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Reflux 80% better in Canada

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8 hours ago, Dario said:

For me, all the kudos to Omeprazole, that is what my doctor in the government hospital described me, 3 months ago, never had any acid reflux during all that time. I take it in the morning before taking my breakfast. Don't worry about coming back regarding your probelm.

Thank you very much for this info Dario and others who have given advice. I have to do something and soon.


On reading up on this, it advises not to take Omeprazone for longer than a 14 day period. I will visit my local hospital and seek advice on this, now armed with the name; Omeprazone.


Can anyone give approx price of Omeprazone tablets?

Edited by cyberfarang
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Beware excessive use of Proton Pump Inhibitors.  Over 10 years ago I double-dosed for a year, cured my reflux, and incurred significant bone loss.

We didn't know the long term effects back then--so be careful and find out more about all your meds and supplements.

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21 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Good post. Something to think about. I do feel less stressed knowing I'm in the hands of competent doctors in Canada instead of rather poor experience I had in Thai (private) hospitals.


Maybe also the fact the wife is 13,000 km away ?

Is she sending you money for the sick Moose? 

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On 8/12/2018 at 7:10 PM, sirineou said:

I take Omeprazole every day, it was prescribed to me .It has worked miracles for me  , I can eat anything I want  and do not have any incidents while I take it. If I miss it for even one day the condition returns immediately. For me it does not seem to have any side affects.


Sorry, but for me it is beyond stupidity that any doctor can prescribe any medicine to take all your life !

Especially knowing that it won't cure you, but just help you to forget it.

Doctors all around the world are monkeys to use this as a solution.




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On 8/12/2018 at 8:41 PM, rumak said:

could be something stresses you more when you are here in Thailand .   maybe the "change of scenery"

and having different things to do than your thai routine have given you relief.  why not give it more time (in canada) to see if your health remains better.   

Diet is everything (you are what you eat, and all that).....but sometimes you have to experiment with different foods to see what works best.  Goes without saying that in thailand and probably canada too you have to wash all vegies and fruits real well ( soak in vinegar)

And, back to stress :   its what causes most problems with me.  


Vinegar to clean vegs is only in people dream...


Only baking soda breaks pesticides molecules.


Why people still do not use google before talking in 2018 ?!



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11 hours ago, Ombra said:

I have acid reflux and other problems regularly when I eat in restaurants in rural areas. I ask for little salt, no MSG, no fried food, but it doesn't make any difference. In contrast, I can eat in middle-class restaurants without any worries. I wonder what the rural folk do to their food that makes me feel so uncomfortable for days afterwards?


I think you better not know...



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8 hours ago, sghanchey said:

The gastroenterologist I saw at Bangkok BNH Hospital for GIRD recommended 1) less spicy foods (this was in Thailand); 2) eating smaller quantities; 3) eating more slowly; 4) changing from coffee to tea; 5) avoiding fried and oily foods' 6) not eating late dinners, and waiting at least two hours after eating before sleeping. He did an endoscopy first, and saw inflammation, but did not recommend medicines (says they don't treat the cause and have side effects)


At least 1 smart doctor in this country...



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2 hours ago, gaff said:

What is the herbal form 7/11 ?


Airess and it works very well for me, I was able to finally get off PPIS with it.


it's in a section selling herbal remedies, all the 7 11's have it./ You can also buy it online



10 baht per 2 capsule packet. I find 1 twice a day is enough.

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1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

Airess and it works very well for me, I was able to finally get off PPIS with it.


it's in a section selling herbal remedies, all the 7 11's have it./ You can also buy it online



10 baht per 2 capsule packet. I find 1 twice a day is enough.


Thanks, I will check again but never seen it in 7/11.

Can you also find it in Cambodia ?

Should I try this and D Limonene ? (also dont know where to buy it)

Thanks again.



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4 hours ago, gaff said:
12 hours ago, sghanchey said:

The gastroenterologist I saw at Bangkok BNH Hospital for GIRD recommended 1) less spicy foods (this was in Thailand); 2) eating smaller quantities; 3) eating more slowly; 4) changing from coffee to tea; 5) avoiding fried and oily foods' 6) not eating late dinners, and waiting at least two hours after eating before sleeping. He did an endoscopy first, and saw inflammation, but did not recommend medicines (says they don't treat the cause and have side effects)


At least 1 smart doctor in this country...


you  comment on my post about washing with vinegar.  saying why don't i google it first.

n a study published in Food Control, vegetables were soaked in vinegar for 20 minutes and also in a salt and water solution to remove chlorpyrifos, DDT, cypermethrin and chlorothalonil pesticides.

Both methods worked well. The vinegar effectively removed pesticides    OK, THIS IS ONE OF MANY ON THAT SUBJECT FROM GOOGLE.



Edited by rumak
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5 hours ago, gaff said:


Vinegar to clean vegs is only in people dream...


Only baking soda breaks pesticides molecules.


Why people still do not use google before talking in 2018 ?!



why do people still think they know it all...in 2018


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4 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


It doesn't work.

The omeprazole or chilling out? 


