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7-Eleven launches campaign to 'reduce and stop' use of plastic bags


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26 minutes ago, Throatwobbler said:

I just simply refuse them. Quite easy really.

It’s not that easy always , I’m not always glued to watching their every move , I’m often with someone else chatting and if you buy several items they just kind of throw them in. Also do you think most Thais and many others do this? Do you think people on holiday know they will be getting six straws and 4 spoons? Don’t you get what I’m saying at all? Do you understand me and you doing this makes ZERO difference to the environment? Rant over. I COMPLETELY stand by my suggestion that a sign at the straws in a few languages saying staff will no longer be providing will cut down on usage by at least 50% after a short period of time. 

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Good on 7/11 looks like I will be shopping at family mart more now and so will most people I know. There is already a tesco lotus that does this in rawai and guess what hardly anyone goes there, it is constantly dead while the others are busy. We want convenience and if you fail to give it to us we will go elsewhere ????

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

In a press release issued by the company on Thursday, Tanin Buranamanit Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of CP All, the founder of 7-Eleven in Thailand, said that CP All has initiated the project to encourage the public to reduce and stop plastic bags since 2007. 

Stop giving them out and problem solved.

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29 minutes ago, NextStationBangkok said:


How can we change this 7-11 ?

7-11 should open "NO BAGS" counter and give extra discount stamps or credit points for customers, that solution can work.

I like the idea, but I suspect it would only work in larger 7 Elevens' with many counters open?

Edited by bluesofa
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11 minutes ago, theonetrueaussie said:

Good on 7/11 looks like I will be shopping at family mart more now and so will most people I know. There is already a tesco lotus that does this in rawai and guess what hardly anyone goes there, it is constantly dead while the others are busy. We want convenience and if you fail to give it to us we will go elsewhere ????

are you serious????  in the uk they stopped supplying free plastic bags, so I bought about 5 bags for life at 50 pence each, guess what?? all uk stores are still full, u sound like a lazy person who doesn't look to the future. all u need to do is take ur own bags to go shopping, wooopydooo is that really so bloody hard???


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4 minutes ago, ericnoodeeka said:

are you serious????  in the uk they stopped supplying free plastic bags, so I bought about 5 bags for life at 50 pence each, guess what?? all uk stores are still full, u sound like a lazy person who doesn't look to the future. all u need to do is take ur own bags to go shopping, wooopydooo is that really so bloody hard???


and while you're at it, 7 wont miss u dude, hop along now with ur plastic rubbish.


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57 minutes ago, mok199 said:

Yes but the girl gets them in the bag so fast , then she has to dig through everything to get them out and the people in the line up behind start moaning and by that time you think ,its just a few straws.....its a daily beat down out their..

She has to work fast, so tell her well before she starts the bagging process.


Not difficult. E.g. put your hand momentarily on the mouth of the big plastic bag, look at her and politely say 'no thanks' and start to to move your purchases into your own bag, under your arm etc. 



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Oh No!!   Not yet another doomed campaign for banning plastic-bags.

Why not campaign to force the government to buy modern waste recycling plants / incinerators, which are much more environmentally friendly?

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Well they need to inform their staff and every time I'm in the store I sound like a broken record: "I don't want a plastic bag (mai ow tung plastic) and I don't want a straw (mai ow lot).  Lets not even talk about shoving unwanted plastic spoons and forks in the platic bag.  Shoving plastic at customer is built into the culture.  They should ditch plastic bags completely and go back to paper, encourage customer to bring their own shopping bags, and only give out straws and utensiles by request.  I never use a straw for a can or bottle of pop.  Why?

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6 minutes ago, connda said:

I never use a straw for a can or bottle of pop.  Why?

Because you like the taste of rat pee ???..or you  go home and pour the drink into a glass..or you buy some throw away plastic cups  at 7/11 and pour the drink into them to avoid using the straw.

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1 minute ago, skippy said:

Return to your home country

Yeah go home  you inconsiderate persons  who  don't like going to a "convenience" store and being "inconvenienced"  by them not having bags to carry your purchases home in !!!  ????

