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2 hours ago, garyk said:


Mexico is one. Actually if an American you don't even need a visa. You can drive your own car across the border and stay 180 days with no problems, turn around come back across the border then go back for another 180 days. I head down to the Yucatan and have never had any problems. Show about 1600 dollars a month SS check and get up to four years and at the end of four years you automatically qualify for residency. 

Colombia, only show prof of income from SS. If you can handle the bland food, and like the women there? 

Peru, another one.

Actually Thailand is another one at the moment. Sounds like it will change? But, at the moment all you have to do is have a pension of 65K or more and you can stay here.

I am sure there are many more. Those three I have looked into personally. Actually I have been traveling a lot south of the border as I get older. Much closer for me to get home, no jet lag. Just a much more pleasant experience as i get older.


The problem is I have developed some ties in Thailand that will be difficult for me to break. But, I am one of the people that do not invest here what so ever, other than having an old pickup I bought 10 years ago. So loosing money is not a concern for me.


The people that sold out in America and came here to retire, bought homes and invested heavily here are the people that will have to put up with the new rules. But, I am sure they have the funds and can stay without any problems.



People who invested heavily bought homes will have to put up with new rules?  What new rules?  Eliminating those unable to put a pittance in the bank will surely not effect anyone able to invest or buy homes.  What new rules are you talking about?


Putting 65,000 baht in a Thai bank account  each month is much easier than taking a chance of having 800,000 setting in an account, being you never know what some bank person might do with your account. ????

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1 hour ago, watgate said:

You would think with all the problems the thai government is having with the lessening of chinese tourists to Thailand, they would not even consider creating onerous new regulations for long stays in Thailand. I get a pension and social security from the US and would have no problem whatsoever furnishing documentation to immigration at my annual retirement extension to show I meet the income limits for my retirement extension. In fact I always questioned how I could get an income affidavit from the US Consulate without verifying my income but, nevertheless that was how it was done so I followed the rules. What I would have a big problem with is if I have to now transfer 65k each month into Thailand. This would be expensive and quite cumbersome and would not like to have to do this. I have funds at my disposal which I can access on an as needed basis and my documentation showing my income should be sufficient to comply with the income limits. Also seeing as how I do not reside in Thailand full-time ( I usually stay between 8- 10 months each year) and then go back to the US i would not want to deposit 800k in a thai bank acct. What if I decided, at some point, to stop coming to Thailand each year. Would I have difficulty in withdrawing the funds to take back to the US? Would I be able to convert the thai baht back to US dollars or be able to wire the funds back to the US or would the thai bank give me a hard time? Also, if you put 800k in a thai bank it has to season for x number of months so you would be forced to bring or use more money to live here since you couldn't access your bank acct funds while it was seasoning. I also don't want to have to  be concerned about FATCA reporting requirements by having more then 10k usd in a foreign bank acct. While coming here these past 9 years I have helped my g/f and her daughter a great deal but if these onerous changes are implemented then I will either have to try and start obtaining tourist visas and see how that plays out or just stop coming here and go to another country that is more friendlier to retirees and does not place more burdensome restrictions and onerous new policies on retirees.

Transfer 25 grand into Bank of Bangkok costs a pittance.  If you want to transfer it out - no problem.  You brought it in you can take it out (many threads on the ease of doing this).  You only need to leave it in a Thai bank for 3 months.  FATCA AND FBAR are no problem for most people takes a few minutes.  I think you will be hard pressed to find a country that is more retiree friendly with the same infrastructure.  


Face it.  You need at least 800,000 in the bank to take care of minor emergencies.  It's not much money.  If it is maybe you should reconsider international travel.

  • Thanks 2
20 hours ago, Kadilo said:

65K a month left in your account untouched for 12 months that shows 800,000 at end of the year, 65K a month that you can use them top up with 3 months to go before renewal, or 65K a month you can use to live on?

