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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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2 hours ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

Fair enough yes. I know you're not in league with SW, and you make the point clear. But I'm not sure even genuine Brexiteers are necessarily the only ones who will be voting against this codswallop, the SNP hate it - look at Nicola Sturgeon's remarks about it, and then there's gotta be a fair few Labour MPs who can be thrown in there too, lets just hope they don't go party-political, but instead vote with their hearts and try to show a bit of responsibility for a change. Let's see.



Everybody hates the deal - it is neither remaining or leaving. But it could still pass. Why ? Brecause for both sides the conceived alternatives to the deal  are worse than the deal.


Leavers are worried we might end up abandoning brexit or going for a people's vote. 


Remainers(and the soft leavers) are worried we might leave with no deal.


There may be enough abstentions for the deal to pass.


It's also possible it might fail the first time  and then pass later when no-deal panic sets in. 

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2 hours ago, Grouse said:

How very American of you. It's a pity you misunderstand Frost's point!






You clearly learnt nothing from our European friends. How sad.


If you are reduced to quoting Americans, please consider "Tear down that wall, Mr Gorbechov!"

Dear old Grouse, Tip the whole bottle in... your reading

stuff that is not written or, replying to another post.

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4 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:

right, fair enough


but you should keep in mind that for the past 3 years or so the UK public (including MPs) have been

drowned in all the horrible scenarios and consequences that will surface if UK leaves, the dungeons are nigh!

this kind of marketing has an effect - also on MPs


agree that the deal is crappy, in my view largely parliaments own fault


now, shooting down the deal and go for hard Brexit does not have the required traction in Westminster,

me thinks


ditching deal AND TM and renegotiate? time is getting short

ain't many hours left between now and Brexit


of course, now TM is shouting every 3 minutes that re-negos is a big no no, cannot be done

many, including MPs will tend to believe her

I disagree with that

think the door for further neg. is ajar


EU does not want a hard crash out Brexit

(several reasons for that)


you say the EU doesnt want a hard brexit,how do you know this? yes VW/Mercedes may sell a few less cars but no big deal iam sure they will cope just fine as for JC thinking he can deliver a better deal ???????????? he is on spacedust as are the brexit leaders or whats left of them,anyway the germans know many high end jobs are coming their way even with the present deal,far too many businesses will of lost confidence in the UK and even the ones that stay will still be looking at moving in the future,just watch the big 4 car manufacturer's gradually scale down their operations in the UK and for good measure it seems we are just entering a worldwide downturn,the gamble of brexit with a no deal would economical suicide,the UK is not capable of making things to sell the the world even with weakened currency,we cannot pay workers £0.50 per hour,we are at a disadvantage being an island on the western edge of europe,unions still have a lot of power,in years to come we will manufacture even less our car industry destroyed itself with the help of the unions and it needed Jap/german brains and investment to rekindle it brexit has done its best to try and destroy it again,will this nation of fools never learn 







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48 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:


Today I read in the Swedish msm Dagens Nyheter;


they don't say bluntly that the deal is a bad deal, but they are clear that the deal is dictated by EU 


they also say that the EU heads of state are in awe over Barnier's achievements and they want him as

the next Chair of the Commission when Juncker's tenure ends next year

(apparently, Macron is not too happy about that)



i dont think any brits care,who the next PM of the UK is going to be is more important,the favourite at present is JC....he makes the likes of juncker,Barnier and Macron look like Santa Claus

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27 minutes ago, bomber said:

i dont think any brits care,who the next PM of the UK is going to be is more important,the favourite at present is JC....he makes the likes of juncker,Barnier and Macron look like Santa Claus


27 minutes ago, bomber said:

i dont think any brits care,who the next PM of the UK is going to be is more important,the favourite at present is JC....he makes the likes of juncker,Barnier and Macron look like Santa Claus



if Corbyn is that bad and if he will be next PM it should be of some comfort to Brits

to have Santa Clause chairing the Commission

since current plan is that the UK will continue to deal with the Commission for years to come.


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5 hours ago, rixalex said:

Firstly, regarding the benefits of being in the EU no longer being of concern to you, from all you've stated about your circumstance, I don't think that's true, is it.

