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Trump hits CNN and NBC, urges 'look at their license'- tweet


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9 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

We'll have to wait and see.

Let's put it this way, If in fact CNN or NBC was lying to the public and that's a crime, then Donald Trump beats them on that score by a few powers of ten. Maybe he'll end up sharing a cell with some news executives?

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13 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

Open your eyes. Connect the dots. It's quite easy. But for that you might have to leave your comfort zone.

Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

Ooh. Ooh. I know this one. 

Is it Colonal Mustard in the kitchen with a candlestick?


The Yeti playing chess with the Loch Ness monster? 


Ok wait. Give me a minute. 

Is it Aliens struggling to “take me to a leader”?

ok. I give up. Illuminate us all with your wisdom oh great one. 

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1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

The relevant ones.


1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

No, it would be an investigation to see if laws were being broken. 

If you can't identify what law has been broken, why don't you identify the reporting that you think might be illegal?

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1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

We'll have to wait and see.


We'll be waiting for a long time.  Trump is the aggrieved party and has the DOJ at his disposal.  Why then, do you suppose no such investigations have been (or ever will be) forthcoming?


It's just like Trump's "wait and see" answers when he has no idea what else to say.  Months go by and... nothing.

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9 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Is it too much to ask that he at least get through the First Amendment? 


Is there a cartoon version of our Constitution which might help him?


Woodward's new book on the Trump presidency has some around Trump referring to him as having the intellect and disposition of a 5th or 6th grader.  That I believe. Perhaps a cartoon version of the Constitution would indeed be helpful.   :bah:

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2 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

No, it would be an investigation to see if laws were being broken. 

Would removing the right of freedom of speech from the press be a breach of the First Amendment? Would this be a law broken?


Does it carry goal time?

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12 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

About time, time for a serious investigation into the MSM collaborators and propagandists.


What they'll find is professional journalists who believe that the Russian's have successfully placed an exploitable "asset" in the White House ... and they'd be right.


The witch hunt seems to be coming up with a large number of witches ... even Trump's former lawyer believes that if he's interviewed by Mueller he'll lie his way into an orange jumpsuit ... at least it'll go with his orange complexion. 

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16 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Nothing that any of the "legacy" media have said or done is MORE fake than the lying, adultering, justice obstructing, Russia colluding man-child posing as U.S. president. Not even close by a country mile.


You're complaining about news media grains of rice compared to the boulder rolling down the hill that's trying to kill traditional American democracy.


I'm sorry to hear you feel that way.

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37 minutes ago, underlordcthulhu said:

As time goes on and TDS worsens I'm starting to realize that the legacy media is faker than WWE wrestling. And that's no easy feat!


The derangement is within your self ... Donald Trump is a serial liar and the most corrupt man ever to hold the Presidency. He's an asset of the Russian state, owned, bought and paid for ... roll on Mueller.

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As an outsider looking in and following the Trump presidency, my opinion is that CNN should back off a bit and attack hard when there is a major issue. Otherwise going hard at it all the time will make it hard for viewers to know what's important or not.

Not recognising any positive actions by Trump also goes against them. Dummy spitting is just supporting Trump more.

Maybe CNN should start supporting for more American success such as promoting a new president candidate that has certain policies to help Americans.





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11 hours ago, ReMarKable said:

Trump speaks at a fourth grade level (fantastic, great, impressive seem to be used in most situations when referring to trump properties, fake news when referring to news that implicates him in criminal activity). He is already considered the worst president in USA history.  He doesn't read, but gets all his information from Fox news, a news station that lies as much as him.  To "clean the swamp"  he should step down.  But, he doesn't have the integrity to do that.  The 40% of American who support him must not be readers as well.  But, the university he graduated from does not support him.  Shortly before the Republican National Convention in 2016, nearly 4,000 Wharton students, graduates, and relatives signed a petition telling Trump, “You do not represent us.”

I think you have just insulted many 4th grade children who have far higher intelligence than the fool in question....

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30 minutes ago, heybruce said:

I have read many, many posts by people claiming that legitimate news organizations are guilty of all kinds of evil, but I have yet to read a post by one of these people giving a specific example of evil reporting.  I wonder why.

Let's start with the latest lie coming from CNN's Jeffrey Toobin claiming that Antifa is a black organization. Everyone and their mama knows antifa is whiter than snow.

I can't speak for everyone else but maybe the reason why you don't see these comments on bogus stories from the same legacy media is because they get deleted when we do? That's been my experience at least when I've exposed their lies.

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1 hour ago, underlordcthulhu said:

Lol after seeing the other side absolutely freak the ef out, throw temper tantrums, riot, destroy private property, shut down our events, physically assaulting people for wearing a hat, publicly displaying uncontrollable emotional outbursts that would embarrass an insane asylum patient it's more than safe to say you are the deranged ones ? 


Seriously, that's your evidence? After Charlottesville? 


You either don't know anything about Trump and believe everything that he says or you know what he is and approve of it ... sad!

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52 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Jeffrey Toobin is a legal analyst, not a journalist.  His opinions are not news.  And his views and misconceptions of Antifa are hardly consequential.


So you started with something weak.  Got anything of substance?  Anything that compares to the BS on Fox News that convinced Trump that South African farmers are having their land seized and being murdered, or that Obama wiretapped himf?

His view went unchallenged by the supposed journalists.

You fail.

It was up to alternative media, for the millionth time to call him out on his laughable bs.

Edited by underlordcthulhu
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