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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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13 minutes ago, Chartist said:


That's the thing with these zealots they're ideologically driven, and the neoliberal ideology can't handle criticism. If you look at its beginnings with books such as Hayek's 1944 'The Road to Serfdom' it follows a now all to familiar script, stating that anything it doesn't agree with such as financial regulations and collective bargaining leads to totalitarian control. To idiots like Soubry anything she disagrees with is 'offensive' and should be silenced, she's a total hypocrite.

I believe it was a hardcore Eurosceptic who silenced Jo Cox few years back.

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2 hours ago, sandyf said:

Project Reality.


Jaguar Land Rover, Ford and Honda delivered a triple dose of bad news for the UK car industry on Thursday.

JLR will cut 4,500 jobs, predominantly in the UK, while Ford is to cut thousandsof jobs across Europe. Honda announced it will pause production at its Swindon plant in April in anticipation of border disruption after Brexit on 29 March.



The intervention came as the Japanese prime minister, speaking alongside Ms May warned: “The world is watching the UK as it exits the European Union.”

Shinzo Abe said a no-deal Brexit must be avoided if Japan is to “invest more into your country and to enjoy further economic growth with the UK”.



Ironically, the EU-Japan partnership agreement has at last been finalised, a bargain between two of the world’s largest economic blocs. The UK cannot hope to secure as advantageous a deal in the future, despite the warm affection the Japanese may have for the British.

There has never been a barrier to the UK exporting more to Japan as a result of our membership of the EU. Today, under the new EU-Japan deal, cemented just as the British are botching their exit from the EU, tariffs and barriers have never been lower.


That naughty old Independant has turned the car crisis

into an anti-brexit argument.

The reality is that for years, no-one is buying new cars,

and there are millions of new cars just rotting in acres

and acres of land in the UK. Worth a quick Google.

I'm afraid I'm partly guilty of upsetting the car industry,

I paid 60GBp for mine 15 years ago.

The UK economy is the grand deception.




Edited by talahtnut
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3 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

That naughty old Independant has turned the car crisis

into an anti-brexit argument.

The reality is that for years, no-one is buying new cars,

and there are millions of new cars just rotting in acres

and acres of land in the UK. Worth a quick Google.

I'm afraid I'm partly guilty of upsetting the car industry,

I paid 60GBp for mine 15 years ago.

The UK economy is the grand deception.





I find it baffling that people still believe what is being reported is news, I don't even use google anymore it prioritises links to left leaning propaganda agencies like the BBC, CNN etc, duckduckgo is far better for gathering impartial information.

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4 minutes ago, Chartist said:


I find it baffling that people still believe what is being reported is news, I don't even use google anymore it prioritises links to left leaning propaganda agencies like the BBC, CNN etc, duckduckgo is far better for gathering impartial information.

Global conspiracy ideology is strong with few of us ????

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17 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

That naughty old Independant has turned the car crisis

into an anti-brexit argument.

The reality is that for years, no-one is buying new cars,

and there are millions of new cars just rotting in acres

and acres of land in the UK. Worth a quick Google.

I'm afraid I'm partly guilty of upsetting the car industry,

I paid 60GBp for mine 15 years ago.

The UK economy is the grand deception.


Why people don't buy new cars? Is it because they are all waiting to buy electric cars? Or is it perhaps that people are afraid what the future brings and therefore they try to save some money to cope with the bad days ahead?


What do you mean by "The UK economy is the grand deception." ?

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10 minutes ago, oilinki said:


Why people don't buy new cars? Is it because they are all waiting to buy electric cars? Or is it perhaps that people are afraid what the future brings and therefore they try to save some money to cope with the bad days ahead?


What do you mean by "The UK economy is the grand deception." ?


13 minutes ago, oilinki said:


Why people don't buy new cars? Is it because they are all waiting to buy electric cars? Or is it perhaps that people are afraid what the future brings and therefore they try to save some money to cope with the bad days ahead?


What do you mean by "The UK economy is the grand deception." ?

Fair question oilinki, but the bad days are already here

in the UK.  The UK economy is based on consumerism

and debt. The UK is unable to support itself.

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4 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

twice this week I have read interviews in Swedish msm with chiefs of large global finance consultancies,

their messages were clear, the financial negatives of a non-deal Brexit are vastly exaggerated

For them or for us...?

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29 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

(...) insults (...)

e.g. stupid/uneducated/uninformed/racist/influenced by russian propaganda/russian trolls etc. etc. ☹️

I think there is a better solution for the stupid/uneducated/uninformed/racists than blaming people for pointing that out:

if you don’t want to be uneducated, educate yourself. If you don’t want to be called stupid, talk less stupid things. If you don’t want to be uninformed, inform yourself. And if your don’t want to be called a racist, don’t be one. 

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On ‎1‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 2:59 AM, rixalex said:

I've given you my reasons for why I don't think there should be another referendum (and multiple other times on various threads on this forum) and you didn't respond then, so i won't waste my time explaining again


As I have a family life, social life and work life here in  the UK, I am unable and, to be honest, unwilling to spend as much time perusing Thai Visa as others.


