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Supporting a "rich" girl with money ??


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1 hour ago, melvinmelvin said:

What I don't understand is why farang bother to while their time away with ladies and families like this,

what a waste.

100k/month works out at 3k/night.

I'd probably be OK with that, but would only need her for one night (maybe two) a month.

Any chance of timeshare to spread the cost a bit?

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4 years and not married you got MUG written all over your forehead, 100,000 is crazy money. had a friend from the UK  sending money  to a girl also for 4 years, could not tell this big head anything, perhaps i ought to send him the photos to teach him a lesson ha ha

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9 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:


I guess most of what you say is reasonably OK.


What I don't understand is why farang bother to while their time away with ladies and families like this,

what a waste.


cos the OP thinks shes better than a village girl. also gives his ego a huge boost when  telling his friends that shes a hiso girl.

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25 minutes ago, catman20 said:

cos the OP thinks shes better than a village girl. also gives his ego a huge boost when  telling his friends that shes a hiso girl.

Catman; I don't think that makes her a better girl. It makes her a kind of "snob" in my eyes. She is also talking about farangs. Her parents were afraid she would end up with a "Khao San Farang" which is what she told me. Seriously, it doesn't boost my ego at all, I am actually pretty humble and dislike snobbery.


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8 hours ago, SuperTed said:

OK Bjarneb - where do you come out on this debate? To pay or not to pay?

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I will not pay..

Luckilly I haven't sent much money yet. And the question about Sin Sod all of sudden came up yesterday, but she wanted it to herself because she was "worth it" as she said.
Haven't replied to many of the posts asking questions here, but the age difference is not big. She is middle 40s and I am 50. And my mom says I look very handsome .. ????

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9 minutes ago, Bjarneb said:

Catman; I don't think that makes her a better girl. It makes her a kind of "snob" in my eyes. She is also talking about farangs. Her parents were afraid she would end up with a "Khao San Farang" which is what she told me. Seriously, it doesn't boost my ego at all, I am actually pretty humble and dislike snobbery.


well i would kick her to the curb if a lady even mentioned that sort of money to me. this sounds more about her love for your money than loving you, sorry,

Edited by catman20
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3 minutes ago, Bjarneb said:

I will not pay..

Luckilly I haven't sent much money yet. And the question about Sin Sod all of sudden came up yesterday, but she wanted it to herself because she was "worth it" as she said.
Haven't replied to many of the posts asking questions here, but the age difference is not big. She is middle 40s and I am 50. And my mom says I look very handsome .. ????

shes mid 40s and demanding that sort of money :cheesy:

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On 9/27/2018 at 3:35 PM, 4MyEgo said:

It should not be about money, I mean, seriously, ask yourself this, what has this creature got that I need to spend to the value of 100,000 baht per month on, seriously, I could slap this type of female, no offence.


I could afford 100,000 baht a month too, but I prefer to invest only as much as I am prepared to lose, and from where I am coming from that's about 10% of my worth, that said, in my books, NO female is worth that kind of money to me, spoil her, and you deserve everything she is about to unleash your way, although it sounds that you have already done that, and her radar has picked up after you told her that you sold some stock, need to know basis mate, need to know basis, personally wouldn't be telling her stuff like this, as it makes people change, as you are seeing, sometimes better to see it now, rather than later, but can you act upon it and move on, Separate for a while, see what happens, will she be chasing her sugar daddy, of course she will, 100,000 baht a month, me thinks all the girls in Thailand would be chasing you.


Putting down the province girls, how immature is she, did you know a province girl wouldn't make that in a year, 100,000 baht that is, and she wants you to support her by paying her 100,000 baht per month, come on mate, you said it yourself, she just sold her house for 7 mil baht, perhaps you should turn the tables and ask her to support you by throwing 100,000 baht your way per month. I don't buy the parents being rich part, and my suspicions tell me she is a village girl herself with her nose in the air now that she has a farang, village girls should remain village girls when they meet their farang husbands, however the status thing, nose in air, handbag with hand up and nose in the air, is disheartening to see, although there are some that do know how to stay humble, like my village slut.


Your obviously in love with her, she must be pretty, but then again, I have never been into materialistic chicks, although I have been known to be a big spender buying a pair of Lee Cooper jeans when on sale, buy one get one free, the free one for her....lol


On a more serious note, sounds to me like she can support herself, perhaps you need to have a good look at yourself in the mirror, then slap yourself really really really hard to wake you up from the nightmare that is about to happen, you can always give to charities as you said you did before, no doubt they will appreciate it, and be more worthy for it.


Sorry to be so harsh, but like I said, NO female is worth that kind of money to me, a ladyboy maybe...lol


Good luck

Thanks for an honest and good reply, appreciated.
Just been reading lots of comments now, and I appreciate all of them. Since I am apparently in love with her it is difficult to see it from another perspective.


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Time for a little sit down and chat, methinks. I cannot recall any conversations about money between my wife and I before marriage, and darned few thereafter.  I did cough up about $500 USD for our wedding.  Lots of guests, food and western booze. 

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1 hour ago, Bjarneb said:

Thanks for an honest and good reply, appreciated.
Just been reading lots of comments now, and I appreciate all of them. Since I am apparently in love with her it is difficult to see it from another perspective.


Love. A combination of societal construct, dependence  and chemicals. SHE is not in love with you.  You are therefore a victim. How old are you? 17? Love at a 10000 baht a month! You have no friends to talk to? I feel you are wasting your time here looking for love.  There is no such thing. What we get here is better. May I ask: how did you end up here?

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2 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

Time for a little sit down and chat, methinks. I cannot recall any conversations about money between my wife and I before marriage, and darned few thereafter.  I did cough up about $500 USD for our wedding.  Lots of guests, food and western booze. 

your right the OPs got his self a wrongern

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3 hours ago, Bjarneb said:

Thanks for an honest and good reply, appreciated.
Just been reading lots of comments now, and I appreciate all of them. Since I am apparently in love with her it is difficult to see it from another perspective.


as they say love is blind, you will thank everyone for their negative comments in the long run once you got this snobby gold digger out of your head. then go and find a nice village girl ull be a lot happier.

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9 hours ago, Bjarneb said:

I will not pay..

Luckilly I haven't sent much money yet. And the question about Sin Sod all of sudden came up yesterday, but she wanted it to herself because she was "worth it" as she said.
Haven't replied to many of the posts asking questions here, but the age difference is not big. She is middle 40s and I am 50. And my mom says I look very handsome .. ????


From you earlier posts I had guessed you were perhaps in your late 30's and she was in her early 30's (at most).   I also thought you two were living together in Thailand so the "I haven't sent much money yet" comment also surprised me.  


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  • 2 weeks later...

if you are for real, than you are very stupid. a girl like yours will drain you out of every penny you have

and will move to the next sucker when you get too poor / old.

happaned to too many friends of mine.

one of them came to me once with brand new volvo, told me it belongs to his rich fiance, and


weeks later he got married with his rich girl, and few years later he was broke without a penny to his name. she and her family robed him out of anything he had. they were rich family indeed, but rotten to the core. they were all stealing from each other, cheating each other, and when he found it out, it was too late. her junky brother even stole his watches and he left her, literaly, just with few shirts and underwear.

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