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Is Thailand All That if you have to work everyday?


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22 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

Met a few young families that thought it better raise their children here, instead of wherever they came from.....


Everybody has a different perspective....


Thailand, like everywhere, is many things for many people....

you got to be joking if i had a 100 baht for everyone i met that got lumped up with a kid and then had to return home to get the kid a half descent education id be a millionaire, 

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1 hour ago, smotherb said:

What is their future? What will they do when they get old, feeble and sick?

I can't answer for them but I'm hoping to die without lingering.

A surprisingly large amount of my friends have already managed to do that.

Edited by BritManToo
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22 hours ago, CharlieH said:

You speak almost entirely of materialistic and monetary gain, not everyone places such importance on that aspect of their life, Circumstances and priorities are constantly shifting. To some, people and experiences are more important.


Each to their own, who is anyone to judge that its right or wrong. Its just different.????


Money is absolutely not important unless you lack it and need it.


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Way off topic,
But I've got a few back in the UK mortgaging their souls to get a worthless degree, and living with their mom.
At least out here, my kids can earn enough money in a fairly basic job to buy their own house.
And my kids here tell me they will pay for me and support me in my old age, the ones back in the UK wish I were already dead.
All in all, I prefer the Thai way, poor education and love for their parents.
A degree is only as good as the owners ambition. There are far more positives than negatives in higher education.

By talking about your kids supporting you already are you not putting your own needs first? This system is for thais who have no pension, not for foreigners
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25 minutes ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Isn't it a fact that many people already are very low on money in their own country, so it's more nice to stay in a sunny  country where the people are much nicer. Isn't it a fact that you rather stay in a country where everybody has to take care of themselfs anyway, and not in a country where political or financial refugese,  get chosen over the people born there . Some country's people worked their whole live and someone who just came for the financial benefits get's free healthcare free housing free money every month where the taxpayer is paying for and are still stealing or robbing people or trying to push their believes on too you and the people who where fighting for freedom in the war get one toilet roll a week in old people homes and maybe shower twice a week or where some people waiting for a house for many years  seeing that someone who came today is getting one tomorrow for free.  I can go on and on about things wrong in many other country's so dont judge peoples choices when they want to live somewhere else and work for their money not holding up their hands . It's their own choice . But i geuss you are rich and never have to work a day in your live anymore . Hope your happy being such a smug trying to judge others .

Same your personal tirades!


The post is about having to work full time in Thailand and if it takes the shine off of being in Thailand.


Learn how to comprehend English and stick to the post.



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35 minutes ago, blackhorse said:

A degree is only as good as the owners ambition. There are far more positives than negatives in higher education.

By talking about your kids supporting you already are you not putting your own needs first? This system is for thais who have no pension, not for foreigners

At least out here, my kids can earn enough money in a fairly basic job to buy their own house


Care to elaborate on that with which jobs and how many THB per month?


With the average college graduate making 15,000 thb a month, I do not see them buying a house

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At least out here, my kids can earn enough money in a fairly basic job to buy their own house
Care to elaborate on that with which jobs and how many THB per month?
With the average college graduate making 15,000 thb a month, I do not see them buying a house
You quoted wrong post
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2 hours ago, smotherb said:

I think the OP has a point--It is a poor decision to waste your prime earning years making the minimum and saving nothing here.  


I know several farang teachers who have been living here, or trying to live here, for many years. I know three of them fairly well. One is almost 70 and the other two are each nearing 60. They have each stayed here for about 30 years. I met all three when I first came here more than 11 years ago.


The older got enough work to manage a meager existence, but was always broke. About six months ago, he got sick and managed to get sent home--putting his daughter and his few friends in debt.


The two younger ones teach full-time and stay on the sauce. When I ask them what they will do in retirement; they usually order another beer and change the subject. Neither of them have children or have worked long enough in their own countries to have much of a pension.  They both are managing a frugal existence living on beer in one-room flats; one even has a running old motorbike. 


What is their future? What will they do when they get old, feeble and sick?

Thank you sir. That was exact point of the post.

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16 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

You have made the assumption that people working in Bangkok are doing so on less income than they would have in the UK or their home countries... and perhaps a larger assumption you make appears to be that people are working here and living hand to mouth. 


While this may be so for some for many more working here has its advantages, many will have more expendable income here even on a lower salary, their quality of life may be better. In many cases its younger guys who've started out here and something new. 


But there is a large portion of expat society who are here because they are better off here. Working for international companies etc... or Oil industry workers not paying Tax in their. 


