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Big Joke to fly to England to interview teen who claimed rape on Koh Tao


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15 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

WRONG. A female victim of sexual assault or rape may request to be interviewed by a female officer, but the police are under no legal obligations to do so.

So what will happen in a few years when there are no female police left ?

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1 hour ago, Crash999 said:

This is Thailand. How many times have you heard of a new policy or something else declared with fanfare only to be completely walked back later. If Big Joke finds what he calls new evidence then he most certainly will do what he wants with it, and no one will dare question the reversal. 

I would.

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9 hours ago, cass74 said:

 CCTV not working or there maybe would have been more evidence


There is the t shirt, her friends cooberating account, her injuries (cuts etc) which  should have witnesses and maybe photographs 

there is her account, I think it’s fair to not presume she’s lying and listen to her account fairly 

there is previous allegations against the same person which the victim isn’t going to have been aware of 


the % of false rape allegations is low and I’ve not heard a valid reason yet for one in this case 


She tried to report as soon as she felt safe to do so 

Some rape victims don’t come forward for years 

"CCTV not working or there maybe would have been more evidence"

The CCTV was working, but, as is normal practice, it is recorded over after a period of time and this "rape" allegedly happened three months ago.


"There is the t shirt, her friends cooberating account, her injuries (cuts etc) which  should have witnesses and maybe photographs"

How is the t-shirt evidence?  Evidence of what?  Has it been given to the police for examination and results determined.  How exactly does a t-shirt confirm a rape story?

Her friends were not there and have not corroborated her account of the alleged rape!   That is apart from Martin who took the drunk, drowsy girl to the beach and left her there unconscious.  It is safe to assume that as she describes their sitting on the beach together and she was alone when she woke up.

What injuries, where have they been documented or even mentioned?


"there is her account, I think it’s fair to not presume she’s lying"

Why is it fair to presume that? Based on what?  This girl has not yet even officially reported the allegation to the RTP, neither has she been interviewed by the police. Her story does not add up.


"there is previous allegations against the same person"

Which person?  Baxter has not alleged that any particular person was the alleged attacker?  She's not even mentioned a nationality!

Edited by Just Weird
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9 hours ago, cass74 said:

She had previously spoke to UK police after Thai police refused to log the crime before the article

Only spoke to UK press after Thai police publicly slandered her

"... after Thai police refused to log the crime before the article"

That is just what she claims, it has not been established as the truth!


"...Thai police publicly slandered her"

At this stage it is open to debate whether she was slandered  but if she was it was after she slandered the RTP!

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8 hours ago, cass74 said:

Unwarranted justifications to say she’s lying:-


She went to full moon party, nobody yet knows what she did at KP, and even if it turns out she did end up going so what - never heard of shock


not reporting it at KT, I wouldn’t have


saying she didn’t report it, when her and her friend said they tried to


speaking to Uk press to defend herself (after being publicly slandered by Thai police)


I could go go on but I feel it’s pointless 

You're right, it would be pointless to go on because you do not have anything, clearly.  But if you really do have something that justifies your calling my opinion unwarranted, let's hear it.

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9 hours ago, cass74 said:

Conveniently forgetting he was drugged too

If you're saying that I am conveniently forgetting that then you have to bear in mind that no one, so far, has produced any evidence that anyone was drugged.  Once again, that's just what she claimed. 


If he had been drugged why was he not in the beach with here when she woke up?  He mysteriously recovered and left her unconscious on the beach?  Really?  You believe that?

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3 hours ago, joebrown said:

I must apologise for my previous post when I said you think nothing untoward ever happens on Koh Tao.

This quote of yours clearly states that having been left alone on the beach she might be raped. What made you think that?

She said that she was on the beach alone when she woke up, she wasn't alone when Martin took her there.  She said she'd been raped.  That's what. 

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Just now, Just Weird said:

If he had been drugged why was he not in the beach with here when she woke up?  He mysteriously recovered and left her unconscious on the beach?  Really?  You believe that?

