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7 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

planning is important of course as is luck and having the right mindset when things go wrong. plan for situations that you can foresee but be humble enough to realize that life can't be planned, a heart attack, road accident, divorce can be just around the corner. Life is full of surprises for the wary and unwary, you can win the lottery or lose a fortune.

Please come up with something harder to break up in small little pieces next time. You know I said you had a hell of a bad luck last time this was up on the table. Now straight to the cold hard truth.

Heart attack and road accident you can create insurances for. Divorce is not a problem as long as you have a contract written up. You basically can´t even loose the house and land you can not really own in Thailand if something goes wrong. For that you can make a contract that the house and property should be sold in case of a separation, and the money generated from the sale should be divided into two equal pieces.

If you where married when buying land and building house, that is actually considered as something called sin somros. Definition for that is it is considered as both persons property and shall be divided in case of a divorce.


Please come up with something harder to prepare for and have foresight in case of next time.

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10 hours ago, HappyAndRich said:

No, it´s not possible for everyone that wants to live a decent life that can be expected of somebody retiring in a foreign country.


You do not only need money for nutrition.


Nothing is sure about that yet. We have to wait and see what the final decision from Immigration is going to be. If like many posters here believe right now. Then the scenario of the case is going to be like you present it. On the other hand. Wife and child, house and maybe a car on only 40K baht a month is not much of a life to live in my personal opinion.


No sympathy!

The retirement sum is Ok yes you csn be happy on it unless you drink and smoke a lot.  The family sum it all depends on lifestyle and housing and your age.  Can if you are older and don't go out much but if you are young or have extragent likes then No but the amounts are minimum to live on and in that case yes you can live on them.

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3 minutes ago, HappyAndRich said:

Please come up with something harder to break up in small little pieces next time. You know I said you had a hell of a bad luck last time this was up on the table. Now straight to the cold hard truth.

Heart attack and road accident you can create insurances for. Divorce is not a problem as long as you have a contract written up. You basically can´t even loose the house and land you can not really own in Thailand if something goes wrong. For that you can make a contract that the house and property should be sold in case of a separation, and the money generated from the sale should be divided into two equal pieces.

If you where married when buying land and building house, that is actually considered as something called sin somros. Definition for that is it is considered as both persons property and shall be divided in case of a divorce.


Please come up with something harder to prepare for and have foresight in case of next time.

There is a good saying in Germany (land of the planners) 'Man plans but God steers.

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Absolutely. No question about it. One can easily live happily and comfortably anywhere in Thailand on less than ฿65,000/month. Not extravagantly, mind...but it can easily be done comfortably. A couple can do it on ฿65k too...as long as no kids or parasitic family members in the picture. :thumbsup:

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26 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

"400/800k - then what for the people who cannot meet the requirements.....?


Oh! Never mind them, they can just leave the country and let their wifes and/or children fend for themselves.

If you only have a temporary permit to stay for a country there are always risks that immigration laws change.

So you can either decide to just take these risks, or you can decide to play it safe and get permanent residency or citizenship before having children in this country.

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"It is possible to live happily in Thailand spending less than the sums required by Immigration" Up country I would say individually 800 baht on average is ok per day, its normally my 11 year old that makes me exceed that. We are getting there so to stay within budget of <1200 a day! Obviously we spend more if down at Bangkok ( in the  school holidays). 

Going through the Embassy for the marriage O visa they look for proof of average income of £1400+ a month they said...similar to the retirement visa.

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9 minutes ago, jackdd said:

If you only have a temporary permit to stay for a country there are always risks that immigration laws change.

So you can either decide to just take these risks, or you can decide to play it safe and get permanent residency or citizenship before having children in this country.

Permanent residency????? and how many would qualify for that?

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7 hours ago, grego49 said:

I have always wondered why a single person needs 800,000 to look after himself and a married person with a wife and possibley a couple of kids to look after only needs 400,000 ??

have been wondering about it for quite sometime (more than 10 years) as well and couldn't figure it out, did you?

