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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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6 hours ago, vogie said:

Most remainers don't even know why they voted remain, except they are worried about the disruption it may have to their holidays in Torremolinos and we have the Brits that have property in the Continent that may be concerned, probably quite rightly, but brexit is not about them. I think that the people that voted remain are more concerned about themselves whereas people that voted leave are more concerned about their country.

And I truly believe that by making derogatory remarks about leavers adds very little to your notion that you are much more superior and indeed more intelligent, it does get a little tedious after a while grouse. Surely even by reading ThaiVisa would quell any notion that the remainers are more intelligent than the leavers.????????

I already quoted the facts.


I am not making derogatory remarks, I am merely quoting statistics.


I am sorry that these truths upset you.


Some newer contributers have not been through all this.


Statistics are not about individuals.

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6 hours ago, vinny41 said:

Thanks I do understand very well who MP's represent it you that clearly doesn't when you suggest mp's should vote with their their conscience 

The UK public elects Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent their interests

As stated in would be interesting if MP's vote with their conscience  to see  a legal case going to the Supreme Court for any vote to be ruled null and vote due to breach of contract 

You continue to labour under the misapprehension that the mob is always correct. I'm sorry but you are beyond help.

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35 minutes ago, nontabury said:

M.P.’s who are after all, or should be servants of the people. Ought to abind by the explicit wishes of those same people who voted them into office.

A prime example would be Caroline Flint M.P who despite voting to remains, is now championing the rights of her constituents, who overwhelmingly voted to exit the hated E.U.

In doing so, she has received many physical threats from undemocratic remoaners. This in addition to now realising what the E.U is actually about, is leading her into questioning her initial vote.


This is the $64,000 question, isn't it - do we elect MPs based on their principles, or go for the ones who are most likely to abandon their principles to improve their chances of being re-elected. Personally, I would vote for someone who I felt was better informed than I, and would authorise them to make decisions on my behalf. Perhaps this explains why nobody I have ever voted for has been elected (save one local councillor who managed to buck the party trend)!


Incidentally, there is no mention of any physical threats against Caroline Flint on the Internet (she mentions physical threats against early suffragettes in one of her speeches) - whoever has been doing it must have friends in high places.


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7 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

Yes the UK will become a third country. The UK-Ireland Common Travel Area has been in place since 1923 and it will continue to operate after the UK leaves the EU, as I have confirmed several times on this thread. Had you ever travelled between UK and Ireland you would be able to answer your own question.


This arrangement applies to UK-Ireland only. Perhaps you know that Ireland is not in Schengen, has no land border with the EU, and is an island to the west of England-Scotland-Wales.

Duh! we are talking post brexit and then there will be a land border! Stick to turning your garden into a allotment.

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Many of the clips and or memes, whatever you want to call them, have been removed. At one time we were likened to Nazis because we chose to leave, do you remember those offensive material? Maybe you have a selective memory, I don't know.
The only term I can think of that you might be on about that would offend, certainly a leaver, was being referred to as a Quitling, in all honesty would that terminology offend you if the shoe was on the other foot? Quite a difference between remoaner and a quitling I think.

Nazi & racist are the two most popular responses when people don’t have a real response.

Or when you disagree with some idiocy it’s because you’re not smart enough to understand it.

“It’s not what they don’t know, it’s what they know that just isn’t so.”
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8 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

Yes the UK will become a third country. The UK-Ireland Common Travel Area has been in place since 1923 and it will continue to operate after the UK leaves the EU, as I have confirmed several times on this thread. Had you ever travelled between UK and Ireland you would be able to answer your own question.


This arrangement applies to UK-Ireland only. Perhaps you know that Ireland is not in Schengen, has no land border with the EU, and is an island to the west of England-Scotland-Wales.

When UK separates itself from the union it has been an essential part for the past 40 years, why anyone would think that 100 year old agreements between countries would still apply Those agreements were done multiple generations ago. 


Now, it's clear to all parties that UK is not willing to support current agreements. Quite like Trump's America. 


When UK choose  to get in this path, it was rather sickening. When UK choose to continue in this path, it was worse. Good luck to UK, being alone in this world. I guess some of the supporters will love the ideology, which describe's their own lives. 

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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

M.P.’s who are after all, or should be servants of the people. Ought to abind by the explicit wishes of those same people who voted them into office.

A prime example would be Caroline Flint M.P who despite voting to remains, is now championing the rights of her constituents, who overwhelmingly voted to exit the hated E.U.

In doing so, she has received many physical threats from undemocratic remoaners. This in addition to now realising what the E.U is actually about, is leading her into questioning her initial vote.


Sadly you still don't understand our system of representative democracy


I'm sorry that you still seem to be an angry man. Relax.

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29 minutes ago, adammike said:

Duh! we are talking post brexit and then there will be a land border! Stick to turning your garden into a allotment.

Your geography seems confused. There will never be a land border between Ireland and the EU unless Ireland leaves the EU and the UK re-enters.


