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Video: Beg-packing or just hitching? Foreigners with "no money" spark debate


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2 hours ago, sydneyjed said:

Copped two young backpackers with a similar cardboard sign begging for money in between Sofitel and Bush Garden on Sukhumvit the week before last..Probably pissed all their money away and trying their luck.Not really the country to be down and out and destitute in and totally irresponsible!


Yup... thats Begging... (what people are now terming 'beg-packer' perhaps)... Quite different from Hitching a ride....  but there are a handful of posters on this thread too eager to display their bitter sentiment to recognise this.... 

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18 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

40 years ago in England, I met a girl on a blind date. She invited me back to her place, and I thought, this is my lucky night.


But no, at 1.30 in the morning she told me to leave. Back then there were no mobile phones and I did not have my own transport. Being 20 miles from my lodgings, having missed the last bus and trains, I was stranded. On top of that it was cold and started to rain. Hailed a taxi, but the driver said it was his last shift and refused to take me for long distance. Out of desperation, tried hitch hiking but no one would stop. Eventually walked to a police station, explained my situation and they let me sleep in a cell all night. Arrived back to my digs early morning too done in to go to work.


That was the first and last time I tried hitch hiking and probably in my case was justifiable. And BTW, I didn`t bother seeing that girl again. Regarding those poncing beg packers, wouldn`t give them the time of day.

you left me in suspense, did you get any prior to 1:30 ?

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9 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:
18 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

40 years ago in England, I met a girl on a blind date. She invited me back to her place, and I thought, this is my lucky night.


But no, at 1.30 in the morning she told me to leave. Back then there were no mobile phones and I did not have my own transport. Being 20 miles from my lodgings, having missed the last bus and trains, I was stranded. On top of that it was cold and started to rain. Hailed a taxi, but the driver said it was his last shift and refused to take me for long distance. Out of desperation, tried hitch hiking but no one would stop. Eventually walked to a police station, explained my situation and they let me sleep in a cell all night. Arrived back to my digs early morning too done in to go to work.


That was the first and last time I tried hitch hiking and probably in my case was justifiable. And BTW, I didn`t bother seeing that girl again. Regarding those poncing beg packers, wouldn`t give them the time of day.

you left me in suspense, did you get any prior to 1:30 ?

And since?

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22 hours ago, retoohs said:
On 9/12/2018 at 5:23 PM, atyclb said:

perhaps he has to be frugal after not being able to use the 800, 000 baht he put in a thai bank?

why would he lose his money? Has something changed with the banking?



the inference was about maintaining the 800,000 baht in a thai bank as a requirement for some visa's

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19 hours ago, HHTel said:

After 5 mins on Google, it's apparently true.  However, in practice drivers don't stop unless you show some willingness to pay 'something'.

Cash ,grass or ass,nobody rides for free.

I used to have that sticker on my truck when i was a kid.


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On 9/12/2018 at 2:54 PM, phantomfiddler said:

Jeez, what,s wrong with a bit of hitch hiking ? We have all done it so let,s not be hypocritical ? 

I think the problem is that most of the sad old frats on here have never done anything like that so they must automatically hate something that they do not understand.

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Nobody would say something if it was in deep Isaan or Mae Hong Son area and it would be perfect possible. But right out of downtown Bangkok to Kanchanaburi where every 15 minutes goes a bus for a few Baht it's out of my mind. And then able to party on a house boat there for several nights. Simply morons.

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On 9/12/2018 at 3:47 AM, worgeordie said:

People complain about anything now,in the 60's and 70's

I hitchhiked quite a lot, and nobody seen it as doing 

anything wrong, bit more dangerous in this day and age

but,things were simpler then.

regards Worgeordie

I hitch hiked all over Europe from the age of 16 onwards. It was considered normal . Years later in Libya I hitch hiked..giving lifts was considerd the norm. I even hitch hicked in Saudi Arabia frequently.  I'm not sure about Thailand though where the notion of

' Bohemian, Jack Kerouac On The Road ' vibe does not exist. Just poor low class trash white behaving inexplicably...but hitching is not begging...it can be noble.


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4 hours ago, Throatwobbler said:

This site is the most negative site in the world. Most posters on here are sad old people who hate everything about the country they live in. This is why the number of users on this site is going down day by day. This website has been allowed to turn from what was once a very useful site into what it is now.. In a couple of more years you may as well have a Thaivisa meeting at a funeral as the last couple of users will be saying goodbye to one of their last friends.

What is your positive, informed contribution?

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5 hours ago, Throatwobbler said:

This site is the most negative site in the world. Most posters on here are sad old people who hate everything about the country they live in. This is why the number of users on this site is going down day by day. This website has been allowed to turn from what was once a very useful site into what it is now.. In a couple of more years you may as well have a Thaivisa meeting at a funeral as the last couple of users will be saying goodbye to one of their last friends.

