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London violent crime could take 'a generation' to solve


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1 hour ago, Thechook said:

He wasn't the victim and deserved to be shot. He attacked innocent people and police in the name of his religion.

As an ex member of VIC Police (?) I assume you're competent in comprehension and grammar. Kindly cease your nonsense.

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2 hours ago, simple1 said:

The knifingings in the topic are not terrorism related. Currently in Thailand, looked up the incident  you refer to. yes, being treated as a terror attack, attacker shot dead by police. RIP innocent victim.

Yes but he is a black immigrant and used a knife , and that is what is being discussed is it not? ps i notice above you are saying that a poster is a member of the VIC police ,what are they ?

Edited by i claudius
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Welcome to Britain the world`s leaders in cultural enrichment.


Going to take a generation to resolve? Isn`t that wishful thinking.


Thuggery and youth crime has been progressively getting worse for decades and with no strong police enforcements, weak laws and no real deterrents the situation is only going to get worse. The streets not only in London but in cities nationwide are being over run by gang cultures, similar to some cities in the United States. There are parts that are considered no go areas, people have their homes secured like Fort Knox. So bad in-fact that residents are hiring their own security guards and private police run by companies.  


Britain as Great Britain has had it`s day. So glad I got myself and family out of there.  



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9 hours ago, alfieconn said:

Not one mention of Parents disciplining their children, but obviously it's the authorities fault because they haven't educated  young people on the dangers of carrying a knife, i can't stop laughing !!!! why don't the parents educate them ? anyway i don't think they need to be educated as to a knife being dangerous as that is exactly why they are carrying them.

No not a word not their fault




'UK grooming gangs' in the forum as about her ignored crime in our cities.


The UK us dangerous!

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22 hours ago, simple1 said:

Not into hysterical hyperbole, unlike you and some others on this forum

to be honest i read what you write with fear , because if enough people were as blind as you seem to be the west is doomed , i am not being rude to you just worried by you and people who think like you 

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20 hours ago, simple1 said:

The knifingings in the topic are not terrorism related. Currently in Thailand, looked up the incident  you refer to. yes, being treated as a terror attack, attacker shot dead by police. RIP innocent victim.

To be fair, calling the attacker an innocent victim and saying RIP and not mentioning the Innocent victim who's life was taken sums up the type of person Simple is.

He defends the ethnic minorities but if he ever in the way any of them they wouldn't hesitate in doing him some harm  and i suppose he would still defend them.

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17 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Welcome to Britain the world`s leaders in cultural enrichment.


Going to take a generation to resolve? Isn`t that wishful thinking.


Thuggery and youth crime has been progressively getting worse for decades and with no strong police enforcements, weak laws and no real deterrents the situation is only going to get worse. The streets not only in London but in cities nationwide are being over run by gang cultures, similar to some cities in the United States. There are parts that are considered no go areas, people have their homes secured like Fort Knox. So bad in-fact that residents are hiring their own security guards and private police run by companies.  


Britain as Great Britain has had it`s day. So glad I got myself and family out of there.  



"Going to take a generation to resolve? Isn`t that wishful thinking.

Thuggery and youth crime has been progressively getting worse for decades and with no strong police enforcements, weak laws and no real deterrents the situation is only going to get worse. The streets not only in London but in cities nationwide are being over run by gang cultures"


Agree entirely, and would only add the following:-


1) lack of deterrents, particularly when it comes to police enforcement.  I gather some poor communities live in fear of the worst elements living amongst them, knowing that complaining to the police will only result in retribution - and the police can/will do bugger all other than perhaps visit the offenders' houses and issue a pointless 'warning'.

2) Too many parents (mainly in poor areas) that have little/no idea as to how to provide the 'right' sort of discipline in their childrens' lives...  It's either OTT or non-existent, depending on the situation.  I'd be very suprised if those kids grew up to be anything other than thugs.


The above applies to white kids as much as black/immigrant kids.


BUT, as pointed out by cyberfarang and another poster - the evidence seems to prove that most knife/gun crime is a result of gangs (drug related or otherwise), and more than a proportionate share is committed by blacks/immigrants.


There is no easy answer generally, as police need PROOF and most are (understandably) too frightened of retribution.


I'd like to go on about the way parenting has changed - from children not daring to tell their parents if they committed a minor infraction at school resulting in a detention, knowing that they would be in far more trouble with their parents (!) - to the way too often nowadays the parents complain to the school that they dared 'punish' their child..... ☹️


Sorry for the rant, but believe it or not - I could continue....

Edited by dick dasterdly
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2 minutes ago, sukhumvitneon said:

When are people here going to understand that demographics are the main determinant of quality of life in a given area, no matter how "offensive" that fact is?

Its poverty and education that are the problems, not the colour of the people skin or what country they come from.


And the government is the blame totally, for allowing such poverty and breakdown of society to happen in the first place.  But some people prefer to blame the race of the people... as that is an easy answer and requires no thinking or effort to sort out the root of the problem.



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8 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

Its poverty and education that are the problems, not the colour of the people skin or what country they come from.


And the government is the blame totally, for allowing such poverty and breakdown of society to happen in the first place.  But some people prefer to blame the race of the people... as that is an easy answer and requires no thinking or effort to sort out the root of the problem.



Do you understand that demographic statistics includes educational attainment and household income? I wasn't talking about race in and of itself.

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1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

Its poverty and education that are the problems, not the colour of the people skin or what country they come from.


And the government is the blame totally, for allowing such poverty and breakdown of society to happen in the first place.  But some people prefer to blame the race of the people... as that is an easy answer and requires no thinking or effort to sort out the root of the problem.



To a large extent I agree with you, but the problem and answer isn't that simple.