The Common Travel Area pre-dates the EU, and it will post-date the UK's exit from the EU. I have confirmed this at least 5 times on this thread.


For personal travel exactly the same provision will be in force between the UK and Ireland post-Brexit as has existed since 1923 (apart from WWII when it was suspended). This is a fact, which no-one on this forum or any other is confused about except you and Oilinki. I suggest you do some simple research on this before you embarrass yourself further.


In addition to which it's clear that you have never travelled between Ireland and the UK. I wonder if you have ever even visited either.





Edited by My Thai Life
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It does seem as if May's proposed deal will be rejected by all sides of the house and both the remain and the leave camps but it is unclear what happens next.  If that leaves us with no deal then will anyone really put their name to that?


There is the grindingly repetitive chant from the Brexiteers of "We won, you lost, get over it".  The Remainers did lose the vote at the referendum but in reality we all lost.  Brexit would be a win if that was what was being delivered but it isn't. Therefore how can that be a win?


The other chant is "Just get on with it".  And what exactly should they just get on with?  The only "Just get on with it" option at the moment is leave with no deal.  Is that what you voted for?  Or did you vote based on what you believed the Brexit campaigners were promising?


There can only be a winning side if the prize is delivered.  Imagine it was the FA cup final with Leave United beating Remain FC.  After the final whistle the victors proudly climb the steps to be handed the cup from the Prime Minister only to be told there is no cup or winners medals because they had lied about having one to give.   Not much of a win is it.



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6 hours ago, SheungWan said:

'Breach of Contract' :cheesy: Micky Mouse logic from our Hard Brexiteer friends.

It does appear the Remainers on this forum think any legal route is only available to the Remain side any legal route is also available to the Leave side Gina Miller's case was a 1st Doesn't mean there wouldn't be others

If I was you I would Panic 

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It does seem as if May's proposed deal will be rejected by all sides of the house and both the remain and the leave camps but it is unclear what happens next.  If that leaves us with no deal then will anyone really put their name to that?
There is the grindingly repetitive chant from the Brexiteers of "We won, you lost, get over it".  The Remainers did lose the vote at the referendum but in reality we all lost.  Brexit would be a win if that was what was being delivered but it isn't. Therefore how can that be a win?
The other chant is "Just get on with it".  And what exactly should they just get on with?  The only "Just get on with it" option at the moment is leave with no deal.  Is that what you voted for?  Or did you vote based on what you believed the Brexit campaigners were promising?
There can only be a winning side if the prize is delivered.  Imagine it was the FA cup final with Leave United beating Remain FC.  After the final whistle the victors proudly climb the steps to be handed the cup from the Prime Minister only to be told there is no cup or winners medals because they had lied about having one to give.   Not much of a win is it.

Would they not still have won?

The whole game is about getting a trophy and a medal?

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53 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

All I see is that all the reamoners are in panic mode over the thought of such legal action taking place

What on earth are you talking about? What law would you suggest is broken if an MP votes according to his conscience?


I understand what you are getting at but you are wrong. Factually wrong. Not just in my opinion but completely wrong


Please read up on this....

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38 minutes ago, billd766 said:

You mean even more insults than Grouse who I believe holds the record for insulting Leavers on this and many other threads.


Whoever it is will have to go some to beat that.

I don't insult brexiteers individually. Pity would be a better word


However, Brexit is an enormously idiotic idea. If you pigeon hole yourself with that lamentable group, who am I to object? 

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21 minutes ago, Grouse said:

What on earth are you talking about? What law would you suggest is broken if an MP votes according to his conscience?


I understand what you are getting at but you are wrong. Factually wrong. Not just in my opinion but completely wrong


Please read up on this....

Labour MP first to be sued for 'laziness'

A Labour MP has become the first to be sued for negligence by a constituent.

Legal experts say the case, which is being heard at Brentford County Court, is the first of an MP facing action for breaching their "duty of care" to a constituent.

While MPs have no statutory obligation to voters, the Commons code of conduct says they have a "general duty to act in the interests of the nation as a whole and a special duty to their constituents".


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22 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I don't insult brexiteers individually. Pity would be a better word


However, Brexit is an enormously idiotic idea. If you pigeon hole yourself with that lamentable group, who am I to object? 

I place both Grouse and Billd in the same category. Both are thinking people who should not have a need for petty fights, unless they are feeling bored.


Are you folks feeling bored?

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22 minutes ago, vogie said:

"I don't insult brexiteers individually." Looking at it that way, I suppose insulting en masse makes it much more acceptable then. ????????????

You join the clubs you wish! That's freedom!


I am surprised that someone with your intellect would support such a movement without qualification?

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The great thing about the contentious Brexit vote is that Thai visa  posters on all sides of the argument get to jack up their total number of posts .......bit like getting a million hits on You Tube but without the financial  reward .

Keep posting  lads ...........

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