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The Joke's on you as Surachate takes over immigration promising "No Tip" department


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Star his own department to do what?: delay and collect !

hope he changes his nickname soon as it is becoming a big joke!

Hell, lets give him a chance he says he’ll eliminate corruption with his “no tip” signs, hope they are very big and heavy signs ,,,,,, lol

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This new Commissioner has made some big promises in his initial speech.

He seems to be aware already of some of the major problems in his new department and he does have a reputation as a man of action not just empty words.  Hopefully the corrupt abusers of power in Immigration are more in trepidation of his promotion than some of the client base airing their grievances above.

The proposed large number of new staff should be welcomed if they alleviate problems at airports and overwhelmed offices like CM.

I'm prepared  to wait and see if anything changes for the better under his leadership before resuming hostilities.

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10 minutes ago, Old Croc said:

This new Commissioner has made some big promises in his initial speech.

He seems to be aware already of some of the major problems in his new department and he does have a reputation as a man of action not just empty words.  Hopefully the corrupt abusers of power in Immigration are more in trepidation of his promotion than some of the client base airing their grievances above.

The proposed large number of new staff should be welcomed if they alleviate problems at airports and overwhelmed offices like CM.

I'm prepared  to wait and see if anything changes for the better under his leadership before resuming hostilities.

Even if nothing happens hostilities by customers have no affect, just a waste of energy

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2 minutes ago, moe666 said:

Even if nothing happens hostilities by customers have no affect, just a waste of energy

It occasionally has some effect. At one time the entire staff of the Patong office were transferred out of Phuket when their demands for large extra fees became a little too obvious and attracted attention from the press and the Ombudsman.

The new staff initially responded by refusing to do certain tasks, but the backhanders have returned.

However, my whinging on Immigration matters is mainly on this forum where it serves make me feel a little better, and can inform others of new scams  

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19 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand's famous crime buster "Big Joke" has been welcomed to his new job - as head of immigration.

He may be out of his 'element.'

  • He's been a superb field commander getting his "hands dirty" side-by-side with individual groups of law enforcement officers pursuing suspected law violators.
  • Now he'll be a blue-collar Administrator head of Immigration where a large part of his time will be spent in office settings dealing with legal processing of immigrants. Where field action is required, he'll orchestrate but not participate. He'll now report to the Foreign Ministry of which he has no experience. His management decisions will now affect thousands of Immigration personnel and tens of thousands of immigrants.

He may succeed but he's as likely to become bored to an extent of inefficiency or make amateur management miscues that could reflect poorly on his performance.

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16 hours ago, BoganInParasite said:

How about uniform application of the law, regulations, policies and procedures across all Immigration offices. And get rid of the ridiculous annual verification of genuine marriages for couples who have already proved they are in such a relationship.

Yup, waiting for my house visit right now ( booked after obtaining my extension 2 weeks ago ).

 Booked for 8am , called changing to 10am then again to 10.30 !!

Also asked my gf what visa I had , she replied O-A , he seemed not to understand what an O -A is !! then asked for passport number and if we are married?

All information he has at his fingertips !!

God only knows what he will ask/do when he visits.

Last time was just a photo with house number etc , but this guy seems like a newbie !!

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2 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

Yup, waiting for my house visit right now ( booked after obtaining my extension 2 weeks ago ).

 Booked for 8am , called changing to 10am then again to 10.30 !!

Also asked my gf what visa I had , she replied O-A , he seemed not to understand what an O -A is !! then asked for passport number and if we are married?

All information he has at his fingertips !!

God only knows what he will ask/do when he visits.

Last time was just a photo with house number etc , but this guy seems like a newbie !!

Have your bed ready for demonstration purposes 

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20 hours ago, SABloke said:


How about replacing the 5 people that currently process my re-entry permit with 1 person. Why do they need so many people to give me a re-entry permit? The real leg work is done by the 3 (still 2 too many) IO's that process my annual extension. Why do these re-entry people take so long? Surely they should just take my money and stamp my passport. Then we would have 5 re-entries being processed concurrently - way more efficient.

Please, please do not use logic. it causes so much confusion.

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20 hours ago, SABloke said:


How about replacing the 5 people that currently process my re-entry permit with 1 person. Why do they need so many people to give me a re-entry permit? The real leg work is done by the 3 (still 2 too many) IO's that process my annual extension. Why do these re-entry people take so long? Surely they should just take my money and stamp my passport. Then we would have 5 re-entries being processed concurrently - way more efficient.

The new boss has said he will recruit 1,000 staff to make it more efficient.

Next time perhaps there will be 20 people to process your re-entry permit, but they will all touch the paperwork for a mere 5 seconds each. Now doesn't that make it more efficient?


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Here an idea or three.


