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Which ISPs (if any) offer non-CGNAT service by default (or free add-on)?


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Main point: I am looking for internet service providers in Thailand that offer good internet service without a Carrier-Grade NAT, so that I can host small things, like websites, without using interesting tunnel methods.


I am currently using 3BB FTTx at home.  Seeing as how our internet service sometimes isn't the best, and it definitely doesn't offer a publicly-available IP by default, I think it's a good time to switch something.

I think I've read somewhere that if you talk to someone who knows what they're doing at 3BB, they can put you ahead of their CGNAT without additional price, but when I called to ask (on the English line, as my Thai skills are still a bit too wavery for extended phone conversations), they said they could offer me a "Public IP" service (sounds like Static IP, which I don't care about) and my monthly bill would be merely double. ????

This is not an adequate solution for me.


I've heard CAT has good internet service, for a price, and since they've traditionally been the primary internet gateway in and out of Thailand, I wonder if they'll naturally offer home internet without a Carrier-Grade NAT on it, or at least, offer the option without additional price?

Or, who else would offer 100Mbps+ speed and have a non-CGNAT option without paying 100%+ more per month?


Thanks for any pointers!

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1 hour ago, Crossy said:

Will stick to the price and just go faster ????

That's what I normally do but I see my current Bht700 (100/50) option no longer exists, which is probably why my connection has been getting around 160/70 rather than the 100/50. I'll probably stick with paying the 700 if they continue to give me the half way house speed between to Bht590 and Bht900 options.


Though I might just pay the Bht200 extra and move to 200/100.



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Above TOT plans and prices are definitely going to put pressure on 3BB, AIS, and True to adjust their plans and pricing.  Getting very competitive now which is good.


I'm with AIS Fibre.  Normally with AIS you are behind their IPv4 CGNAT (i.e., private IPv4)  but for an extra Bt200/month you can get a Public IPv4 address.  However, I've had it for free for the last 18 months because they left it enabled when trying to fix an international speed problem I was having 18 months ago. The Public IPv4 address didn't fix the speed problem and instead turned out to be a server problem which they got fixed.  However, AIS just left the Public IPv4 activated on my account probably because I complained so much to them over a 6 week period regarding the int'l speed problem.   AIS also provides IPv6 by default. 


If IPv6 is important to you be sure to confirm your ISP provides IPv6.   I'm not sure 3BB, TOT, or True provide IPv6 yet on retail accounts.


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Just an (slightly off-topic) update. Madam visited TOT yesterday, today we have 500/100 same price as previous 200/80 ????


Goes pretty well too, TesyMy.net gives me 390Mbps to Japan, not going to moan about that.

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Thanks all.  FYI I've chosen to use TOT (as that's an easy enough price, and it seems nobody else is offering alternatives), and they'll install sometime this week :]

I wanted the 500/100 but they say it's not available yet in my area, so 200/100 it is for now.  Oh well, I'll save a few Baht and upgrade later.  And 200Mbps down is quite workable in the meantime.


Aside, I hope they have a monthly autopay option?  Coming from America where virtually everything can be autopaid monthly, it's been a little dizzying manually keeping up with all the bills.

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On 12/26/2018 at 11:37 AM, bawachhe said:

Seeing as how our internet service sometimes isn't the best, and it definitely doesn't offer a publicly-available IP by default,

3bb and TOT are both on the same CAT backbone.  My 3bb vdsl has public IP by default, strange yours doesnt, to add I have the international package if that would make a difference?

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56 minutes ago, BigT73 said:

3bb and TOT are both on the same CAT backbone.  My 3bb vdsl has public IP by default, strange yours doesnt, to add I have the international package if that would make a difference?

When I last used vdsl at a previous residence, 2 years ago, it didn't have a public IP either.  What I have now is FTTx.  In any case, after getting to 3bb I'm sure it uses the same lines (through CAT, I'm also sure) to access the rest of the internet, regardless of my home data speed.


Perhaps if I did some more battle with 3bb phone support they would give me a dynamic public IP at no additional cost, but the internet service has been just a bit spotty lately anyway, and I suspect 3bb is the cause, at least at my residence.

I have a friend whose house I go to frequently who also has 3bb FTTx and the internet is not so spotty (though it seems it does a random reset for a few seconds sometime in the afternoon, often), so I know that mileage may vary even on the same ISP.


From internet researches, it seems that the "international surfing" package is a ฿200/mo. extra fee?  Cheaper perhaps than a "Public IP" (static IP) option, and technologically it makes sense that they would remove filters, like CGNAT, to up your speed.  But if I were to get that, vs. switching to TOT as I've selected, I'd be paying just a little bit more monthly than I'm about to pay with TOT, for half the speed, and the dynamic public iP option.

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12 minutes ago, bawachhe said:

From internet researches, it seems that the "international surfing" package is a ฿200/mo. extra fee?  



14 minutes ago, bawachhe said:

But if I were to get that, vs. switching to TOT as I've selected, I'd be paying just a little bit more monthly than I'm about to pay with TOT, for half the speed, and the dynamic public iP option.

Makes sense,  I never tested 3bb without the inter package.  I originally came from TOT adsl which was slow but gave public ip.


Out of curiosity what IP number did you get? (You can delete last few digits or PM me) https://whatismyipaddress.com/ip-lookup


I was in China for a whilst at that time it was introducing a NAT for their infrastructure trying to police international websites, using ip lookup I could see I was getting a special IP. If I put it in my firefox browser I got a RFC1918 response instead of my routers admin page, which confirmed the IP wasnt public.  Are you getting this?







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Well, now I look at it, the IP from my lookup and what my gateway is reporting matches.  IP 183.88.X.X, which location services generally place in Bangkok or Mae Sai.


After setting up some port forwarding, I've discovered 3bb also blocks port 80 inbound traffic, and probably some others like 443.  I can get a host on 8080.


I don't know if this is all FTTx cases or not; I'll have to double check my friend's place.

I definitely assumed that the VDSL CGNAT that 3BB uses (which I confirmed as fact, at the time I had it 2 years ago, at least) would also apply to the FTTx, but maybe not actually..


However, it still makes sense for me to switch to TOT on the prices/speed upgrade alone, and I think that TOT doesn't block many ports, if any at all.

Edit: can anyone with enough experience to do so check to see if TOT blocks port 80 on their connection?  I'll end up checking myself anyway soon enough, as I've already ordered the service, but I'm powerfully curious.

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On 12/28/2018 at 7:42 PM, Stocky said:

I've done an 'Upspeed' request via the TOT e-Service website, will see how long it takes.

They switched us to the 200/100 package yesterday. Got a call to confirm everything and was told to reboot the modem, and bingo.

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Ok so I applied online..no one contacted me...the line did go dead for a short while and I thought aha   but speed check said still on old speed, so a few days later I went to the local office  where they said its already been upgraded.. are you using a LAN ..yes... go back home and try again.any way got home restarted modem and voilà !!!   150Mbps down for 590 + VAT  I'm not complaining.


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