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Trump would not intervene if Whitaker moves to curtail Mueller probe


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Trump would not intervene if Whitaker moves to curtail Mueller probe

By Amanda Becker



FILE PHOTO: Acting U.S. Attorney General Matthew Whitaker attends a ceremony as President Donald Trump awards the 2018 Presidential Medals of Freedom in the East Room of the White House in Washington, U.S. November 16, 2018. REUTERS/Leah Millis/File Photo


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said in an interview aired on Sunday he would not intervene if Matthew Whitaker, his acting U.S. attorney general, moved to curtail Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.


In an interview with the "Fox News Sunday" program taped on Friday, Trump also said he probably would not agree to a sit-down interview with Mueller, who also is investigating whether the Republican president's campaign conspired with Moscow and whether Trump has unlawfully sought to obstruct the probe.


Whitaker took over supervision of Mueller's investigation on Nov. 7 after Trump appointed him as the chief U.S. law enforcement official to replace Jeff Sessions, who the president ousted. Whitaker, who Democrats have called a Trump "political lackey," in the past criticized the scope of the Mueller probe and brought up the possibility of undermining it by slashing Mueller's funding.


Trump, in the interview, said he was unaware of Whitaker's past statements about Mueller's probe and that he would "not get involved" if Whitaker moved to curtail it.


"It's going to be up to him," Trump told "Fox News Sunday" interviewer Chris Wallace. "I think he's very well aware politically. I think he's astute politically. ... He's going to do what's right."


Trump has denied any collusion with Moscow and has called the Mueller investigation a "witch hunt." Russia also has denied collusion.


"There is no collusion, he happened to be right," Trump said, referring to one of Whitaker's previous statements.


Mueller has brought charges against a series of former Trump aides, including his former campaign chairman and his former national security adviser, as well as a number of Russian individuals and entities. Congressional critics have voiced concern that Whitaker could hamper or even fire Mueller.


A bipartisan group of U.S. senators renewed a push last week for legislation to protect the special counsel, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, opposes it, saying it is unconstitutional and unnecessary.



Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who will likely lead the Senate panel overseeing the Justice Department next year, met with Whitaker last week and expressed confidence the Russia probe would continue.


But Graham said on NBC's "Meet the Press" program on Sunday the Senate should vote on the Mueller protection bill, which he helped write and supported when it won committee approval.


"I think it's constitutional, and I'd like to vote on it," said Graham, who has been involved in negotiations with McConnell and retiring Republican Senator Jeff Flake, who has pledged to hold up Trump's judicial confirmations until the Senate votes on the Mueller bill.


"But, having said all that, I don't see any indication at all that the Mueller probe is going to be interfered with by Mr. Whitaker or President Trump," Graham added.


U.S. Representative Adam Schiff, who is set to lead the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee after Democrats won control of the chamber in this month's midterm elections, said Democrats will use their oversight powers to investigate any effort by Whitaker to curb Mueller's probe.


"We will expose any involvement he has in it," Schiff, referring to Whitaker, told ABC's "This Week" program," accusing Trump of appointing Whitaker in order to interfere with the investigation. "This is an attack on the rule of law."


Trump told reporters at the White House on Friday he had "very easily" completed his written answers for Mueller's investigation. In his "Fox News Sunday" comments, he signalled he had no plans to do a face-to-face interview with Mueller's team.


Trump and his lawyers had been in negotiations with Mueller's team for months over how the president would be questioned as part of the investigation. Wallace asked Trump whether it was his final position that he would not do a sit-down interview and would not give written responses to questions relating to obstruction of justice.


"I think we've wasted enough time on this witch hunt and the answer is probably, we're finished," Trump said, though he added "I can change my mind."


"We gave very, very complete answers to a lot of questions that I shouldn't have even been asked, and I think that should solve the problem," Trump added.


