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'Dark-skinned people' targeted in Thailand immigrant crackdown


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7 hours ago, happy chappie said:

I wish people would stop complaining about racism.i have to endure it every day of the week here in Thailand.treated like shit by most policemen because I am white.i get over charged because I am white,when dealing with the people in amphur I get shoved to the back of the queue because I am white.i stay away from Thais that get drunk because I could end up the target of violence because I am white.i need to have extra security at home because I am white.im starting to understand what it was like to be a negro in the 60s in southern America but I just have to live with it because I am white.when you look at the bigger picture Asia,Africa and the Middle East are the main and majority of racists on this planet by far.it seems the majority of black people here are up to no good and illegal immigrants and where as the majority of whites are lawfully here and adding to the economy and employment of Thailand.if the shoe was on the other foot and whites were the problem and targeted then so be it.lock em up and throw them out.

Deal with it or go home...simple choice. It ain't gonna change.

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11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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7 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

I know its very racist to say that more crime seems to be carried out by Black people,but reading the UK newspapers every day the pictures of the people commiting the crimes does seem to be mainly young black or brown people,sorry if thats not PC ,but thats the facts.,also look at the pictures of the people who have been done for fraud over the Grenville Tower blaze,not exactly "native British people"are they?

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Quite right, you are very racist to say such things. And if you’re justifying your comments on the “facts “ you read in the Mail, Express, Sun and so on...then there you have it. The racist press reports THEIR facts as they want you believe them.

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5 hours ago, robsamui said:

Agreed. Whenever the subject has come up - either in conversation or by attitudes displayed - every Thai person involved has been open in their dislike of 'chocolate people'. They've never heard of 'racism' and are puzzled as to why it might be considered undesirable, as it seems perfectly natural to them.

They even discriminate against their own "chocolate people" and will go to extremes of cost, behaviour and gullability to avoid becoming one.

Snail whitening cream, anyone? Yuck.

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9 hours ago, Esso49 said:

Correct. But the Ugandans got free British passports.  Then there children get British passports and so on.  Follow ?

Yeah i follow, but if they have got British passports and I assume moved to the UK, then explain how the offspring, probably second generation Brits ended with an african twang in their accent. Follow?

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Quite right, you are very racist to say such things. And if you’re justifying your comments on the “facts “ you read in the Mail, Express, Sun and so on...then there you have it. The racist press reports THEIR facts as they want you believe them.
Oh sorry so these papers are lying and posting pictures of innocent people,not the real criminals,is that what your saying?

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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And this is a surprise to whom?  Anyone living in Thailand knows this.  Look at all the white skin products promoted and sold in every store.  Thailand even has doctors who specialize in lightening your skin.  Nothing to see here, move on.

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Perfect view and conclusion on the subject. But of course in England, they have to be so Politically correct but that is not going to catch the criminals. So that is why we see so much knife crime there especially in London. Police sadly too scared to do their job because the government is too scared to upset the real suspects. Thank goodness for No Political Correctness in Thailand and plenty of common sense. Wait a minute ! common sense when it comes to this subject but when it comes to Road Deaths in Thailand, well don't get me started on that one.

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5 hours ago, Fairynuff said:

Quite right, you are very racist to say such things. And if you’re justifying your comments on the “facts “ you read in the Mail, Express, Sun and so on...then there you have it. The racist press reports THEIR facts as they want you believe them.


...... and that contradicts what you read in The Guardian and watch on BBC news?? Oh dear........

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15 hours ago, jayboy said:

I agree with this but there are some uncomfortable truths critics of "stop and search" type police tactics have to think about. Take London as an example


In the twentieth century the main grounds on which the Met is accused of racism is that black men make up a much higher proportion of the people stopped and searched by police officers than any other ethnic group.

The Equality Commission and indeed all "right-thinking people" assume that such a practice shows that officers must be covertly racist.

But the disproportionate number of black men identified by victims as perpetrators demonstrates that racism need not have anything to do with it: when the victim identifies the assailant as a black male, it is logical, indeed necessary, for officers to start investigating black suspects.

That may lead them to stop and search black males who are in the vicinity and who have other characteristics identified by the victim.

Officers from the Met could, of course, stop and search old white women or middle-aged Asian mothers instead.

That might end the “disproportionality”. It would also be totally useless as a way of identifying and catching the people responsible for street crime.

Pure far right racial prejudice. Many if not most of these 'victims' invent stories about being attacked by black men when in truth their assailants were actually white. There was a case about such an incident on the BBC a couple of years ago.

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In all seriousness, there are actually far more incidents of crimes allegedly committed by "racist white people" that upon investigation have turned out to be faked by the "victim". Of course the left wing media doesn't report on such things as it doesn't support their agenda.

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21 hours ago, darksidedog said:
"The suspicious targets are the dark-skinned people," shouted an officer.
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/thailand-immigration-dark-skinned-x-ray-outlaw-foreigner-10848930
I think that pretty much confirms it. Dark skinned people may or may not be more likely to commit crime, but it seems they are far more likely to get pulled by the cops, based not on what they are doing, but simply their colour.
Seems like immigration are trying to score some cheap points with the populace with such actions, simultaneously reinforcing their stereotype mind sets.

Same in America except here African American men are getting killed for the same crimes their white counterparts are being pursed and arrested. They DO get pulled over more here. 

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20 hours ago, happy chappie said:

I wish people would stop complaining about racism.i have to endure it every day of the week here in Thailand.treated like shit by most policemen because I am white.i get over charged because I am white,when dealing with the people in amphur I get shoved to the back of the queue because I am white.i stay away from Thais that get drunk because I could end up the target of violence because I am white.i need to have extra security at home because I am white.im starting to understand what it was like to be a negro in the 60s in southern America but I just have to live with it because I am white.when you look at the bigger picture Asia,Africa and the Middle East are the main and majority of racists on this planet by far.it seems the majority of black people here are up to no good and illegal immigrants and where as the majority of whites are lawfully here and adding to the economy and employment of Thailand.if the shoe was on the other foot and whites were the problem and targeted then so be it.lock em up and throw them out.

Soon we'll be minorities in all our own home countries as well, so expect more of that first part.

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