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What Makes you Shake your Head or Roll Your Eyes?


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I find these things in Thailand to be so annoying as to be laughable, I just shake my head or roll my eyes and go on with life. Its almost like, wow, this is so weird its cool:


1. Whistles.

2. Roosters

3. The rubber bands on take out that are like Gordian knots.

4. Fat falangs in wife beaters.

5. Ladyboys on Sukhamvit.

6. Shouting the virtues of whatever is being sold in markets at the top of their lungs with a long drawn out Kaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.

7. Loud phone conversations in the BTS.

8. Ketchup on pizza. 

9. Planters or benches in Condos at ankle level with sharp edges.

10. No underwear or socks allowed in washing machines.

11. Plastic bags for everything.

12. If it doesnt have a rubberband its taped.

13. Toilet paper instead of proper napkins.

14. 2 baht for ice.



Im sure there is more, thats just from the past two days.

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Indian music; I don’t shake my head but I bobble it a little bit.

Except for last night when I was woken up by premature Depavali celebrations, and I put the pillow over my head; I was lucky it was too late for the tooth fairy, or I’d have wounded up mumplaiming amour miss!

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What drives me absolutely crazy...worldwide...is the following. In my opinion,.. 95% of women of all ages, class, countries, status etc., .."Cover their mouths when, laughing, get excited, shocked. It's as if there is an invisible wire attached from their lower jaw bone to their arms, right one left on, or both. The mouth opens and immediately the hand shoots up to cover it... I used to think it was to block bad breath, (no longer think that). Then I thought it was to hide bad teeth (no longer think that either). I like to watch a lot of Talent shows on Y/T and it is especially noticeable on there...A lady gets 4 "Yes's"...the camera zooms in and what do we see...The prettiest sight in the world. A beautiful lady having her life's dream fulfilled but Ohh!...can only see have the beauty...the bottom half is blocked by the big mauler or both maulers covering the bottom half of the face....Why do the Mother's not teach them better ways to express joy than this, I ask myself. The camera at the talent show them moves over to the mother and grand mother, sisters, cousins and next door neighbours etc.,and guess what...all those ladies too ..have the maulers over their mouths....I'm beginning to see men starting to do it....Strangely enough. Thailand was the first place I noticed this when I first came to live here 18 yrs. ago. Now I rarely see it happening in Thailand... They have given this deplorable habit to the rest of the world ...possibly.?

Edited by dotpoom
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1 hour ago, thaiguzzi said:

.......reading a headline to a topic like this, on this forum.

And no, i have not read all the posts.

Have a nice day. And get out more.

Another one I just thought of: having a smile with my morning coffee and catching up with the local gossip Board and seeing unhappiness, again!


Have a nice day too. Im staying home today, clean house and do laundry, too much walking yesterday.

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4 minutes ago, Brayka said:

Thai sellers who nothing about the product their selling 

Every once in a while you luck out. Had a kid in the Osprey section of Paragon that spoke decent English and knew his product backwards and forwards.

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4 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

I forgot the most obvious ! 


Moderating through these forums daily and what you lot get up to !!!!


You should see what we see.........you get the filtered version.......mostly ????


Guaranteed to make you shake your head, roll your eyes.......and a few other things too !! ????

Come on Charlie, you love it, and most of us.....Surely.????

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23 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

I forgot the most obvious ! 


Moderating through these forums daily and what you lot get up to !!!!


You should see what we see.........you get the filtered version.......mostly ????


Guaranteed to make you shake your head, roll your eyes.......and a few other things too !! ????

Should I post about my last trip down to lower Sukh then? ????????????

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