No idea if either were drugged, but if that was the case there is no guarantee that both would react in a similar manner at the same time to a similar dosage.  It all depends on physical size and health condition.

If they were drugged as alleged then the drugs were not administered under laboratory conditions in terms of measured dosages.

It's extremely difficult to pick up an unconscious person from the ground on your own.  Yes, I have tried; but not in the circumstances as described I must add.

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2 hours ago, Crash999 said:

For people who say that the woman would never declare that she was raped if it didn't happen, here's a little story.


Several years ago I was living in Singapore with my girlfriend at the time. We had been together for about three years, originally dating casually and one thing led to another and she never left my apartment. I would fly in and out on business and she would also take trips with friends and family around the region. 


One day after she came back from a trip she was in tears and told me that she had been raped in Bangkok. I was shocked and asked her what happened. She told me a story about how a friend of hers introduced her to a guy at dinner and the guy drove her back to the hotel, but stopped in a remote location first and raped her. I immediately wanted to contact the police but she said she was more concerned about STDs and pregnancy and wanted to go to a hospital.


In the end she convinced me she didn't want the police involved as she didn't want to relive the trauma and being Thailand they'd probably do nothing anyway. And she didn't want me to confront her friends about it as it wasn't their fault. I agreed.


Time went by and I noticed some warning signs that something was up. Mysterious calls, texts, her behavior seeming a bit off. At the time she would use Skype to call so I installed a program that would record every call. 


A day or two later when she was in the shower I listened to the calls. Many of them were to one man. And wouldn't you know it, she was cheating on me with the guy she met on the trip and this was the same person that she claimed had raped her. I confronted her and she confessed, that she hadn't used protection and was worried about STDs and pregnancy. And those loving playful words on the call were out of boredom, because I wasn't paying enough attention to her. 

Needless to say, her effort to turn it around and blame me didn't go over too well and that was the end of our relationship. 


So coming back to this case, I very much understand why someone would tell their friends and family that they had been raped if it didn't happen. And it also explains the actions afterwards- not contacting the embassy, not going to a hospital, breaking up with her BF and hanging around with the new guy, etc. I suspect it wasn't the woman who contacted Samui Times but her mom who seemed to be very outspoken. 


I might be completely wrong here, but it's definitely not out of the realm of possibilities that the story was made up and she never expected it to get so much attention, just sympathy from family and friends. 

You're personal experience rings a bell.   I'm sure it is just coincidence but your girlfriend's story could be this girls story, almost exactly, bar the location differences.   Maybe that's what you meant?

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5 minutes ago, animalmagic said:

No idea if either were drugged, but if that was the case there is no guarantee that both would react in a similar manner at the same time to a similar dosage.  It all depends on physical size and health condition.

If they were drugged as alleged then the drugs were not administered under laboratory conditions in terms of measured dosages.

It's extremely difficult to pick up an unconscious person from the ground on your own.  Yes, I have tried; but not in the circumstances as described I must add.

He wouldn't have had to pick her up, he just needed to call for assistance but he didn't, he left her there alone, unconscious. 

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When the story of the alleged rape first appeared it was stated the teen was accompained by her boyfriend and friends.

Why did her friends leave her alone???? Did the police every questions the friends????

Why was she in such a hurry to go to the next island to attend the Moon party. 

If she was indeed drugged and raped why did she not go the the nearest hospital for a rape test if she was afraid to call the local police????

I have read nothing about the so called friends and boyfriend she was allegedly with at the bar. Why not????

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11 hours ago, cass74 said:

 CCTV not working or there maybe would have been more evidence


There is the t shirt, her friends cooberating account, her injuries (cuts etc) which  should have witnesses and maybe photographs 

there is her account, I think it’s fair to not presume she’s lying and listen to her account fairly 

there is previous allegations against the same person which the victim isn’t going to have been aware of 


the % of false rape allegations is low and I’ve not heard a valid reason yet for one in this case 


She tried to report as soon as she felt safe to do so 

Some rape victims don’t come forward for years 

who are the previous allegations about? ..you know of a suspect that hasnt been named?