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The 500 pound gorilla in the room that nobody talks about is the petro-chemical industry which actually is planning to increase plastic production of offset lower usage of fossil fuels. 
The 400 pound gorilla are the retailer such as 7/11 who are the primary consumers of the plastic manufactured by the petro-chemical industry.  They could and should be the ones to "Just Say No To Plastic", stop purchasing plastic and go back to using non-plastic wears (paper, for deposit glass bottles, etc), but they choose to keep buying and supply plastic to consumer -- all the while blaming the consumers for using plastic!!!

One more time: "The retailers choose to keep buying and supply plastic to consumer -- all the while blaming the consumers for using plastic!!!"


So stop the farce.  The plastic problem is directly related to profits of Big Oil and large retailers like 7/11 are completely complicit in the continued use of plastic.  But the blame is completely shifted to the consumer. 
It's one hell of a bad joke, 'eh?  But it's reality.  And the joke is on the consumer who will always be blamed for the problem. 

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2 minutes ago, johng said:

Because you like the taste of rat pee ???..or you  go home and pour the drink into a glass..or you buy some throw away plastic cups  at 7/11 and pour the drink into them to avoid using the straw.

nooo I just drink from the can, been doing it for 10 year. just clean the top, duhhh, not brain surgery .

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21 minutes ago, Xonax said:

Oh No!!   Not yet another doomed campaign for banning plastic-bags.

Why not campaign to force the government to buy modern waste recycling plants / incinerators, which are much more environmentally friendly?

Can these recycling plants handle plastic products well enough to stop them polluting the environment?

I'd like to know how a campaign like that could work. I wish there would be enough pressure/public interest for it to happen.

Would the 'government' listen I wonder?


I'd like to thing that it would be better to stop producing the plastic. Would the the government be prepared to do something about that, especially when multi-billion-Baht companies producing plastic bags would no doubt be doing everything they could to stay in business?

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In a press release issued by the company on Thursday, Tanin Buranamanit Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of CP All, the founder of 7-Eleven in Thailand, said that CP All has initiated the project to encourage the public to reduce and stop plastic bags since 2007.


Taken a while to get down from the Board Room then?

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1 hour ago, bluesofa said:

I like the idea, but I suspect it would only work in larger 7 Elevens' with many counters open?

They always have two counters in any given 7-11s.

One can always be "NO BAGS", it will be like fast lane or express checkout.

It will entourage people not to accept bags, and it i will be habits.

Think the scenario, when there was not toilets in the world, and everyone knows how to use toilets properly at least in the developed world.

If we have to save the world, we have to go extra mile at the given situation is grave, and plastic particles are everywhere including what we eat.

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34 minutes ago, johng said:

Yes exactly.

I think, the 2 of you don't really understand the term "convenience store"!

This is not about you, leaving your brain at home and just get shoved everything up yours!

A convenience store is a store, where you conveniently find all sorts of products -from soap to grocery to alcohol- in one place!

So please...start pulling your heads out of your backside and use the surplus of oxygen to go an buy a bag!

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19 minutes ago, spermwhale said:

How can anybody be so stupid as to write this? Unbelievable! These are supposedly educated people in their PR department. The plastic bag problem is a pollution problem and not a global warming problem.



You are so right! But 'global warming' is responsible for everything, didn't you know? If the weather gets hotter - it is global warming; if it gets cooler - it is global warming; if there are more storms - it is global warming; if there are fewer storms - it is global warming; if there is more cancer - it is global warming; if there is more obesity - it is global warming; if the sea level rises - it is global warming; if the sea level does not rise - it is global warming; if you slip on a banana skin on the pavement - it is because of 'global warming'. Children are sent to bed quaking and quivering about the big bogeyman named 'global warming' (or even better: 'climate change' - as that covers absolutely EVERYTHING which the climate might do - you can't go wrong with that infinitely elastic term - just like the famed junta 'road map').


In the past, the great threat was 'the Reds' and The Bomb ('duck and cover' everyone, when the atom bomb falls!'). Now it is 'global warming' - which is invoked for every and all human ills. It also conveniently makes it easier for 'governments' to impose more and more draconian control on the people - just as with the 'threat of terrorism' (although  you are more likely to be struck by lightning than killed by a terrorist).


Yet people lap it all up and submit to all the ridiculous loss of their freedom.


Orwell is turning over and over in his grave ...




Edited by Eligius
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