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Trump calls ex-'Apprentice' star turned White House aide a 'dog'


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11 hours ago, Tailwagsdog said:

If you watch & listen carefully this movie quote potrays Dirty Harry as somebody more concerned with the applicants ability to do the job NOT about an issue with the applicants plumbing.

The whole thing was a dig at positive discrimination which relics like yourself probably wouldn't understand but in a nutshell, how are you supposed to get the 'ability' to do a job if you are always told you don't have the experience? This was a common excuse in discriminating against women (and blacks) back in the good ol' days.

Also, Dirt Harry was obviously wrong because she went on to be one of the best detectives in the world as Cagney.

Or was it Lacey?

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1 hour ago, underlordcthulhu said:

Autists all over the world are screeching now but I don't remember them screeching when he called white people dogs as he has numerous times in the past ?

The only way to explain the screeching is that they either think blacks are inferior or superior to whites because they certainly don't see them as equals based on the double standards.

Do you not just think that The President of The United States shouldn't be calling ANYONE a dog?

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Trump has pretty good taste in women going by  the  quality of women who claim to have slept with him.  I will assume none of them like  'orange man',  its just for the money and public image building.  If Trump says a woman is a 'dog' then he's referring to her ability  &  soundness as a worker not just her looks.

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16 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:




I think Trump was extremely patient with her, but in the end a bad dog always bites the hand that feeds it .  Never forget the story about the turtle and scorpian getting across a river.  As the scorpian said as they were both drowning  : "dont blame me, you knew what I was before you let me get on your back - I am what I am".


Except in this case there are  2 scorpions.

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14 hours ago, attrayant said:
17 hours ago, atyclb said:

some interesting historical perspective taken from a very mainstream and very successful movie before the age of political correctness


Do you mean to tell me that in the 70s it was okay to berate women and minorities, and hurl unvarnished epithets at them without consequences?


per my limited listening comprehension abilities it seems in that movie clip the mayors office woman referred to harry as a neanderthal but that is perfectly ok, not an epithet or insult or unprofessional/unvarnished.


yet when harry included a counter unvarnished wording it is an politically incorrect/ not permitted


although it just a movie the situation depicted is real situation. select a police officer male or female whose experience is limited to administration and make them an inspector is simply dangerous and wrong. any officer man or women should ascend up the ladder the normal way via experience.


imagine giving a non experienced man or women the position of commercial airline copilot because of political quotas. 

Edited by atyclb
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1 hour ago, underlordcthulhu said:

Oh now it's just about calling ANYONE a dog huh? 

Such a typical response after pointing out Leftist hypocrisy.

No, it's about the President of The United States calling people 'dogs'. 

Was this sort of base language ever used by previous POTUS's? No it wasn't because they realised that the office they hold requires a certain amount of decorum and the ability to rise over petty squabbles. Then again they were never as thin skinned as this buffoon.

If you can't understand that then there is little hope for you.

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19 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

The whole thing was a dig at positive discrimination which relics like yourself probably wouldn't understand but in a nutshell, how are you supposed to get the 'ability' to do a job if you are always told you don't have the experience? This was a common excuse in discriminating against women (and blacks) back in the good ol' days.

Also, Dirt Harry was obviously wrong because she went on to be one of the best detectives in the world as Cagney.

Or was it Lacey?

After the first 2 lines which i agree with it then turned into verbal diorrehea, i like a good factual debate not a load of goobledygook & by the way when you personally insult somebody by calling them names you point to your own immaturity and lose the debate.

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On 8/15/2018 at 7:18 AM, ezzra said:

Anyone you have let into your house trusting their loyalty and discrete obligations and than gose and ridicule and shame you deserves to be called many names... 

I suppose you would include the "loyal" staff who tried to assassinate Hitler. 

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2 hours ago, Tailwagsdog said:

After the first 2 lines which i agree with it then turned into verbal diorrehea, i like a good factual debate not a load of goobledygook & by the way when you personally insult somebody by calling them names you point to your own immaturity and lose the debate.

You get called a “relic” and you’re all moral indignation and supercilious outrage; whilst begrudgingly admitting I have a point.

If you agree it’s positive discrimination then the rest has to be agreed as well as it just explains why positive discrimination was introduced. My hurting your fragile sensibilities shouldn’t negate that. 

And may I suggest you grow slightly thicker skin if you’re going to debate on this forum. You are certainly going to need it. 

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On 8/15/2018 at 8:43 AM, spidermike007 said:

If there is anything that is certain about this sorry episode, it is that he DID use the N word, and he uses many words similar to is, to describe people of color. That is just the way he rolls, and who the man is. He absolutely despises people of color. When he says at a rally, "look here is MY African American" it is exactly with the same meaning and intent as someone saying "look here is my slave", 150 years ago. He only hired her as the token black person in the administration. Now, even that is coming back to bite the big dog. Calling her a dog? Cute. Rappers use the term. However rappers are infinitely classier than this joke of a man child. 


Get out now Don. Resign. Get out while you are still ahead. You are going down in flames. Tiny Don. Moving America backwards daily. Tiny Don. I cannot negotiate my way out of a paper bag. Tiny Don. Appointing only the least competent, and re-populating the swamp with people of no talent like Huckabee Sanders, Mnuchin, Ross, Devos, Haley, and Kelly. Guys and gals who bring absolutely nothing to the table daily. Tiny Don. Not serving his nation. Serving only himself daily. Tiny Don. The art of never being able to say no to a lobbyist. Ever. 

What are you going to write about when he is reelected?

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On 8/14/2018 at 4:24 PM, Samui Bodoh said:

"...U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday called former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman a "dog"..."


Funny how he saves his most demeaning, vile, insults for black people. I wonder why that is.



Perhaps ask him.

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N word, schmen word.

"trump" is a racist no matter how you shake it and he owes his political success to pandering to racists.



Of course, Trump has long shown his true colors: refusing to rent to black tenants; his persistent efforts to undermine the legitimacy of America’s first black president by questioning Barack Obama’s citizenship; finding some “fine people” at a neo-Nazi-Klan-white-supremacist rally; denigrating black athletes with “get that son of a bitch off the field”; singling out a black woman as a “lowlife” and a “dog”; branding African and Central American countries as “shitholes.” All evidence of where Trump stands on race.



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Rob Rousseau (@robrousseau)

8/19/18, 9:59 PM

it's hard to understate how much both the Fox News organization & audience would have collectively jizzed themselves if a fired white house staffer had secretly recorded Obama talking about "crackers" even if it was just in reference to a snack he was having

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It's interesting how when defending a person, the use of the phrase

" woman of colour " is respectable and even welcomed. 

And yet when criticising someone, the use of the phrase "she is a woman of color "  would be construed as racist. 

There is an interesting story here about trump and Amarosa, but why pull the race card and turn the story into a battle of the races just because there is a white man and a black woman involved. 

Amarosa, could outwit and outthink most people on this planet. She should stay away from the race card. 

Wouldn't surprise me at all if she was president one day. 

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" There is an interesting story here about trump and Amarosa, but why pull the race card and turn the story into a battle of the races just because there is a white man and a black woman involved. "

The race card is played because he is a racist.



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It would very much surprise me if Omarosa was president someday.

Her race is extremely relevant to this story for so many reasons.

For example her white house job was as a liason to the black community that overwhelmingly and wisely opposes the "trump" regime.

That she was seen as a token black person at the white house to give cover to a president that is seen by about half the country as personally racist and who has objectively exploited white fear and resentment in his base for political gain.

The news here is that she is now coming clean herself in how she allowed herself to be used in that way.

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