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31 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

You obviously have no concept of how much  800K really is but it is  alot in America and the UK.  For someone who retired after Age 65- their income level which their pension is based upon was low.  In 1971- I was making $7,000 per  year and the Exchange rate on the Thai Baht was between 20-25 per Dollar. At that time 800,000  Thai Baht was $40,000.   I can tell you both then and right now- not many Americans or UK citizens have that kind of money sitting in a bank-  

When I was drafted into the US Army  I received $90.00 per month and when I was sent to Vietnam  a little over $150.00 per month.  Luckily- I survived and earned University degrees and  was able to  obtain employment in fields which brought greater compensation.

Not everyone has the luck or the means to get an education- Even today- in some US States the minimum wage is $7.25 per hour- hardly livable so the pool of people who could even consider a trip to Thailand low and the number who could get the equivalent of 800,000 to live in Thailand is minuscule compared to the US population.


I know many people who came to Thailand throughout the years with stable incomes; worked locally or in Oil/Gas- some  married; some didn't- many people invested millions in homes; cars; send children to University- ate local- sacrificed  for their family. Most have the 40K per month- some have the 65K per month- some have  large bank accounts- most have modest bank accounts.


Please don't tell me or others who worked our ass off for 40-50 years 800K is a measly amount and if you feel like that you must have never worked much in your life.


As i have said before- most people plan their lives the best they can but things happen- in my own life- a catastrophic illness of a family member cost over 3 million baht. In your view- I suppose I should have had 5 million Baht in the bank. I was lucky- I was able to go back to work and make it all back and more. I'm not looking for sympathy or a pat on the back. So many others  can't make it back but do the best they can. A change in financial requirements for many people in Thailand who live quite nicely on their income can be traumatic.


Stop putting people down- Stop making assumptions about their life and what they should have done. Unless you lived it- you don't know the pain or the gain. Get your attitude right and you might actually be able to  put forth something positive instead of your continual negativity.



No of course it was only you that was lucky to come back. Why are you even stating something that out of touch with reality? You had a goal, belief and your motivation never failed. that´s why you reached your goal and that´s why others fail to reach them. People that continuously speak about their bad luck and hardship in life and complain about small changes in rules, regulations and laws are in my opinion not material for success in life. That also mean they made a bad choice without anything to fall back on to move to another country and create a life, family and build a house. They lived in fear all the time, for what could happen with their  life. That is not a great way to start a beautiful life in another country.

Back to me. You know the man that talks so much and not worked enough according to you. I am today a bit over 50 and I can guarantee that I´ve worked more and harder in my life than you ever had. I owned 3 night clubs and 4 restaurants as well as 3 pubs in my home country. Worked everyday in them from open to close and took care of the paper work at my free time.

So don´t come talk to me about work, planning and experience in life. Now you can go back to live your Thai dream.

Edited by HappyAndRich
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6 minutes ago, HappyAndRich said:

So don´t come talk to me about work, planning and experience in life. Now you can go back to live your Thai dream.

And you can go back to being someone who continually puts people down.  You sound angry- maybe I touched a spot and when you look in the mirror you see someone who just can't stop being what you are-   you might want to check the negative reactions whenever you post-  oh- I know- they are all peasants.  Please stop the negativity- It's not about you or me...

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7 hours ago, grego49 said:

I have always wondered why a single person needs 800,000 to look after himself and a married person with a wife and possibley a couple of kids to look after only needs 400,000 ??

Right...opposite would be more logical. However, reason & logic never been Thai strong suits. 

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The requirement is set forth by the Thai immigration!  whether you spend it all or not is really not their business or anyone else unless they are a burden on others or the Thai society.  There is no outline by the Thai immigration regarding spending it all!

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32 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

And you can go back to being someone who continually puts people down.  You sound angry- maybe I touched a spot and when you look in the mirror you see someone who just can't stop being what you are-   you might want to check the negative reactions whenever you post-  oh- I know- they are all peasants.  Please stop the negativity- It's not about you or me...

I have much more positive than negative seen over all. However, that is not important. The important thing is that I do not see myself at all like you are trying to put it. I see myself as a person that built my life from start with two empty hands and a lot of go and motivation. That´s why I can say it´s all possible for everyone to do.


