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Man who gunned down teen driver gets 10 years


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3 hours ago, connda said:


I've seen videos taken here in Thailand of people in cars and trucks being attacked by mobs, the glass being shattered, and the victims pulled out of the vehicles and then beat so badly that they are either hospitalize or killed.  That's what happens when Thai mobs attack.  That is probably the outcome had this man not acted.  I pity this man: damned if didn't act, damned that he did act.  He protected not only his life but the life of his wife from an engaged mob. 
Do all you TV members who are jumping on the bandwagon to criticize and denounce this man live in such a 'progressive' bubble as to have no idea how dangerous mob violence is in Thailand?  And yet you all say that he should not have protected himself?  What planet are you people from? 


The generalities of what you say are correct.  Most citizens will not get Por 12 permits to carry guns.  Therefore, if they legally own a gun, they are only allowed to use it for home defense which does not include your car. Even then theire is no "castle law" or "stand your ground law" like Texas and other pro gun states.  If you shoot an intruder in Thailand, you might still have to face premeditated murder charges and everyone from the forensic team to the local police to the prosecutors will be rapping the table and demanding "tang" double quick.  I have heard that the police forensic charges start at B80k per round fired.  Whether things would be better, if Thailand had "shall issue"  rather than the current "may issue" laws for Por 12 carry permits, I can't say.  Definitely there would be more Thai men with small penis complexes toting guns in their cars than there are today.  


In the case of the engineer, however, there is no doubt that he decided to look for trouble and readied his gun from the first seconds that the van pulled in front of him. He is solely responsible for escalating a minor annoyance caused by commonplace Thai impolite driving into a homicide which could easily have ended up with him and/or his loved ones killed or maimed, if the youths had been armed.  He had at least half a dozen opportunities to avoid altercation and violence but, having a gun must have emboldened him and made him think that looking for trouble and putting his loved ones in harms way was a great idea.  I wonder how things would have worked out that night, if he hadn't had a gun.  I am willing to bet that, rather than getting beaten to a pulp for want of a weapon to defend himself with, the engineer would have meekly sat in his car muttering some oaths unheard by the yours and waited for them to drive off, or would at least have let it go after the initial horn blowing and shouting. He is an idiot who deserves to spend time in prison and who gives a bad name to legitimate gun owners.



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Good to see that the court system for once function according to the law. If he had swung a sword instead of pulling the trigger on the gun he would have been a free man with just 500thb fine and a young life could have been saved...


We can disagree from here to the moon comparing to our respective laws, but Thailand have their own laws which apply for Thailand. The compensation of 340k/thb to the family is equivalent to around 2 years salary which compared to a European std is high and comparing to a US std is low - but again this happened in Thailand where Thai laws applies whether we like it or not and in this case it seems to have been followed how it should.

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58 minutes ago, wvavin said:

Let’s consider this. What if this group of boys continued attacking Suthep? 


The way the car was positioned his exit was not blocked.  He was free to drive off.  The court seemed to take the whole incident into account and his role in provoking the incident that led to the shooting, not just the point at which the youths came out of the van to confront him.  Thus they viewed his options in saving himself and family for injury or death as starting with just driving off without looking for any further trouble at the outset and probably driving off when the van stopped the second time as well. 


I don't really agree what he did was premeditated murder but Thai law doesn't have an offence equivalent to second degree murder in the US, i.e. murder with intent but without premeditation.  It has premeditated murder, manslaughter and causing death through negligence.   However, this may be a moot point when we look at the sentencing.  The penalty for premeditated murder is death or 15-25 years, while the penalty for manslaughter is 3-15 years.  There may have been something lost in translation in the article.

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6 hours ago, MarleyMarl said:

Everyone going to ignore the fact that several of them stormed out of the van, yelling, and one started punching the guy in the face while he was sitting in his car?

The simple solution would have been to drive away. Moreover the engineer and the woman shouldn't have stopped in the first place. They were asking for trouble and they got it! Som num na


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Tough call as to what should have been handed down. The bail and fine is ridiculous for sure.


in US My father carried a concealed weapon (legally) for  25 years he never used it on anyone. Mom had one under her seat in the car never used it. 


My father and I were both robbed at a corner store in US by two individuals with guns. 5 others robbed also at same time. 

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4 hours ago, wvavin said:

Let’s consider this. What if this group of boys continued attacking Suthep? 

First option he should have driven off. 2nd he possibly but unlikely would have been seriously injured or killed then hopefully the boys would be prosecuted. 3rd most likely a few bruises and some dents in his car which he deserved. Most likely all would be alive and no one heading for prison. 