My understanding is that it is an acid inhibitor - - and so your issue might be other than acid? Have you had an endoscopy? You should probably get scoped and totally checked out as it could be something serious... 

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31 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

The omeprazole or chilling out? 


My understanding is that it is an acid inhibitor - - and so your issue might be other than acid? Have you had an endoscopy? You should probably get scoped and totally checked out as it could be something serious... 


It doesn't work. It will work for a few days then it will make my stomach / acid actually worse. Scope came out normal except hiatal hernia/h pylori

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Yes, I would have the same - - but only if I stopped taking it.. 


I saw that any ant-acid would make it worse, my stomach producing more acid to compensate... they do say no prolonged usage, but I have been on it for 20 years now... I can drink OJ, eat pineapple... which would not have been remotely possible before... 

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27 minutes ago, rumak said:

ya know...when you say that i had to check  !      looked on google.   sure enough !

ha ha.. thanks for the laugh... I think that part of losing track is that I no longer have to write checks...


add to that the weather being relatively warm all year, I have trouble tracking the months too... a plus for retirement - to live in a timeless world... one of my life goals, a return to the timelessness of youth, the endlessness of summer days... 

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5 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

ha ha.. thanks for the laugh... I think that part of losing track is that I no longer have to write checks...


add to that the weather being relatively warm all year, I have trouble tracking the months too... a plus for retirement - to live in a timeless world... one of my life goals, a return to the timelessness of youth, the endlessness of summer days... 

and remember not to call your wife by an old girlfriend's name.......

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How about another take on things………………


It becomes pretty obvious when reading all of these posts that acid reflux affects many people for different reasons and that different foods can trigger it for some people and not others, whereas stress and other factors can also come into play.


Ever thought that the medical profession doesn’t really know why it happens (they know WHAT happens)? Because if they did, they would find a way to stop it, but all that they and we have come up with is PPIs, some dietary restrictions, surgery, bed lifting and so on!


We all seem to have different things that work, and for me it was omeprazole in the main, followed by d-limonene, with a couple of weeks of an antianxiety/sleeping tablet in the early days to get me off the stress/work/no sleep cycle.


The strange thing is that pantoprazole did not work for me, whereas omeprazole did and the horrendously expensive Nexium was no better than omeprazole – – go figure?


I had a gastroscopy or two in the early days and another three, about two years apart on average. The Barrett’s oesophagus which showed in the early 2004 gastroscopy was gone about six years later in another gastroscopy. During that time I had taken an omeprazole twice daily in the early stages, cutting it down to once daily and then down to 20 mg once daily.


I then stop taking those and if it came back, and it did but not in any great measure or often, I went onto the d-limonene for 20 days and that would stop it for about six months and when it came back again I did the same thing. Thankfully over the past few years I’ve not had to take anything, apart from the occasional one omeprazole or couple of d-limonene capsules, interspersed with the very occasional (1 teaspoon per month, for example) Gaviscon before bed if I have pigged out!


Again in the early days I read up on everything I could with regards to food and other triggers and stayed away from them, but now, apart from red capsicum and milk chocolate which are taboo for me, I can eat almost anything and indeed I do – – Thai food with MSG in it, chillies, olive oil by the spoonful, dark chocolate, the occasional coffee, cream, far too much red wine than is recommended, the occasional beer, and about three cigarettes on average per night with a glass of sticky wine.


Even the surgery is not guaranteed to work, as my pharmacist friend in New Zealand found out and he is very knowledgeable on these things, because of the medical study that these people have to undertake in first world countries.


So in summary, the medical profession are still in the dark as to the causes, so find out what works for you and stick with it, try different things and remedies (if I had not done this I would never have found out about d-limonene – – can be bought on the net) to see what works best and remember that, IMO, stress is a major contributor.


Oh and to try and heed the advice of some on here with regards to not eating late, or pigging out too much, because that seems to be a common contributor.




Edited by xylophone
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Acid reflux is caused by too little acid in the stomach, not by too much. I used to take bicarb if I had an attack on the night, which worked up to a point, only for an hour or so, but was disgusting. I changed to taking a teaspoon of vinegar in a half glass of water: two second burn, then problem gone. Antacids mask and aggravate the problem, they do not cure it.


I think many of you taking drugs and medicines for this problem should consider the following:

1. They do not cure the problem, they paper over the symptoms. The underlying cause is still there.

2. Take off all your clothes and look in the mirror. In all honesty, is what you see healthy and attractive, or are you a fat flabby bastard? If the latter, what are you doing about it? If you carry on and continue to take medicines instead of addressing the underlying problem, which is overconsumption, particularly of sugars and carbohydrates, aggravated by alcohol, smoking, lack lf exercise, etc., you risk not just reflux, but diabetes and its painful consequences, cancers, dementia and Alzheimers.

3. The pharmaceutical industry has a vested interest in keeping you sick. Healthy people are unprofitable.

4. The medical profession applies the lessons they are taught, directly or indirectly, by - you guessed it - the pharaceutical companies. Very few think outside that box, or at all.