As pointed out by alfieconn, some of those 'poverty stricken' folk can still apparently afford "100 pound training shoes and all the up to date clothes".


The unintelligent are unable to genuinely benefit much from an academic education over the age of 13 or so (?).  IMO of course.


I gather Germany has a better system whereby the young can gain a far more useful education around that age, in practical fields - which they will enjoy more, and know they are gaining useful, reasonably/well-paid skills for the future.


IF the UK was willing to accept such a sensible approach to education, I've no doubt it would help reduce the problem of the large number of disaffected youth, and likely reduce the gang culture that is becoming more prevalent?


But we would still have the problem of:-

1) nearly all youths (even children!) having no concern, or fear of repercussions when they behave badly - as they know few will 'stand up to them', as they are too afraid of violent consequences....


2) And back on topic, the current situation where the vast majority of those committing violent acts are blacks/immigrants/ethnic minorities.


An education system that works (as mentioned above) will hopefully reduce the figure for those born in the UK (regardless of colour) - but it needs the type of sensible education policy mentioned above, for this to work - and it will take at least a generation.

3) It won't work when it comes to new immigrants who were already 'conditioned' to violence in their own countries, and seeking to join or set-up 'gangs' in their new country....

4) It also won't work as long as schools and the police have numerous regulations ensuring that bad behaviour can only result in a 'slap on the wrist'.....


Sorry to go on, but I'm a bit pissed - and it's a subject about which I feel very strongly.

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48 minutes ago, alfieconn said:

What poverty are you talking about ? the same poverty that kids have 100 pound training shoes and all the up to date clothes ! 

Can you explain how there is a  "breakdown of society".

You think a pair of 100 pound shoes makes someone rich?   

Maybe have a read of this if you are interested.



If you are rich would you like to live in the same housing and area as them?  Do you think if they had money they would stay where they are? If you were born there and grew up in that environment with little hope of a real job or future, bad influences of drugs and gangs etc, would you be the exception and find a quiet place to study hard and get lots of qualifications and a job?  Maybe you are seeing things from your more privileged life, and better upbringing and luck of where you were born and raised.  


You don't see rising violent crime, in the top 7 for knife attacks in the world... is a sign some areas of society are broken?



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18 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

You think a pair of 100 pound shoes makes someone rich?   

Maybe have a read of this if you are interested.



If you are rich would you like to live in the same housing and area as them?  Do you think if they had money they would stay where they are? If you were born there and grew up in that environment with little hope of a real job or future, bad influences of drugs and gangs etc, would you be the exception and find a quiet place to study hard and get lots of qualifications and a job?  Maybe you are seeing things from your more privileged life, and better upbringing and luck of where you were born and raised.  


You don't see rising violent crime, in the top 7 for knife attacks in the world... is a sign some areas of society are broken?




You think a pair of 100 pound shoes makes someone rich?

NO. where did i mention about them being rich ?



Do you think if they had money they would stay where they are?

They do have money and they stay where they are to be part of a gang and sells drugs.




If you were born there and grew up in that environment with little hope of a real job or future, bad influences of drugs and gangs etc, would you be the exception and find a quiet place to study hard and get lots of qualifications and a job?




I take it that the white kids who are born  there and growing up in that environment are doing just that being as they are not in gangs and killing people.




Edited by alfieconn
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1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

You think a pair of 100 pound shoes makes someone rich?   

Maybe have a read of this if you are interested.



If you are rich would you like to live in the same housing and area as them?  Do you think if they had money they would stay where they are? If you were born there and grew up in that environment with little hope of a real job or future, bad influences of drugs and gangs etc, would you be the exception and find a quiet place to study hard and get lots of qualifications and a job?  Maybe you are seeing things from your more privileged life, and better upbringing and luck of where you were born and raised.  


You don't see rising violent crime, in the top 7 for knife attacks in the world... is a sign some areas of society are broken?



"You think a pair of 100 pound shoes makes someone rich?"


No, just not poverty stricken.  For reasons beyond your and my understanding, they prefer to spend their money on appearing 'wealthy' amongst their neighbours.  Nothing new - 'keeping up with the Jones's has been a common phrase for decades.


"If you were born there and grew up in that environment with little hope of a real job or future, bad influences of drugs and gangs etc, would you be the exception and find a quiet place to study hard and get lots of qualifications and a job?"


I talked about this previously - it depends on the intelligence level (plus other factors).  Those who aren't very bright, are unlikely to "find a quiet place to study hard and get lots of qualifications"....!


But this is an entirely different discussion and deflecting from the topic.





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22 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

to be honest i read what you write with fear , because if enough people were as blind as you seem to be the west is doomed , i am not being rude to you just worried by you and people who think like you 

Probably wasting my time. However, it is a false assumption that  I am 'blind' to crime / acts of terrorism. The difference between myself and some other members who post in this topic and other topics is I'm not into childish hyperbolic posts, all encompassing ethnic / religious bigotry, applauding the downing at sea of asylum seekers and so on.

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16 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

You don't see rising violent crime, in the top 7 for knife attacks in the world... is a sign some areas of society are broken?


I can remember the Krays and armed bank robberies, Brinks Matt, Great Train Robbery.

There was always poverty, armed gangs and violence in London, but it never affected most of us.


Then there were Greek crime gangs, Chinese crime gangs .............

Edited by BritManToo
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8 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

I fear that people like yourself blame everyone and everything on anyone but the trash that carry out these crimes ,its never their fault always societies or depravations fault. Then you blame us and call us bigots ,typical left wing hyperbole.

Thought I was wasting my time. All false observations 'liked' by the usual representative bigots on this forum, including some who have applauded the deaths of the civilians if they are from certain ethnic religious backgrounds. Honest members, being true to themselves - LOL





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