Good stuff. Must share. :stoner:

20 hours ago, johnjohn2 said:

Reasonable and pretty easy to put the monthly money in the bank but no word on how to show where that money comes from. Does it need to be direct deposit into the Thai Bank? Can you withdraw from ATM and deposit in your Thai Bank account monthly, can you do paypal transfers, etc? Can you just take out the money every month and re deposit it the next month? Without any type of real guidance were all still clueless. I really wish something from Immigration would be put out.


the entry in your passbook will have a code for foreign transfer in.  

  • Like 2
17 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

ace it.  You need at least 800,000 in the bank to take care of minor emergencies.  It's not much money.  If it is maybe you should reconsider international travel.

Many of us have more than 800K equivalent in our Us Banks and can access it easily via the ATMS.  I can get US$4,000 per day. I can also easily show income letters indicating pensions well over 65K per month or 800K per year.  However, I have no intention of bringing these funds and placing them in a Thai Bank Account to sit .

since there are other options I shall use them. If the Thai authorities want to change the law- that is their prerogative.

  • Like 1
23 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

People who invested heavily bought homes will have to put up with new rules?  What new rules?  Eliminating those unable to put a pittance in the bank will surely not effect anyone able to invest or buy homes.  What new rules are you talking about?

Sure, it sounds like instead of being able to prove you have the 65K monthly income in your home country you will have to put the funds in a Thai bank. If these are the new rules? As of today all you have to prove is you have 65K pension.


That is what I said if you read my post? If you have invested in Thailand you should be able to post 800K in a Thai bank. 

English must not be your first language.


3 minutes ago, Smile2Day said:

was at the US Consulate and obtained my Income Affidavit an hour ago.

I asked the first staff member there who asked for my passport, if it is true that the Income Affidavit may not be issued soon as there are rumors among the ex pat community?

He said " It is under discussion"

A lady came over ( who later stamped my affidavit and had me swear too) and she interjected " As soon as we know we shall post it.You should keep an eye on our Facebook page".

I also asked if this Affidavit is going to be valid six months, if these stop being issued. She said " That is what Thai Immigration tells us".

I presume she was the Vice Consul  or Consul there. I can't read her signature, ha!

My impression is that we can expect some changes.

Hope this helps

Thanks for posting- It  is helpful...

4 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

It will have to be a change to a police order order at the least. To take anything other than proof from an embassy will require rescinding a decades old order of some kind. Certainly not something that can be determined at the local immigration office.

Doesn't matter what the police order says if the embassy refuses to issue letters.

  • Like 1
17 minutes ago, Lovethailandelite said:

The whole visa and extension system is under review. The review includes the way visas are issued in Embassy's and consulates outside of Thailand.
The way income letters was/are being issued is part of the review.

That sound like a another typical rumor that goes around occasionally and then nothing is changed.

  • Like 2
19 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

It will have to be a change to a police order order at the least. To take anything other than proof from an embassy will require rescinding a decades old order of some kind. Certainly not something that can be determined at the local immigration office.

After dealing with immigration over the years it wouldn't take much for the immigration dept. to make life miserable for  folks. A simple letter to the immigration dept. from higher ups could be enough. Way before the laws are changed legally. My opinion anyway.

1 minute ago, Longcut said:

Doesn't matter what the police order says if the embassy refuses to issue letters.

Only one has said that so far. If your read my post again I was writing about immigration not needing the proof from an embassy,

  • Thanks 1
20 minutes ago, Lovethailandelite said:

The whole visa and extension system is under review. The review includes the way visas are issued in Embassy's and consulates outside of Thailand.
The way income letters was/are being issued is part of the review.

Not surprising at all-  I would expect changes -  Please let us know what you can as you seem to have  good sources.

  • Like 1
51 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

Hi Sir... yes, this is true but i keep meeting older retirees with very low income and often no savings. 


But can you imagine these same people living back in ny or anywhere usa? They get a much better quality of life here but the trade off is no medicare...


