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Fox News: Democrats projected to win control of U.S. House


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30 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Destroyed? I entered the TVF Democrats-are-great-Republicans Suck echo chamber of my own free will and I am not in any argument to satisfy ego needs. As long as my portfolio is enough to keep me here (which it is, Thanks President Trump) and our business is booming (thanks again) Im a happy man.


But regardless, the impending demise of the Republican Party is sort of like "climate change", the horror will happen next year...wait, they year after that...hold on...2022...oh wait  it will happen thereafter. I recall reading articles year back portending doom and gloom for the Republicans.


That being said, todays liberal young person is tomorrows conservative as they leave the echo chambers and join real life. Politics is cyclical. While the Democrats crow about winning the House as a victory compared to  Leicester winning the Prem, they need to hold off spiking the ball (to mix metaphors) and keep in mind that the Repubs still control the Senate and are going to remake the Judiciary. As a result, sooner or later, they will have to LEGISLATE to get anything done, as their ability to enforce changes in social and economic policy will now be compromise positions instead of Judicial fiat.


Sooner or later the grand coalition that the Democrats have put together by offering a "chicken in every pot" to different interest groups is going to crash, simply because you cant offer something different to everybody and not expect someone to get pissed off. Its far easier to oppose then to govern, now they have their chance to introduce constructive legislation..I dont think they will get much done other than posturing while jockeying for position to run against Trump.


Im glad to see you think you and the others "destroyed" me in this thread. I always want folks to feel good and be happy, even those who dont share my views ????


PS: Forgot to mention, I think Aynn Rand is High School simplistic tripe, sort of a right wing nihilistic version of maybe Bakunin/Nechaev without the lack of hypocrisy. Regardless, right now I am reading St. Augustine, as well as Essed Beys early Biography of Stalin Portrait of a Revolutionary and Boris Souvarines "Stalin: Historic Overview of Bolshevism". Perhaps we need a thread on everybodys Philosophical weltanashauung.

Can't even get your climate change facts right.

Maybe in the past people got more conservative as they aged because they were doing better and had more to protect. But upward mobility in the USA is actually a lot worse than it is now even in those evil socialistic states of northern europe

Documenting decline in U.S. economic mobility



And it's absolutely ludicrous to suggest that it's the Democrats who are at a disadvantage when it comes to legislation. You may contend that the Senate is where the action is at, but bills actually begin in the House and you can be damn sure that the Democrats will be authorizing bills that will have the Republicans at a repeated disadvantage. Especially when the Supreme Court starts to deliver some very unpopular decisions. Legislative remedies will be proposed by the house and fail in the Senate. Then there's Trump and his obsession with the wall. Let's see if he makes authorizing funds for building the wall the price for getting a budget passed.

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16 minutes ago, JCauto said:

As to the "chicken in every pot", well, why would that work? I mean, just because every other liberal Western democracy has adopted social democracy doesn't mean that it would work in the USA.

I think if you reread my post, you will see that I did not use the phrase in an economic sense as coined by Henri V (or the 4th or 6th) and as later embodied by the machine politics of Boss Tweed and Hinky Dink McKenna (as well as the 1928 Republican Presidential campaign) but rather, as a shorthand for the competing ideological/political desires of the various interest groups that now make up the Democratic coalition. Surely you don't think that you can have policies to please both Linda Sosour and Camille Paglia do you? As a small example. And I wonder how the Democrats will handle the competing views  of feminism as between Tlaib, Maloney and Omar? But I digress.


28 minutes ago, JCauto said:

thinking kindly about others is not something Republicans are prone to.

In a purely historical sense, that statement best illustrates the ultimate problem and indeed danger of the Democratic Coalition: the need to demonize. I am reminded of Orwells "Two Minute Hate".  Demonization of your opponent is the stuff of dictatorship and ultimately tragedy. While President Trump focuses his silly demonization tweets to "the others" who are not Americans, his opponents focus on his supporters as being "dumb" or "deplorable" or less morally fit to be part of the polity. Monsterous to use a term heard earlier. The Kavanaugh controversy illustrates the principle of demonization rampant in the ranks of the Democrats and their supporters. Sort of like the way folks who don't see Anthromorphic Climate Change as an imminent threat to humanity are called "deniers", or those who support a policy of nationalism are called "rascists". Its almost Torquemada like, instead of blasphemy to the precepts of the Bible, its Blasphemy to the Precepts of ideals promulgated as the Secular religion.