Now consider what would have happened if the boys had guns as well? Like many here think would be OK if they could legally own them. 

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1 hour ago, DJ54 said:

Tough call as to what should have been handed down. The bail and fine is ridiculous for sure.


in US My father carried a concealed weapon (legally) for  25 years he never used it on anyone. Mom had one under her seat in the car never used it. 


My father and I were both robbed at a corner store in US by two individuals with guns. 5 others robbed also at same time. 

So their guns didn't help them but the robbers probably had no problem getting their guns helping them to risk several peoples lives. Did you never think it was wrong of your parents putting you in danger by having these lethal weapons around?

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Be life without parole just about anywhere else.

You must be thinking about the US. In Norway it would be 12 years and out on good behavior after 5 years . Different laws in different countries.


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This is a prime example of just how cowardly Thais are. 

1) The engineer knew he was probably out numbered but as he was armed, the thought of a confrontation emboldened him

2) The youths in the van were quite aware that they had the upper hand, so they thought they'd 'rat-pack' him at the stop.

3) The cowardly youths jumped from the van thinking the engineer was an easy mark

4) The cowardly engineer drew his weapon and fired at the crowd (PREMEDITATED) killing the boy and scattering the rest of the cowards

5) The provocation from the engineer is clear. He stopped his car and was just spoiling for a fight. NO BAIL+15 YEARS. Out in 7

ERGO.....Both the perp and his attackers were cowards. But only one was willing to kill and had the means to do so. The 'self defense' plea is an absurdity as well as the bail. The engineer was very lucky that the judge pitied him and gave him only 10 years and also that he has the opportunity to procure bail. 

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On 9/28/2018 at 4:40 PM, nontabury said:

He received a 10yr sentence. It will be very interesting to find out,if he ever serves just one day.

I think he will get off on appeal.......he got bail......he did not leave the scene......his provocations were minor.......he was facing a mob who had no business getting involved not the van driver.

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16 hours ago, Lucky mike said:

Premeditation means exactly that you must have intent to kill....

Everyone knows guns kill - that means he put it in his car ready to kill someone. 

As he was unlicensed you can forget any lame excuses about it only being used for target practice.

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5 hours ago, Derek B said:

I think he will get off on appeal.......he got bail......he did not leave the scene......his provocations were minor.......he was facing a mob who had no business getting involved not the van driver.

He chose to stay and kill the boy when he could easily have driven away = murder.

As a Thai engineer, he probably can afford his get out of jail ticket.

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8 hours ago, chang1 said:

Everyone knows guns kill - that means he put it in his car ready to kill someone. 

As he was unlicensed you can forget any lame excuses about it only being used for target practice.

A vehicle which can and does regularly kill people (thru careless use) - does this mean that one who drives it (he/she) is ready to kill someone?


Your 'statement' sounds like a specious argument to me. 

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On 9/28/2018 at 8:40 AM, car720 said:


You don't have a gun at all unless you intend to use it.

Unfortunately this is Thailand and the need is great.

I am living in Thailand since more than 8 years, can't remember any situation where I would have needed a gun.
Did I miss something ?

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5 hours ago, car720 said:

Do you get out much at night?


Of course he does , Thailand is probably one of the safest countries in the world at night , as long as you do not provoke anyone. 


My old mother would feel safer in Pattaya at night than in Oslo , Norway where crime gangs look for elderly victims to rob. 



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On 9/28/2018 at 10:40 AM, wheelin said:

The deceased open the car door and started harassing the elderly woman, despite plea from the enginjeer. If the engineer did not shoot, violence could have escalated. the engineer only fired once. That immediately stop the aggression. Strong medecine, but justified and effective.

Not justified

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On 9/28/2018 at 12:19 AM, webfact said:

“Both sides voluntarily got into a dispute. Had the defendant not followed the van and honked in a provocative manner, the shooting would have not occurred,” the court said.

Had the Thai people at least some ability to control negative feelings and thoughts, the shooting would have not occurred.


Had the Thai police and other authorities a real interest in eradicating illegal weapons, the engineer would not have been carrying a weapon and the shooting would have not occurred.


So typical of this country again. Avoiding going to the root cause of a serious problem by picking up a by-cause.

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For anyone who keeps on arguing its not premeditated murder. If you understand Thai, at 2:13 mark on the video the women in the car mentions the gun, the Engineer said its ready just shoot them up. (there was zipper sounds in the video, I believe before the 2:13 mark he grabbed his gun out)


This statement proves he was ready to shoot. If he did not say this he would have avoid the premeditated murder charge. Both sides are hot heads, they each got what they deserve.


No pity for any side.

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