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Supporting a "rich" girl with money ??


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8 hours ago, PatOngo said:

Ahh, the price of face. An expensive commodity in this country. Ask yourself, is she honestly worth it?

Ah.  I think we all may now be able to see where the idea comes from that Rich Thai girls can be high maintenance.  Maybe not over the last 4 years, until now but now she is showing aspirations.   Talk about shallow!!!!!!!    If she really has money she could just tell her friends "he keeps me very well" and not go into details.  But I think if it is all as you say (with no mitigating bits left out) then I would be doing up my shoes by now to leave town.  Question. Do you really think she will improve after marriage?  What if one of her friends tells her that HER husband gives her 200,000 a month play money?  Hmmmmm!!

Another possibility: After a 4 years long engagement she may be trying to get you to to put up or push off.

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10 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

Sounds like a rich girl from a rich family who wants to be richer than her rich girlfriends from other rich families.  Vanity.  Of course, having 100K/mo in pocket money does come in handy.  I'm glad I have a "province girl" who cares very little about money or prestige.

Very true

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2 hours ago, SpeakeasyThai said:

100,000 a month!!?


Guys like you who agree to pay this sort of money are my worst enemy. Once word gets round we can be spening silly money on them we are all doomned!!


not as bad as the ones that give 200k / month

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9 hours ago, Crossy said:

Actually, you can have quite a big harem for that sort of dosh.

Really? It seems B30k/mo is more-or-less the standard keep'em rate for the rotation workers I know. I often think that is quite a good score since the farangs generally also pay for house, utilities, car, gas, food, make-up, clothes, etc. Some even take care of children and parents too.    

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8 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

I sponsored some of my wife's siblings to come to the USA about 7-8 years ago.  Bro-in-law is a nice guy, but married wrong.  Their daughter was a little vixen when she was little, but a rather shy, pudgy kid when she cam here at about age 18.  Thought she liked girls more than boys.  She lost weight and discovered farang boy friends and is now a complete fluff-head.  Speaks great English, flaunts her looks and is pretty well worthless, though entertaining.


Do be careful out there.  There are gems and there are sparkly rocks and pieces of glass. 

Good writing!!!! pleasure reading your thought . Completely conquer !  

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It is certainly true that many, but not all Thai women, like to show other Thais they have struck it big by hooking up with a rich farang who gives them this and the other. But this is not the case with seriously rich Thais who normally face opposition from family for dating a farang gold digger, no matter how well off the farang may be.  A friend of mine faced this years ago.  He is a lawyer and was already doing well financially at the time when his wealthy girlfriend's family accused him of being a gold digger and tried to prevent their marriage. Fortunately for him she choose him and her relationship with her family cooled subsequently, while their marriage has endured.  Another friend married the apparently Westernised daughter of an army general who seemed to have enormous wealth in spite of his modest salary. The farang husband had his own business that went through some hard times but his wife didn't care about this. She put him under huge pressure to buy an expense car and generally spend money he could not afford, so that she could maintain face with her family and friends and keep up the charade that she had married a wealthy farang, not a gold digger.  The relationship ended in a tempestuous divorce, sadly with a small daughter involved. 


Reading this the second time through I note that this is not a new request for an allowance of B100k per month, it is a plea to keep the allowance going after the ostensible reason for it, waiting to sell her house, has expired.  The whole thing seems rather manipulative.  It Started off with a plausible reason to request a monthly allowance, although the amount was rather a lot for that justification. But since she sold her house, the reason she has given for continuing the allowance is one that might not have convinced the OP to start paying it, if she had come up with that reason alone when she first requested it.  Basically the OP has behaved as a gentleman by helping her out generously with a temporary allowance to tide her over what she told him was short-term cash flow problem.  Now he needs to question whether the original reason given was genuine and whether he wishes to continue with it, now that she seems to have come clean about the reason for the request.  I don't know his heart or the girl.  I give two examples above where similar forces may have been at work: one where the relationship worked out well and the other where it ended catastrophically.  Let the OP decide how to proceed for himself. 


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10 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

Sounds like a rich girl from a rich family who wants to be richer than her rich girlfriends from other rich families.  Vanity.  Of course, having 100K/mo in pocket money does come in handy.  I'm glad I have a "province girl" who cares very little about money or prestige.

And achieving those goals with the greatest of ease.


As they say, a fool born every minute. When it comes to Thailand, it would be in the seconds...

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3 hours ago, Bjarneb said:


Yes she works. Has her own business actually. So she can pretty much afford to pay her own bills ????

Then you should confront her as to why she doesn't pay her own bills?


1. Experience shows that any Thai woman that loves a man will do anything for him. Even give him her hard earned dollars.


2. Experience also shows when the woman continually asks for money, it is not love and soon will crash and burn.


You already know the answer and the fact you come on here posting? You already see the writing on the wall.


