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Trump's final campaign stretch rattled by twin calamities


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8 hours ago, mikebike said:

No it is not. But it is just a pinhole look at a bigger picture.


It would be just as easy to create an attack-ad featuring a gnarly-tattooed arian nation gang member incarcerated for torturing his victims before killing them (this is a true story too...).


What do either of these stories have to do with the big picture? Nothing. What do either of these stories have to do with the average immigrant or average American? Nothing.

Of course.  Targeted political ads/commercial are like this.  This one is about illegal alien "bad hombres", which is part and parcel of the broader, illegal immigration issue - Trump's been on about this for a couple years.   No need to squelch or censor it now just because it's politically inconvenient.


Dems/DNC/Trump opposition employs the same targeted, hyperbolic marketing/production strategies, intended to stoke emotional reactions and influence policy makers and the public at large glued to their big screen propaganda machines.   I'm sure I can find a "pin hole" look at the illegal immigration issue, focusing on poor, defenseless mothers and their shoe-less children being terribly mistreated and abused in a US Government Immigration concentration camp on the border.  It worked too!


Again, I think this ad isn't very useful for the reasons I mentioned in my comment, which, for some reason, you decided to delete that part when you quoted me. 


Anyway, I kind of like this guy and his rifles and shotguns.  Yee Haw!  :cowboy:




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11 hours ago, mikebike said:

Its is a concise subjective description of one immigrant story. Delving deeper it seems that this twisted individual was deported by a democratic administration and re-entered under a republican admin prior to committing his horrific act...

Delving deeper?  Naw.   That's CNN cheap commentary deflection because the message was indisputable.  Fox News does the same garbage.  Viewers of both tend to regurgitate them on social media as memes, and think it makes them sound clued up. 


As far as meaning anything in the bigger picture, it really doesn't.  The political parties in the White House could have been reversed in this scenario.  Still have dead American cops, a civilian, widows and kids without parents. 


Well, at least we can agree that he was a twisted individual and it was a horrific act.

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1 hour ago, 55Jay said:

Of course.  Targeted political ads/commercial are like this.  This one is about illegal alien "bad hombres", which is part and parcel of the broader, illegal immigration issue - Trump's been on about this for a couple years.   No need to squelch or censor it now just because it's politically inconvenient.


Dems/DNC/Trump opposition employs the same targeted, hyperbolic marketing/production strategies, intended to stoke emotional reactions and influence policy makers and the public at large glued to their big screen propaganda machines.   I'm sure I can find a "pin hole" look at the illegal immigration issue, focusing on poor, defenseless mothers and their shoe-less children being terribly mistreated and abused in a US Government Immigration concentration camp on the border.  It worked too!


Again, I think this ad isn't very useful for the reasons I mentioned in my comment, which, for some reason, you decided to delete that part when you quoted me. 


Anyway, I kind of like this guy and his rifles and shotguns.  Yee Haw!  :cowboy:




It's not about being politically inconvient. It's about propagating a lie that illegal aliens are a threat to the safety of American citizens. It's bigotry.

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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

It's not about being politically inconvient. It's about propagating a lie that illegal aliens are a threat to the safety of American citizens. It's bigotry.

Illegal aliens, as a whole, aren't a benign entity just because they are poor and looking for work, any more than Thais are all lovely, peaceful Buddhists.  Illegals do commit crimes against each other as well as Americans.  There are violet gang bangers, rapist and peados among them, just like any other society.


So it's not a lie.  It's not bigotry to state a known, fact of life.  No need to repeat the "they are less likely to commit crimes than Americans".  Got it.  Stipulated.  But even that supports my point and undermines yours.


Physical security and BP chasing Messicans around in the bushes at night, is only half the deal though.  The other half is a realistic, workable system to accommodate the millions of guest workers that already exist and that the country has gotten used to. 


And get rid of the 14th Amendment.  Make it a matter of national Immigration policy, which can be adjusted as and if required, based on the country's projected needs. 

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24 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Illegal aliens, as a whole, aren't a benign entity just because they are poor and looking for work, any more than Thais are all lovely, peaceful Buddhists.  Illegals do commit crimes against each other as well as Americans.  There are violet gang bangers, rapist and peados among them, just like any other society.


