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No holidays or we dock your pay

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My colleagues and I have been working the term since May. The final tests are marked and we are off school. We have to thumb scan in every day (a 40 minute round trip for me).


Yesterday, we were told by messenger that we have to thumb scan in the whole of October until the new term starts.


I responded that my family want to take some time to have a holiday.


I was informed that if I do my pay will be docked.


The saga continues...



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22 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

What is in your contract, are you an employee, how long is the contract for,how many hours do you work, how many holidays does it state?


Thanks. The contracts are in the office. A buddy went to get it today but there was no one there. We are employees, 12 months contract, up to 25 hours a week contact time, not sure about holiday time.


I will attempt to find out.

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3 hours ago, Jimjim1968 said:


Thanks. The contracts are in the office. A buddy went to get it today but there was no one there. We are employees, 12 months contract, up to 25 hours a week contact time, not sure about holiday time.


I will attempt to find out.

You should have a signed contract.

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If you have a document such as a school calendar from the start of the school year that states that you have to report only up to a certain date, then you can use that as an evidence that you are not required to stay for the entire moth of October. Even the Thai teachers are given at least a 2-week break. The same thing should apply to you.

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2 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

That's nothing ! The local security on our gate lose two days pay if they take a day off - and they work every day ! No weekends or days in the week off. One presumes that this 'fine' is to cover emergency cover, but still shameful

That statement angers me and I know it is true this is why some exhausted overworked security guards, I forgot to mention underpaid security guards, when they're really needed they are not top notch on their game. Or they miss handle the situation. I personally witnessed it at my condo. 

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5 hours ago, Jimjim1968 said:

Update: I had a buddy from EP (I'm regular kids) read out his contract (I presume it's the same). There is no mention of holidays, only 10 days for sick/personal business. Looks like we're screwed. but they have lost all my good will. I'll finish the contract in March and leave.

There's your answer. Ring them up and tell them you have the flu. Ten days later return for your thumb scan. 

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5 minutes ago, alien365 said:

There's your answer. Ring them up and tell them you have the flu. Ten days later return for your thumb scan. 

Nope, that's not an answer, 10 days.


I assume he was hoping for the 12 weeks  (3 months) leave that the students get every year.

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44 minutes ago, VYCM said:

Nope, that's not an answer, 10 days.


I assume he was hoping for the 12 weeks  (3 months) leave that the students get every year.

They don't have 3 months leave in October....

The long holiday Centers around Songkran then the start of a new school year.

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9 hours ago, Jimjim1968 said:

Update: I had a buddy from EP (I'm regular kids) read out his contract (I presume it's the same). There is no mention of holidays, only 10 days for sick/personal business. Looks like we're screwed. but they have lost all my good will. I'll finish the contract in March and leave.

You know, you do have labour inspectors in Thailand. Take the contract and go ask if all is legal.

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10 hours ago, Jimjim1968 said:

Update: I had a buddy from EP (I'm regular kids) read out his contract (I presume it's the same). There is no mention of holidays, only 10 days for sick/personal business. Looks like we're screwed. but they have lost all my good will. I'll finish the contract in March and leave.


By law companies must provide 30 days of sick leave per year. At least in the private sector.

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10 hours ago, Jimjim1968 said:

Update: I had a buddy from EP (I'm regular kids) read out his contract (I presume it's the same). There is no mention of holidays, only 10 days for sick/personal business. Looks like we're screwed. but they have lost all my good will. I'll finish the contract in March and leave.

When I worked in Thailand I received no holiday pay but never had to clock in.

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4 hours ago, digger70 said:

Your suppose to be a teacher,,, You should be smart enough and Know what's in the Contract you signed. You should have at Least have a Copy of the contract....


Ha ha! I have to ask how many schools have you taught at!

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13 hours ago, Jimjim1968 said:

Update: I had a buddy from EP (I'm regular kids) read out his contract (I presume it's the same). There is no mention of holidays, only 10 days for sick/personal business. Looks like we're screwed. but they have lost all my good will. I'll finish the contract in March and leave.


I would be calling in sick and of course getting a doctors certificate, shouldn't be too hard.


In future read entire contract before signing it and or insert your own clause that you will take annual leave on such and such dates which coincide with school holidays, they can't argue with either or you just don't take the position until they cave in, but don't hold your breath as I am told loss of face here is to the bitter end.

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10 hours ago, Stevemercer said:


Ha ha! I have to ask how many schools have you taught at!

For some TEFL teachers Thailand can be their first job and the start of their career, years ago Spain was the training ground prior to future professional career development,  then, in the 80s Russia was a springboard for NQTs. Then China. Thailand is one such place. Get over it. Rein in the smug contempt.

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7 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


I would be calling in sick and of course getting a doctors certificate, shouldn't be too hard.


In future read entire contract before signing it and or insert your own clause that you will take annual leave on such and such dates which coincide with school holidays, they can't argue with either or you just don't take the position until they cave in, but don't hold your breath as I am told loss of face here is to the bitter end.

Fantasy and delusion. 

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Bloody hell, here we go again!


I had been told "2 weeks holidays"... then I got a call waiting for my overseas flight... You are only temporary...


Even the cleaners get  s o m e  holidays. and they are just mean fools: holidays benefit the employer, too. Really, think about it.


With you having nothing, nada to do, this is just an exercise of abusive power. (Years ago, a school granted us 4 weeks holidays, then refused to pay the salary, ad hoc. But we had a contract for like X months x 27,000 THB and they ended up paying, after mulling it over for days.


They walk among us!


Hey, holidays are part of the law!

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On 10/4/2018 at 3:47 AM, The manic said:

Fantasy and delusion. 

There has to be  s o m e  time off. NO HOLIDAYS would contravene Thai law. Besides, the Thais are all getting time off.


In the light of you  not  doing anything productive, this is like making some chain gang of prisoners do something, anything.


Some people have weird ideas. Others play power games and let a select few go on holiday while demanding that others sign in.

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On 10/2/2018 at 5:34 PM, Jimjim1968 said:


Thanks. The contracts are in the office. A buddy went to get it today but there was no one there. We are employees, 12 months contract, up to 25 hours a week contact time, not sure about holiday time.


I will attempt to find out.

Is that a government school?


Silly people! What's wrong with teachers recharging their batteries?!? Sounds like some petty, spiteful farang-hater coming up with his own "ideas", which are presented as "rules".  But then, aren't those the people who make new starts cought up big bucks to get jobs in the first place?!?


A director once suckered the new starts. At the first introduction, he requested that the foreigners hold some seminar. No takers, so it was turned into free lessons.

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