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Britain can end Brexit unilaterally, EU court advisor says


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Vladimir Putin supports Brexit and Putin is against 2nd, informed, referendum.


People who are surprised: British brexiteers who are genuinely patriots.



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Vladimir Putin supports Brexit and Putin is against 2nd, informed, referendum.
People who are surprised: British brexiteers who are genuinely patriots.
Many countries admire and support Brexit as you put it..eg..Australia etc
Do not forget..Putin is but a politician..ie..career professional liar..as they all are imo[emoji6]

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Meanwhile in Europe. One of the last places on Earth, where humanity towards others is still considered as a positive value.


Merry christmas




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Meanwhile in Europe. One of the last places on Earth, where humanity towards others is still considered as a positive value.
Merry christmas
Tusk..imo..just another extremely overpaid jobsworth..a mere pleb for likes of soros..blair..goldman sachs..citibank..rothchild's etc etc

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2 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

Where was/is the humanity towards the Greek Senior Citizens..where is the humanity to the Italian Senior Citizens??????????

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I don’t know. Did the brexiteers do anything for those people? 


5 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

Tusk..imo..just another extremely overpaid jobsworth..a mere pleb for likes of soros..blair..goldman sachs..citibank..rothchild's etc etc

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Of course, your qualification and experience would enable you to do all those peoples‘ jobs together for half the pay. How could anyone actually forget you in the hiring process? 

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1 hour ago, oilinki said:

Meanwhile in Europe. One of the last places on Earth, where humanity towards others is still considered as a positive value.


Merry christmas




Donald, that was one of the worst ever on EU's Got Talent, so it's a big NO from me! ???? 

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1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

I call a spade a SHOVEL..I would not last 2 minutes in brussels with the profession liars.
Also..as a BREXITEER..I would do my utmost to expose the fraud and corruption in brussels.
Hope that answers your would be sarcastic comments.
Have a nice day

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Out of curiosity. Have you ever wondered if the EU politicians and office workers are more honest and straightforward than the UK politicians are?


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41 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Donald, that was one of the worst ever on EU's Got Talent, so it's a big NO from me! ???? 

Tusk is not much of an singer, but he did a good job protecting EU's interests against UK, did he not?


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Out of curiosity. Have you ever wondered if the EU politicians and office workers are more honest and straightforward than the UK politicians are?
The lowly pen pushers/office workers probably are..but higher up the food chain..bent as you can get.
I tar most of them with the same brush[emoji6]

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24 minutes ago, rixalex said:

The pertinent question isn't, how honest are they, it's, how easily are they voted out of their job.

Civil servants are normally not voted to any jobs in any European countries. I guess similar system is in place in UK as well? Civil servants are doing their tasks, serving under any elected parliament.  


The MEP's, like Nigel Farage, are voted to their democratically elected posts by each member country's elections every 5 years. I guess this is the same duration as it is for UK MP's?


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20 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

The lowly pen pushers/office workers probably are..but higher up the food chain..bent as you can get.
I tar most of them with the same brushemoji6.png

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i guess the fair comparison would be comparing similar groups of people both in EU and UK.


UK's civil servants are the same as EU's civil servants. Pen pushers executing the orders given the parliament. Unelected bureaucrats. 


UK's MP's and EU's MEP's are also very similar. Elected politicians who represent their constituencies. The difference is that UK's MP's constituencies are smaller as EU's MEP's constituencies are their own country wide. 


Naturally UK parliament consists of different parties and coalitions. So does EU parliament. There are liberals, conservatives, greens etc. 


EU does not have the house of lords (I wished to write lards :), EU does not have that, but EU have EU the council of presidents of each member country (I can't remember what it's called).


EU works in very similar manner as UK does. 

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1 hour ago, rixalex said:

The pertinent question isn't, how honest are they, it's, how easily are they voted out of their job.

