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For Democrats, U.S. House win moves Pelosi to centre stage


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For Democrats, U.S. House win moves Pelosi to centre stage

By Susan Cornwell



U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi reacts to the results of the U.S. midterm elections at a Democratic election night rally in Washington, U.S., November 6, 2018. REUTERS/Al Drago


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Now that the Democrats have won control of the U.S. House of Representatives, they need to choose a leader and that means solving one of their toughest puzzles: Nancy Pelosi.


A contest among the Democrats for the House's top job of speaker will play out over the next 10 weeks or so, with the formidable 78-year-old San Francisco liberal at the centre.


Pelosi, who has led the House Democrats in the minority or majority since 2003, told reporters on Wednesday she was confident she would be speaker of the House again. She has some critics who say it is time for generational change, but no challenger to her has emerged, and two senior Democrats said on Wednesday they would seek other leadership jobs.


"I think I'm the best person to go forward, to unify, to negotiate," she said.


Pelosi made history from 2007 to 2011 as the first woman speaker, a powerful position second in the line of emergency presidential succession after the vice president.


An unexpected intervention in the speaker's race came on Wednesday from Republican President Donald Trump, who tweeted that Pelosi deserved the job, even though he frequently assails her and other Democrats as obstructions to his agenda.


"In all fairness, Nancy Pelosi deserves to be chosen Speaker of the House by the Democrats," he said on Twitter. "If they give her a hard time, perhaps we will add some Republican votes. She has earned this great honour!"


Trump's intent with the tweet was unclear but he also telephoned Pelosi on Tuesday evening to congratulate her on the Democrats' win.

Pelosi, acknowledging the tweet, told reporters: "I don't think anybody deserves anything. It's not about what you have done, its what you can do."


Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway said he told Pelosi he was willing to make a deal on young illegal immigrants known as Dreamers and work on infrastructure spending, but he also wants to build a wall on the southern border.



During the congressional campaigns that just ended, dozens of Democratic House candidates called for new leadership, registering indirect dissatisfaction with Pelosi, who has become a punching bag for Republicans. But not all the Democrats urging new leadership won election to the House.


With some races still undecided, Democrats were headed for a gain of about 30 seats, beyond the 23 they needed to claim their first majority in the 435-member House in eight years. Their first order of business as the House majority will be to decide whether to put the speaker's gavel back in Pelosi's hands.


At a victory celebration in Washington on Tuesday, Pelosi said a Democratic House "will work for solutions that bring us together because we have all had enough of division.”


She was flanked by No. 2 House Democrat Steny Hoyer and No. 3 House Democrat James Clyburn in a sign that the three could aim to lead the chamber in the new Congress that convenes in early January.


Hoyer plans to run for majority leader, a spokeswoman said on Wednesday, which would keep him in the No. 2 position. Clyburn, who previously said he would not challenge Pelosi but would consider running for speaker if Pelosi could not find the votes, told McClatchy news service on Wednesday that he would run for House majority whip.


Pelosi's path back to the top job is clear.


First, she must capture a majority of Democrats in a behind-closed-doors Nov. 28 party leadership election.


Two years ago, in the internal party race for minority leader, 63 Democrats voted for Representative Tim Ryan of Ohio, but Pelosi received 134 votes.


Ryan has not ruled out running for a leadership post again, but he is discussing the situation with new House Democrats who were elected on Tuesday, a spokesman said. Some of those, like Abigail Spanberger of Virginia, have said they would not vote for Pelosi for speaker.


Some Democrats already in the House, like Representative Seth Moulton of Massachusetts, also oppose Pelosi, saying she has not encouraged a younger generation of Democrats to move into leadership positions. "We need someone who builds a bench rather than clears it," Moulton said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal.


Pelosi touched on those concerns at the news conference, saying: "I have always advanced members into leadership. They have to decide they want to run."


If Pelosi prevails at the party level, she would become the Democrats' candidate for speaker in a public roll call vote in early January by all 435 House members from both parties.


With Pelosi 78 years old, Clyburn also 78, and Hoyer 79, none of them represents the kind of "new blood" that some younger Democrats seek.


A handful of more junior lawmakers are in the leadership frame, as well. They include Louisiana's Cedric Richmond, 45, chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus and New Mexico's Ben Ray Lujan, 46, current chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Before the election, two Democrats announced their interest in being assistant majority leader - Cheri Bustos of Illinois, and David Cicilline of Rhode Island.


