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'Dark-skinned people' targeted in Thailand immigrant crackdown


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On 10/22/2018 at 8:15 AM, darksidedog said:
"The suspicious targets are the dark-skinned people," shouted an officer.
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/thailand-immigration-dark-skinned-x-ray-outlaw-foreigner-10848930
I think that pretty much confirms it. Dark skinned people may or may not be more likely to commit crime, but it seems they are far more likely to get pulled by the cops, based not on what they are doing, but simply their colour.
Seems like immigration are trying to score some cheap points with the populace with such actions, simultaneously reinforcing their stereotype mind sets.

I've heard it from my girlfriend and many other Thais; they do not like dark skin. They think it's ugly. When you see all the whitening products for sale and the line for the penis-whitening surgery in Bangkok, it makes it pretty easy to understand why the police are acting the way they do. It's the way the Thai people are; hate blacks, abuse women, lie and cheat about practically anything and everything. Very say. That being said, I love living here and couldn't be paid to leave. ????

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2 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

Already done in uk, years back. :shock1:

Started by Macmillan in the 50's and carried on by ALL governments since..Done to destroy white working class power,

unity and their trade unions..The biggest fear of any government is to have an educated,united workforce.

Edited by p414
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Quite right, you are very racist to say such things. And if you’re justifying your comments on the “facts “ you read in the Mail, Express, Sun and so on...then there you have it. The racist press reports THEIR facts as they want you believe them.
The 115th murder in London yesterday,now what colour was the murderer,,no cant be ,must be the Mail,Sun andExpress lying again ,oh and fake picture.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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On 10/22/2018 at 8:40 AM, sanemax said:

Due to the fact that Africans cannot get a Thai visa from anywhere except their home Country (they cannot do visa runs to neighboring Countries) , its quite likely that many Africans are overstaying

What a rediculous statement. Africans can do border crossings in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, in fact, many countries close o Thailand, many even visa free, like Malaysia and Singapore.

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"Dark - Skinned People Targeted in Thailand Immigration crackdown"

 Do you know the number of dark skinned people in the world and what country they come from? NO YOU DON'T. Because of your lack of education you think every dark skinned person comes from Africa.

  It is ashamed that Thailand has this mind set. I can see why billions of baht are spent on whitening products each year, and making white company richer, but they will not recognize you as from the white race, you are yellow and want to be European.

  Do you know the different Asia people and where they are from since they are all yellow? No you Don't! Every dark skin person are not from Africa, some are even from Thailand like Issan, and people in the southern part of Thailand. There are dark skin people in every race of people.


   The Headline you posted shows your lack of intelligent, This no longer the "Land of smiles" but the land of hatred.  

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Some of the casual racism by posters here is gross and more than a little ignorant.

Racial profiling is stupidity for any highly-functioning police department. It wastes time dealing with non-criminals that could be spent following meaningful leads. Like the example of the 100 Africans who were detained at church only to find that all of them had valid visas, lots of time is wasted for little benefit.

When you follow actual leads and actual complaints, you have a much better chance of dealing with actual criminals who are causing actual social problems. When you go after someone solely because you hold stereotypes or generalizations about their race, you're much more likely to be wasting your time. Not to mention that even if you do find a "criminal", chances are better than not that they were engaged in a relatively victimless crime that no one had complained about and thus didn't have much negative impact on society.

Not to mention that when you start profiling entire communities you turn those communities against you, thus making crime both more likely as well as more difficult to solve.


Of course, we've talked about this all before, and the same people are making the same stupid racist comments based on the same 70-year-old anecdotes. Ya'all do realize that moving from an anecdote to a general policy is exactly how racist stereotyping happens, and that relying on politicians from a century ago to express your views of colored people is a pretty good way to end up with racist views?



And the guy who thinks being a White person in Thailand is equivalent to being a Black person in the American South in the 1960s is a riot. 

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On 10/22/2018 at 8:40 AM, sanemax said:

Due to the fact that Africans cannot get a Thai visa from anywhere except their home Country (they cannot do visa runs to neighboring Countries) , its quite likely that many Africans are overstaying

I am not questioning what you have posted but why can't they do a visa run ?

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i watched a banged up abroad program filmed a few years ago.they were locked up 2 woman from amercia for 4 years.guess who they dealing with. when the stuff was given to them in the hotel room(bkk).maybe the police have good reason to do what they are doing at the moment

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On 10/22/2018 at 2:15 AM, darksidedog said:
"The suspicious targets are the dark-skinned people," shouted an officer.
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/thailand-immigration-dark-skinned-x-ray-outlaw-foreigner-10848930
I think that pretty much confirms it. Dark skinned people may or may not be more likely to commit crime, but it seems they are far more likely to get pulled by the cops, based not on what they are doing, but simply their colour.
Seems like immigration are trying to score some cheap points with the populace with such actions, simultaneously reinforcing their stereotype mind sets.