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As far as the ‘office workers’ are concerned: as ‘easy’ as with British civil servants............ By the way, the number of UK civil servants is about 10x the number of EU ‘office workers’ - so much for bureaucracy.......

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17 minutes ago, damascase said:

As far as the ‘office workers’ are concerned: as ‘easy’ as with British civil servants............ By the way, the number of UK civil servants is about 10x the number of EU ‘office workers’ - so much for bureaucracy.......

but UK pen pushers have a significantly larger portfolio than that of EU pen pushers



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Civil servants are normally not voted to any jobs in any European countries. I guess similar system is in place in UK as well? Civil servants are doing their tasks, serving under any elected parliament.  
The MEP's, like Nigel Farage, are voted to their democratically elected posts by each member country's elections every 5 years. I guess this is the same duration as it is for UK MP's?
I thought it too obvious to need stating, but I was referring to politicians.

British people know how to vote out Mrs May if they don't like the job she is doing. Can your advise how they can vote out Tusk or Juncker should they feel similarly about them?

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On ‎12‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 9:30 PM, nauseus said:

I've said that the ECJ decision actually supports the EU position, which is to keep the UK inside the EU.

 I know what you said.


What I asked you was 

On ‎12‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 3:03 PM, 7by7 said:

So tell us; how is saying that the UK can legally make it's own mind up about it's future designed to keep the UK in the EU?


Going to answer that?

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8 hours ago, rixalex said:

I've certainly heard people speculate the possibility of the EU collapsing in the future, but I've heard nobody suggesting its on the verge of doing so, which is obviously what it would take to affect the markets. Perhaps you can point me in the direction of those talking in terms of its imminent collapse, or else admit you are indulging in your usual hyperbole.

Re the supposed affects of Brexit, it's funny how for every bit of bad economic news remainers delight in, the response is "see, that's Brexit for you", and for every bit of good economic news that obviously annoys them, the response is, "ah yes, but Brexit hasn't happened yet".

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since brexit or the vote whatever you want to call it,the economy at the time of the vote was top of the performance table of the 7 biggest EU economies it is now 6th with only italy below it,throw in a weakened pound and investment down there hasnt been any good economic news in reality,perhaps not a collapse but heading in that direction slowly but surely,as for folks predicting the EU collapse i think there are plenty around for sure they are not going to name the day they just refer to it being in the future,whenever that is,Germany,France,Holland.Belgium,Denmark,Swiss,luxembourg,austria,Scandanavians will always be more efficient,better ran and wealthy than the British,we are just keeping ourselves ahead of the spanish,portuguese and italians for the time being.another 10-15 years the Thais will be snapping at our heels,

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2 hours ago, oilinki said:

Out of curiosity. Have you ever wondered if the EU politicians and office workers are more honest and straightforward than the UK politicians are?


UK politicians are as bad as any in the EU if not worse,where these brexit fans get the idea they arent is mind boggling,they are in for a big shock when Labour stroll into office and completely ruin the country or apply to rejoin the EU to save the country,they wont be laffing then will they.

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17 minutes ago, rixalex said:

I thought it too obvious to need stating, but I was referring to politicians.

British people know how to vote out Mrs May if they don't like the job she is doing. Can your advise how they can vote out Tusk or Juncker should they feel similarly about them?

I think Tusk is civil servant, working for EU. I'm not sure, but perhaps someone can educate me. 


He has done a good job for protecting our side so there is no need to kick him out. 


When it comes to our slightly too happy EU President who so often mixes glasses of water with gin, he is going out anyway mid next year. 


EU elections are going to be held in May 2019. We are invited to vote for our MEP's who then choose the  leaders by themselves. The next EU President is likely to be Manfred Weber who is the leader of European People's party.. quite the same way as next UK PM is going to be the leader of Tory or Labour party.


Same same, but different.