It makes no sense for me to argue ad nauseum statistics or polls or what will happen in 2020 when I am focused on a position that has arisen from todays socio/political mileu. As examples: When I believe that all men are created equal, that calls for no qualification. When I believe in freedom of speech, that calls for no exceptions. When we talk about due process, there are no buts. My adherence to concepts enshrined in Western thought should not be cause for me to be demonized as being rascist, a purveyor of hate speech, or a mysogynist. Thats the undercurrent that President Trump tapped into, and the danger for the Democrats is that they will fall into the trap of believing that their philosophy is a historical imperative.


I dont make "predictions"...I make guesses like everyone else as to what will happen tomorrow or the next day or the next day...or in 5 years. But history is cyclical, todays winner is tomorrows loser. The danger is the legnths that some folks will go to win, forgetting Mallets adage "a l'exemple de Saturne, la révolution dévore ses enfants". 


And others.



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38 gains now looking likely ! That’s a blue wave ! Biggest swing since an event I remember as a teeneage in 1974-76, Watergate.. back then there was a Republican Party that believed in asking tough questions, holding executive to account ,punishing wrong doing !

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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He made up 37 points in a district Trump took by 49 in 2016, the largest climb in the midterm cycle. He dumps on Pelosi and McConnell. Is a true patriot. And he is angry and running for president in 2020. This is gonna be fun for those of us on the outside...




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14 minutes ago, mikebike said:

He made up 37 points in a district Trump took by 49 in 2016, the largest climb in the midterm cycle. He dumps on Pelosi and McConnell. Is a true patriot. And he is angry and running for president in 2020. This is gonna be fun for those of us on the outside...




Looks and sounds like he could kick Trump's fat butt whichever kind of fight they had. 

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16 minutes ago, mikebike said:

He made up 37 points in a district Trump took by 49 in 2016, the largest climb in the midterm cycle. He dumps on Pelosi and McConnell. Is a true patriot. And he is angry and running for president in 2020. This is gonna be fun for those of us on the outside...




The old style blue dog

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3 hours ago, Morch said:

Got to appreciate the mind games Evangelicals pull in order to go along with this. Same applies for them family-values-and-all-that Republicans. 

Apparently, they are quite flexible as they even elected a dead pimp!????

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7 hours ago, candide said:

Apparently, they are quite flexible as they even elected a dead pimp!????

Not a lot of evangelicals in Dennis' District (RIP dude). Just Hookers, truckers, a few miners and some gas stations. I think the nearest real church is 40 miles away....

Edited by Nyezhov
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16 hours ago, Morch said:


Being of the view that women (an entire portion of the population too) can be grabbed etc. is deplorable. It got nothing to do with "puritanical", but going on about morals or how entire portions of the population are mistreated or disrespected, while defending Trump is rather amusing.


Got to appreciate the mind games Evangelicals pull in order to go along with this. Same applies for them family-values-and-all-that Republicans. 


Now you're being theatrical, making up things. So now according to you Trump wants to grab an entire portion of the population. You guys are amusing.

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4 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Now you're being theatrical, making up things. So now according to you Trump wants to grab an entire portion of the population. You guys are amusing.

“Grab THEM by the...” does imply he was referring to the entire gender... filtered by his own personal likes.

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56 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Now you're being theatrical, making up things. So now according to you Trump wants to grab an entire portion of the population. You guys are amusing.


Trump wasn't referring to a specific woman, but to women in general. Other than that, may want to read the post I was replying to, and take it in context. Amusing would be to bring up "moral" arguments when supporting Trump.

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7 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

Orange County...AMAZING.




California doesnt like Trump. Duh. Hes written their electoral votes off already. Hell, they might be their own country soon

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4 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

California doesnt like Trump. Duh. Hes written their electoral votes off already. Hell, they might be their own country soon

And I guess he doesn"t care about losing all that co gressional support either. I"m sure he"s looking forward to all that invigorating new brand of oversight!

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On 11/22/2018 at 3:10 PM, mtls2005 said:

With votes continuing to be tallied more than two weeks after Election Day, Democrats hold a lead over Republicans in the House popular vote by more than 8.6 million votes

California and NY and they are already written off. 

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6 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

California and NY and they are already written off. 

Another falsehood. Democrats took Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin by more than 5 percentage points.  Who won the Presidential race in those states last time? And your assertion that Nevada is written off? That would be news to Republican strategists. Clinton took Nevada by 2.4 percentage points.

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