I understand them wanting to stay and also understand the concerns of our host country...


All in all pretty sad stuff. .

My mistake,I should had said "not ready to retire in Thailand"  reason being that in Thailand one does not have the rights and support structure one has in their home country.And one has to provide for all of the above on their own.

As you said, no medical insurance (medicare) in Thailand one has to self insure or pay high old age premiums with pre existing conditions exclusions. Or all the other social support structures available back home. 

I understand the concerns, and sympathize with those who don't  have the required funds to retire here, but that's not the concern of Thailand. Thailand  has its own citizens to be concerned with, and I don't think  65 k is an unreasonable amount to be required. It is not like they made the requirement a secret and people came here to retire under false pretences.  

    I agree that NY would be difficult at 65k but  there are places in the US , if one has provided for housing,(a mortgage free house) where one can live comfortably for 65k. 

Of course these places are not Thailand, put the cost of living aside, there are  attractions to Thailand that one can not have back home, but one has to do what one can afford. 

   Having said that, I think it is unfair of the Thai government  to consider only income and not assets for retirement requirements .

 For instance if one owns his own home, that should be considered a credit ,reducing the required income by the amount such pearson would be paying in rent if he did not own his home(lets say 1500 credit)  . Not only would such provision be fair, it would induce investment in Thailand. 

I have my own house in Thailand,and car, all paid for. I am a simple person with simple needs, when in Thailand I barely spend 30K per month. But to be fair, that amount is subsidised by the fact that I spend part of the time outside Thailand where I do some shopping and take care of my medical needs. When I fully retire in Thailand that amount might rise.

By the way, I also feel bad for those who all of the sudden find themselves in a difficult situation because of this income verification letter situation. I am not without compassion. These post replies are sometimes dry, and come across uncompassionate. 

 If you have seen some of my past posts in this subject you would see that a common thread is my opinion that one should never burn bridges when coming here. We are guests here and one never knows when circumstances might force us back home, I am always keeping our Florida home in spite of my wife's  insistence that we sell it. After I am gone she can do with it what she wants with it..

If things ever go tits up for me in Thailand , I want a way back home.





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28 minutes ago, Lovethailandelite said:

The whole visa and extension system is under review. The review includes the way visas are issued in Embassy's and consulates outside of Thailand.
The way income letters was/are being issued is part of the review.

Source please.

  • Thanks 2
2 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Of course or use an agent who will put money into your account for a fee which is acceptable according to several posters.

only problem for those agents could be if immgr. should insist on the 3 months seasoning... 

27 minutes ago, sirineou said:

who don't  have the required funds to retire here, but that's not the concern of Thailand. Thailand  has its own citizens to be concerned with, and I don't think  65 k is an unreasonable amount to be required. It is not like they made the requirement a secret and people came here to retire under false pretences.  

    I agree that NY would be difficult at 65k but  there are places in the US , if one has provided for housing,(a mortgage free house) where one can live comfortably for 65k. 

Of course these places are not Thailand, put the cost of living aside, there are  attractions to Thailand that one can not have back home, but one has to do what one can afford. 

I agree completely on the provision of Thai Imm considering one's assets in Thailand as part of the equation. For those married- Thai Law indicates  a husband or wife are entitled to 50% of the value of assets acquired after the marriage. IMO- these amounts should be considered against  the amounts Thai Imm requires for extensions of stay.


Whether anything positive will ever come out of these issues and changes is to be seen. As of now the letter exists in some form - there  is also a report from CW that the income method will still be in play during 2019 by showing some proof or evidence of income (Note: the current  Thai Police  Order of 2014 uses the words-  Evidence of income of not less than 65K per month)

Need  a lot more info from people who have done and will do extensions from around the country - 

10 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

That sound like a another typical rumor that goes around occasionally and then nothing is changed.

