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Thailand - Not for me

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I read a little bit and then gave up as ????

  First off...it is my experience ( after 18 yrs. living here) the property prices are dropping, not going up.

  Secondly, if there is no one over 30 living near you (rather unlightly, methinks) and it was upsetting you then You should have moved ..or did you expect all them to move for you.

  Thirdly, I read many stories like this and constantly wonder why the author assumes people are interested?

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7 hours ago, Nyezhov said:
7 hours ago, Naam said:

you can easily get a Panama retirement visa irrespective of your age.

But who wants to live in Panama? Talk about third world......

right you are. we checked it out and left after 2 weeks.

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7 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

I read a little bit and then gave up as ????

  First off...it is my experience ( after 18 yrs. living here) the property prices are dropping, not going up.

  Secondly, if there is no one over 30 living near you (rather unlightly, methinks) and it was upsetting you then You should have moved ..or did you expect all them to move for you.

  Thirdly, I read many stories like this and constantly wonder why the author assumes people are interested?


Please, it's auteur

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26 minutes ago, Naam said:

we implemented your "revolutionary" :smile: idea for nearly 15 years. Florida > Germany > travelling. but there comes a time when the gypsy lifestyle becomes a bother and you want to settle comfortably without looking at the calendar that says "book flights and go through a checklist with two dozen points to prepare for several months absence."

For god's sake Naam. You must be carrying the burden of being a major shareholder of multiple enterprises in Germany.


I have it easier. I just drop off the key to my house at my neighbor. Not forgetting to mention that I expect everything to be "untouched" upon my return. Him knowing, that I have excellent connections to the Thai-Mafia operating in Europe.

Very unburocratic really. 555

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18 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


Please, it's auteur

threads like this are extremely "helpful" IMO...good to hear stories from both sides of the fence on the Thailand experience (and even from those sitting on the fence...a bit like moi!). In fact, close reading of especially pertinent TVF threads should be mandatory for newbie/wannabe expats + a written exam...maybe reduce the number of Pattaya balcony flyers and some of the other tragic farang finales to life in the LoS?


So much wonderful collected wisdom I have gleaned from these threads and which have helped. Three of my favourites: [or versions of...]

1. Don't let the little head do the thinking for you 

2. Don't be worth more dead than alive to your Thai wife/family

3. Why DO you think she puts up with your drinking? Keep 'em drunk 'n' dumb...easier to manipulate that way lol

cheers, TM

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21 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

You mean whinge and complain? For what purpose? Why do folks whinge and complain about Thailand anyway? Nobody forces folks to go there or live there.....


I like Toronto, lived there off and on ....like Thailand it has its pros and cons..


1. The weather blows

2. The traffic sucks.

3. Its politically like San Francisco, but I dont think Canadian folks poop on the streets, do they?

4. The Maple Leafs are shee it.

5. The Canadian Ballet was wonderful, but no take out.



Seriously, like the traffic in in Bangkok and the the monsoon rains/floods don't suck?

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21 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Thailand is not for everyone. I do agree that by living here, we are giving up some things. For me, the culture part of the equation is a sacrifice. I would love to be able to have access to great live jazz, stand up comedy, the ballet, art museums, and other such luxuries. I definitely do not have them here, with the exception of MOMA in Bangkok, which is outstanding, but there are only so many times I can visit! 


However, some of us enjoy a very good life here. On my relatively modest income and savings, I live a whole lot better here, than I would in the US. I like most of the people here, and find most to be far more pleasant, light hearted, fun, helpful, and kind, than the average American I run into back there. I also like the food here, though I miss the sheer variety back there, and the ease of travel within the region. There are alot of other aspects of life here I enjoy. Granted, I have a wonderful wife, who is delightful to be around on a daily basis, and that is after many years of being together. Granted, we could live in the US. But we would both be bored to tears there, very quickly. As I said, Thailand it is not for everyone. You have to be able to overlook alot of nonsense here. And you have to be light hearted, and not take things too seriously. And be very adaptable. 


Though I do enjoy the cleanliness back in the states, much of the rest of the lifestyle leaves me cold. Just take the malls for example. Here, the malls are downright entertaining. I can spend hours at Siam, or Central in Bangkok, and just admire the gorgeous gals, the selection of foods, and the vibrant life within them. In the US the malls are dull, fabulously uninteresting, lifeless, devoid of flavor, sterile, and have horrendous food, overpriced cinemas, and alot of really unattractive people. Not much bird watching!


The sheer predictability of every day life back there is mind numbing for me. And the cost of living is staggering, these days. Whoever says inflation is low in the US, is lying through their teeth!  


I hope and I pray I never have to live in the US again. In my opinion the quality of life is dropping by the day. I love it here and hope to spend my dying days here. 

Didn't you just post recently if you were wealthy you would spend a couple of months in the USA and half the time in Spain?


Compare Siam Mall to the same caliber of mall in the USA, which there are many that are much better.


PS the cost of living is not staggering anywhere if you have an advanced education and/or have a skill where you can afford to live there.


I don't find the cost of living in Florida even remotely staggering with what I earn. Quite the opposite.

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36 minutes ago, swissie said:

For god's sake Naam. You must be carrying the burden of being a major shareholder of multiple enterprises in Germany.