Only question is how much will you lose before it finally ends.


Four years together and no marriage is another sign.


If you were all that, she would have already put a ring on you.



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Before I moved to Thailand I was working in Hong Kong and took up with a girl who worked for our local agents in Thailand.  The relationship got quite serious and she didn't ask for anything financially for about a year. After that she effectively told me I had to sh*t or get off the pot which was a sort of variation on the OP's theme.  Her argument was that all her friends knew she was going out with a farang who came down regularly from Hong Kong but she was having to endure a loss of face because she wasn't seen to be doing well financially out of this relationship. She was still living in the same crummy one room apartment and driving the same old small car bought on installments. She didn't ask for an allowance at that point but said that to continue the relationship I needed to give her a lump sum and buy her a new car.  At the time I was not earning a great deal in Hong Kong and my job security was extremely tenuous.  I didn't have a car of my own and didn't have the money to buy her a new one, let alone pay her a lump sum.  So I never found out exactly how much she had in mind.  I realised that, given the terms demanded and the expectation that were clearly way over my head, I was financially unable to continue the relationship.  So with sadness in my heart I broke it off.  After a few months I started to feel hugely relieved as if I had dodged a bullet and it turned out to be very lucky that I had no choice but to break it off because I didn't have the money. 


Years later after I had moved to Thailand and was doing a lot better financially.  The girl was about to get married to a not very well off Thai man she had been living with for a few years.  She invited me to the wedding and called me and asked to meet up with me beforehand.  When we met, she told me that preferred me and I only had to say the word and she would cancel her wedding and go back to me instead, without citing any specific financial conditions this time. Needless to say, "Thanks but, no thanks" was my response. Her marriage went ahead but ended in acrimonious divorce a few years later.     

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10 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

Before I moved to Thailand I was working in Hong Kong and took up with a girl who worked for our local agents in Thailand.  The relationship got quite serious and she didn't ask for anything financially for about a year. After that she effectively told me I had to sh*t or get off the pot which was a sort of variation on the OP's theme.  Her argument was that all her friends knew she was going out with a farang who came down regularly from Hong Kong but she was having to endure a loss of face because she wasn't seen to be doing well financially out of this relationship. She was still living in the same crummy one room apartment and driving the same old small car bought on installments. She didn't ask for an allowance at that point but said that to continue the relationship I needed to give her a lump sum and buy her a new car.  At the time I was not earning a great deal in Hong Kong and my job security was extremely tenuous.  I didn't have a car of my own and didn't have the money to buy her a new one, let alone pay her a lump sum.  So I never found out exactly how much she had in mind.  I realised that, given the terms demanded and the expectation that were clearly way over my head, I was financially unable to continue the relationship.  So with sadness in my heart I broke it off.  After a few months I started to feel hugely relieved as if I had dodged a bullet and it turned out to be very lucky that I had no choice but to break it off because I didn't have the money. 


Years later after I had moved to Thailand and was doing a lot better financially.  The girl was about to get married to a not very well off Thai man she had been living with for a few years.  She invited me to the wedding and called me and asked to meet up with me beforehand.  When we met, she told me that preferred me and I only had to say the word and she would cancel her wedding and go back to me instead, without citing any specific financial conditions this time. Needless to say, "Thanks but, no thanks" was my response. Her marriage went ahead but ended in acrimonious divorce a few years later.     

Only the very smart, have the sense to walk away before losing it all.


Good for you!

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9 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

Only the very smart, have the sense to walk away before losing it all.


Good for you!


I didn't really have a choice, as I just didn't have the kind of money she was asking for and she wouldn't back down or believe that I couldn't afford it.  As I protested that I couldn't afford what she was asking, I could see I was diminishing my status as a farang and becoming just a "khee niaow" tight fisted farang, or, if she believed me, a poor and worthless farang, which is obviously even worse.  I started to hate myself listening to my protestations and got to a point when the light bulb suddenly came on and I realised that it was all over.  Lucky for me that it came to a head when it did.  Months later I lost my job in Hong Kong and really struggled eking out my savings to look for a new job to be able to stay in Asia.  I was glad to have already ditched the financial baggage before it became a problem by then. 

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A thought for the OP.  The girl doesn't sound super rich by Sino Thai standards but is obviously well enough off to support herself and possibly others.  How would she react, if you told her that your company, in which you  had invested most of your savings, had suddenly gone bust through no fault of your own.  So you had lost both your job and your savings.  Would she offer you an allowance of B100k a month to help you get back on your feet for as long as it take you to find another job?  Would she deal with the friends who currently expect her to show a substantial income from a farang boyfriend and would she stop seeing them, if they didn't understand and ridiculed her?

Edited by Dogmatix
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