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if UK join EU have big economy proplem longtime future, only need pay lot tro EU but no give anythink, lot problems come new law idiot law lot lot lot destroy little corporations, one men firm, many many new law what no need, and EU not help UK economy anythink this is big lie. i looking when Finland joiun to EU all country has go down fast and corporations move out country,little firm end lot and problems made new lot lot, and economy drop fast down, outside foreign trade drop lot and ministers lie EU help lot but has big joke only. all EU have near end now. no need join, only idiot join are destroyed EU systems. 

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22 minutes ago, finnishmen said:

if UK join EU have big economy proplem longtime future, only need pay lot tro EU but no give anythink, lot problems come new law idiot law lot lot lot destroy little corporations, one men firm, many many new law what no need, and EU not help UK economy anythink this is big lie. i looking when Finland joiun to EU all country has go down fast and corporations move out country,little firm end lot and problems made new lot lot, and economy drop fast down, outside foreign trade drop lot and ministers lie EU help lot but has big joke only. all EU have near end now. no need join, only idiot join are destroyed EU systems. 

Well said! ????

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50 minutes ago, finnishmen said:

if UK join EU have big economy proplem longtime future, only need pay lot tro EU but no give anythink, lot problems come new law idiot law lot lot lot destroy little corporations, one men firm, many many new law what no need, and EU not help UK economy anythink this is big lie. i looking when Finland joiun to EU all country has go down fast and corporations move out country,little firm end lot and problems made new lot lot, and economy drop fast down, outside foreign trade drop lot and ministers lie EU help lot but has big joke only. all EU have near end now. no need join, only idiot join are destroyed EU systems. 

No. Not really. 


Finland joined EU in 1995, which was the time after the big depression of early 90's. That depression changed the attitude of many Finns from "I must push through this, I must get work, I must have Sisu" to "Well, I'm unemployed, there is nothing I can do.. so be it". That kind of change of mentality is not good for any nation.


After Finland joined the EU, things started to be better. There was the dotcom boom and technologically advanced Finnish companies were flourishing. Many of my old friends are still bloody rich due that boom. They played their cards right. I had a very good life as well. 


Tiny Finland has managed to take an advance of the greater markets EU has been able to offer. Probably not the best as many Finnish firms ambitions were global and not just limited to EU. EU didn't hinder these ambitions, but helped as being the first stepstone towards the larger world markets. 


But how about those small businesses in Finland? Well, that's a structural problem of Finland, not EU. Let's face it. Finland was not really part of the Western Europe, until Finland joined EU. Finland was a 'I don't know where I belong to' until then. Quite like Finland is today towards joining NATO. "Perhaps it's best to wait and see, what the big countries do and not to try to make a mess."


Finland's eastern heritage displayed itself prior mid 90's on medias, businesses, how the people thought at the time. We still can feel some of the ripples of those thoughts even today. 


While I think; it's important to protect the workers rights, I'd still be happy to see SAK and 'kolmikanta' to be abolished. Those belong to the era of fearsome old folks. It's now time to think in new ways.. like many of the younger generation people are doing and have been doing for the past 20 years. That way the society can support small, one person, companies. I'd assume that you'd agree that a one person company owner/worker should enjoy same social SECURITY as any other kind of worker in Finnish society? That's at least what I want.


Naturally one can complain that these large, worldwide companies, Finland created, were vacuuming talented people, who could have been used in other places. After all with a population of 5 million people, there is only that much raw talent available. 

On the longer term, the people who learned the skills of international business and have technical expertise, are now the ones who create startups in the country. 


Slush anyone?




Oh boy.. I could go on and on.. ????

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UK politicians are as bad as any in the EU if not worse,where these brexit fans get the idea they arent is mind boggling,they are in for a big shock when Labour stroll into office and completely ruin the country or apply to rejoin the EU to save the country,they wont be laffing then will they.
In your dreams will labour stroll into power..with an ira, hamas and muslim loving, anti Jewish oh so wonderful pc luvee like corbyn as top kiddie.
Wakey wakey please

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