That´s also why I today can look in the mirror and say: "Hi there handsome guy. You made it. You are actually worth this after all your hard work." After that I just feel happy to be one of those that just don´t need to go to a foreign country and complain my arse off, just for the hell of it.


I just simply look at the moon, thank the US population that Trump lost the house, take a whiskey and put on a Youtube comedy about how bad it goes for the sinking ship Sweden. Cheers! :smile:

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12 hours ago, Lungstib said:

Which, thankfully is just your personal opinion. Most of the Thais in my village are not only surviving but feeling just fine on something around 10,000b a month. We run 2 m'bikes an old car, 2 houses and 4 people on 20,000b a month, have healthy and complete lives, work hard at growing some of our own fruit and veg and are the envy of many around us. I was always quite happy to come here and live the same way as the people around me, otherwise I would have stayed at 'home' in Britain. If foreigners getting into western countries had to show they earned 4 times as much as the locals that would be the end of all immigration. My wife, her family have all benefited from the involvement of a this farang in their lives and the Thai govt should at least realise that fact.

Well said.

Truth and reality conquer all.

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3 hours ago, natway09 said:

Any over 50 should factor in about 2,400 Bht a week for health issues that sooner or later will catch up with you.

It is not good enough to say "I will go home if anything serious happens".

I have seen time & time again where the sudden illness or accident precludes for 6 weeks going anywhere except a hospital bed here & why should Thailand's overworked care system be further stretched 

by a non tax paying Farang resident

BUT.... I am a tax paying resident here and I still have to get out if wife dies or I wasn't able to come up with the sums that they require. It is somewhat confusing when there are different figures for different nationalities.  Were you aware of that?


A Laos, Burmese, Vietnamese gentleman with a Thai wife has to show less money to stay here! That makes no sense to me. Sure, he might not have my earning potential but does his rice cost less than mine? Is the pork that he buys costing less than mine? Can he buy fuel for his bike/car/truck cheaper than me?


There is no consistency with the rules regarding marriage extensions and that makes no sense.

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11 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:

Well said.

Truth and reality conquer all.

False economy regarding the Thais, they're up to their eyes in debt, there's no doubt about that....


Debt most of them never recover from...... but they have the latest phone which is the single most important thing in life, so they're happy...

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8 hours ago, grego49 said:

I have always wondered why a single person needs 800,000 to look after himself and a married person with a wife and possibley a couple of kids to look after only needs 400,000 ??

I see your point but am I not right in thinking you can't spend that fund because it has to be shown at 90 day reports ?

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2 hours ago, HappyAndRich said:

For that you can make a contract that the house and property should be sold in case of a separation, and the money generated from the sale should be divided into two equal pieces.

If you where married when buying land and building house, that is actually considered as something called sin somros. Definition for that is it is considered as both persons property and shall be divided in case of a divorce.

and if the property can not be sold? then what?

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8 hours ago, grego49 said:

I have always wondered why a single person needs 800,000 to look after himself and a married person with a wife and possibley a couple of kids to look after only needs 400,000 ??

Maybe they understand the requirement is on the high mark for 

singles. For married a way of saying thank you for taking care of your Thai family.


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19 minutes ago, HappyAndRich said:

I have much more positive than negative seen over all. However, that is not important. The important thing is that I do not see myself at all like you are trying to put it. I see myself as a person that built my life from start with two empty hands and a lot of go and motivation. That´s why I can say it´s all possible for everyone to do.


That´s also why I today can look in the mirror and say: "Hi there handsome guy. You made it. You are actually worth this after all your hard work." After that I just feel happy to be one of those that just don´t need to go to a foreign country and complain my arse off, just for the hell of it.


I just simply look at the moon, thank the US population that Trump lost the house, take a whiskey and put on a Youtube comedy about how bad it goes for the sinking ship Sweden. Cheers! :smile:

So ........... you don't even live here, correct?

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4 minutes ago, Kevbo said:

I see your point but am I not right in thinking you can't spend that fund because it has to be shown at 90 day reports ?


It only has to shown on the date the extension application is done. Two months for marriage and 3 months for retirement. The remainder of the year you can do what you want to the money.

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