So it's not a lie.  It's not bigotry to state a known, fact of life.  No need to repeat the "they are less likely to commit crimes than Americans".  Got it.  Stipulated.  But even that supports my point and undermines yours.


Physical security and BP chasing Messicans around in the bushes at night, is only half the deal though.  The other half is a realistic, workable system to accommodate the millions of guest workers that already exist and that the country has gotten used to.


And get rid of the 14th Amendment.  Make it a matter of national Immigration policy, which can be adjusted as and if required, based on the country's projected needs.

Sounds a very reasonable posting?



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6 hours ago, bristolboy said:

It's not about being politically inconvient. It's about propagating a lie that illegal aliens are a threat to the safety of American citizens. It's bigotry.


1 hour ago, alocacoc said:

What exactly is wrong with the ad? Shows it actually what Democrats want hide from you?

Looks fine to me nice guy big gun?

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2 hours ago, alocacoc said:

What exactly is wrong with the ad? Shows it actually what Democrats want hide from you?

What's wrong is that it is fake news. It's the Democrats who deported him and GW Bush administration that let him in again.


Edited by candide
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7 minutes ago, candide said:

What's wrong is that it is fake news. It's the Democrats who deported him and GW Bush administration that let him in again.


That too!




With racist ad, Trump sinks to a new low

If for some reason you’ve been wondering whether President Trump would sink even lower into racist provocation with the midterm election only a few days away, here’s your answer:

I’ll leave it to our intrepid fact-checkers to document the lies in this ad, other than to note that just about every word in it is false. What’s more important is the president’s objectives and tactics, not to mention the fact that he put out this rancid poison just five days after a gunman killed 11 worshippers in a Pittsburgh synagogue, the worst anti-Semitic massacre in American history, in part because he believed the conspiracy theories propagated by the president and his supporters about immigrants threatening America, then joined it to his hatred of the Jews he thought were responsible.




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22 hours ago, Credo said:

I have no idea what you are on about.   Why would they try to charge the border?   Have you been to any major border crossings lately?  Most of them are very well protected and fortified.    Then remember that the President may send up to 15,000 troops to protect the border.   



That's actually my point. There is no "threat". The people in the caravan are poor and desperate, no doubt comprising a mix of economic migrants and actual refugees with a genuine case for asylum. There are rules in place to deal with them legally. There's more than enough security without any additional troops to prevent these people from going illegally through the border. 

The entire reason for the brouhaha is political scare-mongering. If they were honest and wanted to have a dialogue about immigration, labour needs, minimum wage, 14th Amendment etc., then have it. Put it forth as your policy and engage in honest debate. Instead we have BS statements about unilateral abolishment of the 14th amendment with full knowledge that such a thing could not possibly be done.

There is no serious attempt to discuss these issues or their consequences, only dog-whistling to White Nationalists and the Base.

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13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Brought to you direct from totally unbiased Washington post.


More democrat hysterical ???? headlines


Trumps no racist he is a Nationalist so loves and wants to nurture his country and all its people.


When will the Democrat supporters admit how virtuous and what a loved president Trump really is?


Even the Rabbi at the synagogue where 11 people were murdered said he showed compassion and a 'warm and caring side'.




Just maybee if the left had just a liitle bit more tolerance to others views they would realise what a nice warm compassionate guy he is, just like the Rabbi in the CNN link attached who was speaking from his experience not just what he read on the internet.


Trump racist not at all!

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8 hours ago, 55Jay said:

Delving deeper?  Naw.   That's CNN cheap commentary deflection because the message was indisputable.  Fox News does the same garbage.  Viewers of both tend to regurgitate them on social media as memes, and think it makes them sound clued up. 


As far as meaning anything in the bigger picture, it really doesn't.  The political parties in the White House could have been reversed in this scenario.  Still have dead American cops, a civilian, widows and kids without parents. 


Well, at least we can agree that he was a twisted individual and it was a horrific act.

Yes we can agree on that he was a twisted murderer.

