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Thailand makes HUGE changes to its laws on smoking in public

Jonathan Fairfield

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The beginning of the end for (non girlie) bar businesses in Thailand (if its ever implemented and enforced).  Along with other changes to lifestyle that have reduced customer numbers - such businesses are likely to begin the slow downhill slide that has happened in the UK - thousands of pubs have closed.


I smoke and support the ban on smoking inside pubs - believe it or not, when I don't have a cig in my mouth I actually like clean air. But taking things this far? Its getting ridiculous and is purely driven by people who's sole goal in life is to ban smoking.  Do you think they actually care about your health?  Once they've achieved their goal they'll move on to drinking - just as they have in the UK.


Before you know it we'll all be T Total, attending church on Sundays, greasing our hair back and wearing ties ????.


What I find amazing about these ongoing anti-smoking laws is the setting in which they take place.  Modified pick up trucks thunder around, billowing hideous amounts of black diesel smoke out.  Commercial vehicles likewise, yet neither are subject to any form of yearly emmisions test.  General traffic pollutes the air badly in Thailand's major cities and a yellow pollution cloud is often seen over Bangkok - again nothing done. Thousands of street vendors cook food over smokey open barbeques every day. Do the powers that be think that only cigarette smoke is harmful?


I won't be buying shares in bars and pubs but I'd consider buying shares in businesses that sell alcohol for home consumption.



Edited by KhaoYai
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On 11/6/2018 at 4:28 PM, HappyAndRich said:

That a very good step to promote public health and to get rid of all the bad smelling spews of all smokers.
If you want to smoke, get away from people and show some dignity and respect for other that don´t want your tobacco smoke in their lungs.


Same like a factory can´t dump their shit anywhere, due to that it´s bad for nature. You smokers can´t dump your dangerous smoke into other peoples lives and surroundings.

Thank You!

Fair comment, but what about city smog?  I'd rather choke down several packs of cigarettes than ride my push bike behind the trucks and busses taking just one breath until I can get past them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Smokers are the most rude disrespectful people on the planet.  Why should non smokers have to breath your toxic smoke.  You blow smoke in the faces of others and then throw cigarette butts on the ground and into the sewers.  Have you ever noticed all the cigarette butts on the ground in Pattaya that have to be cleaned up by others.  It is a totally disgusting useless habit.  Props to the Lion Pub for actually enforcing the law and banning smoking.  Other places need to do the same!  Other countries around the world have banned smoking years ago--Thailand is just catching up.   

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6 hours ago, ice4351 said:

Smokers are the most rude disrespectful people on the planet.  Why should non smokers have to breath your toxic smoke.  You blow smoke in the faces of others and then throw cigarette butts on the ground and into the sewers.  Have you ever noticed all the cigarette butts on the ground in Pattaya that have to be cleaned up by others.  It is a totally disgusting useless habit.  Props to the Lion Pub for actually enforcing the law and banning smoking.  Other places need to do the same!  Other countries around the world have banned smoking years ago--Thailand is just catching up.   

"Smokers are the most rude disrespectful people on the planet." 


A tad exaggerated methinks - I thought the "Cheap Charlie Chinese" had cornered the market on that one!

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11 hours ago, Nielsk said:

I do say You are generalizing.  Absolutely not my experience. Who do You think You are. Smoking outside does not affect You.  Seems like You deliberately put the nose into the smoke. Just stop that and get on with your miserable life  !

It does effect me when they stand right outside the door and the wind is blowing inwards

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6 hours ago, sanemax said:

It does effect me when they stand right outside the door and the wind is blowing inwards

Or a few years back in Hanoi Vietnam one popular restaurant was allowing customers to smoke inside the venue as long as it wasn't more than 1 metre inside the door.


I went there with my 20 MBA students who were unaware the venue had changed from absolute no smoking inside to the arrangement above.


Every time the door opened the gush of incoming air spread the smoke through the whole place. Just awful.


Before we ordered one of the students suggested we leave, plenty more good restaurants.


We left with the owner / manager standing there lost for words.  


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On 11/19/2018 at 10:03 AM, Shiver said:

Fair comment, but what about city smog?  I'd rather choke down several packs of cigarettes than ride my push bike behind the trucks and busses taking just one breath until I can get past them.

So don’t ride behind the trucks. 


Non-smokers don’t have that luxury.

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I'm all for a better inviroment, but more attention should be focused on other matters.


I doubt this attempt will work.


Looking around me sums up how, expensive, corrupt, rude, filthy, dirty, unhygyinic, uncaring, unsafe, lawless and sooooooooo on it really is here, but it could all change only if the mind set attitudes would change, but that won't happen.


I'm starting to feel Thailand's bubble is deflating and that the grass is greener elsewhere. The appeal for me to reside within Thailand has become less and less everyday.




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On 11/6/2018 at 11:35 AM, swissie said:

Fashions change. At some time it was fashionable to burn christians at the stakes. Then it was the "non-believers" turn. Then the witches. Then the Jews. Then the Gays. Then folks wearing long hair and playing rock n'roll. Today it's the smokers that need to be nailed to the cross.

This opinion supported mainly by folks that drive an SUV, guzzling 20 litres per 100 and standing on a street corner in BKK inhaling the fresh air.
Be on your guard: Vegans will be next. Them eating food that deprives them of essential nutrients, making for expensive hospital bills later on, putting them in the same boat as smokers.
To be politically correct means to be anti-tobacco these days.

I just would want to see the faces of those politically-correct people, if upon entering the "pearly-gates", the first thing they would be offered, is a Cuban-Cigar!:clap2::cheesy:
- How simple would it be if there were Pub's and other places for smokers or non smokers. End of discussion. Everybody happy!
But it's not about that. And it's not a health issue. Inhaling "second-hand-smoke" is so diluted, that it has about the same effect as Homeophathic Medicine. = NONE! It's about the rightous majority wanting to impose their rightiouseness upon a minority. What else is new on this globe?

BTW: In the 50ties and 60ties, a non smoker was considered as politically "incorrect". Remember?
Fashions change. Let's be careful what we wish for. Todays political correctness may come back and bite some of us in the rear....

You seem to give equal weight to biased opinions and to opinions based on research and facts.  That's a personal choice.


I would also suggest you familiarize yourself with the true meaning of "political correctness" instead of the definition implied by the conspiracy theorists.


To be considered "fair and balanced" I must state that your last point is something that we all should take to heart.

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On 11/18/2018 at 7:03 PM, Shiver said:

Fair comment, but what about city smog?  I'd rather choke down several packs of cigarettes than ride my push bike behind the trucks and busses taking just one breath until I can get past them.


So what?

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/13/2018 at 9:30 AM, JimmyJ said:


So what?

So what about city smog in comparison.  Why is that under the radar?

If you ask me nicely I'll not only ask the questions, but also make up some answers so you don't have to bother yourself reading it.


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On 12/13/2018 at 5:17 AM, dcnx said:

You smokers are dense. It absolutely does. We smell it everywhere outside. You smell of stench so bad and your sense of smell is ruined so you haven’t a clue how bad you stink and how far your stench travels.


Cancer will sort most of you out. 

Cancer will sort most people out Wether they smoke or not

Edited by Bday Prang
Auto spelling mistakd
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