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Microsoft hotmail rant


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Again I got notices from Hotmail that I was posting an incorrect password. I knew I was posting the correct one. They just wanted me to change my password. But instead of telling me that, they told me the PW I posted was wrong. This is, of course, out of the blue.

Why the f___ can't they just be honest and forthright and say " you stupid a__h___ you haven't changed your PW in a while so we're going to make you change it"? Rant over. I feel better. 5555

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23 hours ago, elgenon said:

Again I got notices from Hotmail that I was posting an incorrect password. I knew I was posting the correct one. They just wanted me to change my password.

Lots of people makes mistakes while tipyng.  And then some of them blame the software...

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It has happened before. In the normal sign in boxes on the win10 laptop it kept telling me the PW is wrong. I typed in the correct one 4 times on multiple devices. IPad, iPhone, win10 laptop. No one has told me they have been affected by my being hacked. Before I tried to sign onto email on the computer the iPhone and iPad told me the PW was incorrect and wouldn't let me do anything. So don't think I was hacked. It's probably been a couple years since they forced me to change my PW.

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3 hours ago, elgenon said:

It has happened before. In the normal sign in boxes on the win10 laptop it kept telling me the PW is wrong. I typed in the correct one 4 times on multiple devices. IPad, iPhone, win10 laptop. No one has told me they have been affected by my being hacked. Before I tried to sign onto email on the computer the iPhone and iPad told me the PW was incorrect and wouldn't let me do anything. So don't think I was hacked. It's probably been a couple years since they forced me to change my PW.

If there is even a small chance that anybody hacked your accounts then maybe it's a good idea to change your password(s) - not only every couple of years when someone forces you to do that...

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Just remembered another thing - if you have multiple languages installed, sometimes the keyboard is set to the wrong language. If so, there should be an indication of this and a way to change it at the bottom of the screen, I think.  If not, you could (once again) reboot the PC to reset it back to the default language.

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21 hours ago, KhunHeineken said:

I have a hotmail address.  I have had the same password for over 10 years.  I have never received a message from Microsoft asking me to change it.  How genuine is the message?  Maybe someone is trying to hack your email account. 

Likewise. Mine is even longer, somewhere around 20 years and still the same password. Although mine is a Hotmail address a few years back the email package was rebranded by Microsoft as Outlook, they made several changes to the software but password was not one of them.

A couple of months ago a friend asked me to set up new computer he had bought. It was windows 10, something I am not familiar with, and I tried initially with my own email and ended up in a mess. I had to reinstall windows and tried again with the same email but this time bypassed some of the setup screens and all was ok.

I think windows 10 tries to integrate accounts which may lead to some problems but only a guess.

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21 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:



Ummm, no? 


As I have said, I think it is a good idea to update PWs. It's the way they lie about what they are doing that irks me. Why can't the large hulk of a company respect its clients and simply say "WE feel it is best for you to update your PW and, therefore, will not let you sign in with your current one". Instead of the BS that I entered the wrong PW. If you are making me do something, at least be honest about it.

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21 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

An issue I used to often see when I worked in computer support for an organisation using Windows PC's was people convinced they were typing the right password but getting the message that they were typing it incorrectly. If I took them to try on another PC, they could log in OK. Sometimes they just had the caps lock key on and pressing it again would fix the problem. Other times, what was apparently happening was that their PC was in a state where the caps lock was 'frozen' - you would sometimes see this while using the PC where everything you typed came out with upper and lower case reversed (and toggling the caps lock key on and off made no difference).


When I suspected this to be the case - and could confirm that they knew their password by getting them to log on on a different PC, rebooting the PC would usually fix the problem. Very occasionally it was a keyboard problem that required a hardware solution (replacement, basically).


Like KhunHeineken I have been using Hotmail for over ten years and have never been asked to change my password despite often leaving it unchanged for years at a time.

As I said, my iPhone and iPad wouldn't let me do anything because they contained the wrong PW. I hadn't entered ANYTHING. One day I had no problem, the next day I couldn't do anything. It was now the wrong PW because Microsoft made it the wrong PW.

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  • 2 weeks later...

 Yesterday it happened to my second computer. It wouldn't let me sign into the computer with the ID (I forget what Microsoft called it - it was not designated a PW) I've been using for about 2 years. I had to use my email (hotmail) PW. Which they recently forced me to change. I can't believe no one else has had this happen.


I liked the ID thingy, because after entering it, I didn't have to click. It automatically opened the computer.

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7 hours ago, elgenon said:

 Yesterday it happened to my second computer. It wouldn't let me sign into the computer with the ID (I forget what Microsoft called it - it was not designated a PW) I've been using for about 2 years. I had to use my email (hotmail) PW. Which they recently forced me to change. I can't believe no one else has had this happen.


I liked the ID thingy, because after entering it, I didn't have to click. It automatically opened the computer.


How fat are your finger !? (kidding relax)


OK so both things can be related (if i got it right), you had your MS Hotmail account linked to your local computer account, right ?

Were you logging into your computer by using a PIN code or a picture password, right !?


Cause if yes, my guess is that, windows stores / encrypt your Hotmail password on your computer, then when you type your PIN code it "sends" and authenticate online your previously stored Hotmail password.

So at some point if you change your Hotmail password, windows will still has your old Hotmail password in memory and it will try to authenticate your old password when you try to login = declined.


That's a wild guess, is that what you used ? PIN code ?

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On 10/28/2018 at 9:33 PM, Pepper9187 said:


How fat are your finger !? (kidding relax)


OK so both things can be related (if i got it right), you had your MS Hotmail account linked to your local computer account, right ?

Were you logging into your computer by using a PIN code or a picture password, right !?


Cause if yes, my guess is that, windows stores / encrypt your Hotmail password on your computer, then when you type your PIN code it "sends" and authenticate online your previously stored Hotmail password.

So at some point if you change your Hotmail password, windows will still has your old Hotmail password in memory and it will try to authenticate your old password when you try to login = declined.


That's a wild guess, is that what you used ? PIN code ?

Yes, on the Dell with Win 10 they wanted me to set up a PIN. On one my computer dude changed it to my email PW (more secure), on this second one I kept the PIN.

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13 hours ago, elgenon said:

Yes, on the Dell with Win 10 they wanted me to set up a PIN. On one my computer dude changed it to my email PW (more secure), on this second one I kept the PIN.

Not sure which one of your computer you were referring to before,


But my understanding is that you couldn't login anymore because it was linked to your Hotmail account / password so even if your PIN code was correct, it was still trying to authenticate you "online" with your old Hotmail password stored in your computer.

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On 10/31/2018 at 7:44 AM, Pepper9187 said:

Not sure which one of your computer you were referring to before,


But my understanding is that you couldn't login anymore because it was linked to your Hotmail account / password so even if your PIN code was correct, it was still trying to authenticate you "online" with your old Hotmail password stored in your computer.

My main computer wouldn't let me sign in with my Hotmail PW which i had been doing for a couple years. I had to change my Hotmail PW.

The backup recently wouldn't let me sign in with my PIN which I had been doing for a couple years and I had to sign in with my new Hotmail PW.

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