(Reporting by Susan Cornwell; Additional reporting by Richard Cowan and David Morgan; Editing by Bernadette Baum and Peter Cooney)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-11-08
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1 hour ago, mikebike said:

If the Dems push Pelosi they will confirm how out of touch they truly are. Pelosi is NOT a "master legislator". She has one skill: raising money from rich peeps and corps. Young Dems see her as part of the problem, not a leader.


Rich peeps and corps?  As opposed to O'Rourke in Texas with his 80plus million from ordinary people (apparently no corps or Clinton Foundation crapology).  I wonder how long it will take for the American people to ask why the f Pelosi and company can't raise money that way????

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17 minutes ago, Tug said:

Nancy knows the system and how to work with others I wouldn’t underestimate her and her (team)team is the key here btw 

Pelosi knows the “traditional” system and is great if you are into the politics-as-usual, Hillary-style Democratic politics of the pre-45 era. 45 has proven that is NOT the path to dem victory in the current political climate.


Also at 78 she will do nothing to invigorate the party, she will actively oppose any Dem to the left of her, which alienates any youth movement.

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16 minutes ago, German farang said:

Pelosi... OMG. I couldn't immagine that that many americans are that blind & dump, even they are lefty lib dems...

If you are short of labels, I can give you a few more.

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Pelosi is needed now. Don't be naïve and fall for the Fox News B.S. However, she should only serve for one year and then transition to new leadership. Having her there for the 2020 election cycle would indeed be giving the "trump" fans a gift they do not deserve. 


To add, yes Pelosi is probably the most accomplished and powerful woman in American political history and that ain't chopped liver.

Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Pelosi is needed now. Don't be naïve and fall for the Fox News B.S. However, she should only serve for one year and then transition to new leadership. Having her there for the 2020 election cycle would indeed be giving the "trump" fans a gift they do not deserve. 


To add, yes Pelosi is probably the most accomplished and powerful woman in American political history and that ain't chopped liver.

Nancy Pelosi was endorsed by Trump for speaker of the House.


- Opposed to Medicare for all 
- Opposed to legalizing cannabis 
- Opposed to ending the war in Yemen 
- Voted 3x to increase Trump's military budget 
- doesn't want to impeach Trump, unless the republicans are okay with it
-Says she's trying to unite the parties. 

Do any Dems want to be United with 45 and the current GOP?

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2 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Nancy Pelosi was endorsed by Trump for speaker of the House.


- Opposed to Medicare for all 
- Opposed to legalizing cannabis 
- Opposed to ending the war in Yemen 
- Voted 3x to increase Trump's military budget 
- doesn't want to impeach Trump, unless the republicans are okay with it
-Says she's trying to unite the parties. 

Do any Dems want to be United with 45 and the current GOP?

He was trolling. Surely, you get that already? 

Let's get real, OK?

This is one of the darkest times in American history.

The ONLY power to check "trump" is the house.

RIGHT NOW, we need someone very competent and very experienced.

There is no other house democrat that comes close.

I think it's pretty clear that she knows new leadership needs to be developed and I hope she realizes the best path is start with her and transition to new leadership well short of 2020. 

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21 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

He was trolling. Surely, you get that already? 

Let's get real, OK?

This is one of the darkest times in American history.

The ONLY power to check "trump" is the house.

RIGHT NOW, we need someone very competent and very experienced.

There is no other house democrat that comes close.

I think it's pretty clear that she knows new leadership needs to be developed and I hope she realizes the best path is start with her and transition to new leadership well short of 2020. 

Worst decision the Dems can make is to confirm P. as leader.


45 knows P. is weak sauce and that he can roll over her. She is a dinosaur.


There are many Dems with less experience but far better qualified for the job ahead.

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23 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Worst decision the Dems can make is to confirm P. as leader.


45 knows P. is weak sauce and that he can roll over her. She is a dinosaur.


There are many Dems with less experience but far better qualified for the job ahead.

We'll have to agree to disagree.

"trump" wants her for political reasons. Because his base demonizes her. 

I actually think you must be seriously misinformed to not be aware of how effective a leader Pelosi is.

You talk about silly goals with the senate and white house and SCOTUS controlled by "trump."

Medicare for all? Great. But that ain't going to happen with the current power structure. 

Should the democratic nominee in 2020 run on something like that? Yes and I have little doubt that they will.