Op, you mentioned education in your quote below: 


IF you think Thailand has one of the worst education systems in the world you are showing precisely how limited your exposure to Thailand is which allows us to understand the naivety in your Opening post and subsequent comments: There are some excellent international schools in Thailand... Patana, Shrewsbury, Harrow, St. Andrews, NIST, BKK Prep, ISB to name but a few... The education children receive in these schools exceeds that of a comprehensive school in the UK and can be compared with Grammar and private schools.



But, to deal with your thread from another angle... Isn't any country not 'all that' if you have to work every day? the grind in London seems appalling... 


As far as living Bangkok... I can be on Koh Samet by Sun-Set... hua hin a 'hop-skip-and-a-jump'... Khao Yai a couple of hours....  Phuket is a short flight away... there are so many places within a few hours.... (much the same as anywhere). 


So, I suspect you are really targeting those with little income, those who cannot get on a flight to HK or Singapore for a weekend or drive down to Hua Hin or Koh Samet on a whim... 

Well, for the short term at least life must be more enjoyable for them here... But your point is valid - the long term outlook isn't great... but who worries about this when in their 20's and having a good time... 

So... its the older 40's expats on low income you are targeting?.... those who may otherwise be cashing in a social welfare check in the UK perhaps?...




Do you or have you any kids in those expensive International Schools because I did for almost 10 years and when we came back to the USA, he was a full year behind


Secondly for every expat with an expat job there is 1000 others working locally.


People that are working full-time in Thailand don't have the time to fly around now do they?


As far as Koh Samet, Hua Hin, Khao Yai, those are certainty not anything worth more than a day at best


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39 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

At least out here, my kids can earn enough money in a fairly basic job to buy their own house


Care to elaborate on that with which jobs and how many THB per month?


With the average college graduate making 15,000 thb a month, I do not see them buying a house

All I've seen in some of the ads are 10,000B per month with 3 earnings pay stubs to qualify....They can indeed own a home here....


In fact, my wife did (car also) - although she was well above that pay scale....

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All I've seen in some of the ads are 10,000B per month with 3 earnings pay stubs to qualify....They can indeed own a home here....
In fact, my wife did (car also) - although she was well above that pay scale....
How much deposit and where can you buy a home on a few hundred dollars a month?
Out in the middle of nowhere that's where. Do farang really want their kids to live like that? It's shameful

Thailand already had a meltdown in the real estate sector and its unlikely they would be doing a subprime type of scenario now so I for one would like to see what was left out of the "ad" you recalled
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3 hours ago, blackhorse said:

Yep the elephant in the room. The power of the pussy making grown men throw their future away just so they can get to see it.

But to be fair there are some extremely unattractive men here that have zero chance of seeing a naked lady back home unless it's on the pc emoji335.png


Quite honestly, what's on offer back home?

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You're joking right, the west is full of kids with degrees working minimum wage jobs.
How good a job do you think a degree in women's studies (et al) gets you?
This system is for children who still love and care for their parents.
The western system is for kids who can't wait to get you in a care home and have your house.
Your not thai. And when your kid after going through a crap school system ends up giving you 5k a month from his /hers 15k a month job it will put enormous stress on them and do bugger all for your lifestyle.

It's shameful that isaan families are happy for their kids to get banged non stop in Pattaya and pretend it doesn't happen to collect their monthly "pension"

Dead beat FARANG dads that expect some sort of life long payment from their children should be sterilized IMO So it never happens again
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3 minutes ago, blackhorse said:

Your not thai. And when your kid after going through a crap school system ends up giving you 5k a month from his /hers 15k a month job it will put enormous stress on them and do bugger all for your lifestyle.

Fully funded thanks, but a bit of love and affection in my kid's house (in place of a care home) would be most welcome. Not to mention a VISA for a foreign parent supported by my Thai children.

Although I'm hoping to die rather than become infirm.

Edited by BritManToo
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I remember my elderly grandmother in the UK spending half her life with my parents, half her life with my aunt's family in the 1960s. It was considered normal, and now just 50 years later westerners insult people who still think elderly parents should still be cared for by their children. I used to look forward to the 6 months Gran came to live with us.
How callous and cold and selfish western people have become.
It's a true sign that modern western civilisation is worthless.
Nothing wrong with taking care of your parents on 150k usd a year.
I helped my mother with a credit card linked to my business account.

But we are in Thailand. How much do you think your kids can help you?

Your in lala land. Stop thinking like a thai that can actually live on 7k a month. This is not you
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8 minutes ago, blackhorse said:

But we are in Thailand. How much do you think your kids can help you?

I expect my children to share whatever they have with me when I am old.

Same as I shared whatever I had with them when they were young.

Same as all the Thais around me do now and my parents and my grandparents did before.

Edited by BritManToo
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