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18 minutes ago, JCauto said:

That's actually my point. There is no "threat". The people in the caravan are poor and desperate, no doubt comprising a mix of economic migrants and actual refugees with a genuine case for asylum. There are rules in place to deal with them legally. There's more than enough security without any additional troops to prevent these people from going illegally through the border. 

The entire reason for the brouhaha is political scare-mongering. If they were honest and wanted to have a dialogue about immigration, labour needs, minimum wage, 14th Amendment etc., then have it. Put it forth as your policy and engage in honest debate. Instead we have BS statements about unilateral abolishment of the 14th amendment with full knowledge that such a thing could not possibly be done.

There is no serious attempt to discuss these issues or their consequences, only dog-whistling to White Nationalists and the Base.

Yes your right there is no threat now at all, as President Trump won't let there be one.


This caravan is just a left political stunt and the kind of people that throw stones at law enforcement should be sent straight back to where they came from. The charity behind it is yet anouther millionaire suported afront to democracy.


Here's an interesting link.




A stone can kill so they should not do it, crimianals throw stones at law enforcement not nice people you would want in the same schools as your kids.

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4 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

Yes your right there is no threat now at all, as President Trump won't let there be one.


This caravan is just a left political stunt and the kind of people that throw stones at law enforcement should be sent straight back to where they came from. The charity behind it is yet anouther millionaire suported afront to democracy.


Here's an interesting link.




A stone can kill so they should not do it, crimianals throw stones at law enforcement not nice people you would want in the same schools as your kids.


Edited by bristolboy
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The first time Americans (by a minority) elected the con man demagogue president it could be argued many of his voters didn't know any better.

NOW -- if he isn't checked in a major way (at least by retaking the house) then Americans will know and the world will, yes the USA has really embraced the toxic vile garbage values of the current potus (hate, racism, "nationalism" code for white nationalism. isolationism, anti-science, anti-free trade, pro voter suppression, anti consumer rights, tax cuts mostly for the very wealthy only, demonize all others, denying the very existence of transgender people-who is next?, anti-immigrant, soft on domestic white terrorism, no checks on guns at all, trash access to health care, etc., etc.)




We have no excuses now. Our eyes are wide open.


This time, our eyes are wide open.

Exactly two years ago, many Americans held their noses and voted for Donald Trump. Some were conservatives willing to tolerate his vulgar excesses in hopes of getting tax cuts, a repeal of Obamacare and a friendlier judiciary. Others had Clinton fatigue. Sure, they were concerned about Trump’s words about Mexican “rapists” and what he liked to do to women — but maybe those were just words. Maybe Trump could build a coalition across traditional party lines to get things done.




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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:


The first time Americans (by a minority) elected the con man demagogue president it could be argued many of his voters didn't know any better.

NOW -- if he isn't checked in a major way (at least by retaking the house) then Americans will know and the world will, yes the USA has really embraced the toxic vile garbage values of the current potus (hate, racism, "nationalism" code for white nationalism. isolationism, anti-science, anti-free trade, pro voter suppression, anti consumer rights, tax cuts mostly for the very wealthy only, demonize all others, denying the very existence of transgender people-who is next?, anti-immigrant, soft on domestic white terrorism, no checks on guns at all, trash access to health care, etc., etc.)




Wow more from the totally unbiased Washington post. Great to see the monotone nature of their ‘reporting’ hasn’t changed.


Lots of people will not admit to voting for Elected President Trumps fine team of Republicans in real life. As no doubt they will get trolled on the internet and attacked by liberal love and kindness, with the likes of ANTIFA.


However, when in the privacy of the ballet box as Brexit did show in the UK they are likely to vote in a way opinion polls can not identify. And the polls are very close (sorry can’t get the link to attach).


The race according to polling will likely be close but Trump will probably get the core vote out, that’s I guess why he is still having rallies and  giving out his traditional message that got him elected last time such as MAGA.


He could of course campaign on how great the ecconomy is doing since his tenure, but people see that in their pay packets ecmvery week so he doesn’t really need to boast about that.


If the Republicans can hold on during the mid terms he is likely to go for President again and most likely will be re elected, which will be great to have the continuity.


Shame the ‘caravans’ not at the border already as when the voters see rocks thrown at the brave American milirltary the Republicans will gain even more votes.



