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'United against racism', Germans stage mass protest against far right


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9 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

Very true, that's why we have to try to be balanced, and have a look at both sides of the coin.



So when other posters make grossly generalised claims attributing the crimes of a minority to the whole, you'll be right at the front of those challenging the generalisations.


Welcome on board.

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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:



So when other posters make grossly generalised claims attributing the crimes of a minority to the whole, you'll be right at the front of those challenging the generalisations.


Welcome on board.

 Challenging silly generalisations is wasting time, i prefer, as i said, trying to understand the reasons.

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10 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:



So when other posters make grossly generalised claims attributing the crimes of a minority to the whole, you'll be right at the front of those challenging the generalisations.


Welcome on board.

 Challenging silly generalisations is wasting time, i prefer, as i said, trying to understand the reasons.

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3 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

 Challenging silly generalisations is wasting time, i prefer, as i said, trying to understand the reasons.

Except when the reasons are founded in silly dangerous generalisations - As you well know.


Feel free to continue with your 'wet bar or soap' balanced views. 

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On 10/14/2018 at 8:18 AM, lovelomsak said:

This is the Swan song. Or to put it another way the last harrah. Germany like the rest of the world will go right in the not to distant future. The times they are a changing.

There are too many smart people in the world for that to happen. Sure there are a bunch of lemmings who will seek to blame people for all of their woes, and politicians who will capitalize on that. Not everyone hates blindly. The makeup of the right extremists is primarily old white men. How is that sustainable as those guys die out?

Edited by jcsmith
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4 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Meanwhile how many German girls have been sexually assaulted murdered or raped in last 3 years by fake immigrants? How many German guys have been stabbed with knives?


i believe in Cologne on news years evening the number was already 700 german girls victimized so i say send them all back.

The crime rate in germany has actually gone down. The lowest it's been in 


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32 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

The crime rate in germany has actually gone down. The lowest it's been in 


what horst seehofer didnt tell political crime or related crimes , terrorism, antisemitism is not included. police criminal stats 2017 found migrant crime rates high in areas theft 31.4%, , rape 15.4 %, bodily heavy injury 15.2...




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2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

The crime rate in germany has actually gone down. The lowest it's been in 


Bottom line they need all go home building  up their own country..

If they want to go to Europe then they must apply for a tourist visa same as we need one for Thailand ! 

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1 hour ago, Destiny1990 said:

Bottom line they need all go home building  up their own country..

If they want to go to Europe then they must apply for a tourist visa same as we need one for Thailand ! 

Comparing the situation of someone from a wealthy country who chooses to retire or travel the world getting a visa to someone who is a refugee, coming from a violent and impoverished area is a good illustrates a complete disconnect. Some people hit the lottery when it comes to where they were born, others get a raw deal. This is tribalism. Nothing more.

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12 minutes ago, The manic said:

I look forward to the day Signapore welcomes thousands of Africans, Afghanis,  Pakistanis, Arabs as you expect Europe to do.


Singapore: 720 km2, population 5.7 million.

Europe: 102,000 km2, population 743 million.


That's more than two orders of magnitude in difference, so let's divide your 'thousands of immigrants' by that factor and we get dozens.  I think Singapore can handle dozens of immigrants.


Plus, I didn't say what I expect Europe to do, except that I expect a country to take care of any immigrants it accepts.  Immigrants are a human capital investment, one that can pay off if managed correctly.  Not taking care of immigrants is a stupid waste of productive resources.


12 minutes ago, The manic said:

But Signapore never will allow mass uncontrolled migration. Your comment is irrelevant.  


I have also not advocated for "mass, uncontrolled immigration", and I don't think anyone else here has either.  Stop trying to shoot down a position that nobody is taking.

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10 minutes ago, Naam said:

hmmm... that would be some tiny Europe. :ohmy:


Yes I originally had Mm2 but made a last minute change.  It should be 10,200,000 km2, which I suppose means the numbers for Singapore should be in the fractional single digits instead of the dozens.  I hope Singapore can handle such a massive influx of immigrants.



Edited by attrayant
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4 hours ago, The manic said:


In this article the British government acknowledges immigrants have been given priority in social housing leading to the displacement of white working class communities who were forced out.  This is a Europe wide pattern.