(Reporting by Amanda Becker; additional reporting by Jason Lange; Editing by Will Dunham)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-11-19
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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Finally getting some action on this Mueller witch hunt fiasco at last. Sessions was of absolute no help. 


Not a Trump fan but this does look like someone is almost trying to make the circumstances fit a crime that no one knows for sure has been committed.


Unlike good old Bill, who lied about putting his dick in Monica's mouth and got away with it.


American justice system ain't the bees knees and nor is it free from political interference.

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Duhhhhh that’s why trump put him there every day trump looks more guilty like some sleazy mobster trying to beat the wrap what really amazes me is this guy got every advantage in life,every one wealth connections privilege looks the whole package inherited a rebuilt economy both houses of Congress and this divisive tranwreck is all he can muster just pathetic an epic fail
When will this madness end?

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6 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Not a Trump fan but this does look like someone is almost trying to make the circumstances fit a crime that no one knows for sure has been committed.


Unlike good old Bill, who lied about putting his dick in Monica's mouth and got away with it.

What makes it look like the circumstances fit a crime? That the one under investigation has hired an under-qualified stooge who's on record as saying that the President shouldn't be investigated as Attorney-General? When Liberals are aghast at Jeff Sessions being removed for this Clown, that shows just how far American Justice has indeed fallen. Unfortunately, we're all aware that the cause is the criminal in the White House.

So you don't think that being impeached while he was President was a sanction for his BJ? How did he "get away with it"? Where are those outraged conservative morals now that Stormy's boyfriend is the President?

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13 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Our classy president...



Well the treat is a crock of crap.  Mueller, as special counsel, does NOT need Senate approval.   Otherwise, he was approved by the senate to head the FBI.   


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14 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

While I am sure Trump wants him to rein in Mueller, the political shitstorm that would follow would be staggering.


I'm getting the impression the military is having it "up to here" with him.  He started out with "POWs aren't heroes" and "I know more about the military than any general" during the 2015-2016 campaign, and now "Bin Laden should have been found sooner."  Denouncing all critics (including military) as Democrats is fading, and has elicited a blizzard of criticism from the brass (and former brass) these past few days.   I'm sure there is no end of cynical humor among the rank and file securing the Mexican border.  Tammy Duckworth, US Rep and combat veteran who lost both legs in Iraq, called him "Cadet Bonespurs" a few years back and I think he never shot back on that, quite unusual, but I'm expecting her to goad him a little bit more, and he'll eventually hit back with something he'll live to regret.  I think he's running out of material, two years of Celebrity President and he seems to be exhausted.  He doesn't even bother with the orange face paint these days.


The US never had a military coup, but if something like that takes form regarding this fool I think it will be more of a low-key caretaker regime until the nation is healed.  At least I hope so.  Corrupt election, positions filled with corrupt officials, etc.  Removing the sitting POTUS and replacing him with the current VP would not solve much IMO, but the GOP would love it, as Pence would be their mindless rubber stamp.


He's starting to wear thin on his fanbase as well.  There are farmers that can't export their crops anymore.  And stuff like this



Movie recommendation:  A Face in the Crowd, starring Andy Griffith (before he became a TV star).  A hobo country boy with his gee-tar becomes a television sensation, what happens at the end of the movie could very well happen to DT.



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Document: Three Senators Challenge Whitaker Appointment in D.C. Federal District Court


On Monday, Sens. Richard Blumenthal, Sheldon Whitehouse and Mazie K. Hirono filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia asking a federal judge to decide the legality of Matthew Whitaker's service as acting attorney general. The senators argue that Whitaker's appointment is in violation of the Appointments Clause as Whitaker was not confirmed by the U.S. Senate in his prior post. The full complaint is below.



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11 hours ago, Srinivas said:

Free Speechiest president ever. Long live freedom of speech, all of it.

the good bad and classy.


I love the way he took a sledge hammer to the pc control freaks run amok. 

Just because the Constitution gives people the right to say pretty much whatever they like, that doesn't mean spouting lies and falsehoods is a good thing.