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On 9/15/2018 at 1:10 PM, TonyClifton said:


This is very true here. They are rarely your advocates. They are revenue collection. Not law enforcement. Period. And you never know who they are trying to protect, as is the case here. 

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On 9/14/2018 at 2:06 PM, spermwhale said:

I don't know why people are knocking this move by him. I think it's great considering that the girl says she's afraid to go back and testify. I think it shows he takes the claims seriously enough to give the victim the peace of mind that she can report the alleged crime to him in the protection of her own country. 

I agree with you , he is doing it to show that Thailand care about tourism and depending of  the outcome , he will either punish the local police at KT for lying if the girl actually reported a rape , or if the girl admit she was lying he will just tell media he was right. 



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1 hour ago, joebrown said:

I think you're in danger of losing your own plot JW. When you referred (sarcastically) to Sir Galahad Martin leaving her alone on the beach your inference was that he'd left her in a vulnerable state in a lonely place, where she might be raped. Your platform on this thread is that there is no evidence that a rape took place and you have swamped the thread with this opinion.

Now you're saying you said what you did based on the fact that she said she had been raped. So despite the huge quantity of posts to the contrary,  you make an assumption/ statement based on something you undeniably try to convince everyone never happened.

No chance of me losing the plot.  I have never said that the rape did not take place, I have said that I doubt Baxter's story and I doubt that it happened exactly as she said.  I would not be surprised if it turns out that she had not been raped.


You have overlooked a very obvious possibility that I see in her story and it involves her being drunk on the beach with Martin who was supposed to be taking her back to the hostel that they shared with several others and was supposed to be taking care of her but abandoned her there and cleared off.  Why did he do that?  Why were they on the beach together when she was intoxicated after drinking all  evening when she has said that she wanted to go home?  What happened between the two of them on the beach?


My attention would be on him and her story, not on some unidentifiable man that she said she saw and assumed raped her.

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16 minutes ago, jimmynewbie said:

The girl will NOT speak to 'Big Joke'  , after what he has said about her and arresting Thais for sharing it on FB I don't blame her

Apparently his English is very poor and only got his job by kissing Prawit's behindInsert other media here is a message from her mother



The girl will try to evade an interview face to face and head on at all costs. She`ll probably agree to giving a restrictive statement with loads of, sorry, no comment, when the questions become too searching. Next, she`ll be giving TV and press interviews to the media that makes the highest bids. Wouldn`t be surprised to see her posing in a skimpy outfit or a bikini in the Sun newspaper with headlines, my horrific drug and rape ordeal in Thailand.


This is just another excuse hiding behind mummy`s apron. So far we have 32 pages of comments, those who believe the girl`s bs and those who don`t. You try to intimidate those who don`t agree with your opinions by clinking the confused and laugh buttons on their posts. Is that the best you can do to get your point across?


If you`re so convinced the event really happened then why not try to convince us doubters with some evidence of your own? You can`t because there isn`t any. The girls story is pure BS.


Can`t see any valid reasons to keep this thread running, just going around in circles.

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Just now, shillhater said:

Can`t see any valid reasons to keep this thread running, just going around in circles...your real motive for all the drivel you post?

Why are posts that don't share your opinion considered drivel.?


It looks like everyone is entitled to their opinion...........as long it is the same as yours then?

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Just now, shillhater said:

Can`t see any valid reasons to keep this thread running, just going around in circles...your real motive for all the drivel you post?

No. I`m waiting for someone who has followed the case and can give some credible accounts why they believe the rape took place. 32 pages later and still nothing. Hence going around in circles. Can we expect a further 32 pages of the same?

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It seems to me the majority of posters on TV are Thai bashers and not living in the kingdom . Of course hiding behind the keyboard will also lead to stupid comments. 


I support Big Joke in his quest to discover the truth , may the forces be with him on his way to London. 



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