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Thailand Tells Black People Don’t Come Here


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4 hours ago, TMNH said:

Seeing your spelling of "color", it's obvious that you're European. So what's the point? What "colour" is acceptable to you?


I think you’re missing the entire thrust of my post. The topic is about Africans, so obviously I’m referring to them- or are

you deliberately trying to be obtuse?

Edited by eeworldwide
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2 hours ago, Ctkong said:

If you look carefully, you rarely see a guatama Buddha with Indian features, instead you see an asian facial features . 

You also rarely see a black guatama Buddha but almost totally golden colour .skin and robe too. 

India is not Asia?


Since when?

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First off, despite what the article title said, Thailand is not telling black people to not come.   I feel sorry for the Africans that go to Thailand legitimately.  I fell sorry for the many other black people that come from the USA, the UK, Canada, or any other countries that are legitimate tourists.  Racial profiling is one thing.  But targeting certain groups for investigation when every statistic shows overwhelmingly a certain group are fraudsters, scammers, very few legitimate properly funded and documented tourists is another.  How many black people visit Thailand each year?  Don't know.  How many black people come from Africa or other statistically significantly reported scamming countries?  Don't know.  Racial profiling is one thing.  But targeting certain groups for investigation when every statistic shows overwhelmingly a certain group are fraudsters, scammers, very few legitimate properly funded and documented tourists is another.  As long as one is properly documented I don't see a big problem. I have run into many Blacks from the USA while in Thailand.  They seem to be getting along fine with the locals and vice versa.  Now if the police checks and stops gets obsessive, well, that would be Thailand's loss.  I don't know how to balance inviting tourists with checking on the legitimacy of tourists

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4 hours ago, Snow Leopard said:

Nonsense. It's not racism. It's a fact. Wake up and smell the coffee. It's the bad eggs that give this group, in particular, a bad name. As far as I am concerned the Thais have the right to clean up the streets of illegal activities however they see fit regardless of their colour. 

It always amazes me how racists spend so much time arguing that their racist theories and dogmas aren't racist.

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1 minute ago, gk10002000 said:

I don't consider India as Asia.  In fact it is typically referred to as the Indian Sub Continent.  Some people and places do consider India Asian.  So be it

You'll bebe saying Britain isn't Europe next....when did you leave school?

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13 minutes ago, kwilco said:

It always amazes me how racists spend so much time arguing that their racist theories and dogmas aren't racist.

That may very well be true, but that still leaves the problem of dealing with the guys selling drugs on the BKK streets and whether profiling assists a cleanup.

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16 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

...I recall chatting with Chinese people in Guandong in the late 90s who were emigrating to the US and they told me that their greatest fear was being killed by black people. ...

When I worked in the Hmong refugee camp in Loei back in 1979/80, some refugees were reluctant to go to the U.S.  They were afraid of "black giants".

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4 hours ago, zzaa09 said:

India is not Asia?


Since when?

India is part of greater Asia . I am referring to the part of Asia that is more towards the east enveloping China , south east Asia, Far East... when we refer to Asian look, frequently we refer to the far eastern look rather than the Indian look. Indians look have big eyes while Asian look has almond eyes. 

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18 hours ago, MisterDM said:

I'm Black-American and I've been to the North, Northeast, South of Thailand and, I have been welcomed happily. So,.....There's that. The Northeast in particular has been VERY welcoming to me and, I appreciate their hospitality 

 I think he means sex - 

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3 hours ago, kwilco said:

It always amazes me how racists spend so much time arguing that their racist theories and dogmas aren't racist.


It always amazes me how people who accuse others of being "racist" continually use the term out of context, and usually use it to hijack a conversation when the facts and statistics oppose their argument

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20 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

I am very pleased with your post, but I will stand by mine.


It has been my experience that when people judge others by the way they look, it often changes if/when they get to know to know them.


I do not think Thais/Asians are inherently bad people (just the opposite), I think they have little experience with black people and thus fear them irrationally. Sadly, it is often how humans react.


Happily, that usually changes when people get to know each other.



White americans are afraid of black americans, fear has no borders or boundries

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Like most crackdowns, it doesn't solve any fundamental problem but creates the appearance of dedicated law enforcement. 


To sell drugs or booty on lower Sukh requires significant payoffs to the right people. That's how the country works. No way those guys and gals are operating out in the open without coming under the wing of some big brown bird. It's well documented that not even a freelance beggar can set up on the sidewalks of Bangkok, because the whole racket is organized by gangs who claim all prime real estate, like pedestrian bridges, for themselves. (Romance scammers, on the other hand, don't even need to be in the country to do their thing.)

Going after the dealers on the street could create conflict among the police. But bouncing them out on immigration charges somewhat sidesteps the problem. The guys on the street are an easy sacrifice-- no status, no traction, no idea of who the big players are. If they give any trouble just deport them. It's not like they will become star witnesses in a court case against some Mr Big. Nobody cares what they have to say.


[Related but unrelated: Around '93 I worked in New York with an African-American guy, a couple of years older than I but we were both recent college graduates. After collecting his degree from Harvard he landed a fellowship for academic research in Chiang Mai, became very good in Central Thai and quite good at Northern Thai, as well. Great guy, brilliant, honest, hardworking. He said he would have stayed, loved the country, culture, and people, and certainly made friends etc., but the day-to-day casual racism just ate away at his happiness so he left.]

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21 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

I recall seeing the futility of black people trying to hail a taxi in S Korea in 1990.

I recall chatting with Chinese people in Guandong in the late 90s who were emigrating to the US and they told me that their greatest fear was being killed by black people.

I certainly have the most empathy and remorse for their pain. I think that is not at all relevant today.  You are talking about 20 yrs ago.

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12 hours ago, allanos said:

Selling sugar is not illegal.  However, in your scenario, pushing sugar and telling the buyer that it is some kind of drug is fraud.  In some countries it would offend a product description act of some kind.  


A logical question would be: who would be so dumb as to call the cops for this fraud?  Here's a few answers:

Heard a news tidbit once, from Florida USA, of a guy who strikes a deal with a streetwalker, she does a runner before fulfilling her part, so he calls the cops and tells them what happened.  ummmm....


Another.  Someone I know was a hotel clerk in a middle of nowhere US town.  A customer comes up to her at the front desk, tells her someone stole his weed from his room and he's want her to call the cops.  She tries to convince him that it's not a good idea, so he begins to accuse her of taking it (she didn't), so she obliges him. 

[note: this was not a legal weed state]



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5 hours ago, 348GTS said:


It always amazes me how people who accuse others of being "racist" continually use the term out of context, and usually use it to hijack a conversation when the facts and statistics oppose their argument

Says you.

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