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Thailand Tells Black People Don’t Come Here


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Agreed, But, No one talks so how do you "get to know each other" Cell phones are here no one needs to Talk, you just "Listen Now"

When is the last time you sat down and had a conservation "in person" with an employee or even a family member?


We use to here in Thailand, company sponsored at a local restaurant, employee recognition, new company goals (15  minutes Max) than socializing and imbibing the rest of the evening, Good Times.

The last time we did this was 2006, why everyone was to "busy" to attend.

Tried again on several occasions but same thing "To Busy" I purposely Did NOT make the attendance mandatory, what good would it do to force cooperation and friend ship!

Prior to 2006 we had a very large work force in Bangkok we needed more workers so we hired many Thai's from "other regions" of Thailand.

Let the integration and segregation begin, yes even the Thai's were predigest, we soon had a segregated work force. Luckily I had a Thai as a Personal Manager he was able to straighten things out after a while, but the divisions still remained. After (up to than) over 16 years I saw a side of Thailand I never knew existed, yes they acted like most other countries do!

So prejudice and segregation is endemic here in Thailand as it is everywhere!

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2 hours ago, MisterDM said:

I'm Black-American and I've been to the North, Northeast, South of Thailand and, I have been welcomed happily. So,.....There's that. The Northeast in particular has been VERY welcoming to me and, I appreciate their hospitality 

Maybe we should not say black people but Africans or Nigerians.

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1 hour ago, ksamuiguy said:

Families don't have dinner together and talk any more like we did.

Off topic,

but these days there are so many more interesting things to do than have dinner with your family.


Back on topic,

Seems the Thai police do have some common sense, my pal (black as you can get from Luton) has no problems with the Thai police or immigration. Brit passport, Brit accent, doesn't hang out in a street filled with drug dealers.

Edited by BritManToo
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47 minutes ago, jaiyen said:

So instead of saying that black people aren't welcome. why don't the police and army clean up the rabble that sell drugs along Sukhumwit Rd and in Nana area where a lot of them live and trade ??

They would lose a source of income?

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19 minutes ago, wmlc said:

Oh please!!! The problem with this story is only the headline. They are not referring to black Americans or any other law abiding black people. They are referring to the Africans who pollute lower Sukhumvit who belong to the drug and scam gangs. So please give it rest about racial profiling. The only problem here is the headline which in no way reflects the actual story under it. The article is a backdoor way of criticizing Donald Trump for his immigration practices and is just using Thailand for an outlet. The quote from the human rights watch guy is absolutely ludicrous. He has never taken a walk down lower suk and been accosted by these guys trying to sell drugs and mug you. 

Spot on.

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I'm not in Bangkok too often but every time I'm there the black drug dealers on Sukhumvit are getting more and more visible and seem to be moving further and further up Sukhumvit. 


Even If I was interested in drugs, and stupid enough to buy them from strangers in Thailand, who in their right mind would buy them right on the street off such blatant drug pushers?


It surprises me that they do it so obviously and openly, it can't be difficult to catch them and the people buying from them. 

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