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Foreigners driving cars around town with their driver’s side window down


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3 minutes ago, fxe1200 said:


A common cause for accidents in Thailand, is the fact that people in the car do not know the use of an aircon, and keep the switch in the position as shown, therefore getting tired or even fall asleep behind the wheel due to the lack of oxygen.


Yep, possible CO2 build up....

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The fact that some idiot has called all foreigners driving around with their drivers window down, shows a complete lack of driving skills , possibly obtained in the Middle East.


Drivers if taught correctly and it is NOT raining are advised by the Advanced Driver trainers, to lower the window down in built up areas, as they can then hear better , as well as reminding them that they are normally in a an area with many people. having ther Air con on or / and radio can and does drown out many external noises which could warn you of dangers.


Here I appreciate that in the HOT season , often it is seen as being silly but to each their own. before people tell others off for doing what they think is dangerous, they should operate their little grey cells and think . DSoimething here I do not expect from many locals but most Foreigners ( especially from Europe ) do actually know how to drive !!  

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21 hours ago, rickjza said:

I mentioned nothing about smoking.


I hope for your sake you wind the window up when the cigarette is finished,


I wouldn’t like to see you unnecessarily fined or have an unneeded accident because a Thai is looking for a quick buck.

Well you make a very disparagig and poor statement about having the side window down. In Thailand there is no law regarding the depth of sunscreen shading on the drivers windscreen and side windows so the driver is completely invisable from outside the vehicle. In most western countries part of the reason for not having the apalling road toll record is that the driver can be seen and many drivers can signal their intentions to others, both drivers and pedestrians.

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You must be a very boring person to post something like this.how about you just look after yourself and not worry what other people do.i see many Thai’s with their arm out the window and i also see pick up’s loaded with people in the back with no sea belts,Do you think I give a xxxx what other people do!Get a life!

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21 minutes ago, fxe1200 said:


A common cause for accidents in Thailand, is the fact that people in the car do not know the use of an aircon, and keep the switch in the position as shown, therefore getting tired or even fall asleep behind the wheel due to the lack of oxygen.



German cars and maybe any decent car turns this off automatically for you after 10 mns...



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21 hours ago, rickjza said:

I mentioned nothing about smoking.


I hope for your sake you wind the window up when the cigarette is finished,


I wouldn’t like to see you unnecessarily fined or have an unneeded accident because a Thai is looking for a quick buck.

So chum, how about when I am on my motorcycle? Do I apparently look more Thai?

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but... has anyone actually ever been pulled up for the window down?


at a checkpoint, the winding down the window thing for the BIB probably gives the BIB an ego boosty the falang had to bro=ig something of his down to the BIB's level



I seem to recall decades ago - a concept brought up somewhere that on cheaper build cars, the wound-up windows all around, gives the cheap monocoque body it's fullest build integrity in case of a roll over... 

that the windows themselves perform as a percental of the very integrity of build.




even now for example, try jacking up just one of your car's wheel

do it twice... one time windows up; one time windows down!


with window(s) down, a cheaper body twists and groans under the stress

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22 hours ago, rickjza said:

I don’t understand why foreigners drive around town with their driver’s side window down and their arm hanging out over the door.

By doing so you are putting a target on yourself.

I’ve been driving here since 2002 and I feel this is an accident waiting to happen.


Are these people showing off? Why draw the attention, Thais know they have right of way every time, the police will pay more attention to you.

Grow up people, leave the windows up.

A load of old hogwash, grizzly old man

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8 pages in and the OP hasn’t responded to anyone. Either Troll or he’s still sleeping off the hangover. Note to poster, have someone proofread your post or take a breathalyser test before hitting send ? ? 

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9 minutes ago, geoff65 said:

My thoughts as well.May be attach side windows on them.


well, it 'might' help...

Image result for slipstream trike

 but suspect I'd be well cooked long beforehand...

Image result for slipstream trike

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22 hours ago, faraday said:

Yea, I do it also, so that when I see a pretty lady, I can shout out:


"Alright love, fancy a bit of slap & tickle?"


Never fails.


Try it sometime.



ditto...like Normie says in 'The Newcastle Song'...don't ever let a chance go by.

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22 hours ago, rickjza said:

I mentioned nothing about smoking.


I hope for your sake you wind the window up when the cigarette is finished,


I wouldn’t like to see you unnecessarily fined or have an unneeded accident because a Thai is looking for a quick buck.


22 hours ago, rickjza said:

I don’t understand why foreigners drive around town with their driver’s side window down and their arm hanging out over the door.

By doing so you are putting a target on yourself.

I’ve been driving here since 2002 and I feel this is an accident waiting to happen.


Are these people showing off? Why draw the attention, Thais know they have right of way every time, the police will pay more attention to you.

Grow up people, leave the windows up.

OP is a bit weird.

Perhaps needs to see a doctor about unusual thoughts and high levels of paranoia.

Or to get a life.

Lived, driven and ridden here for 15 years now. I can't remember the last time I had to pay cops for anything.

Oh, and I use the aircon in a car as little as possible, so the windows are DOWN. Elbow often out.

Unless travelling fast on a motorway (ear ache) or the missus and kids are in the car (Thais like aircon).

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1 hour ago, fxe1200 said:


A common cause for accidents in Thailand, is the fact that people in the car do not know the use of an aircon, and keep the switch in the position as shown, therefore getting tired or even fall asleep behind the wheel due to the lack of oxygen.


Complete BS 

the O2 level would have to drop by 7% for that to happen and the car companies would have enormous liability. The same as the CO2 levels

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I always have my window open starting after getting up,
after breakfast for sure, that goes without saying,
many other people follow my lead after lunch,
and I get even more followers by the end of the day.
Police are always smiling and happy to talk with us..

So, what is OP on about ?

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1 hour ago, Stupooey said:

On a slightly different tack, why to people who play loud (usually bad) music in cars invariably have the windows open? Do they not realise that it would sound louder to them if they left them closed?

universal problem,
people like to show off success.
Some people have a 747, others go in "Politics",
some get a new car, a new business, or use a Bentley for the Body Guards.


And when the only achievement in life is a cranked up stereo,
one rolls down the window, wears fake RayBan's,
and gets many are-u-daft-or-what looks.


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