I have it easier. I just drop off the key to my house at my neighbor. Not forgetting to mention that I expect everything to be "untouched" upon my return. Him knowing, that I have excellent connections to the Thai-Mafia operating in Europe.

Very unburocratic really. 555

obviously you don't have pets, you don't have any staff and most probably you are 25 years younger me. one can't leave a house in central Europe unprepared for the winter months when there's a possibility of -25ºC temp and one can't leave a house in Florida stuffed with antique furniture and works of art "un"airconditioned in summer. you don't leave a house for several months without cancelling the newspaper, switching off the water mains, leaving the pool unattended, informing your insurance to add a premium and informing the monitoring service because the home is not lived in, and... and... and...


i wish i were a young man age 60-65 again :ermm:

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7 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

why because they are checking on foreigners? their country, their rules, the definition of police state depends on what your politics are.


I could call the EU nations Police States quite convincingly.

I would call the EU failed states.

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25 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

Didn't you just post recently if you were wealthy you would spend a couple of months in the USA and half the time in Spain?


Compare Siam Mall to the same caliber of mall in the USA, which there are many that are much better.


PS the cost of living is not staggering anywhere if you have an advanced education and/or have a skill where you can afford to live there.


I don't find the cost of living in Florida even remotely staggering with what I earn. Quite the opposite.

12,500 Dollars Florida property taxes plus 8,800 Dollars home insurance including hurricane cover equals to 58,000 Baht a month, i.e. an amount many expats don't have as disposable income.

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18 minutes ago, Naam said:

12,500 Dollars Florida property taxes plus 8,800 Dollars home insurance including hurricane cover equals to 58,000 Baht a month, i.e. an amount many expats don't have as disposable income.

$12,500 dollars Florida property tax if you own a house that is worth over US $1,000,000.


$450,000 house the property tax is around $4,000 in gated community. 


PS My home insurance is $1800 so once again $8,800 dollars you must be in a million + home

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20 minutes ago, giddyup said:

People just like to whinge. The pluses of living in Thailand must far outweigh any negatives like visa problems otherwise why bother?

The pluses of living in Thailand?


If you can earn a high salary and can live anywhere, what plus exactly would Thailand have?


Read my other post.

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23 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

 I bet 99% of you nut-grabbers if offered US $1,000,000 in cash would move in a heartbeat; so don't kid yourself to much that Thailand is a Utopia.

 Make it 100 mil and I'll move to Lake Como, or the French Riviera. Kind of an irrelevant point though.

Edited by giddyup
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In my very humble opinion, I don't think 'theguyfromanotherforum' should have posted that. We all have our reasons for staying in Thailand and those who eventually leave have their reasons too. There is no 'standard model' on what and what not, to do. Toleration limits vary, likes and dislikes vary...the list is almost endless. I've had many a problem in Thailand but I still want to stay but then I don't drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, am not a night club person, so there are many things I have not done or seen. I train and teach martial arts and have many friends here; I can study other subjects too with virtually a free mind. But then these are not what other expats want to do. I have enjoyed (and hope to continue to enjoy) the many experiences I have here. We are individuals and as long as we are true to ourselves then that's more than half the battle won.

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7 hours ago, Gudge said:

The video in post # 80 is very true. I am a Canadian and have been spending 6 months in Thailand and 6 months in Canada for many years but am now starting to consider staying in Thailand permanently. I love Canada but since Jihad Justine Trudope was elected he is finishing what Pierre Trudeau started, destroying Canada. He is giving away Billions of dollars to countries that want to kill us, welcoming illegal economic refugee border crossers with open arms giving them free housing, medical, money and destroying anything that points out our past. All he has done since elected is dance in every gay pride parade, openly invite refugees into Canada for the free benifets while denying any increase in benifets to veterans or seniors that built this country and trying to turn Canada into another Muslim caliphate and impliment Sharia law which is funny because they throw people of his persuasion off rooftops. If one of our neglected vets don't take him out or he gets re-elected then as I love Canada sad to say I think I will have to stay in Thailand as I don't wish to live in Canastan

555. What an ignorant rant...


You forgot the "r" in your avatar name.

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7 hours ago, swissie said:

I ONLY COME HERE FOR THE GIRLS. Of course, this makes me a male chauvinist pig.
Thankfully, I will soon be able to make amends, by giving liberal donations to the local temples.

I donate mostly to single mothers. With monks and temples you never know where all that money ends up.

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10 hours ago, Naam said:

compared to Thailand my "Vaterland" Germany is a high security prison where you pay an arm and a leg of taxes if you opt to be a prisoner. i lived and worked in half a dozen countries but in none of them i enjoyed the freedom i enjoy here in Thailand.

My sentiments exactly did some work time abroad but mostly my home country England I was planning my escape at 55 and managed 57 retirement in England could never of offered the freedom or comfort of Thailand.

No doubt there are people from other countries or living in other countries that think it's better so why come to Thailand.

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1 hour ago, Naam said:

12,500 Dollars Florida property taxes plus 8,800 Dollars home insurance including hurricane cover equals to 58,000 Baht a month, i.e. an amount many expats don't have as disposable income.


Thank you. You have to be making stupid money, to be comfortable in the US these days. 

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