Their Country, their rules, next month, they target Russians, month after that Europeans, then anyone head speaking a foreign language........once they run out of people with dark skin - I am fish belly white, but my brother is the darker skin member of the family, from the neck down, he could pass for South Asian.:drunk:

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On 10/22/2018 at 9:35 AM, JGV said:

The underlying problem of crime by foreigners and Thailand being an easy place to lay low for criminals is because law enforcement is poor mainly because the powers that be are idle and can only amount short term crackdowns before normal procrastination returns - Blacks are easy targets to minimise the need for hard work - i don't believe it's racial - it's idleness

Low hanging fruit??  That's a novelty

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This thread really is a difficult one. Not so much for the PC crowd or the white supremacists as they see it as black or white. For others like me, the grey area is a minefield. I, like everyone else, am racist but would hate to think I discriminate solely because of a persons race or skin colour. 

A recent Dr Who episode was set in Alabama in the 50s. It was based around Rosa Parks arrest for refusing to move to the back of a bus to make way for a white person. This was the start of the uprising against segregation. I found myself angry that she was ordered to move just because of her skin colour. Yet here, I suspect foreign black people, in certain mentioned areas, commit a relatively high amount of crime compared to lighter skinned people and feel the police are justified in targeting them.

Then how would I feel if I became one of a targeted group?

In the UK gypsies complain about the way they are treated. In our business gypsies give us more trouble and disrespect than not just any other group but more than all other groups put together. We treat them all the same as most are good customers but we have a growing list who we will not deal with at all, usually because they can't or won't pay their bill. I see them as a race but don't think I discriminate because of their race.

If you asked me who I would want to share a house with, an unknown gypsy or an unknown average Joe? The answer is simple. 

At the end of the day groups of people are treated how they deserve to be treated by the majority of people. The less well educated, easily influenced or those that have had some bad experience may take an unjustified dislike to certain groups though and the PC crowd will be blind to any uncomfortable facts.

Do I like the UK being changed by the influx of millions of foreigners? No. 

Have I married a Thai woman who is now a British citizen? Yes.

If you can remove the discrimination from the racism I am for this crack down. If this crack down turns into an excuse to persecute dark skinned foreigners then it has to stop.

Everyone deserves respect until they don't deserve respect. Then they need to be helped to regain it by showing them respect.


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On 10/22/2018 at 2:38 PM, Berkshire said:

Question: Is your home country a racist country? Answer : Yes it is. Why: Lack of education. 

Look like someone is having heartache...relax guy we all love Thailand and we want it better for all of us living here

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On 10/22/2018 at 3:59 PM, ivor bigun said:

Oh sorry so these papers are lying and posting pictures of innocent people,not the real criminals,is that what your saying?

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Yes, those “news”papers have a very well documented history of lying. Unless of course you’re of a similar train of thought

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On 10/23/2018 at 5:20 AM, ivor bigun said:

The 115th murder in London yesterday,now what colour was the murderer,,no cant be ,must be the Mail,Sun andExpress lying again ,oh and fake picture.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Your handle clearly doesn’t reflect your brain size. But your comments clearly reflect your views

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40 minutes ago, Fairynuff said:

Yes, those “news”papers have a very well documented history of lying. Unless of course you’re of a similar train of thought


Oh yes, and the BBC, CNN, The Guardian, etc are the bastions of unbiased truthful reporting.  Give me a break..... ????

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35 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

The political incorrectness is just one of the many reasons I love Thailand.


Now these illegals are becoming a visible problem the loons that want this place to be like the West come out calling racism and condemning the Thais for chucking people out of their own country for being here illegally, working illegally, scamming and breaking many other laws.


Please Thailand, never change, I implore thee. 


Round every single one of them up if necessary and deport. 

Agreed and those very people whom you discuss regarding PC correctness, are unfortunately contributing to the wealth of dross on TVF

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On 10/22/2018 at 1:15 AM, darksidedog said:
"The suspicious targets are the dark-skinned people," shouted an officer.
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/thailand-immigration-dark-skinned-x-ray-outlaw-foreigner-10848930
I think that pretty much confirms it. Dark skinned people may or may not be more likely to commit crime, but it seems they are far more likely to get pulled by the cops, based not on what they are doing, but simply their colour.
Seems like immigration are trying to score some cheap points with the populace with such actions, simultaneously reinforcing their stereotype mind sets.

funny thing is that most thai people are dark / yellow skinned, and would probably be considered by nazi germany as some kind of low yellow monkey  race, and yet many thai are so proud of themselves and see themselves in one line with white farang, and even celebrate hitler here and there.

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