The report is dated 2009 and references another report dated 2006. Seems to be a fair amount of hyperbole as currently...


According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), by the end of 2017 there were 121,837 refugees, 40,365 pending asylum cases and 97 stateless persons in the UK. That’s around one quarter of a percent (0.25%) of the UK’s total population



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10 hours ago, The manic said:


In this article the British government acknowledges immigrants have been given priority in social housing leading to the displacement of white working class communities who were forced out.  This is a Europe wide pattern.

Right-wing ‘Migration Watch’ blames immigrants while ignoring the impact of the sale of council houses, the prohibition on councils using the cash from selling houses to build replacements and the failure of the nation to build social housing.


Oddly ‘Migration Watch’ miss the impact of the cost of housing (despite this being as much an essential part of British conversations as is the weather).


No, let’s ignore UK housing policy and blame immigrants. Classic right-wing scapegoating.

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20 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Oh those poor right-wing fanatics. 


All we need do is hug them, love them and listen to them. 


Apart from the hatred and division are their tools of manipulation. 


A mirror image of that, often rejected, could be applied to embracing all recent incoming immigration while ignoring some of the disturbing elements included. Your wholesale comment above is a good example of the point previously made by another poster.

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20 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:



So when other posters make grossly generalised claims attributing the crimes of a minority to the whole, you'll be right at the front of those challenging the generalisations.


Welcome on board.


You don't seem to have much issues attributing views of extreme right wing elements to right wing as a whole, though. Guess generalizing is quite alright when it suits.

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13 hours ago, The manic said:

You criticise people who don't believe in multiculturalism, a product mass immigration and then try to use Chinese dominated Signapore as an example of the benefits of multiculturalism.


Chinese-dominated Singapore?  What??


13 hours ago, The manic said:

 Silly. Many cities in the UK have been ruined.


I want to know what your idea of a ruined city is.  Here's my idea: Allepo, where many of the refugees came from:




Are there places in Europe that look like this because of immigrants?



13 hours ago, The manic said:

The ideology of multiculturalism,  forced onto people by a political, liberal elite  who would never suffer from its effects is responsible for the destruction of communities and neighbourhoods in many parts of the UK.


Again, show me these "destroyed" neighborhoods.



13 hours ago, The manic said:

It is the white working classes and middle classes who have suffered because there is no tangible benefit resulting from multiculturalism.  Non at all. It has had a detrimental effect in  the UK and had a negative impact on, housing, health,  gay rights,  women's rights, education, etc. Left wing lunacy.


Expert opinion says otherwise.  I've already provided reasons why multiculturalism is beneficial earlier in this discussion.  Just ask any teacher about diverse classrooms or ask any project manager about having a diverse team.  You have yet to offer anything except the "political, liberal elite boogeyman" and your fear of losing white purity.


Just do a Google Fight:


"Benefits of Multiculturalism" - about 6,630,000 results

"Drawbacks of Multiculturalism" - about 112,000 results


I guess you're going to say Google is part of some multicultural conspiracy.


I won't argue that multiculturalism doesn't also present some challenges - mainly getting past the abject racism and stale appeals to cultural antiquity.  But that's not a valid argument against it.

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On 10/14/2018 at 10:34 PM, jak2002003 said:

So you have the same culture as a Buddhist Thai national?


What does it have to do with anything? Is poster trying to get a Thai citizenship? Most of us have them clear Non-Immigrant visas, in case the point isn't clear enough.

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11 minutes ago, Morch said:


I think that generally speaking, people are more tolerant of crimes committed by "home-grown" elements. Not in that they accept, embrace or support such but as being part of reality. Things seen as extra, or imported additions will be more salient and less "acceptable".

Very true Indeed. Immigrants are expected to behave like guests in the host countries even if they weren't properly invited, and any kind of incivility - whatever the degree - feeds animosity among locals. It's inevitable.    


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1 hour ago, Morch said:


You don't seem to have much issues attributing views of extreme right wing elements to right wing as a whole, though. Guess generalizing is quite alright when it suits.

I look forward to you providing an example of me attributing extreme rightwing views to the rightwing as a whole.

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