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2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Just because the Constitution gives people the right to say pretty much whatever they like, that doesn't mean spouting lies and falsehoods is a good thing.

No Schiff sherlock. We'll see the real falsehood exposed in good time.


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On ‎11‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 2:50 PM, ThreeEyedRaven said:

While I am sure Trump wants him to rein in Mueller, the political shitstorm that would follow would be staggering.

You appear to think that Trump would care. I doubt there is anything that they can do that they wouldn't do anyway. I'm expecting an attempt to impeach him at any moment, though they may be keeping that till the next election.

The headline is as unexpected as saying it's night time somewhere on the planet.

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18 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Many of us hope he tries this folly. It would surely be the end of the road for Trump. 


Has anyone ever seen such a dour, unhappy, bitter, nasty piece of work like this president? He has not responded well to the humiliating losses of the past couple of weeks. The ultimate sore loser. Not a nanogram of grace in his entire body, it would appear. 


Also, he did not have the judgment to refuse counsel on skipping the ceremony at the cemetery of fallen American heroes. He should have attended that short of his impending death or a tragedy in the family. That was a real monster of a mistake and he had not recovered from the humiliation he brought upon himself and his nation by being such a thoughtless coward. 


This has been a bad couple of weeks for Trump. And it is only going to get worse from here. 

Why don't you tell us how you really think about Trump? 

He's not going anywhere, and if the economy keeps going gangbusters he's a shoo in at the election.

BTW, if he had gone to the ceremony, the protestors would have ruined it. He may have wished to avoid that. In their hatred of Trump, they have no respect for any occasion.

As for the OP, I hope the investigation is curtailed. It hasn't found any evidence so far, and it's had more than enough time to do so. Now it's just wasting money.

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13 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Why don't you tell us how you really think about Trump? 

He's not going anywhere, and if the economy keeps going gangbusters he's a shoo in at the election.

BTW, if he had gone to the ceremony, the protestors would have ruined it. He may have wished to avoid that. In their hatred of Trump, they have no respect for any occasion.

As for the OP, I hope the investigation is curtailed. It hasn't found any evidence so far, and it's had more than enough time to do so. Now it's just wasting money.


Oh, just wait. Mueller is putting together charges, and Trump is going to fall from "grace", in a very hard fashion. Just wait. Trump has more skeletons in his closet that a Papuan Highlander cannibal. His entire fortune was gained primarily by theft from small contractors. His name is mud. Units in his buildings cannot be sold or rented. 17 out of 19 of his merchandising deals have gone belly up. Ivanka lost her company. No more management deals overseas, as his name is so toxic. 


The macro economy is doing well. But 95% of Americans are struggling. Please explain that one to us. Corporate profits are way up, and benefits are down. That is driving the stock market. Few of those benefits are filtering down to the average person. Inflation is rampant. Despite what we are being told. 

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33 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Why don't you tell us how you really think about Trump? 

He's not going anywhere, and if the economy keeps going gangbusters he's a shoo in at the election.

BTW, if he had gone to the ceremony, the protestors would have ruined it. He may have wished to avoid that. In their hatred of Trump, they have no respect for any occasion.

As for the OP, I hope the investigation is curtailed. It hasn't found any evidence so far, and it's had more than enough time to do so. Now it's just wasting money.

Even Nancy is saying enough of the Trump obsession.





President Trump plays the Democratic base and their obsessed angry supporters for fools. Meanwhile, those classified documents are just waiting to be dumped at the right moment.


Nothing is going to be done with the Mueller probe except to let Trump continue to use it as a foil to keep certain numbers of the Democrats screaming. And it works.


As MacCabe or Strzock said "there is no there, there".



Edited by Nyezhov
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53 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


As for the OP, I hope the investigation is curtailed. It hasn't found any evidence so far, and it's had more than enough time to do so. Now it's just wasting money.

Tell me, how exactly do you know what the investigation has found so far?

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