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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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24 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

They both talk about our white male privilege like that Lanny is the same absolute racists. I must remember my privilege growing up on the council estate in the North of England. They hate anything that is white or has made something out of themselves by hard work, they all truly despise their own country and live the politics of envy. We will retire full time next year and every day I am more glad to leave the UK permanently. They don’t realise  it’s very easy to relocate both yourself and your business interests, which lots of people will do if they ever get elected, Just hope we get to March and get out of the EU before they can wreck Brexit as well.



I find them both repugnant, and the fact that Corbyn appointed them as heads of '2 of the most important shadow offices of state'  - in his words, made me lose the little faith I had in his judgement. The fact that two people who are so demonstrably dumb, partisan and hypocritical, have risen to positions of some considerable power (albeit within an absurd Labour party) and are so well placed (even requested) to broadcast their poisonous drivel, is both highly depressing and worrying. When a decent chunk of the population think people like Abbott and Thornberry have any place in Politics or any other effectual profession, then alarm bells must start ringing!


I wouldn't give either a mop job! ... and no, that's not a euphemism. 

Edited by CanterbrigianBangkoker
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25 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



You may find that your girth...... girth of your wallet.... is what makes you a hansum man.. ????



But let’s be fair!


The attraction of wallet size is not just restricted to Thailand though!????

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2 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:



I find them both repugnant, and the fact that Corbyn appointed them as heads of '2 of the most important offices of state' - in his words, made me lose the little faith I had in his judgement. The fact that two people who are so demonstrably dumb, partisan and hypocritical, have risen to positions of some considerable power (albeit within an absurd Labour party) and are so well placed (even requested) to broadcast their poisonous drivel, is both highly depressing and worrying. When a decent chunk of the population think people like Abbott and Thornberry have any place in Politics or any other effectual profession, then alarm bells must start ringing!


I wouldn't give either a mop job! ... and no, that's not a euphemism. 

Labour are quiet famous for cronyism.


And wrecking the ecconomy of course.


The standard of UK  politicians is at best low both morally and in educational terms.


That’s  why when we get Brexit they will suddenly be accountable as even I admit they do blame the EU when they could have stopped it themselves (think uncontrolled immigration!


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16 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

The standard of UK  politicians is at best low both morally and in educational terms.


Agreed, but this wasn't always the case. Where did it go so wrong and how has the country transgressed in this way, so far? Education has a lot to do with it I'd wager.


16 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

 That’s  why when we get Brexit they will suddenly be accountable as even I admit they do blame the EU when they could have stopped it themselves (think uncontrolled immigration!


They could have at least attempted to, how easy that would have been in a customs union/single market with the caveat of uncontrolled movement of people, I don't know. The Labourites never wanted to stop it in the first place though anyhow, they positively endorsed it. Thinking they could have a Labour monopoly on said immigrants' votes, I suppose in London at least they succeeded. Andrew Nether knows all about that. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/6418456/Labour-wanted-mass-immigration-to-make-UK-more-multicultural-says-former-adviser.html


I wouldn't count on Brexit making most of them any more honest or liable for their blunders either, they're career politicians after all, they'll wriggle out of it one way or the other. I hope to be proven wrong on that one, but at least the EU won't dictate or even have a hand in our policy on such things any longer.



Edited by CanterbrigianBangkoker
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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

No, a Gentleman's degree is a first or a third. A 2.1 is a swot's degree. Never hire anyone with a 2.1; they try hard but not brilliant.

I never met a gentlemen who had first class honours!  

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1 hour ago, Patriot1066 said:


1 hour ago, Grouse said:

No, a Gentleman's degree is a first or a third. A 2.1 is a swot's degree. Never hire anyone with a 2.1; they try hard but not brilliant.

I have a first but never actually been asked the rank,



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Not a single car manufacturer is looking forward to Brexit.....now Bentley has joined the queue.......






It underlines the chaos that is going to ensue on UK borders........

Edited by kwilco
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9 minutes ago, kwilco said:

Is this some muddled Brexziteer thinking?

Do you know how many of the 33,551,983 people that voted in the 2016   EU Referendum would have consider what is best for Bentley Cars before ticking one of the boxes

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One in 10 German workers earn below minimum wage

Some 10 percent of German workers earn less than the minimum wage, a new study has found. Opposition politicians and trade unions said the government should be ashamed that the three-year-old law was so poorly enforced.

Some 2.7 million people in Germany – 9.8 percent of the entire workforce – worked for less than the minimum wage in 2016, a new study released on Monday found. The results have drawn outrage from left-wing politicians and trade unions, as well as demands that the wage be better enforced.

Waiters, truck drivers, retail workers, and construction workers are particularly exploited by unscrupulous employers, the study, by the Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI), reported. The WSI is affiliated with Germany's leading Trade Union Confederation (DGB), which represents some 6 million workers.

The researchers said that employers use a variety of tricks to get round the €8.84 ($11) minimum hourly wage: waiters are routinely required to work longer than their contracted hours, truck drivers are not paid for time spent taking breaks, while construction workers are employed on a "fake" freelance basis.


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36 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

Imo as a humble Brit..when the euro came into "being "..it was purposely undervalued by german political influence.
Without exports..germany would be finished.
There is also far far to much german influence in brussels.
They also "suck up " to the big bosses eg..soros..the reps from rothchilds.. citibank..goldman sachs etc etc.
Hopefully..soon more countries will join italy then it will be fun..wonder if germany will pay out poland and greece re the 2nd world war damage???emoji6.png

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Anyway, your assertion that the Euro was undervalued because of German political influence is at complete variance with the facts. Germany actually reduced the incomes of workers to make itself more competitive. The Euro undervaluation only came into play in the wake of the great recession. But I don't expect much interest in facts from a humble anti-semite like yourself with your ridiculous conspiracy allegations.

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26 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

Merkel's conservatives promise full employment by 2025


Not just me then 


Debunking the myth of low German unemployment

Germany's official statistics show unemployment at its lowest level since 1992. But the numbers are misleading, according to labor economist Heinz-Josef Bontrup. Real unemployment is much higher. Here's how it works.

Because the numbers are manipulated. Not by the federal employment agency ["Agentur für Arbeit"] — they only produce and publish the numbers according to the methodology required by law. But over the years politicians have, by means of several laws, changed the definition of "unemployment" such that the official unemployment figures no longer accurately report the real number of unemployed people. The official figures understate the true social costs and concerns of unemployed people in Germany.



They may not have zero hour contracts but I don't know of anyone in the UK that would work for 1 euro per hour


First off, I would amend your quote to be in compliance with the rules here or the mods will delete your post.

Second, this is not relevant to what you claimed earlier:

"Not sure where the Full employment comes from as the article clearly states With the total number of jobless people in this country standing at 2.204 million"

Edited by bristolboy
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