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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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12 hours ago, VBF said:

I fink it wos er wot teached me to speak proper......innit!

Ugg talking about himself and his mate Pug.


Meez han meez mucka Pug, havv got ha bit hovv ha reptation forz beenz center ovv kalamitez, zat appenz fromz time tooz time. Mozt hov hit lubbhizz hov courze. Sum hov der huvver veelhigerz hiz jealouz hov uzz, han telz liez hon uzz. Plenty hov gozzip hin der village. Hizpechhallee wid zat Flop, hall though Im not tellz proper liez. Im not talk much hat hall. Im hiz ha crazy chicken. Juztz goze hovv honn hiz hone han mezzez bout wid treez, han uggz zem hup. Datz big silly big lubbhizz dat hiz. Tooz beez hon-hezz wid yerz, darez hiz honelee fore hov uzz hin der village zat hiz normal.




Me and my mate Pug, have got a reputation for being at the centre of calamities, that happen from time to time. Most of it rubbish of course. Some of the other villagers are jealous of us, and tell lies about us. Plenty of gossip in the village. Especially with Flop. Although he don't tell proper lies. He doesn't talk much at all. He sure is a crazy chicken. Just goes on his own and messes about with trees, and hugs them. That's silly rubbish if you ask me. To be honest with you, there is only four of us in the village that are normal.


Edited by owl sees all
Corrected spelling error.
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