  • Get rid of the re-entry visa, if you have a visa, that's all you need.
  • Get rid of all the same paperwork you have to submit every time. Just submit updated info such as salary etc
  • Do it online if renewing your visa and just send or take in your passport for stamping and have an express lane for that.

That way you can reduce the number of IO's needed, improve / speed up the process and stop wasting so much paper.

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5 minutes ago, Jimbo1964 said:

Here an idea or three.


  • Get rid of the re-entry visa, if you have a visa, that's all you need.
  • Get rid of all the same paperwork you have to submit every time. Just submit updated info such as salary etc
  • Do it online if renewing your visa and just send or take in your passport for stamping and have an express lane for that.

That way you can reduce the number of IO's needed, improve / speed up the process and stop wasting so much paper.

But, but, "He also said he would create 1,000 new jobs in immigration to improve efficiency."

That must have been a misprit, and probably meant "reduce the number of jobs by 1,000 in immigration to improve efficiency."


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18 hours ago, smedly said:

That could cause problems for a lot of people who don't meet the Extension requirements and use agents and backhanders to get their applications through, I personally know many

tough tities .. 

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17 hours ago, BoganInParasite said:

How about uniform application of the law, regulations, policies and procedures across all Immigration offices. And get rid of the ridiculous annual verification of genuine marriages for couples who have already proved they are in such a relationship.

about to do mine again tomorrow - same copies of everything as the past 7 years  - with a few minor updates.  

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Maybe he should start with reducing the enormous and outdated mountains of paper in the digital age!
Useless copies of everything! When will immigration finally arrive at the 21st century?

Issue “smart cards” for certain kinds of visa holders that contain all their visa / passport information so one can do the 90 day reporting and visa extension with the swipe of a card and a finger print / retina scan for identification followed by online payment at the same kiosk which then prints a receipt and updates the immigration data base.

Re-entry permit could be obtained the same way at a kiosk at the airport linked to immigration database.

In and out in a few minutes instead of that disaster that is Chiang Mai immigration for example where people have to pay “Line-sitters” that show up the night before to get a number for the next day.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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17 minutes ago, ReMarKable said:

I find a little tip makes my annual immigration visit go a little more smoothly.

Yes for sure, but you are part of the problem albeit in a small way, giving tips, brown envelopes, back handers, etc. is just feeding the corruption that is endemic in LOS purely to make people do their jobs, residential proof is supposedly free but you have to pay everytime (at Jon Chien at least) with no hope of a receipt. 

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2 hours ago, smew said:

Star his own department to do what?: delay and collect !

hope he changes his nickname soon as it is becoming a big joke!

Hell, lets give him a chance he says he’ll eliminate corruption with his “no tip” signs, hope they are very big and heavy signs ,,,,,, lol

Maybe he can issue a mandate of having no pockets in the officer’s uniform or having those pocket sown tight so there is nowhere for the officer to pocket the tips as was done in Malaysian immigration .

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1 hour ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

Yup, waiting for my house visit right now ( booked after obtaining my extension 2 weeks ago ).

 Booked for 8am , called changing to 10am then again to 10.30 !!

Also asked my gf what visa I had , she replied O-A , he seemed not to understand what an O -A is !! then asked for passport number and if we are married?

All information he has at his fingertips !!

God only knows what he will ask/do when he visits.

Last time was just a photo with house number etc , but this guy seems like a newbie !!


Wow, Ayutthaya....a visit. 

I feel rejected, unwanted and unloved after all these years.

Then again. could have something to do with the staff turnover that has happened over the last 18 months. 

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19 hours ago, worgeordie said:

At least a 100 urgently needed at Chiang Mai Immigration,

so people requiring a retirement extension don't have start

queing in middle of the night ,just to make sure they can

been seen that day,and are not coerced into paying exorbitant

fees to agents,come on Big Joke shake up the system.


regards worgeordie

I understand the queuing problem as you describe it in C.M and have no difficulty in believing it is true.  So many have related their experience. However, many people seem to allege (on this forum) that it it is caused by a possibly unique situation other than simple shortage of staff.   Perhaps he will fix what those brave enough to say (presuming they are correct),  is the real problem there.

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7 minutes ago, maxcorrigan said:

Yes for sure, but you are part of the problem albeit in a small way, giving tips, brown envelopes, back handers, etc. is just feeding the corruption that is endemic in LOS purely to make people do their jobs, residential proof is supposedly free but you have to pay everytime (at Jon Chien at least) with no hope of a receipt. 

I guess for the public machinery to perform efficiently , either you have a first world country with implicit rules and well paid public officers or a third world country with implicit rules ( to be bend) and poorly paid public officers whose income is supplemented by tips ..... so if you live in a third world country and wants things done. You pay one way or another according to the prevailing culture.  That is life. 

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