Therefore it is impossible for me to read and respond to every post in every Brexit thread; particularly as it is often several days between my visits.


As I am far from perfect, sometimes errors, both typos and spelling, creep in and I don't always have time to proof read my posts; for which I apologise.


On ‎1‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 2:59 AM, rixalex said:

Firstly, if you are going to make condescending remarks about my ability to understand English, can you try doing a slightly better job of writing it?

As I am far from perfect, sometimes errors, both typos and spelling, creep in and I don't always have time to proof read my posts and correct them; for which I apologise.


I'm not the only one, though; I stopped counting after finding the first 5 typos in your post. 

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17 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


As I have a family life, social life and work life here in  the UK, I am unable and, to be honest, unwilling to spend as much time perusing Thai Visa as others.


Therefore it is impossible for me to read and respond to every post in every Brexit thread; particularly as it is often several days between my visits.


As I am far from perfect, sometimes errors, both typos and spelling, creep in and I don't always have time to proof read my posts; for which I apologise.


As I am far from perfect, sometimes errors, both typos and spelling, creep in and I don't always have time to proof read my posts and correct them; for which I apologise.


I'm not the only one, though; I stopped counting after finding the first 5 typos in your post. 


no sweat man,

keep yourself busy with your family life on the foggy island, and enjoy that


no reason to bog down the TVF repository with your worries/observations re  typos/spelling mistakes


Have you seen the movie;


This is so perfect that nothing ever can go WORNG?





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12 hours ago, rixalex said:

But I wasn't the one making condescending remarks about your English comprehension. If you'll recall, it was YOU making condescending remarks about me and my ability to understand English.


As you keep on going on this topic, would it be fair for me, as non native English speaker to say that there is probably nothing wrong when it comes to your English comprehension. There however is something wrong when it comes to your intellectual understanding. 


Have we now solved this problem, which annoyed you so much? Good, it's now solved and understood by all of us. Let's move on. 

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1 hour ago, rixalex said:

The politicians have failed to deliver Brexit because the majority didn't want to deliver it in the first place.

Of course they didn't! And guess what? Parliament is sovereign! Brexit SHOULD have been canned immediately May lost her majority. If we had a proper opposition, that is what would have happened. If it is not canned now, Corbyn is to blame.

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2 hours ago, rixalex said:

The politicians have failed to deliver Brexit because the majority didn't want to deliver it in the first place.

not really sure what you mean with this


as of today, unless parliament acts contrary, Brexit is secured, it will happen on 29 March evening,

a statute in the UK law book says so


or are you perhaps referring to - failure to come up with a deal closer to your liking?


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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

Of course they didn't! And guess what? Parliament is sovereign! Brexit SHOULD have been canned immediately May lost her majority. If we had a proper opposition, that is what would have happened. If it is not canned now, Corbyn is to blame.

corbyn? how so?



problem is you have a dysfunctional parliament



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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

Problem is,

Almost all the western governments are dysfunctional at the moment.

(Name one that clearly isn't)

Remember Arab Spring? We are going through that movement in our own way in the western societies. 


Arab countries are still there. 

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1 hour ago, melvinmelvin said:

corbyn? how so?



problem is you have a dysfunctional parliament



Corbyn should act in the best interests of the country. He is ONLY interested in becoming PM and would sell his family to achieve that. Something like 75% of Labour are pro Remain now. Corbyn could halt Brexit immediately but becoming PM is more important to him. His second goal is to have a command economy but that would not be possible in the EU

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44 minutes ago, oilinki said:

Remember Arab Spring? We are going through that movement in our own way in the western societies. 


Arab countries are still there. 


remember Arab Spring? yes

Cairo - up rising - Tahrir Square where I have been a zillion times

(you find the Egypt Museum and Arab League there)


world doesn't move forward - this is history



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3 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:


remember Arab Spring? yes

Cairo - up rising - Tahrir Square where I have been a zillion times

(you find the Egypt Museum and Arab League there)


world doesn't move forward - this is history

The world and we people envolve. 


We no longer think in the same way we thought just 30 years ago. We will not think the way we think today in 2050. 


Sometimes these changes hurt. 

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11 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Corbyn should act in the best interests of the country. He is ONLY interested in becoming PM and would sell his family to achieve that. Something like 75% of Labour are pro Remain now. Corbyn could halt Brexit immediately but becoming PM is more important to him. His second goal is to have a command economy but that would not be possible in the EU


I see, if you are even half right Grouse,

look to Sweden,

dunno if you follow my bits on building a functional government in Sweden,

there you have Ms Loof, the leader of the Swedish Centre party, a liberal party.


she must be the exact opposite of Corbyn,'


many are those who opine that she over the past 3-4 months could easily have

manoeuvred herself into the PM position


she never ever tried - the only leading star for that lady is the Centre party manifesto


many are those who praise her for that.


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