In all due respect, your post proves why those that do have a relationship and understanding of what is occurring, mostly won't be involved with open Internet forums. It has been tried and simply doesn't work. It becomes pointless point scoring and conjecture due to anonymity of both parties. As you are aware, this forum is 'Open source' it's read by many people that have no need to be members. ( I am in no way stating point scoring regarding your post) and hence, it is left to official notices being posted on official government websites once a final decision has been taken. 
Hope you have a great day.

  • Confused 1

Only a couple of months away! By Jan. 1st, and beyond all will know. Mine is due in March so not far off. 


8 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

I think most people wont take your comments seriously, with a member name "love Thailand elite, most will presume you have an association with thailand elite visa's and a vested interest in posting information that promotes elite visa's as the better, or only option.

I have zero affiliation with Thailand Elite. It is simply a screen name. Exactly the same as any other member can choose to use. I could change it to 'Hate Thailand elite' but then I guess would be accused in another way?
You people are funny at times ????

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2 hours ago, watgate said:

You would think with all the problems the thai government is having with the lessening of chinese tourists to Thailand, they would not even consider creating onerous new regulations for long stays in Thailand. I get a pension and social security from the US and would have no problem whatsoever furnishing documentation to immigration at my annual retirement extension to show I meet the income limits for my retirement extension. In fact I always questioned how I could get an income affidavit from the US Consulate without verifying my income but, nevertheless that was how it was done so I followed the rules. What I would have a big problem with is if I have to now transfer 65k each month into Thailand. This would be expensive and quite cumbersome and would not like to have to do this. I have funds at my disposal which I can access on an as needed basis and my documentation showing my income should be sufficient to comply with the income limits. Also seeing as how I do not reside in Thailand full-time ( I usually stay between 8- 10 months each year) and then go back to the US i would not want to deposit 800k in a thai bank acct. What if I decided, at some point, to stop coming to Thailand each year. Would I have difficulty in withdrawing the funds to take back to the US? Would I be able to convert the thai baht back to US dollars or be able to wire the funds back to the US or would the thai bank give me a hard time? Also, if you put 800k in a thai bank it has to season for x number of months so you would be forced to bring or use more money to live here since you couldn't access your bank acct funds while it was seasoning. I also don't want to have to  be concerned about FATCA reporting requirements by having more then 10k usd in a foreign bank acct. While coming here these past 9 years I have helped my g/f and her daughter a great deal but if these onerous changes are implemented then I will either have to try and start obtaining tourist visas and see how that plays out or just stop coming here and go to another country that is more friendlier to retirees and does not place more burdensome restrictions and onerous new policies on retirees.

if your only worry is that 800 000 on Thai bank ….. you are allowed to take cash undeclared out Thailand on your flight up to 20 000 dollar value in any foreign currency , so you are very close to that 800 000, and my KK debit card works also in my Europe country on ATM.... 

I don't know about arriving in the USA airport the eventual problem for your 20 000 dollar …?

So no problem I think if only for the 800 000 , and I can tell you it works as a dream scenario when applying for another ret.extension  (just did my 5th one ) takes a good 5 minutes if all documents o.k.  ????

18 hours ago, Kadilo said:

Sounds like you’re really enjoying life here. 

It is a police state with a military controlled Parliament.  But still more relaxing than the USA.

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8 minutes ago, david555 said:

if your only worry is that 800 000 on Thai bank ….. you are allowed to take cash undeclared out Thailand on your flight up to 20 000 dollar value in any foreign currency , so you are very close to that 800 000, and my KK debit card works also in my Europe country on ATM.... 

I don't know about arriving in the USA airport the eventual problem for your 20 000 dollar …?

So no problem I think if only for the 800 000 , and I can tell you it works as a dream scenario when applying for another ret.extension  (just did my 5th one ) takes a good 5 minutes if all documents o.k.  ????

I applied for my first retirement extension at Nonthaburi immigration after previously holding a marriage extension.  It took 6 hours at Nonthaburi immigration because they did not believe I was still married.  I asked why does it matter, do I have to be married to have retirement extension? No answer

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