But I think you fail to realize the nature of the situation now. It is GRIM. If there is someone better than Pelosi RIGHT NOW to deal with that, let them make their case.





The Case for Nancy Pelosi

More than 40 Democratic nominees for House seats, and another 11 Democratic incumbents, have publicly said they don’t want Rep. Nancy Pelosi to regain the speaker’s gavel if their party wins control of the chamber. 

But they can’t give a good reason why.




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2 hours ago, mikebike said:


Also at 78 she will do nothing to invigorate the party

Ten years younger than Master Soros Yoda, still more mature than the young padawan Hillary, she's baaaaaaaack!!!!


"The Return of the Mummies", coming soon to a city hall near you...rated PG 65





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16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

We'll have to agree to disagree.

"trump" wants her for political reasons. Because his base demonizes her. 

I actually think you must be seriously misinformed to not be aware of how effective a leader Pelosi is.

You talk about silly goals with the senate and white house and SCOTUS controlled by "trump."

Medicare for all? Great. But that ain't going to happen with the current power structure. 

Should the democratic nominee in 2020 run on something like that? Yes and I have little doubt that they will.

But I think you fail to realize the nature of the situation now. It is GRIM. If there is someone better than Pelosi RIGHT NOW to deal with that, let them make their case.





You sound like a blast from the past still hanging on to the Dems failed "don't introduce any legislation we cannot pass" policy. What you and the Dem establishment fail to understand is that by introducing legislation you bring it into the conversation and that a popular (70%) policy can energize a base far better than the weak, antiquated politics of the mega establishment fund raiser.

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1 minute ago, mikebike said:

You sound like a blast from the past still hanging on to the Dems failed "don't introduce any legislation we cannot pass" policy. What you and the Dem establishment fail to understand is that by introducing legislation you bring it into the conversation and that a popular (70%) policy can energize a base far better than the weak, antiquated politics of the mega establishment fund raiser.

You don't seem to understand the role of the leader of house in an environment where the OTHER party controls EVERYTHING else.

I would agree with you if you're talking about the democratic 2020 nominee.


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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You don't seem to understand the role of the leader of house in an environment where the OTHER party controls EVERYTHING else.

I would agree with you if you're talking about the democratic 2020 nominee.


In another thread you mentioned (and I 100% agree) that 45 will "get worse" after these midterms. And you think P. is the ideal foil to take him on. Unbelievable.


You don't seem to understand that there has been a paradigm shift in the political landscape which has left P's skill set a decade behind what is needed.

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I wonder if Tim Ryan will try again for the House Speaker position. House Democrats know the Pelosi is unpopular but yet continue to keep her in the Speaker position. 


Tim Ryan Said Nancy Pelosi Is Just As Unpopular As Donald Trump And The House Should Get New Leadership



Tim Ryan, a representative from Ohio who challenged House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in 2017, pointed to exit polling that said Pelosi was a polarizing political figure to make his case for new leadership in the wake of Democrats reclaiming a majority in the House after the midterms.


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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I hope that Pelosi does become speaker. She will generate far more votes for the GOP than any amount of GOP tv ads could.

I have seen few politicians so out of touch with voters as she. I guess she has been in the Washington bubble for so long, she doesn't remember what it's like to be a normal person, and I doubt she has ever had a real job or had to manage on a budget like most people do.

She has much more power than you think, and that you ever dreamed of having ????

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Get real, "It's a dark point in American history", r u still cashing a social security check?  To think the greatest generation's children are so weak is very sad indeed.


A lunatic, dinosaur is about to make a public spectacle of herself as a senior representative of the democratic party. She's gonna make Regan's bout with Alzheimer's look like the sniffles.  This is gonna be good.  

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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

  If Pelosi is the one, let her do it.  But I'm sure the membership can decide for themselves.  I just want someone who will rake Trump over the coals. 

It's not as if they had much choice...


Remember that Pelosi became a worldwide celebrity after uttering the following immortal words: 


“But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it....”


Now, only Maxine could do better than that!


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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

Most of us outside the system have no idea how things work in Washington.  It's not about being a visionary, or being smart, or being bold, it's simply about understanding the bureaucracy.  



Apparently you have never heard of a group of people called “advisors”.


Pelosi and her brand of oldschool politics is TOXIC to Dems future success. Her ilk is what the nation rebelled against to produce 45.

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