Secondly, regarding your "altruistic dreams" for others, what percentage of people living in the Britain actually WANT to do what you have done? I agree, it's great for those who DO want to live in the EU (outside of Britain), but we're talking about a couple of a percent of the population, and for the sake of them, and you, and your family, and your sister, the other 98% or so of people living in Britain are paying a certain cost for you to enjoy your dream. So yes, it's selfish.

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Interesting rebuttal 


I don't see how my moves in the past have disadvantaged anyone


In many ways, wealth is the number of degrees of freedom you have; the choices you have, the "doors" that are available to you


Shutting off opportunity is unwise. For the 98% you mention, if they failed to pursue opportunities in Europe, they are unlikely to take the world by storm!


Anyway, good response!

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40 minutes ago, bomber said:



I don't know, it is my view.


That view is shared by several Scandinavian msm, no point studying UK msm re this, 

they are too worked up

my French, Spanish and German is getting too rusty for msm reading.


EU also says that they do not want any no deal crash.


Some reasons for that:


Of course EU is interested in considerable amounts of import/export re UK

     at least they want their Grouse and Glenlivet and to get rid of brie and edam.


crash Brexit will create quite some havoc re goods passing borders, brie and medicine will pile up

     will serve nobody's interest


tremendous problems re transport unless deals are made in time, air-road-rail-marine mode transport

     will suffer greatly

will create real problems for UK unless sorted in advance


severe environmental challenges in the Channel unless deal in advance 


the rest of the world will not understand why it is necessary to let UK suffer this way

     will be a major  face/trust /confidence problem for EU, they don't want that


and a host of other reasons




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4 hours ago, talahtnut said:

Why do you often, so narcissistically boast of your

education, and believe that others are incapable of

comprehending such an 'advanced' concept as brexit.

Your argument is merely a  'stakeholders beef'.


Better not use words that you dont really understand. My humour is self deprecating and I am actually quite self effacing (with the obvious exception of education).


I am proud of my education and it has benefitted me throughout my life. In addition I read broadly and in depth. I thoroughly recommend both.


I don't tolerate and in fact despise fools. People should read. Always. Learning never stops.


Finally, I m not really a stakeholder now. I just don't like to see my country being brought low by idiots 

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28 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

'Reports also emerged Ms May will challenge Jeremy Corbyn to a debate in the coming days over her Brexit deal which he has – on multiple occasions – said his party will vote down in the Commons.'


Not a very wise thing for May to do - she has made a number of tactical blunders imo.  Not only is JC far better at this sort of thing, nobody wants the deal.


yeah, agree -


my guess is also that image wise Corbyn would fare much better than May in such a debate.

(won't say why though, this thread won't like it)


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4 hours ago, talahtnut said:

Dear old Grouse, Tip the whole bottle in... your reading

stuff that is not written or, replying to another post.

"There is an old saying, Good fences make good neighbours."


Did you or did you not post the above? You misunderstood your own quote 

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53 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

'Reports also emerged Ms May will challenge Jeremy Corbyn to a debate in the coming days over her Brexit deal which he has – on multiple occasions – said his party will vote down in the Commons.'


Not a very wise thing for May to do - she has made a number of tactical blunders imo.  Not only is JC far better at this sort of thing, nobody wants the deal.

I'm no fan of TM but she eats him for breakfast every Wednesday during PMQs!

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4 hours ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:


BJ = Boris Johnson or BoJo. Give me a hint - Retromug?


If all you can add to the conversation are snide remarks, misinformation and woeful grammar then maybe you should heed your own advice? Do us all a favour!

The games up! The new CON acolytes can't do the Telegraph crossword! 


1 across. Twenty nasal hundredweight in reverse. 


4 letters

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17 minutes ago, evadgib said:

I'm no fan of TM but she eats him for breakfast every Wednesday during PMQs!

Just shows how perceptions can differ.  I would say Corbyn has been remarkably tame lately.  My prediction would be a hands down win for Corbyn.  Away from the script, May is in trouble, whereas Corbyn truly excels.

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Better not use words that you dont really understand. My humour is self deprecating and I am actually quite self effacing (with the obvious exception of education).
I am proud of my education and it has benefitted me throughout my life. In addition I read broadly and in depth. I thoroughly recommend both.
I don't tolerate and in fact despise fools. People should read. Always. Learning never stops.
Finally, I m not really a stakeholder now. I just don't like to see my country being brought low by idiots 

A legend in his own mind...

Tell us more about the education, basket weaving was it?
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