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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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To those of you who are nit-pickers about the meaning of words: there is a medical distinction between Guts and Balls.. We've all heard about people having Guts or Balls, but do you really know the difference between them?
In an effort to keep you informed, here are the definitions:
GUTS - is arriving home late, after a night out with the boys, being met by your wife with a broom and having the Guts to ask, are you still cleaning, or are you flying somewhere?
BALLS - is coming home late after a night out with the boys, smelling of perfume and beer. with lipstick on your collar. and slapping your wife on the bottom and having the Balls to say, you're next, chubby.
I hope this clears up any confusion on the definitions.
Medically speaking, there is no difference in the outcome.



Both result in death.

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I was travelling through town on a bus when it broke down.Β  The driver got out and fiddled with the engine for 10 minutes before the conductress went up to him and asked "Do you wanna screwdriver?"

"I'd love to" he said, "but we're already running 10 minutes late as it is".

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"You are driving me into the arms of other men."Β "Take the keys. Go drive yourself."




Why do seagulls have wings?Β So they can beat the pikeys to the tip.




The pikeys won the lottery. Bought a new house closer to the tip.




Liverpool after dark. "Little boy. Would you come into my car for a fiver. F-----g hell mate. For a fiver I'll cum in your mouth."




My second wife was a muslim. Very fashionable and health conscious. Always parading in front of the mirror. "Owl dearest." "Yes, Fatima?" Looking over from the Tele. "Does theΒ bomb make me look fatΒ in this dress?"




Some girls can fake an orgasm. Some Thai girls can fake a whole relationship.




What's a Thai ladiesΒ nightmare birthday present? A lie-detector.




What's a Thai Ladies dream birthday present? Any farang out there?




The jewish suicide victim; crashed his car inΒ his brother's scrapyard.




Little jewish boy onΒ the upper bedroom window sill.


"Daddy help me. I'm going to fall."

"Just stepΒ off son. I'll catch you."

"You might drop me daddy."

"Of course not son. I love you more than anything. Look, my arms are stretched out ready."

Solly has a glance down and sees his dad ready to catch him.

"Jump, son, jump! Do it!!!"

The little boy steps off the sill and just as he is going to be caught his dad pulls his arms away. The little boy spanks into the lawn. He looks up at his dad.

"What happen daddy?"

"Most important lesson in life son. Trust no-one!"

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A sailor walks into a bar with a wooden leg, hook hand and an eyepatch over his eye.Β  The barman asks what happened to him.
"Well, a shark bit off my leg, I was in a sword fight and lost my hand, and then a bird sh*t in my eye"
"You don't lose your eye if a bird sh*ts in it!"
"You do when you've only had the hook for one week!!!!"



Edited by ballpoint
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A vicar went into a pet shop to buy something that would keep him company.Β 
"I've got just what you need," said the pet shop owner. "Take a look at this parrot. Not only does it talk but if you pull the string on his left leg he'll sing 'Rock of Ages' and if you pull the string on his right leg, he'll recite the Lord's Prayer."Β 
"That is truly remarkable," exclaimed the vicar, "but what happens if I pull both strings at the same time?"Β 

"I'd fall off my bloody perch, you w*nker," screeched the parrot.Β 

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