5. Governments have a vested interest in letting you die young. Old people are a drain on government resources, especially when they need lots of drugs to keep big pharma happy. This applies more, perhaps, to Western countries than to Asia, with its family traditions of care.

6. Until very recently all dietary advice has been driven by Big Food and Big Pharma, who have financed the research and suppressed results contrary to their financial interests. It os now emerging that some of the best known early researchers deliberately commited fraud by omitting data which was contrary to their pre-conceived theories. The result has been the catastrophic increase in obesity, diabetes, Alzheimers, cancers, etc., etc. - mostly completely avoidable or curable without drugs. 

7. The FDA has recently publicly admitted that most of the doetary advice issued over the last 30 or so years has been completely wrong.


If the cap fits, wear it. To those who are not obese, I applaud your self control and apologise for wasting your time. The rest of you, start googling obesity and diabetes, and food as medicine. A few hours of research and watching youtube lectures will shock you.

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1 minute ago, Grusa said:

cid reflux is caused by too little acid in the stomach, not by too much. I used to take bicarb if I had an attack on the night, which worked up to a point, only for an hour or so, but was disgusting.

Complete hogwash! It's caused by too much acid in the stomach. That's why medication that inhibits the production of stomach acids works. Sodium bicarbonate is an alkali and neutralises the acid.

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11 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Omeprazole is quite cheap.


But it can be very hard to stop once you start it -- you get a rebound effect that can be worse than the original problem.


Also if the problem is reflux it does nothing to stop the reflux -- contrary to what people sometimes say it does NOT stop reflux. It just makes the reflux less uncomfortable, often to the point of not being felt. But it still happens.


things that will actually help stop the reflux are:


1- weight loss (makes a BIG difference...even a small loss will help)


2- stop smoking if you smoke (Big f=difference, nicotine weakens the esophageal sphincter)


2 - avoid eating too much at a time


3- avoid eating within 2-3 hours of lying down


4- elevate head of bed


5- avoid/minimize caffeine intake


6 - avoid medications that cause or worsen GERD if any


7- avoid any foods that trigger it (this is very individual)

I have done all of the above (except 4) and combined it with one Nexium tablet a day and my acid reflux symptoms have gone from ten a week to maybe 1 if I am unlucky . My diet has also changed and by avoiding caffine, chocolate, dairy products,  & red meat it definately helps

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15 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Thank you very much for this info Dario and others who have given advice. I have to do something and soon.


On reading up on this, it advises not to take Omeprazone for longer than a 14 day period. I will visit my local hospital and seek advice on this, now armed with the name; Omeprazone.


Can anyone give approx price of Omeprazone tablets?

Can't give you an exact price, but they are cheap which is why government hospitals will prescribe them, I think price wise they are on a par with Miricid which are about 80 baht for 10 tablets. Nexium which in my opinion is by far the best tablet for this problem is 990 baht for 14 tablets, expensive sure, but to be free from those attacks is wonderful, because nothing else worked for me

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13 hours ago, gaff said:


Vinegar to clean vegs is only in people dream...


Only baking soda breaks pesticides molecules.


Why people still do not use google before talking in 2018 ?!



Baking soda is otherwise known as sodium bicarbonate. It has a pH of 8.35 when used as a 5% solution; i.e. a differential of 1.35 pH from neutral pH of 7. In contrast, vinegar has a pH of 4 - a differential of 3. My money would be on vinegar as having a more effective cleaning action.

Your proposition baking soda would hydrolyse pesticide molecules is ridiculous. One would need a pH of 13 - 14 ( i.e. strong sodium hydroxide ) and heat to achieve that, destroying the vegetables into the bargain.

It's fairly obvious you do not have any scientific background. I'd suggest you treat Google as a sometimes dubious source of information, and think before posting on technical subjects.

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4 hours ago, Spidey said:

Complete hogwash! It's caused by too much acid in the stomach. That's why medication that inhibits the production of stomach acids works. Sodium bicarbonate is an alkali and neutralises the acid.

Sodium bicarbonate is a weak alkali, pH 8.35 @ 5%. There is a tradeoff because when it reacts with stomach acid, carbon dioxide gas is produced and contributes to a feeling of bloat. Relief is short-lived as the bicarbonate moiety is exhausted.

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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

Baking soda is otherwise known as sodium bicarbonate. It has a pH of 8.35 when used as a 5% solution; i.e. a differential of 1.35 pH from neutral pH of 7. In contrast, vinegar has a pH of 4 - a differential of 3. My money would be on vinegar as having a more effective cleaning action.

Your proposition baking soda would hydrolyse pesticide molecules is ridiculous. One would need a pH of 13 - 14 ( i.e. strong sodium hydroxide ) and heat to achieve that, destroying the vegetables into the bargain.

It's fairly obvious you do not have any scientific background. I'd suggest you treat Google as a sometimes dubious source of information, and think before posting on technical subjects.

Thanks for the info, Lacessit.  its obvious that when Gaff comes up against someone that knows something...Google is definitely NOT his friend.  Though I am pretty sure he is on there now trying to formulate his next response.

Best he could do with me is put an emoji up.  

Edited by rumak
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