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Vegetables and fruits in student lunches heavily contaminated with toxic chemicals


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1 minute ago, jvs said:

Fruitman i hate to burst your bubble but i know a lady who works for a Kings project.I asked her if it was really organic,she said they are using a lot of chemical because it is so much easier.May pen rai!!!

I hate to burst your slander as well but without spraying it's impossible to grow almost any vegy in Thailand for commercial purpose....There are plenty safe sprays available but only the one who mixes the tankcontent will know what's inside....or the one who tests it officially.

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So, they throw their school children in the back of a pu truck like cattle or mount them to the front of a  motorbike be transported to school where they are givin food loaded with toxic chemicals along with excitotoxins like MSG? Wow, that's amazing. Do they have no common sense? ????

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Pesticides, Plastic,Polystyrene, Thai recycle by burning the stuff all giving off Carcinogenic Chemicals into the Air We breath Oh Yer Amazing Thailand !!

If i didn't have a family here i would have Fled this Country.

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:

In a country where there's total lack of checks and controls as what farmers are spraying their field and orchids with


That is not so. I have a relative here whose job involves exactly that, in he visits farm supply shops to check that nothing illegal or harmful is being sold. As in any government checks in every country, there are not enough inspectors so there are those who will not be caught.

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This toxic poisoning hits the headlines yearly.

But what is actually done to solve this ?


Farmers and government do not care. 

How can the farmers do this ?

Easy. Increase profits. 

And not only poison the kids, poison the entire population.

What will be done ? Fine the farmers ? LOL 


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I am so glad that I am taking my family out of Thailand. 

Absolutely nothing is improving. I would feel guilty allowing my daughter to grow any older in this place. 

Are there any Thai people interested in what's in the food they give their own kids? Of course there are. But nothing changes.

I've never trusted anything I eat here. But I have to eat.

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37 minutes ago, fruitman said:

I hate to burst your slander as well but without spraying it's impossible to grow almost any vegy in Thailand for commercial purpose....There are plenty safe sprays available but only the one who mixes the tankcontent will know what's inside....or the one who tests it officially.

And you are still in denial,have a nice day.

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Stuck in a snarl up on the expressway from Pattaya to Bangkok I gazed out of the Taxi window to see two Thai blokes with cannisters strapped to their backs crop spraying. I have no way of knowing what these cannisters contained - but the smart money says that it would have been something very nasty. The men were spraying in front of themselves and walking into the mist of what ever it was that they were spraying ... breathing into their lungs the contents of these canisters. The only visible 'safety precaution' that I could see was what looked like an old torn up t' shirt covering their nose and mouth.

Is life so cheap and is the 'boss man' so uncaring here? 





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A related question is:  Where do all the gazillions of toilet holding-tank sucking tanker trucks empty their smelly hazardous 'cargo' throughout the kingdom?  There's gotta be at least 1000 of these ubiquitous tankers on the roads across Thailand daily collecting and later dumping their contents somewhere in LOS.  Knowing the Thais like we do, I'm sure most of these small businesses are dumping the raw contents into the nearest convenient out of the way site such as rivers, fields, or ???.  If so, it's bound to be severely contaminating the ecosystem.  Is this free 'fertilizer' another reason Thailand has such an abundance of fast-growing crops?


Gotta admit I've never personally seen, or smelled, any dumping sites in my 13+ years of living here in rural Isaan so I'm clueless.  If anyone has witnessed where this dumping occurs please chime in. Inquiring minds want to know.

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Living in a rural area I see on a daily basis the farmers off to their fields on their motorbikes with trailers. They are fully clothed and wear face masks, rubber gloves and "wellies" whilst spraying from a "back pack" container. I am sure they know they are dealing with toxic chemicals but they do not have to eat the produce which is only "for sale" and MONEY.

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Nobody really knows the extent of the damage being caused to us and our children by lacing the products we consume with a cocktail of chemical fertilisers, pesticides, preservatives and other potentially toxic substances.


What we do know from a recent consumer study is that the average American citizen's body contains residues from no less than 29 pesticides alone! And that's in the most developed nation in the world. One shudders to imagine what the figure would be were a similar investigation to be carried out in Thailand, where food regulations are much less stringent and routinely flouted with impunity.


We are constantly being told by those who run our lives that, in order to survive, the human population needs to be drastically reduced from the present figure of 7.7 billion. Poisoning adults and future generations with chemicals which cause cancer, neurological damage and a host of other diseases is the wrong way to go about it. 


Fetuses, babies, and children are more vulnerable to the effects of pesticides than adults because their organs and nervous systems are still developing. A public campaign needs to be launched in Thailand, led by parents, to stop what amounts to a population cull by stealth.


Meanwhile, it makes sense to become informed about the most hazardous foods and how to avoid their worst effects. https://www.consumerreports.org/cro/health/natural-health/pesticides/index.htm

Edited by Krataiboy
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my wife and i didnt trust the food and now we have our own farm and grow litterally everything and make everything from cakes to chips and sell it all locally. Thai farmers are so pathetic that even the doctors of the deceased warning of dangers isnt enough. These chemicals ARE NOT NEEDED!

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21 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Meanwhile, it makes sense to become informed about the most hazardous foods and how to avoid their worst effects. https://www.consumerreports.org/cro/health/natural-health/pesticides/index.htm

Thanks for the post (and the link), it was a good read.  One of the finds:


"Wash your produce—conventional and organic—in running water. You don’t need any special washes. Researchers at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station compared rinsing fruit and vegetables in plain water for one minute with washing them with vegetable washes (four different ones) and a solution of dishwashing soap and water. Water alone was as effective as any of the washes or soap. Rubbing produce with soft skins like peaches or using a vegetable brush on harder items like potatoes or carrots will help remove residues, dirt and germs."


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So i have problem here in thai with food !!! Long time already I studying about chemical in vegetables and fruit here in thai farms and Understanded many food material are useless and dangerous!  Also any any medical inspection isn’t here in thai resturant!! 

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So i have problem here in thai with food !!! Long time already I studying about chemical in vegetables and fruit here in thai farms and Understanded many food material are useless and dangerous!  Also any any medical inspection isn’t here in thai resturant!! 

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4 hours ago, connda said:

Says a lot about 'growing your own' organically.  However, for those who can't, current research shows that soaking fruits and veggies in a solution of baking soda for 15 minutes is probably the most effective way of reducing or eliminating pesticides.  Some pesticides are neutralized by 100%.

What ratio baking soda to water for it to be effective?

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4 hours ago, quadperfect said:

Now i understand why thai culture is so backwards. There all high on insecticides and they cant think streight.

Now i know why i am feeling so ill.

Time to go.

Or spell STRAIGHT.   lol 

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4 hours ago, dcnx said:

There is no hope for Thailand. None. 


They won’t learn. You can’t teach them. They won’t enforce their own laws, not even even a little bit. No one follows the law.  Face is more important than everything else. Their already failed education system is getting worse. Much of the food is poison. The air is poison. The roads are literally a kill zone. Immigration is becoming increasingly difficult. And I’ll just stop there.


If all goes as planned 2019 is my last year here. I’ve made a lot of money here but in the end it wasn’t worth it. 

U made money here that’s unusual.

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8 hours ago, ezzra said:

In a country where there's total lack of checks and controls as what farmers are spraying their field and orchids with and the unsanitary storage and transportations of said produces, one should be surprise at all to read about such finding and i'm sure that these are only the tip of the iceberg... 



iceberg lettuce ??

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