, typically worth €50,000 over three years. And, while post-holders deny bias, they are in effect paid agents of the EU. 


EU-funded professors deny claims of bias from Brexit campaigners


Jean Monnet chairs say they encourage full debate on the union, although one has written that when the EU is criticised, ‘our instinct is to defend it’


Of course, if you don’t like the message, attack the messenger............

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