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Accuser of U.S. high-court nominee Kavanaugh goes public


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58 minutes ago, Hogs said:

So he made a slight error, it does not change the fact that 65 Women that know Kavanagh wrote a letter saying in the combined hundreds of years they have known him he has treated them with nothing but respect.

These are past and present work collegues and those that knew him way back when the accusations supposedly took place.



First it was 35 women, then it was 65 women. The women were high school classmates, nope, they were some random allotment of women through Kavanaugh's life. Geez, get your stories straight. It is embarrassing.


So, if someone shoots one person but doesn't shoot 65 other people, I guess that shows the person doesn't really go around shooting people. Got it.


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35 years later... she 15 he 17... never reported it, says there were 4 then 2 and cant remember where the house was nor why she was there and the 'other' guy said it didn't happen.


What a Dem circus! how low will they go?  and even if he did grope when he was drunk he was 17!  give it a break.

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1 hour ago, Hogs said:


no no no no no no no no no no 

If you have not taken action in the past 40 years then SORRY I am sure I wolf whistled at a few birds back in the day when there were no snowflakes and the girls took no offense to it, IN FACT they took it as a compliment.

The world has really gone mad and people like you are a big reason for it 

This woman has ZERO cred and will get zero cred 

Just another lame attempt by the left to try and halt Trump and again snowflakes I am sorry to have to tell you 


So best head on over find your safe space and spend some cuddle time because Kavanagh will be confirmed.

It's not a matter of working or not working.

It's about the senate doing it's job under the constitution.

They are not finished yet. Let them work.


There is no safe space on the planet now with "trump" as president.

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As far as the allegation goes, there is no doubt that if the senate republicans have an ounce of ethics left after totally caving to authoritarian "trump" they will accept a delay and let the accusation and defense be formally heard.

The accuser sounds credible to me.

However, it was long ago, and Kavanaugh has and will continue to deny it. 

So the senate will have to make a he said/she said judgement call on this and also consider his youth at the time.

So unless there is indeed another credible direct supporting witness (not likely) I would agree it still seems unlikely this will block him.

But let the process play out.

In the long run, assuming he's still confirmed, this will actually be good for Kavanaugh and the credibility of the supreme court and the senate's role as well.

But "trump" fans don't seem to care about such things. 

Edited by Jingthing
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11 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

35 years later... she 15 he 17... never reported it, says there were 4 then 2 and cant remember where the house was nor why she was there and the 'other' guy said it didn't happen.


What a Dem circus! how low will they go?  and even if he did grope when he was drunk he was 17!  give it a break.

Presenting a Perjurist and accused rapist as a candidate to SCOTUS is as low as it gets in this sordid tale.

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Obviously - this can't be proven. The woman can't remember the location, how she got there or the date. 


What we do know so far:

- this was held back till the last hour - even though it was 'discovered' in July.  

- when the 'anonymous source' approach didn't derail things, they had to put a name to it.  

- the accuser is a registered democrat working as a professor in a liberal college.

- she has no evidence, nor will she ever be able to provide any.


There's even one article saying she passed a polygraph in July administered by an ex-FBI agent. Now - considering she was originally touted as an 'anonymous source' - it does seem that someone was happy to pay an ex-FBI agent to take this test so that the results could be used in the media. 



That alone, seems a really, really odd thing to do if you are going to remain anonymous.


So - given that you are innocent until proven guilty, that they were both minors at the time - this can go nowhere other than a judgement in the court of public opinion. Which is what this is all about. 


I don't think anyone without blinkers on thinks this is anything but a political gambit. It'll probably work too - but if they do push Kavanaugh through - the people will accept is (in as much as they would without this story) as it's fairly obvious what's going on.

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21 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

If Kavanaugh was being interviewed for a teaching job or for any local government job and an accusation of him being a rapist turned up during the interview, regardless of how old the accusation is he at the very least would be told to reapply after he’s cleared up the rape allegation.


Why then is he not withdrawn until he is cleared of the allegation?


Because no-one would ever be appointed again. That game could be played ad-infinitum.

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4 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Any cop will tell you, sex offenders very rarely stop offending.



The lid will come off this piece of <deleted> and reveal a mess of stinking truths.

There is no need to rush to judgement. If he did as accused it may still have possibly been an out of character mistake of youth. I think if there was a pattern of such abuse, it probably would have come up by now. But if not by now … soon. 

All reasonable people want now is for this to now be formally heard by the senate. Not to bury it now that it's out. 

Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

Yep. So how do you feel about the Democrats fighting Kav because they are afraid he may vote limit the so called right to rip viable fetuses (feti?)...ok..babies from the womb and kill them.

That is scandalous!

I am absolutely opposed to that vile kind of behavior!





...fortunately, this is just the figment of a distorted imagination and nowhere near reality!

So...yes...fighting "Kav" (you buddy, eh?) is still the right thing to do!

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46 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

So unless there is indeed another credible direct supporting witness (not likely) I would agree it still seems unlikely this will block him.

What about the witnesswho sayeth it didn't happen....

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37 minutes ago, DM07 said:

That is scandalous!

I am absolutely opposed to that vile kind of behavior!





...fortunately, this is just the figment of a distorted imagination and nowhere near reality!

So...yes...fighting "Kav" (you buddy, eh?) is still the right thing to do!

I don't know Kav,I'm just a lazy typist.


Google Gosnell. 

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I will say, with memory of my High School years and all the fumblings with Mary Jane Rottencrotch and her purty pink panties, that I am glad I never ran for office.


I wonder how many of the guys howling against Kav were also unclasping bra straps in high school or pulling the popcorn trick.

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4 minutes ago, Silurian said:


So now we are up to the reasoning that Attempted Rape is okay as long as it is done in High School. Funny how the excuses just keep changing in order to support a sexual predator. Must come from having one in the White House as a role model to follow.


Oh Jesus Lord lighten up Francis where did I say that attempted rape is okay. And I'm sure you were a monk in high school. oh no, let me guess, the next words out of your mouth are going to be I would never do anything like Brett Kavanaugh was accused of doing. 


Hypocrisy in this world is astonishing. The whole me-too movement is hypocritical.

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6 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

It’s even more credible than that: she had told her husband in 2002. And her therapist who has contemporaneous notes. All the senators who lined up to force Franken to resign should force Kavanaugh to withdraw.

And the only eyewitness says.....not!


O well, time for me to do something important....Gai Yang! Carry on!


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11 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

It’s even more credible than that: she had told her husband in 2002. And her therapist who has contemporaneous notes. All the senators who lined up to force Franken to resign should force Kavanaugh to withdraw.

Oh she 'told her husband'?  and her therapist?  who said there were FOUR men involved?  not two?  then she waited, as a registered Dem would, until now to come out with this?  and the 'other' guy denies it ever happened?  this is all too good to be true!  and even if it happened it was a silly teenage, drunken thing that happened in a house she can't remember and at a party she can't remember. Really credible. 

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