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14 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

However, when in the privacy of the ballet box as Brexit did show in the UK they are likely to vote in a way opinion polls can not identify. And the polls are very close (sorry can’t get the link to attach).

What happened the liberals are hiding the link from you?

The polls did get it wrong during the presidential election they did not take in to consideration Comey's pre-election  announcement,  do you expect an other such event? 


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6 minutes ago, sirineou said:

What happened the liberals are hiding the link from you?

The polls did get it wrong during the presidential election they did not take in to consideration Comey's pre-election  announcement,  do you expect an other such event? 


such events are happening in several states as we speak. Local news is reporting but not so much national. check out project veritas reports on youtube.


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3 minutes ago, Srinivas said:

such events are happening in several states as we speak. Local news is reporting but not so much national. check out project veritas reports on youtube.


Links from such state event also hidden by the dastardly liberals?

can't check you YouTube channel, like most other Americans when on YouTube we are too busy checking out evidence of alien abductions , anal probing, and hidden history events. 

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1 hour ago, Patriot1066 said:



Shame the ‘caravans’ not at the border already as when the voters see rocks thrown at the brave American milirltary the Republicans will gain even more votes.



Except of course that the military will be nowhere near the front lines but rather operating bulldozers and engaged in other support activities. You sure do fantasize a lot about violence.

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30 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Links from such state event also hidden by the dastardly liberals?

can't check you YouTube channel, like most other Americans when on YouTube we are too busy checking out evidence of alien abductions , anal probing, and hidden history events. 

if you're too lazy, you can stay in your echo bubble and call us all what you will.

maybe wake up and cry day after elections like the butthurt turned tone deaf. again. please dont riot though, we dont want that????


project veritas has undercover videos from several senate campaigns

these are probably having impact on undecideds. we will see soon enough.


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36 minutes ago, Srinivas said:

if you're too lazy, you can stay in your echo bubble and call us all what you will.

maybe wake up and cry day after elections like the butthurt turned tone deaf. again. please dont riot though, we dont want that????


project veritas has undercover videos from several senate campaigns

these are probably having impact on undecideds. we will see soon enough.


Right. James O'Keefe. He has made editing a synonym for lying. He's been exposed long since for the liar he is. The only people he manages to fool nowadays are those who don't need convincing.


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On ‎11‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 2:05 PM, Tug said:

It will be nice after the midterms to get a real look at trumps taxes imagine there will be more from muller Donald is is desperately trying to devide and deflect he cannot survive the light of truth 

30. He said he’d release his taxes. “I’m under a routine audit and it’ll be released, and as soon as the audit is finished it will be released,” he promised during the campaign. You bought it. He still hasn’t released his taxes."

To Trump voters …. Watch: Here are 30 promises Trump has broken in less than two years





Edited by Opl
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9 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Right. James O'Keefe. He has made editing a synonym for lying. He's been exposed long since for the liar he is. The only people he manages to fool nowadays are those who don't need convincing.


his videos are straight from the horses mouth and  being run on local news outlets. having an impact on undecided I dont know. we'll find out soon.

but of course blame the messenger????

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19 minutes ago, Srinivas said:

his videos are straight from the horses mouth and  being run on local news outlets. having an impact on undecided I dont know. we'll find out soon.

but of course blame the messenger????

Actually, it's straight from a horse's ass. There is plenty of information out there about how O'Keefe has repeatedly edited out contradictory evidence and through editing altered the meaning of what people said. I gave one link. There's plenty more.

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2 hours ago, Srinivas said:

such events are happening in several states as we speak. Local news is reporting but not so much national. check out project veritas reports on youtube.


Yes the liberals may control the national news apart from the more important sites such as Brietbart and Fox. But on a local level people can see their lives improving under democratically elected President Donald Trump.

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19 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Actually, it's straight from a horse's ass. There is plenty of information out there about how O'Keefe has repeatedly edited out contradictory evidence and through editing altered the meaning of what people said. I gave one link. There's plenty more.

No he said mouth, the ass produces wind and smells not unlike the Clintons e mail server and the missing 20,000 e mails, a very bad smell.


Hard to edit an ongoing conversation unless your good at lip sync!

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