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Anyone else never feel safe in the UK?

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Yes , in many parts of the UK and specifically in the evening I am frightened to go into many arras. Having lived in the north of England for 30+ years I would not venture into some of the big towns at night .. During the day in outlying estates I also felt uneasy. Some of is due to the ethnic enclaves that are established and the reputation perhaps more than reality. 8 years ago I moved to east Anglia countryside. Pretty safe feeling, a bit rowdy and cross the road from people in certain areas .. Example Boston Linc's. 

 Thailand rural and most city areas ( outside certain walking bar areas )the biggest problem with safety are packs of soi dogs ......I frequently visit Malaysia and find a stark contrast to Thailand...  Surprising.

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8 hours ago, hydraides said:

-High train fares/Extremely high cost of rent

-Crap weather

-Long winded job applications

train fares are high, so planning ahead is required, or flying can be cheaper,

rent i think is well in line with wages compared to Thailand. depends on the area,

crap weather well that's the UK,

long winded job applications well is only once now and again, not something you do every day

feeling unsafe, that's down to you and the places where you walk, walk the back streets of pattaya late at night!

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When i am in the UK now visiting my family there ,i feel safe as houses , they live in a lovely town with no immegrants whatsoever , people say hello to me ",havnt seen you for a while" at least 2 years lol ,now my old hometown ,full of immegrants ,very bad at night ,real no go areas ,full of ethnic minorities that have never integrated , open drug dealing , now call me racist if you like ,but facts are facts ,sorry if i offend any of you . .

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6 hours ago, madmen said:

Good post OP and the chance of being mugged is 100 times In multiples compared to Thailand. The only mugging here is Harry the hump inviting 2 Pataya lady boys back to his room.. And we all know what comes next. (no pun)

Been a long time since I read about two ladyboys mugging a mug back in his room. In the UK I'm thinking regular guys do their mugging right on the street. I always felt fairly safe while touring the UK, it is the tourist and expats I fear in Thailand.

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9 minutes ago, cmsally said:

In the little provincial area where my friend lives (that always feels safe), there have been I think it was 15 stabbings over the past 2 months. That is unprecedented, the level of crime used to be close to zero.

This is because the Conservative party have cut police funding, as well as the NHS and Social Care to the bone. I thought a few years back that, on the whole, the British people are law abiding but sooner or later they are going to realise that there are almost zero police out there and that they can literally 'get away with murder'. That is exactly what is happening now.


Also Brexit will exacerbate this by handing absolute power back to the rich own-nest-feathering British public schoolboy ruling class who dont give a sh** about the ordinary majority of people in the UK who will be made even poorer by Brexit.

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Back in the early 70s, when I used to spend a summer month in England to learn the language, it was already dangerous to walk around at night... by that time, the bad guys were the skinheads (nowadays many Englismen are skinheads thanks to fashion... still better having a shaved head than a Boris hairdo). 


Today, despite the imams calling for jihad from their Saudi financed and government supported mosques, things are getting better, thanks to the confiscation of all the knives and the mandatory diet of porridge imposed to the population. 


Yes, crime is at record high, but it is still low compared with similar underdeveloping countries, such as Mexico, Nigeria or South Africa. 


As goes the saying: England is the cleanest dirty shirt... 

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Any city or town in the world has safe areas and dangerous areas. Some countries are dangerous to live like Nigeria or DRC.  In general the UK is getting more dangerous if you look at the stats, especially inner cities. The number of fatalities in London thru knife crime and gun crime has gone thru the roof. I would think Bangkok is safer than London, looking at the stats. On the other hand you are probably not going to be ripped of by a London cop.

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Any city or town in the world has safe areas and dangerous areas. Some countries are dangerous to live like Nigeria or DRC.  In general the UK is getting more dangerous if you look at the stats, especially inner cities. The number of fatalities in London thru knife crime and gun crime has gone thru the roof. I would think Bangkok is safer than London, looking at the stats. On the other hand you are probably not going to be ripped of by a London cop.

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Thailand is safer than many places, for walking, shopping taking transport. I lived in Luton for nearly 4 years and you really had to watch yourself. I'm 6'4" and even I was concerned. Worse on soccer game days. 20 and 30 somethings will get drunk and start beating on people for no reason. I never had a problem in Thailand - day or night. I don't hang out in the bars though and avoid dodgy areas and folks.

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Only once felt threatened in the UK, that was 14 years ago. Fortunately I was close to a bus stop with a bus approaching, I hopped on and left the maybe problem behind. My last few visits in the past 5 years have been uneventful but that maybe due to the locations I visited?

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