I agree with everything you wrote apart from the last sentence about them having friends.

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Thai Immigration could help put a damper on this simply by demanding tourists entering the Kingdom show a minimum amount of money per day in cash. $100/day for example. You want a 30 day visa? Show me $3000 cash. Traveler's cheques will suffice as well. Bhutan does it. They don't get a lot of tourists but they do get quality ones.


Of course, this would probably eliminate a ton of tourists from the LOS. Of course, they'd all pretty much be the type of tourists who don't spend anything anyway.


There no proof this guy is a begpacker. People I personally find deplorable lowlife scum by the way. He could simply be  hitch-hiking, an activity that took my generation from coast to coast back in Worgeordie's day!

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8 hours ago, Throatwobbler said:

Then you have missed out on a lot of great experiences which explains why you are such a miserable old man.

I've also missed on the great experiences of living out rough on the streets and getting handouts from governments. To use the old quote, I'll rather cry in a jaguar than a bus.

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1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

I've also missed on the great experiences of living out rough on the streets and getting handouts from governments. To use the old quote, I'll rather cry in a jaguar than a bus.

If you're stuck in a Jaguar you'll be doing a lot of crying, broken down at the side of the road.

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Just in the morning around 8 am today I saw a late 20 yr old scruffy looking white guy who was hitch hiking in Chiang Mai. He was holding up a piece of paper written in Thai to cars for ride on Chang Puak rd. So probably trying to go the Pai as he had a tie dye and hair in pony tail with back pack ..


Is this becoming a norm? Must have been mentioned some where in some ones travels and many are doing the same. 


Funny thing is it was 3 minutes walk to the bus station and the van service that goes up north that way. Didn't look like a money thing, but who knows as it was a bit cringe worthy deal to see. Sorry no photo, I was on my way doing something and it was morning traffic.

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14 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

Just in the morning around 8 am today I saw a late 20 yr old scruffy looking white guy who was hitch hiking in Chiang Mai. He was holding up a piece of paper written in Thai to cars for ride on Chang Puak rd. So probably trying to go the Pai as he had a tie dye and hair in pony tail with back pack ..


Is this becoming a norm? Must have been mentioned some where in some ones travels and many are doing the same. 


Funny thing is it was 3 minutes walk to the bus station and the van service that goes up north that way. Didn't look like a money thing, but who knows as it was a bit cringe worthy deal to see. Sorry no photo, I was on my way doing something and it was morning traffic.

I see similar on almost a daily basis when traveling between Mae Rim and Chiang Mai, usually, it's westerners heading out to Pai - there are however long term posters on TVF who claim such a sight is never seen so thanks for reporting this.

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Nothing wrong with hitch-hiking or living on a budget. Hitching
a ride is probably as old as human migration. Living on a budget,
who isn't?

Hitch-hiked back in the 70' for nearly 9 years, all around SE-Asia.
Never had a clue where I went and been to places I never would
have expected to go to. Meet and stayed with people I wouldn't
have expected to stay with, from all different social classes.

Been invited to weddings, funerals and parties. Learned to
speak Thai, got very close insight in Thai culture and eventually
settled here.

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14 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

I see similar on almost a daily basis when traveling between Mae Rim and Chiang Mai, usually, it's westerners heading out to Pai - there are however long term posters on TVF who claim such a sight is never seen so thanks for reporting this.

Well I can confirm this one today and there have been a few in the past for up here. But if you say almost everyday then it is something to do with a fad. Heck of an experience of in the trench.

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15 minutes ago, JoeLing said:

Nothing wrong with hitch-hiking or living on a budget. Hitching
a ride is probably as old as human migration. Living on a budget,
who isn't?

Hitch-hiked back in the 70' for nearly 9 years, all around SE-Asia.
Never had a clue where I went and been to places I never would
have expected to go to. Meet and stayed with people I wouldn't
have expected to stay with, from all different social classes.

Been invited to weddings, funerals and parties. Learned to
speak Thai, got very close insight in Thai culture and eventually
settled here.

I have asked and offered and gave money for people with trucks and cars to take me somewhere as getting a lift (not a tour), but not hitchhiking. I normally travel on el-biko as is a great down to earth stop anywhere you want thing. No, nothing wrong with it, it is just odd for here. 

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11 hours ago, Throatwobbler said:

This site is the most negative site in the world. Most posters on here are sad old people who hate everything about the country they live in. This is why the number of users on this site is going down day by day. This website has been allowed to turn from what was once a very useful site into what it is now.. In a couple of more years you may as well have a Thaivisa meeting at a funeral as the last couple of users will be saying goodbye to one of their last friends.

Well, there are some pretty Happy Old Folks here too
and be critical of the place they live in, doesn't mean they hate it.
Although you're right, they might just not post too often. ?

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